Aku berjiran dengan keluarga hindu yang sudah bersara. Uncle samy yang sudah berumur pertengahan 60 an tinggal bersama isteri nya, manakala anak-anak nya sudah besar dan tinggal berasingan. Uncle samy begitu baik dengan keluarga ku. Aku seorang isteri yang bekerja dan mempunyai dua orang cahaya mata. Suami ku juga bekerja dan sering out station. Kadang kala uncle samy lah tempat ku meminta pertolongan disaat suami ku tiada di rumah. Aku mempunyai wajah dan potongan badan yang agak menarik, mungkin sebab itulah juga aku sering menjadi mangsa gangguan seksual di tempat aku bekerja. Dah banyak tangan-tangan nakal dipejabat ku yang berjaya meramas tetek dan punggung ku. Tapi bila mengenangkan mereka semua rakan sekerja aku, jadi aku tidak panjangkan perkara tersebut. Ada juga yang lebih berani dengan mengajak aku melakukan hubungan seks dengan mereka, tetapi aku masih waras dan tidak akan membenarkan sesiapa sahaja kecuali suami ku yang boleh membenamkan nya kedalam faraj ku. Namun begitu aku ada satu kelemahan iaitu mudah terangsang bila dirangsang dan mudah menyerah kalau terangsang. Nasib baik hanya suamiku sahaja yang mengetahui kelemahan ku tersebut, kalau tidak sudah tentu ramai buaya-buaya darat kat pejabat yang ingin mengambil kesempatan terhadap diri ku.
suatu hari ketika suami ku yang sudah lebih seminggu bekerja out station, paip air dibilik mandi kami telah mengalami kebocoran. Aku terpaksa mengambil cuti kecemasan untuk membetulkan kerosakan tersebut. aku telah menghantar anak-anak ku ke pusat jagaan untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja membaik pulih paip tersebut. Malang nya pagi tu tiada seorang plumber pun yang berjaya dihubungi, oleh itu aku meminta tolong uncle samy yang kebetulan berada dirumah nya untuk membaik pulih paip tersebut. Uncle samy yang hanya berseluar pendek tidak berkeberatan untuk menolong ku yang terdesak ketika itu. Oleh kerana kebocoran paip tersebut agak teruk aku turut sama membantu uncle samy membaik pulih nya. Akibat nya baju dan kain batik yang ku pakai basah kuyup semua nya. Ketika itu barulah aku perasan aku terlupa pakai coli dan baju ku yang bewarna putih dan nipis itu mendedahkan bentuk buah dada ku yang montok itu. Sudah terlambat untuk aku menyalin baju ku yang basah kuyup itu, mungkin uncle samy telah melihat permandangan tersebut. Mungkin sebab itulah juga agak nya ketika aku membantu nya memegang batang paip tadi, uncle samy mengabil kesempatan dengan menggesel-gesel siku nya pada buah dada ku. aku tak ambil kisah sangat tentang itu, janji paip yang bocor dapat dibaiki. Ketika aku mengadap berhadapan dengan uncle samy baru aku perasan seluar pendek uncle samy agak tertonjol kedepan. Apakah uncle samy bernafsu dengan tubuh ku sehingga menyebabkan zakar nya menegang, ini cukup membahayakan diriku.
Ida tolong pegang batang paip ni,uncle nak ketatkan bahagian atas tu, pinta uncle samy menamatkan lamunan ku. Tanpa banyak soal aku terus memegang batang paip tersebut dalam keadaan membelakangi uncle samy yang sedan berusaha mengetatkan dan memasang semula paip shower. Uncle samy merapatkan badan nya pada tubuh ku, sehingga aku dapat rasakan zakar nya yang menegang itu menekan-nekan alur punggung aku. Sambil membetul kan paip tersebut, uncle samy menujah-nujah batang zakar nya pada alur punggung menyebabkan aku kegelian dan terangsang nafsu ku. Dalam hati mula mengesyaki uncle samy mahu menikmati tubuh ku serta mahu melakukan hubungan seks dengan ku. Gementar juga hati ini memikirkan sekira nya perkara tersebut benar-benar berlaku. Bagaimana lah nanti uncle samy akan mengerjakan tubuh ku ini. Aha sudah siap pun, mari kita test, kata uncle samy lalu membuka paip shower tersebut. Air shower tersebut memancut deras seperti biasa, aku mengelak dari kebasahan menyebabkan aku terlanggar tubuh uncle samy yang masih sasa itu dan hampir terjatuh. Uncle samy memeluk ku kemas untuk mengelakkan aku terjatuh sehingga aku dapat rasakan batang zakar nya tegang itu tepat menikam faraj ku yang masih ditutupi dengan kain yang ku pakai. Aku cuba melepas kan diri dari pelukan uncle samy, tetapi pelukan kemas nya menghalang aku berbuat demikian. Ida, uncle telah tolong ida, kini giliran ida pula tolong sama uncle, kata uncle samy yang masih memeluk tubuh ku, seolah-olah sepasang kekasih yang bertahun lamanya tak bertemu. Aku hanya mendiamkan diri sambil menutup buah dada ku agar tidak bersentuh terus dengan tubuh uncle samy, namun begitu aku tidak dapat menghalang batang zakar nya yang mengeras itu daripada menekan rapat faraj ku. Sudah 15 tahun uncle punya batang tidak menegang, bermacam ubat uncle sudah cuba, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang bila tengok tubuh ida, uncle merayu sama ida bagilah peluang sama uncle untuk rasa ida punya barang, sudah lama uncle teringin nak rasa puki melayu, sebelum ini memang unce punya batang tak mahu tegang, apa boleh buat, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang depan ida, entah bila pula nanti uncle dapat peluang macam ini, uncle sanggup bayar berapa ida mahu, tapi bila uncle nak pakai ida punya puki bagi lah, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar.
Dalam keadaan serba salah itu dan masih lagi dalam pelukan uncle samu tanpa aku sedari beliau membawa aku perlahan-lahan ke katil ku lalu menduduk kan aku ditepi kati tersebut. Aku membiarkan sahaja uncle samy meramas-ramas lembut buah dada ku yang mula mengeras. Uncle, saya tidak buat perkara macam ni, saya ni isteri orang dan saya tidak mahu menduakan suami saya, rayu ku. Ala ida ini rahsia kita berdua sahaja, uncle pun tak mahu merosakkan rumah tangga ida, tapi uncle merayu sama ida berilah peluang sekali sahaja pada uncle untuk rasa ida punya puki, tolong la ida sekali ini sahaja, lepas ni uncle tak minta lagi, 15 tahun uncle berusaha untuk memulihkan dan menegangkan batang uncle, kali ini dia boleh tegang, memang uncle akan menyesal kalau tidak dapat menggunakan peluang ini, lagi-lagi dengan tubuh ida yang memang uncle idamkan selama ini, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar. Dalam keadaan diri ku yang masih buntu memikirkan perkara tersebut, uncle samy telah berjaya menanggalkan baju aku yang sudah basah lencun itu mendedahkan buah dada ku yang montok serta bahagian atas tubuh ku yang putih kuning itu. Aku memegang tangan uncle samy yang berusaha melonggarkan ikatan kain batik yang aku pakai. Tanpa berlengah lagi uncle samy menyambar puting susu ku yang sudah mengeras sehinggakan tubuh ku terbaring di katil. Uncle samy menyonyot puting susuku sambil menjilat dan meramas keseluruhan buah dada ku. Aku mula kegelian kerana perlakuan tersebut tidak pernah dilakukan oleh suami ku. Kebiasaan suamiku hanya meramas-ramas tetek dan menggosok-gosok faraj ku sehingga berair, selepas itu dia terus menindih dan menyetubuhi diri ku sehinggalah dia memancut air mani nya kedalam faraj ku. Aku tak kisah sangat tentang hubungan seks kerana sudah menjadi tanggung jawab ku untuk melayan suami ku yang penting asalkan dia puas.
Kini pertahanan diriku semakin goyah bila diasak oleh uncle samy. Aku terus dibuai nafsu yang dimainkan oleh uncle samy pada bahagian atas tubuh ku. Uncle mesti janji, sekali ini sahaja tau, akhir aku mengalah dengan uncle samy. Uncle samy tersenyum melihat diriku yang sudah menyerah, uncle janji tapi kali ini uncle mahu rasa ida punya puki boleh, pinta uncle samy lagi. Aku mengangguk lemah, sayu dan sedih kerana terpaksa menyerahkan kehormatan kepada lelaki yang bukan suami ku. Aku melepaskan tangan uncle samy yang berusaha untuk melucutkan kain dan seluar dalam aku. Kini aku berkeadaan telanjang bulat di hadapan lelaki yang bukan suami ku. Aku hanya memejam mata kerana malu berkeadaan begitu dan pasrah dengan apa saja yang akan dilakukan oleh uncle samy terhadap tubuh ku.
Terhenjut-henjut tubuh ku menahan hentakan zakar uncle samy kedalam faraj ku. walaupun faraj ku sudah pun lencun tapi kehangatan batang zakar uncle samy tetap dirasai. Geselan kepala zakar nya yang tidak bersunat itu pada dinding faraj ku tetap memberi kenikmatan membuatkan aku kegelian, tanpa aku sedar aku sendiri mengerang-ngerang ketika uncle samy menghenjut zakar nya kedalam faraj ku.
Hampir 20 minit uncle samy menikmati tubuh ku, peluh jantan nya mula keluar, begitu juag dengan aku yang mula kepenatan mengangkang untuk nya dan menahan asakan zakar nya pada faraj ku. Kini aku dapat rasakan uncle samy mula menekan batang zakarnya sedalam-dalam nya kedalam rongga faraj sehingga kepala zakar nya menyentuh pintu rahim ku yang menyebabkan aku kesenakan menahan tekanan zakar nya mula mengembang dan berdenyut-denyut menandakan dia akan mengeluarkan air mani nya, belum pun sempat aku menghalang uncle samy daripada memancutkan air mani nya kedalam rahim ku, berdas-das pancutan dan semburan hangat air mani nya membasahi rahim ku sehinggakan menimbulkan rasa sensasi yang hebat pada tubuh ku faraj ku kembali mencengkam batang zakar uncle samy dan tubuh ku mengejang lagi lalu terasa air mani ku keluar lagi untuk klimak ku yang ketiga. Aku terkulai lemah, begitu juag uncle samy yang masih terkulai kepenatan di atas tubuh ku. Setelah pulih aku menolak tubuh uncle samy dari tubuh ku lalu mengeluarkan batang zakar nya yang masih terendam dalam faraj ku. Aku bangkit ke bilik air lalu membersihkan sisa air mani uncle samy yang bertakung dalam rongga faraj ku. Uncle samy mengucapkan berbanyak- banyak terima kasih kepada ku di atas kesudian ku memberi layan seks kepada nya tadi. Menggunung pujian nya pada diriku di atas kenikmatan yang diperolehi nya dari tubuhku. Uncle samy ingin mengulanginya lagi sekira nya aku memberi peluang kepada nya lagi. Disebalik penyesalan di atas keterlanjuran ku tadi, ada rasa kepuasan yang tak terhingga dalam tubuh ku hasil daripada penangan batang zakar pakcik hindu jiran aku tu. Setelah dihitung-hitung jadual haid ku , aku bernasib baik kerana aku tidak subur ketika ini, diharapkan benih hindu yang ditanam oleh uncle samy ke dalam rahim ku tidak akan menghamilkan ku.
suatu hari ketika suami ku yang sudah lebih seminggu bekerja out station, paip air dibilik mandi kami telah mengalami kebocoran. Aku terpaksa mengambil cuti kecemasan untuk membetulkan kerosakan tersebut. aku telah menghantar anak-anak ku ke pusat jagaan untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja membaik pulih paip tersebut. Malang nya pagi tu tiada seorang plumber pun yang berjaya dihubungi, oleh itu aku meminta tolong uncle samy yang kebetulan berada dirumah nya untuk membaik pulih paip tersebut. Uncle samy yang hanya berseluar pendek tidak berkeberatan untuk menolong ku yang terdesak ketika itu. Oleh kerana kebocoran paip tersebut agak teruk aku turut sama membantu uncle samy membaik pulih nya. Akibat nya baju dan kain batik yang ku pakai basah kuyup semua nya. Ketika itu barulah aku perasan aku terlupa pakai coli dan baju ku yang bewarna putih dan nipis itu mendedahkan bentuk buah dada ku yang montok itu. Sudah terlambat untuk aku menyalin baju ku yang basah kuyup itu, mungkin uncle samy telah melihat permandangan tersebut. Mungkin sebab itulah juga agak nya ketika aku membantu nya memegang batang paip tadi, uncle samy mengabil kesempatan dengan menggesel-gesel siku nya pada buah dada ku. aku tak ambil kisah sangat tentang itu, janji paip yang bocor dapat dibaiki. Ketika aku mengadap berhadapan dengan uncle samy baru aku perasan seluar pendek uncle samy agak tertonjol kedepan. Apakah uncle samy bernafsu dengan tubuh ku sehingga menyebabkan zakar nya menegang, ini cukup membahayakan diriku.
Ida tolong pegang batang paip ni,uncle nak ketatkan bahagian atas tu, pinta uncle samy menamatkan lamunan ku. Tanpa banyak soal aku terus memegang batang paip tersebut dalam keadaan membelakangi uncle samy yang sedan berusaha mengetatkan dan memasang semula paip shower. Uncle samy merapatkan badan nya pada tubuh ku, sehingga aku dapat rasakan zakar nya yang menegang itu menekan-nekan alur punggung aku. Sambil membetul kan paip tersebut, uncle samy menujah-nujah batang zakar nya pada alur punggung menyebabkan aku kegelian dan terangsang nafsu ku. Dalam hati mula mengesyaki uncle samy mahu menikmati tubuh ku serta mahu melakukan hubungan seks dengan ku. Gementar juga hati ini memikirkan sekira nya perkara tersebut benar-benar berlaku. Bagaimana lah nanti uncle samy akan mengerjakan tubuh ku ini. Aha sudah siap pun, mari kita test, kata uncle samy lalu membuka paip shower tersebut. Air shower tersebut memancut deras seperti biasa, aku mengelak dari kebasahan menyebabkan aku terlanggar tubuh uncle samy yang masih sasa itu dan hampir terjatuh. Uncle samy memeluk ku kemas untuk mengelakkan aku terjatuh sehingga aku dapat rasakan batang zakar nya tegang itu tepat menikam faraj ku yang masih ditutupi dengan kain yang ku pakai. Aku cuba melepas kan diri dari pelukan uncle samy, tetapi pelukan kemas nya menghalang aku berbuat demikian. Ida, uncle telah tolong ida, kini giliran ida pula tolong sama uncle, kata uncle samy yang masih memeluk tubuh ku, seolah-olah sepasang kekasih yang bertahun lamanya tak bertemu. Aku hanya mendiamkan diri sambil menutup buah dada ku agar tidak bersentuh terus dengan tubuh uncle samy, namun begitu aku tidak dapat menghalang batang zakar nya yang mengeras itu daripada menekan rapat faraj ku. Sudah 15 tahun uncle punya batang tidak menegang, bermacam ubat uncle sudah cuba, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang bila tengok tubuh ida, uncle merayu sama ida bagilah peluang sama uncle untuk rasa ida punya barang, sudah lama uncle teringin nak rasa puki melayu, sebelum ini memang unce punya batang tak mahu tegang, apa boleh buat, tapi ini hari dia boleh tegang depan ida, entah bila pula nanti uncle dapat peluang macam ini, uncle sanggup bayar berapa ida mahu, tapi bila uncle nak pakai ida punya puki bagi lah, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar.
Dalam keadaan serba salah itu dan masih lagi dalam pelukan uncle samu tanpa aku sedari beliau membawa aku perlahan-lahan ke katil ku lalu menduduk kan aku ditepi kati tersebut. Aku membiarkan sahaja uncle samy meramas-ramas lembut buah dada ku yang mula mengeras. Uncle, saya tidak buat perkara macam ni, saya ni isteri orang dan saya tidak mahu menduakan suami saya, rayu ku. Ala ida ini rahsia kita berdua sahaja, uncle pun tak mahu merosakkan rumah tangga ida, tapi uncle merayu sama ida berilah peluang sekali sahaja pada uncle untuk rasa ida punya puki, tolong la ida sekali ini sahaja, lepas ni uncle tak minta lagi, 15 tahun uncle berusaha untuk memulihkan dan menegangkan batang uncle, kali ini dia boleh tegang, memang uncle akan menyesal kalau tidak dapat menggunakan peluang ini, lagi-lagi dengan tubuh ida yang memang uncle idamkan selama ini, rayu uncle samy panjang lebar. Dalam keadaan diri ku yang masih buntu memikirkan perkara tersebut, uncle samy telah berjaya menanggalkan baju aku yang sudah basah lencun itu mendedahkan buah dada ku yang montok serta bahagian atas tubuh ku yang putih kuning itu. Aku memegang tangan uncle samy yang berusaha melonggarkan ikatan kain batik yang aku pakai. Tanpa berlengah lagi uncle samy menyambar puting susu ku yang sudah mengeras sehinggakan tubuh ku terbaring di katil. Uncle samy menyonyot puting susuku sambil menjilat dan meramas keseluruhan buah dada ku. Aku mula kegelian kerana perlakuan tersebut tidak pernah dilakukan oleh suami ku. Kebiasaan suamiku hanya meramas-ramas tetek dan menggosok-gosok faraj ku sehingga berair, selepas itu dia terus menindih dan menyetubuhi diri ku sehinggalah dia memancut air mani nya kedalam faraj ku. Aku tak kisah sangat tentang hubungan seks kerana sudah menjadi tanggung jawab ku untuk melayan suami ku yang penting asalkan dia puas.
Kini pertahanan diriku semakin goyah bila diasak oleh uncle samy. Aku terus dibuai nafsu yang dimainkan oleh uncle samy pada bahagian atas tubuh ku. Uncle mesti janji, sekali ini sahaja tau, akhir aku mengalah dengan uncle samy. Uncle samy tersenyum melihat diriku yang sudah menyerah, uncle janji tapi kali ini uncle mahu rasa ida punya puki boleh, pinta uncle samy lagi. Aku mengangguk lemah, sayu dan sedih kerana terpaksa menyerahkan kehormatan kepada lelaki yang bukan suami ku. Aku melepaskan tangan uncle samy yang berusaha untuk melucutkan kain dan seluar dalam aku. Kini aku berkeadaan telanjang bulat di hadapan lelaki yang bukan suami ku. Aku hanya memejam mata kerana malu berkeadaan begitu dan pasrah dengan apa saja yang akan dilakukan oleh uncle samy terhadap tubuh ku.
Terhenjut-henjut tubuh ku menahan hentakan zakar uncle samy kedalam faraj ku. walaupun faraj ku sudah pun lencun tapi kehangatan batang zakar uncle samy tetap dirasai. Geselan kepala zakar nya yang tidak bersunat itu pada dinding faraj ku tetap memberi kenikmatan membuatkan aku kegelian, tanpa aku sedar aku sendiri mengerang-ngerang ketika uncle samy menghenjut zakar nya kedalam faraj ku.
Hampir 20 minit uncle samy menikmati tubuh ku, peluh jantan nya mula keluar, begitu juag dengan aku yang mula kepenatan mengangkang untuk nya dan menahan asakan zakar nya pada faraj ku. Kini aku dapat rasakan uncle samy mula menekan batang zakarnya sedalam-dalam nya kedalam rongga faraj sehingga kepala zakar nya menyentuh pintu rahim ku yang menyebabkan aku kesenakan menahan tekanan zakar nya mula mengembang dan berdenyut-denyut menandakan dia akan mengeluarkan air mani nya, belum pun sempat aku menghalang uncle samy daripada memancutkan air mani nya kedalam rahim ku, berdas-das pancutan dan semburan hangat air mani nya membasahi rahim ku sehinggakan menimbulkan rasa sensasi yang hebat pada tubuh ku faraj ku kembali mencengkam batang zakar uncle samy dan tubuh ku mengejang lagi lalu terasa air mani ku keluar lagi untuk klimak ku yang ketiga. Aku terkulai lemah, begitu juag uncle samy yang masih terkulai kepenatan di atas tubuh ku. Setelah pulih aku menolak tubuh uncle samy dari tubuh ku lalu mengeluarkan batang zakar nya yang masih terendam dalam faraj ku. Aku bangkit ke bilik air lalu membersihkan sisa air mani uncle samy yang bertakung dalam rongga faraj ku. Uncle samy mengucapkan berbanyak- banyak terima kasih kepada ku di atas kesudian ku memberi layan seks kepada nya tadi. Menggunung pujian nya pada diriku di atas kenikmatan yang diperolehi nya dari tubuhku. Uncle samy ingin mengulanginya lagi sekira nya aku memberi peluang kepada nya lagi. Disebalik penyesalan di atas keterlanjuran ku tadi, ada rasa kepuasan yang tak terhingga dalam tubuh ku hasil daripada penangan batang zakar pakcik hindu jiran aku tu. Setelah dihitung-hitung jadual haid ku , aku bernasib baik kerana aku tidak subur ketika ini, diharapkan benih hindu yang ditanam oleh uncle samy ke dalam rahim ku tidak akan menghamilkan ku.
Kini hampir 3 bulan suami ku berada di luar negara. Aku tinggal bersama mak mertua ku untuk menjaga dia yang tidak berapa sihat. Sepanjang 3 bulan di kampung suami ku kerja-kerja harian ku banyak dibantu oleh mat napi iaitu kawan baik adik ipar ku. Dia memang tidak berkeberatan untuk membantu ku disaat aku memerlukan pertolongan. Dia juga selalu membawa buah tangan nya untuk ku. Sikap baik nya terhadap ku, kadang-kadang menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada aku samada dia betul-betul ikhlas menolong atau menginginkan sesuatu balasan dari ku.
Entah lah, sejak akhir-akhir ini nafsu ku sering memuncak, mungkin disebabkan lama juga aku tidak berhubungan seks dengan suami ku. Setiap malam burit ku berdenyut-denyut kegersangan minta dipuaskan. Nak menunggu kepulangan suami 2 bulan lagi adalh terlalu lama rasa nya kurus kering lah aku menahan penderitaan batin ku. Anak saudara suami ku, zaidin dan zairul pulak tak balik ke kampung kalau tak mahu aku mengulangi perbuatan yang lepas, manakala pak mat pula dah ada bini muda. Dalam kepala ku hanya terbayang mat napi, tapi risau juga aku kerana mat napi ni ramai kawan, tak rela tubuh ku nanti dikenduri oleh kawan-kawan nya nanti, kalau mat napi seorang sahaja aku tak kisah sangat kalau tergadai tubuh pun.
Suatu hari selepas menerima barangan dapur yang dipesan daripada mat napi, aku mengajak nya minum sambil berbual-bual di bahagian dapur yang agak terselindung. Suami kak ani tak pulang lagi ke, tanya mat napi memulakan bicara. Belum, bulan depan baru dia pulang jawab ku. Lama juga dia pergi oversea, tak sunyi ke, tanya nya lagi. Sunyi pun nak buat macam mana, bukan ada orang lain nak teman, jawab ku meminta simpati. Kalu macam tu jom lah ikut saya pergi bandar, tengok wayang ke pelawa mat napi. Ishh kau ni mat napi, saya ni kan bini orang, apa pulak kata orang kampung nanti bila tengok saya keluar dengan awak, jawab ku. Kalau tak boleh keluar siang kita keluar malam, memang lama dah saya teringin nak berdating dengan kak ani sambung mat napi lagi. Meremang bulu roma ku mendengar pelawaan mat napi tersebut. Ishh keluar malam saya tak berani lah mat napi, kawan-kawan awak tu semua nya nakal-nakal belaka, cari peluang nak berjubur je, silap-silap nanti saya pulak akan dikerjakan oleh mereka, ishh tak sanggup saya, jawab ku berterus terang. Ala kak ani kalau bab berdating ni saya seorang je, memang saya tak akan ajak orang lain, akhir-akhir ni malam-malam tak boleh tidur la, teringat kak ani, peluk bantal je, kalau boleh nak juga peluk orang nya sekali, rayu mat napi. Peluk je tau jangan lebih-lebih nanti lain jadi nya, sambung ku, burit ku mula berdenyut membayangkan adegan tersebut. Memang nak peluk je tak lebih dari itu, malam ni boleh, rayu mat napi lagi. Malam ni tak boleh lah mat napi, saya dalam keadaan haid ni, bila bersih nanti saya akan beritahu bila kita boleh jumpa, tapi janji awak seorang je tau, kalau ada orang lain, saya lari balik, sambung ku lagi. Ala kak ani bukan nya nak lebih-lebih dapat peluk sekali pun jadilah, rayu mat napi lagi. Ketika itu aku melihat bahagian depan seluar mat napi mula menonjol, zakar nya mungkin dah menegang kot, fikir ku lagi.
Baiklah kalau setakat nak peluk tu, saya boleh bagi peluang tu sekarang ujar ku. Aku mengajak nya ke belakang pintu iaitu tempat yang agak tersorok sikit dan membiarkan tubuh ku dipeluk rapat dari belakang oleh mat napi. Terasa batang zakar nya yang dah menegang itu menekan rapat alur punggung ku. Tangan nya mula meramas buah dada ku sehingga terasa puting tetek ku mula mengeras. Setelah membiarkan mat napi meramas tetek ku beberapa kali, aku menolak tubuh nya lembut. dah lah cukup setakat ni, dah dapat peluk tubuh saya kan, ujar ku. Aku lihat muka mat napi berpeluh, mungkin terlalu bernafsu kot. Sebab itulah saya nak berdating dengan awak dalam keadaan diri saya bersih, saya takut awak tak tahan je nanti, lagi pun kalau saya dah bersih tu bonus untuk awak, bukan setakat peluk cium atau raba tetek saya je, bahagian bawah pun awak boleh raba, silap-silap kalau saya dah tak tahan awak boleh rasa nya sekali, ujar ku lagi berseluruh. Betul ke ni kak ani, ni yang buat saya tak tahan ni, kena balik melancap dulu lah, balas mat napi bersahaja. Eh ke situ pulak awak ni, tu la suruh kahwin awal tak mahu, kalau tak adalah jugak tempat untuk nak lepaskan nafsu awak tu, sambung ku lagi.
Hari terakhir haid ku, aku mengajak mat napi menemani ku ke farmasi untuk membeli pil cegah kehamilan, sebagai persiapan diriku untuk berdating dengan mat napi malam besok nya. Petang itu juga adik ipar ku yang masih dalam pantang kerana melahirkan anak nya yang ke 4 pulang bersama suami dan anak-anak nya untuk menziarahi ibunya yang sakit itu. Berderau darah ku bila melihat zaidin berada di rumah, maklumlah beliau pernah menikmati tubuhku, aku bimbang dia mahu mengulangi nya lagi. Aku hanya tersenyum bila di sapa oleh zaidin, manakala biras ku yang merupakan suami adik ipar ku yang ku panggil abang adam dari tadi asyik menjeling tubuh ku sahaja. Maklum lah orang tengah berpuasa nafsu kerana bini dalam pantang.
Keesokan nya pagi-pagi lagi aku mandi wajib. Bila keluar sahaja dari bilik air aku terserempak dengan abang adam suami adik ipar yang menunggu untuk masuk kebilik air. Aku yang ketika itu hanya sempat disapa oleh nya, hai ani awal mandi, tanya nya. Mandi hadaslah bang, jawab ku pendek. Eh suami takde pun mandi wajib jugak ke, sambung nya sambil tergelak kecil. Orang baru suci haid lah, ke situ pulak fikir filir abang adam ni, jawab ku sambil tersenyum. Aku lihat abang adam memandang dengan geram kearah tetek ku yang menggebu itu. Aku tahu dia memang geram dengan tubuh ku. Malam itu kebetulan ada kerja-kerja kenduri kahwin di rumah pak awang, selang beberapa rumah daripada rumah mertua ku. Aku memberitahu adik ipar ku yang aku nak ke sana untuk membantu apa yang patut, walaupun sebenar nya aku ingin pergi berdating dengan mat napi.
Mat napi yang siap menunggu membawa ku ke sebuah pondok durian di tepi sungai. Terdapat tikar kecil dan bantal yang tersedia ada di situ, mungkin digunakan oleh tuan pada siang hari. Sampai saje di situ mat napi terus memeluk dan meromeng tubuh ku lalu membaringkan tubuh ku di atas tikar tersebut. Aku membiarkan sahaja mat napi mengerjakan tubuh ku kerana aku juga menikmati nya. Setelah puas mengerjakan pipi dan tetek ku lalau dia menyelak kain batik yang aku pakai mendedahkan burit ku yang sudah dibasahi oleh air mazi ku sendiri. Aku terkejut dan kegelian bila mat napi menjilat alur burit ku. Aku mengepit kepala mat napi kerana kegelian yang amat sangat. Inilah kali pertama burit ku dijilat, memang nikmat rasa nya, aku tak dapat mengawal nafsu ku lagi lalu aku melepaskan air mani ku yang menyembur keluar dari lubang burit ku, mat napi dengan lahap menjilat dan menghirup air mani yang keluar dari lubang burit ku tersebut dengan penuh bernafsu. Belum hilang keletihan kerana telah keluar air mani, nafsu ku kembali bangkit. Mat napi mengeluarkan batang zakar nya dan menyua nya kemuka ku. Aku terkejut dan seram bila melihatkan saiz batang zakar nya yang begitu besar dan panjang mengalah kan saiz mat salleh. Rasa-rasa nya 2 x ganda saiz zakar suami ku. Mat napi mengesel-geselkan kepala zakar nya yang besar mengembang itu pada bibir ku. Mat mungkin aku mahu mengulum kepala zakar nya, lalu aku membukakan sedikit mulut ku. Melihatkan mulut ku sudah terbuka dengan segera mat napi menekan zakar nya kedalam mulut ku. Terasa penuh dan sendat mulut ku, mampukan lubang burit ku menerima saiz zakar yang sebegini besar fikir ku lagi, berderau darah ku memikir adegan seterusnya.
Aku meminta agar mat napi segera menyetubuhi aku. Mat napi naik keatas tubuh ku lalu menindih dadaku, aku meluaskan kangkangan ku dan membetulkan kedudukan punggung memudahkan dia bercelapak di celah kangkang ku. Aku mula terasa yang zakar nya yang keras dan besar itu bergesel dengan permukaan faraj ku yang dah lencun. Aku memegang batang zakar nya dan mengosok-gosok pada rongga faraj ku. Mat napi mula menekan zakar nya dan rongga faraj ku mula mengembang dan terkuak untuk menerima kemasukan batang zakar mat napi yang agak besar itu. Apabila kepala takuk nya melepasi rongga faraj ku, terasa otot faraj mula meregang untuk menyesuaikan saiz zakar yang memasuki nya hingga terasa senak dan pedih pada faraj ku. Namun begitu kehangatan dan kegelian yang maksimum ku rasakan pada dinding faraj bila batang zakar mat napi menyelusuri hingga ke dasar faraj ku. Aku mengerang kuat menahan kesenakan dan kenikmatan tersebut. Nasib baik lah tempat tersebut jauh dari orang, jadi aku bebas mengeluarkan suara menahan asakan pelir mat napi pada lubang faraj ku.
Terasa penuh dan padat rongga faraj ku bila mat napi menusuk zakar nya kedalam lubang burit ku yang aku rasa terkuak dan terbuka luas itu. Walau pun terpaksa menahan kesenakan dan keperitan namun begitu kenikmatan serta kesensasian yang disalurkan daripada zakar mat napi tetap dirasakan dimana keseluruhan dinding faraj ku dapat merasa kehangatan dan kepejalan otot batang zakar mat napi tersebut. Seakan mahu keluar isi faraj ku bila mat napi menarik keluar batang zakar nya dari rongga burit ku. Nasib baiklah mat napi tidak mengambil masa lama untuk memancutkan air mani nya, tak sampai 10 min dia menghenjut tubuh ku, dia mula memeluk kemas tubuh ku dan menusuk zakar nya sedalam yang mungkin, aku mengerang keras menahan kesenakan kerana kepala zakar nya yang menekan rahim ku, terasa berdas-das pancutan air mani dilepaskan dalam rahim ku, terasa penuh rongga burit ku dengan air mani nya. Setelah habis pancutan mani nya aku menolak tubuh mat napi dari tubuh ku dan mencabut batang zakar nya dari lubang burit ku, bunyi plop terhasil bila kepala zakar nya terkeluar dari rongga faraj ku. Air mani nya mengalir keluar dari lubang burit ku. Terasa luas rongga burit ku serta kepedihan akibat asakan batang zakar mat napi masih dirasai. Setelah membasuh sisa air mani yang mengalir keluar, aku mengajak mat napi pulang, dia meminta untuk menyimpan seluar dalam ku sebagai kenangan.
Dalam perjalanan pulang bersama mat napi, aku tersermpak dengan abang adam suami adik ipar ku. Terkejut juga aku bila disapa oleh nya. Tadi kata pergi rumah kenduri, tegur abang adam. Sudah, dah nak balik ni, takut balik sorang, sebab tu la ajak mat napi teman kan, jawab ku selamba cuba menyembunyikan perkara yang sebenar. Kalau macam tu jom la, abang pun nak balik ni, dari kedai tadi beli ubat nyamuk, pelawa abang adam. Suami adik ipar ku sudah berusia dalam lingkungan akhir 40an an tapi masih gagah lagi. Aku tiada alasan terpaksa lah menerima pelawaan abang adam tu. Setealah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mat napi aku manaiki kereta abang adam. Dalam kereta tersebtu aku masih terasa yang sisa air mani mat napi masih meleleh keluar dari lubang burit ku menyebabkan kain batik yang aku pakai kelihatan basah sedikit.
Kini sudah 3 bulan peristiwa hitam dimana aku diperkosa oleh anak saudara suami berlalu. Nasib baik lah benih yang ditabur oleh zaidin dan zairul kedalam rahim ku tidak menjadi. Walau pun aku kesal dengan kejadian tersebut, namun ianya memberi kesan dan dimensi baru dalam kehidupan seksual ku. Aku melayan kemahuan seksual suami hanya untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawab ku sebagai seorang isteri. memang aku jarang mendapat kepuasan dari hubungan tersebut, tidak seperti yang diberikan oleh zaidin dan zairul ketika merogol ku tempoh hari. Kesan dari kejadian tersebut juag timbul keinginan dalam diri ku untuk bersetubuh dengan lelaki lain. Tetapi bila memikirkan aku ini isteri orang dan aku masih menyayangi suami ku, keinginan tersebut ku pendam sahaja dalam diri ku.
Suatu hari rumah kami dikunjungi oleh pak mat iaitu bapa saudara kepda suami ku. Dia meminta untuk bermalam di rumah kami semalam dua kerana telah dihalau keluar rumah oleh isteri dan anak nya, gara-gara hasrat nya untuk berkahwin lagi satu. Sebenar nya pak mat ingin bermalam dirumah anak nya yang lain, tetapi mereka tiada dirumah kerana pergi bercuti ke johor, mungkin dalam sehari dua lagi mereka akan pulang lah. Suami ku tidak berkeberatan membenarkan pak mat bermalam dirumah kami walaupun dia terpaksa menghadiri mensyuarat di kuala lumpur keesokan nya. Aku tidak membantah keputusan suami ku walaupun aku terpaksa tinggal berdua dengan pak mat malam besok nya.
Pakcik mat berusia dalam lingkungan 68 tahun, tapi badan nya masih tegap, maklumlah orang kampung banyak amalan petua nya. Tambahan lagi dia masih berkeinginan untuk berkahwin lagi satu. Kesian juag aku mendengar keluhan isi hati pak mat yang hilang kasih sayang dan perhatian dari anak-anak dan isterinya akibat daripada hasrat nya untuk berkahwin lagi. Menurut nya lagi memang selama ini isteri nya hanya bersikap acuh tak acuh dalam menberikan kasih sayang dan perhatian terhadap diri nya. Malam itu kami tak banyak bersembang kerana kesian melihat pak mat yang kepenatan lagipun suami ku akan berangkat ke Kuala Lumpur esok.
Suami ku akan berada di kuala lumpur selama 2 hari. Malam itu suami ku tidak dapat menyetubuhi diriku sebagaimana kebiasaan sebelum beliau berangkat out station. Namun begitu aku masih lagi dapat memuaskan nafsu suami ku dengan melancap zakar nya dengan tangan ku sehingga keluar air mani nya. Sayang juga aku melihat air mani nya yang terpancut-pancut ke atas perut ku, alangkah baik nya kalau air mani tersebut dapat dilepaskan ke dalam rahim ku.
Keesokan nya selepas suami bertolak ke kuala lumpur, aku melakukan aktiviti harian ku sebagai suri rumah seperti biasa. Pak mat ku lihat hanya termenung , mungkin mengenangkan nasib nya atau mungkin juag terkenangkan kekasih nya yang ingin dikahwini nya. Bila tinggal berdua-dua denag pak mat, fikiran aku asyik terkenangkan kenangan pahit dimana aku disetubuhi pleh zaidin dan zairul tempoh hari. Ini membuatkan nafsuku terangsang bila mengingatkan kejadian tersebut. Terfikir juag dalam kepala aku, kalaulah budak mentah macam zairul dan zaidin tu teringin untuk menyetubuhi diriku, inikan pula pak mat, tua bukan sebarang tua, keinginan nya untuk berkahwin lagi membayangkan kemahuan nya untuk berhubungan seks masih ada. Untuk berdepan dengan situasi tersebut, petang itu aku mandi wajib untuk membersihkan diri ku. Seandainya pak mat menyetubuhi diriku sekurang-kurang nya diriku telah bersih. Namun begitu aku cuba untuk menghindari segala andaian tersebut, walaupun faraj ku berdenyut-denyut kegatalan meminta untuk dijolok dengan zakar.
Malam itu aku cuba bersikap biasa dengan pak mat, menyiapkan makan malam bersama. Sudah menjadi kebiasaan ku bila dirumah hanya berbaju t-shirt dan berkain batik tanpa memakai coli dan seluar dalam. Ketika makan malam aku perasan yang pak mat asyik merenung puting buah dada ku yang tertonjol disebalik t-shirt nipis yang aku pakai. Hai pak mat termenung je, teringatkan bini kat rumah ke, tegur ku memecah kesunyian. Dengan nada terkejut pak mat menjawab, ishh tak de lah ani, kalau pak mat ingat kan kat dia pun boleh dapat apa, orang dah tak sayang kita, kalau dia masih sayang, buat macam ani ni haa, makan minum disedia, layan laki dengan baik, ni tidak asyik nak berleter je kerja nya, bila nak cari lain tahu pulak cemburu, merajuk hiee mematikan nafsu saya je, rungut pak mat lagi. Manalah tahu malam-malam begini, kalau dulu selalu tidur berdua malam ni keseorangan pulak, tambah ku. Pak mat ketawa kecil mendengar nya, pak mat ni dah hampir 20 tahun tidur berseorangan, anak bongsu pak mat tu dah berusia 20 tahun, sejak dia lahir sehingga ke saat ini, bini pak mat tak pernah melayan kemahuan batin pak mat, tiang bendera pak mat ni masih boleh menegang, kalau dah tegang mestilah perlu tempat untuk disalurkan, kat mana lagi kalau tidak kat tubuh bini, tapi binin pak mat selalu menolak bila diajak bersama, sebab itulah pak mat nak cari bini lain, tapi niat yang baik tu pun mereka tak bersetuju dan menentang, pak mat nak buat macam mana, tak kan pak mat cari pantat lembu, tambah pak mat dengan nada geram. Sabar pak mat aku cuba menyabarkan pak mat, tapi dalam kepala aku terfikir pak mat ni kemaruk seks dan gian untuk merasai burit perempuan. Dah hampir 20 tahun pak mat bersabar, tapi bila ada perempuan yang sanggup memberi kasih sayang dan sanggup menjaga pak mat, malang nya mereka pula tak setuju, dituduhnya pakmat ni gatal dan miang, orang tua tak sedar diri, apalah salah pak mat ni, tambah pak mat dalam nada sedih.
Tak pe lah pak mat, sabar je lah, saya sudi mendengar rintihan pak mat tu, aku cuba memujuk dan menenangkan hati nya, kesian juag aku melihat orang tua tu. Biar saya selesaikan kerja saya kat dapur tu dulu lepas tu kita sambung bercerita kata ku yang menyudahkan makan malam ku. Ketika aku terbongkok-bongkok dalam keadaan menonggeng mengemas dan menyusun pinggan mangkuk, aku tak perasan yangpak mat berada di belakang ku. Bila aku bangun punggung ku terkena bahagian hadapan tubuh nya, menyebabkan pak mat terundur kebelakang dan hampir terjatuh. Untuk mengelak dirinya terjatuh pak mat telah memegang punggung ku sehingga ianya menempel rapat pada bahagian depan tubuh nya. Aku dapat rasakan galangan batang zakar pak mat yang menempel tepat pada lurah punggung ku. Pak mat ni terkejut saya, tegur ku sambil itu pak mat mula menjarakan tubuh dari punggung ku. Maaf ani pak mat tak sengaja, tak perasan pulak ani nak bangun, nak basuh tangan ni ha, jawab pak mat tersenyum. Tu al pak mat lain kali ikut jalan ayng betul, nasib baik terlanggar punggung saya, kalau langgar benda lain ,entah akan terjadi, tambah ku lagi. sebenar nya faraj ku juga berdenyut bila merasakan galangan batang zakar pak mat yang menempel pada lurah punggung tadi, sebab itulah aku membiarkan sahaja perkara tersebut sehingga pak mat sendiri yang menjarak kan diri nya.
Setelah aku menyelesaikan kerja-kerja ku, pak mat kembali menyambung menceritakan tentang kisah hidup nya. Bagaimana dia boleh jatuh cinta dengan kak leha janda muda tu. Menurut nya kak leha tu berusia dalam lingkungan awal 40 an dan tidak mempunyai anak kerana disahkan mandul. Itu antara sebab mengapa dia diceraikan oleh bekas suami nya dulu. Kak leha mengambil upah menoreh getah untuk menyara hidup nya. Kebun getah yang ditorehnya terletak bersebelahan dengan kebun getah pak mat. Pada awal perkenalan mereka pak mat hanya mengusik kak leha biasa-biasa sahaja, lama-kelamaan kemesraan terjalin dan pak mat mula menceritakan masalah peribadi nya kepada kak leha dan begitu juga kak leha. Ketika mereka berehat di pondok yang terdapat dalam kebun tersebut, pak mat menyatakan kerinduan nya untuk menikmati tubuh perempuan. Leha, abang mat ni dah 20 tahun tidur berseorangan, tapi akhir-akhir ni sejak rapat dengan leha, abang sering terfikir kenikmatan tidur bersama perempuan, dapat peluk, cium, meramas dan bersetubuh untuk melegakan nafsu ni, tapi semua tu tak dapat abang mat lakukan pada bini abang sekarang ni, begitulah keluhan pak mat cuba meraih simpati kak leha. Leha paham masalah abang mat tu, kalau abang mat teringin nak sentuh, cium dan ramas luaran tu,leha tak kisah kalau abang mat nak ambil kesempatan dengan apa yang ada pada tubuh leha ni, tapi kalau nak bersetubuh untuk melepaskan nafsu abang mat tu, bukan nya leha tak nak bagi, kita ni dah tua, biar lah kita lakukan secara halal, abang mat pujuk lah kak munah tu supaya menerima leha sebagai madu nya, biar pun leha ni hanya sebagai isteri batin abang mat sahaja, terang kak leha panjang lebar. Hari tu pak mat kerja tubuh kak leha cukup-cukup hingga kak leha terangsang habis dan buat pertama kali nya batang zakar pak mat boleh menegang keras setelah sekian lama tidak digunakan
Disaat genting tersebut kak leha masih mampu mengawal keadaan dengan menasihati pak mat agar mangahwini nya secara sah, lepas itu barulah menikmati tubuh nya. pak mat mengeluh panjang mengenangkan nasib nya. Bersabar je lah pak mat, mungkin ada yang tersirat disebalik apa yang terjadi, lagi pun kalau ada jodoh tak ke mana kak leha tu, yang penting berusaha, aku cuba memberi perangsang kepada pak mat. Oh ya,pak mat nak kopi nanti saya buat kan, kopi tangkat ali campur madu, kata ku sambil berlalu ke dapur. Pak mat juga mengekori aku kedapur. Eh tak payah susahh-susah lah ani, tapi kalau dah buat tu, pak mat minum aje, ujar pak mat merendah diri. hai bila pekena kopi tongkat ali ni selalu nya tongkat pak mat turut sama menegak, sambung pak mat lagi. Entah lah sejak kenal leha tu, malam-malam asyik bangun je tongkat pak mat ni, nak pacak kat bini, dia tak bagi, nak pacak kat leha tak rasmi lagi, ujar pak mat lagi mengomel. Aku hanya tersenyum dan faham sangat apa yang dimaksudkan oleh pak mat tu, tapi aku hanya bersikap berselamba. Tapi bila dah menegak, pak mat yang lah susah, tak lena tidur dibuat nya sebab dah gian dan teringin sangat nak bersetubuh dengan perempuan dah 20 tahun tak merasa burit, tak nak buat macam mana, bini tak nak layan, akhir nya bantal peluk jugak lah jadi mangsa sampai tongkat pak mat kendur. ujar pak mat lagi selamba. Aku hanya tersenyum melayan pak mat bersembang yang mula menyentuh soal seks , aku faham pak mat memang gian sangat tu nak bersetubuh. Pak mat mintak lah elok-elok dengan bini pak mat tu, cakap lah kat dia melayan suami tu wajib kalau tak berdosa, ujar ku lagi. Dah bebuih mulut pak mat ni ceramah kat dia tu, akhir nya kita jugak dituduh nya orang tua gatal tak sedar diri, dia tak tahu kalau zakar pak mat ni dibenam dalam burit dia tu silap hari bulan masih boleh bunting dia tu, ujar pak mat lagi yang mula menyentuh cerita-cerita hangat. Faraj ku kini mula berair kerana dari tadi dirangsang nafsu berahi. Tak tahu nak tolong macam mana lagi, sabar je lah pak mat, ujar ku mengakhiri perbualan kerana aku dah mula rasa mengantuk dan kelentik meminta untuk digaru kerana terangsang. Tak ape lah ani, pak mat amat terharu di atas simpati ani tu, lagi pun ani dah abncuh kopi ni, tak elok kalau menolak rezeki, ujar pak mat tersenyum. Tegak pun tegak lah, nanti bagi bantal peluk satu pak mat, bila tongkat pak mat menegang nanti, pak mat peluk bantal kemas-kemas, sambung pak mat lagi.
Saya kesian tengok pak mat tapi tahu nak tolong macam mana, memang saya faham sangat kalau lelaki tua ke muda ke kalau dah terangsang tu memang tak boleh duduk diam, mengalahkan kucing nak beranak, samalah macam suami saya, ujar ku lagi. Sebenar nya saya tak sampai hati nak tengok pak mat macam tu, tak apa lah nanti saya tak kunci pintu bilik , kalau pak mat rasa memang dah tak tahan dan gian sangat, pak mat lakukan apa yang patut, semua nya atas diri pak mat ujar ku sambil melirik kepada nya dan terus berlalu dalam bilik tidur ku meninggalkan pak mat yang agak tergaman.
Aku hanya tidur dengan berkemban kain batik sahaja tanpa seluar dalam dan coli, sebagai persediaan sekiranya nya pak mat ingin menyetubuhi diriku malam ini. Sambil membaca novel lucah aku mengentel-gentel kelentik ku sehingga ianya cukup berair. Kalau lah aku ni bukan isteri orang mahu nya aku mengajak pak mat bersetubuh secara terbuka, disebabkan status ku itu, biarlah pak mat yang mulakan sekiranya dia mahu, bimbang juga nanti aku dilabel sebagai isteri curang. Aku terjaga dari lena bila terasa ada tangan yang meramas-ramas buah dada, aku terkejut dan dalam kegelapan aku terus memegang tangan tersebut. kemudian aku mendengar bisikan, ani pak mat ni, sorry ani pak mat tak tahan dah gian sangat batang zakar pak mat ni, bisik pak mat kat telinga aku. Ohh pak mat terkejut saya, jawab ku sambil melepas kan tangan pak mat dan meletakkan nya kembali ke atas buah dada ku. Pak mat main lah puas-puas dan buat apa yang pak mat mahu, saya tak kisah, tapi saya mengantuk ni, pak buat sorang je lah ye, jawab ku. Sayang ani tidur lah, biar pak mat belai ani sampai terlena, jawab pak mat. Romantis juaga pak mat ni, fikir ku. Aku dapat rasakan pak mat mula mengosok-gosok permukaan faraj ku yang sudah sedia basah tu, lepas tu dia berbisik kat telinga ku, ani pak mat dah tahan sangat ni, pak mat nak masuk kan zakar pak mat ye bisik pak mat. Aku mengangguk dan menarik tubuh pak mat supaya menindih tubuh ku. Pak mat kita berselimut lah dulu, segan lah saya buat dalam keadaan terbuka, ujar ku. Pak mat menarik selimut menyelimuti tubuh kami berdua, aku melucut kan kain batik yang masih di tubuh ku dan berbogel sepenuh nya disebalik selimut tersebut. Pak mat bukalah baju, ujar ku. Pak mat cuma nak rasa burit ani je , jawab pak mat. Saya dah bagi satu badan ni kat pak mat, pak mat pun kena bagi satu badan juga, ujar ku lagi. baiklah sayang, bukan apa sebenar
kembali ke atas buah dada ku. Pak mat main lah puas-puas dan buat apa yang pak mat mahu, saya tak kisah, tapi saya mengantuk ni, pak buat sorang je lah ye, jawab ku. Sayang ani tidur lah, biar pak mat belai ani sampai terlena, jawab pak mat. Romantis juaga pak mat ni, fikir ku. Aku dapat rasakan pak mat mula mengosok-gosok permukaan faraj ku yang sudah sedia basah tu, lepas tu dia berbisik kat telinga ku, ani pak mat dah tahan sangat ni, pak mat nak masuk kan zakar pak mat ye bisik pak mat. Aku mengangguk dan menarik tubuh pak mat supaya menindih tubuh ku. Pak mat kita berselimut lah dulu, segan lah saya buat dalam keadaan terbuka,n kesenakan itu lantas mengemut dan mencengkam kemas batang zakar pak mat itu sehingga tubuh ku terasa kejang dan mengeluarkan air mani ku untuk klimak ku yang pertama. Pak mat membiarku ku mencapai kepuasan batin ku, selepas itu pak mula menggoyang-goyangkan punggung nya dan memusing-musing zakar nya yang masih terendam rapat dalam faraj ku. Geselan kepala zakar nya yang menyentuh batu merinyam ku dan bulu-bulu dipangkal zakar nya yang lebat itu mengosok-gosok kelentik menyebabkan aku kembali terangsang. Apatah ketika itu pak mat giat meramas dan mehisap puting buah dada ku. Penat klimak yang pertama belum hilang kini aku kembali terpancut untuk klimak ku yang kedua. Aku rasakan rongga faraj kini bagaikan telaga yang selepas hujan dilimpahi oleh air berahi ku. Tubuh ku menjadi lemah lesu, tapi aku gagah kan juga untuk menahan asakan zakar pak mat yang mula menghenjut faraj ku dengan rentak perlahan tapi padu. Zakar nya sentiasa menyentuh pintu rahim dan batu merinyam ku setiap kali ditusuk hingga kedasar rongga faraj ku. Gaya pak mat yangtidak memaksa pinggang nya memboleh kan dia menhenjut faraj ku dalam tempoh yang agak lama. Tuuh ku sudah basah bermandi peluh begitu juga dengan pak mat, namun begitu zakar nya masih gagah menikam faraj ku. Aku telah pun klimak untuk kali ke tiga ketika pak mat rancak menghenjut faraj ku. Kini segala sendi ku terasa lenguh, nak gerak kan kaki pun aku rasa tak mampu. walau pun sudah klimak tiga kali, kesedapan dan kegelian masih terasa pada faraj ku setiap kali zakar pak mat keluar masuk dari rongga faraj ku. Ini tak boleh jadi fikir ku, aku sebenar nya sudah tak larat lagi dah nak mengangkang untuk pak mat, aku mesti melakukan sesuatu untuk mempercepat pak mat untuk mencapai kepuasan nya. Dengan sisa tenaga yang ada aku membalas asakan pak mat dengan memeluk kemas tubuh nya dan mula meromeng leher dan tengkuk nya, manakala kaki aku silangkan pada pinggang nya menyebabkan zakar nya tertanam rapat di dalam rongga faraj ku. aku menahan kegelian dan kesenakan akibat tekanan kepala zakar nya yang rapat pada pintu rahim ku, dengan sekuat hati aku mengemut-ngemut otot faraj ku untuk mencengkam batang zakar pak mat
teknik ayng aku pelajari dari buku yang dikenali sebagai kemutan anjing aku gunakan pada pak mat. Pak mula mendesis kesedapan dan memuji-muji diriku, ketika itu juga aku mula merasa kepala zakar nya mula bedenyut-denyut dan mengembang-ngembang, disaat itu juga aku terangsang tahap maksimum. Aku mengerang kuat ketika pak mat melepas kan berdas-das pancutan air mani nya yang menghangatkan rahim ku, terkejut dengan kehangatan tersebut, aku juga melepas kan air mani ku untuk klimak yang keempat, aku terdampar kepeneatan dan kelesuan terasa gelap dunia ku seketika, namun begitu aku masih lagi dapat merasakan zakar pak mat yang masih berterusan memuntahkan air mani nya yang sehinggalah ke titisan yang terakhir yang memenuhi setiap rongga faraj ku. Hampir dua minit zakar pak mat memuntah kesemua air mani nya yang tersimpan begitu lama kedalam rongga faraj ku. Selepas itu pak mat tedampar kelesuan di atas tubuh ku. Punggung dan cadar katil lencun dengan cairan mani yang mengalir keluar dari faraj ku. Aku minta pak mat bangkit dan mencabut zakar nya yang masih terendam dalam faraj ku, kerana aku ingin kebilik air dan menukar cadar yanag lencun itu. Aku membuka lampu bilik dan agak terperanjat melihat kepanjangan zakar pak mat yang masih separuh tegang itu. pada perkiraan ku hampir 9 ” iaitu hampir dua kali ganda kepanjangan zakar suami ku, patutlah aku kesenakan dikerjakan nya.
Pak mat mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada ku dan memuji-muji layan aku tersebut serta tidak tahu nak membalas jasa ku tersebut. Aku hanya tersenyum, pak mat pun apa kurang nya mengalahkan suami saya, balas ku. Kita habis kan kat sini je lah pak mat, lepas ni anggaplah tiada apa yang berlaku di antara kita, tambah ku lagi. Ye lah ani pak mat pun harap macam tu, tapi kalau pak mat teringin nak rasa lagi, boleh ke, tanya pak mat bergurau. Aku tergelak, cukuplah dengan apa yang pak mat dapat tu, lepas ni kalau teringin nak lagi, cepat-cepat lah pak mat kahwin dengan kak leha tu, ujar ku lagi. Ye la ani, selepas ni apa nak jadi pun jadi lah pak tetap berkah win dengan leha tu, memang nikmat dan sedap lah kalau dapat bersetubuh dengan perempuan ni,
Aku sudah pun setahun mendirikan rumah tangga bersama suami ku, namun begitu masih belum ada tanda-tanda yang aku akan mengandung. Mungkin disebabkan kesibukan kerja suami ku jarang untuk bersama dengan ku. Namun begitu aku pasrah kalau ada rezeki tu beranaklah aku nanti. Aku menyedari diriku masih cantik dan menawan yang mampu menjadi perhatian setiap lelaki. Namun aku tetap setia pada suami ku.
Suatu hari ketika keluarga mertua ku mengadakan majlis kenduri arwah dikampung, kami dikejutkan dengan berita kematian abang kepada mertua ku yang juga merupakan bapa suadara kepada suami ku. Oleh kerana ketika itu hanya sumai aku sahaja yang mempunyai kereta maka mertua ku dan adik beradik ipar yang lain semua nya turut serta menziarahi jenazah di kampung lain yang agak jauh juga daripada kampung mertua ku. Oleh tempat duduk terhad suami ku menyarankan agar ku tinggal sahaja dirumah mertua ku dan ditemani oleh dua orang anak saudara suami ku. Zaidin anak adik ipar ku yang baru nak masuk tingkatan 1 dan zairul anak abang ipar ku yang baru nak masuk darjah 6. Kedua-dua mereka ini masih belum bersunat. Aku tidak berapa percaya kepada budak-budak tersebut kerana memang aku tahu setiap kali aku mandi zaidin memang tak lepas peluang untuk mengintai tubuh ku. Namun begitu aku diam sahaja perkara tersebut, bukan nya orang lain, anak saudara suami aku juga yang aku anggap macam anak suadara aku juga. Lagi pun mereka itu budak-budak yang sedang melangkah ke alam remaja tentu lah keinginan untuk mengetahui dan mencuba perkara yang berkaitan seks itu meluap-meluap. Disebabkan itu saranan suami ku, maka aku tidak membantah nya, diharapkan tiada apa yang tidak diingini berlaku pada diri ku malam ni.
Aku melayan anak buah suami ku itu macam biasa, walau pun aku perasan mereka memandang aku seolah-olah mahu menelan tubuh ku ini. Memang nasib tidak menyebelahi diriku malam ini, di luar rumah sayup-sayup kedengaran bunyi burung hantu yang menyeramkan bulu roma ku. Aku sememang nya seorang yang penakut, malam itu aku terpaksa meminta tolong zaidin dan zairul menemani aku untuk ke tandas yang terletak diluar rumah. Tandas kampung yang dibina mengguna kan papan, walaupun bertutup semua tetapi masih terdapat lubang-lubang yang membolehkan zaidin dan zairul mengintai aku yang melepaskan hajat. Namun begitu aku tidak mempedulikan apa yang zaidin dan zairul buat, ketika ini perut aku memulas dan ingin melepas kan hajat, kalau dia orang mengintai tubuh ku pun itu rezeki dia orang lah, aku tidak ada malu lagi dah ketika ini. Setelah lega aku mendapatkan zaidin dan zairul yang menunggu diluar dengan tersenyum-senyum memandang aku, aku membalas senyuman mereka dan bertanya samada mereka nak kencing atau tidak. Mereka mengeleng-geleng kepala, tetapi aku perasan seluar pendek yang dipakai oleh mereka berdua tertonjol kedepan. Sah dia orang mengintai aku tadi yang menyebabkan zakar dia orang menegang. Sememang nya ketika melepaskan hajat tadi, aku menyelak kain ku keatas mendedahkan keseluruhan anggota bahagian bawah tubuh ku.
Mak ngah, tadi zaidin mengintai mak ngah, zairul memberi tahu aku. Ooo ambil peluang ye, tak baik zaidin buat macam tu, tegur ku. Habis tu kalau mintak nak tengok mesti mak ngah tak kasi punya, jadi peluang yang ada tadi memang saya tak lepas punya, jawab zaidin. Fuh mak ngah punya memang temban, bulu banyak pulak tu, sampai sekarang batang pelir saya masih menegang, teringatkan burit mak ngah tadi, sambung zaidin lagi. Merah muka aku menahan malu dan geram tapi nak buat macam mana zaidin memang macam tu, kenakalan memang diakui oleh kedua orang tua nya sendiri. Zaidin….tak baik tengok orang lain punya, lagi pun zaidin masih budak tak baik memikirkan perkara yang bukan-bukan tegur ku lagi.
Ala mak ngah kita orang dah rasalah burit budak perempuan, hangat dan geli bila dijolok dengan batang pelir, jawab zaidin selamba. Meremang bulu roma ku mendengar jawapan tersebut. Eii zaidin ni nakal nya nanti mak ngah cakap kat bapak kan, ugut ku. Ala kalau mak ngah beritahu bapak kita pun boleh cakap jugak yang burit mak ngah temban dan berbulu, jawab nya pula. Boleh hilang akal aku kalau dilayan sangat budak ni. Suami adik ipar yang merupakan biras aku lebih tua daripada aku memang seorang yang gatal sikit, pernah beberapa kali dia mengambil peluang menepuk punggung ku ketika di dapur. Anak dengan bapak sama je perangai nya. Jadi aku ubah strategi aku daripada menasihat kepada melayan karenah anak suadara suami ku ini. Zaidin buat dengan siapa, tanya aku ingin tahu. Dia menceritakan yang dia pernah bersetubuh dengan budak perempuan kampung ini yang sekelas dengan nya, ketika pulang dari mengaji quran. Menurutnya lagi dia belum pernah bersetubuh dengan perempuan dewasa dan dia teringin sangat ingin merasa lubang burit perempuan dewasa. Zaidin tak boleh buat dengan perempuan dewasa sebab tak bersunat lagi jawab ku cuba mengawal keadaan. Ala tak kisah mak ngah, orang cina dan india tu boleh main, mereka tu bukan bersunat pun, jawab zaidin cuba memusingkan fakta. Panas muka ku, terkena aku dengan jawapan budak ni. Jadi zaidin nak apa sebenar nya ni, tanya aku cuba mematikan helah nya. Mak ngah bagilah saya rasa sekali burit mak ngah malam ni, tak tahan ni, dari tadi batang pelir saya asyik menegang saje, jawab nya selamba. Memang dah agak dah, itu yang dia mahu sebenar nya. Zairul hanya tersenyum dan diam membisu saje. Eh tak mak ngah tak boleh bagi lah zaidin, berdosa tau lagi pun mak ngah ni bini pak ngah kau, kalau dia tahu kan susah nanti jawab ku berterus terang. Ala mak ngah jangan bagi tau yang idin dah rasa burit mak ngah, tolong lah mak ngah tak tahan ni, nak meletup rasa nya batang pelir saya ni , sambung zaidin sambil menayang kan batang pelir nya yang keras menegang itu. Berdebar juga melihat saiz batang pelir zaidin yang berukuran lelaki dewasa walaupun dia masih berusia 13 tahun dan masih belum bersunat
Terlintas jugak dalam kepala aku bagaimana lah budak perempuan yang sebaya dengan nya menerima kemasukan batang pelir zaidin yang bersaiz lelaki dewasa kedalam kemaluan dia orang. Patut lah dia beriya-iya sangat nak rasa burit perempuan dewasa, saiz zakar nya memang untuk burit perempuan dewasa. Kalau mak ngah tak nak kasi, kita nak tinggal kan mak ngah sorang-sorang kat sini, tidur lah dengan hantu kubur kat belakang rumah tu, ugut zaidin. Rumah mertua ku memang berdekatan dengan kawasan perkuburan, tu yang menyeramkan aku bila tinggal sorang-sorang. Jangan lah macam tu din, mak ngah takut sorang-sorang kat rumah ni rayu aku. Kami boleh temankan mak ngah tapi tu la, bagi lah kami rasa sekali burit mak ngah tu, bukan nya orang lain tahu pun, kita-kita je mak ngah pujuk zaidin lagi.
Aku buntu memikirkan cara untuk menghindarkan dari bencana yang bakal menimpa diriku. Nampak nya dalam keterpaksaan begini aku pasrah menyerahkan tubuhku untuk dinikmati oleh zaidin dan zairul. Sememang aku tidak sanggup mengharungi malam yang penuh menyeramkan seandainya aku ditinggalkan bersendirian. Aku cuba memujuk hati bahawa keadaan yang akan diharungi adalah sama seperti malam-malam yang lain cuma situasi yang berbeza. Jika di malam-malam yang lepas aku ditiduri oleh suami sendiri dan hanya zakar suami sahaja yang memasuki faraj ku tetapi malam ini aku akan ditiduri oleh anak saudara suami ku dan mungkin zakar mereka akan memasuki faraj ku. Tambahan lagi saiz dan kekerasan batang pelir zaidin menyebabkan faraj ku berdenyut-denyut melihat nya. Kadang-kadang terlintas juga di fikiran ku untuk merasai batang zakar yang belum bersunat. Pernah juga aku berkhayal disetubuhi oleh pelakon cerita korea dah tentu zakar nya tidak disunatkan. Kini batang pelir zaidin yang belum bersunat dan saiz nya yang menyamai saiz zakar suami ku terpampang didepan aku. Akhir nya aku mengalah dengan keadaan, setelah menyepi beberapa ketika. Zaidin masih lagi memain-mainkan zakar nya yang keras menegang itu. Baiklah zaidin mak ngah mengalah, kalau zaidin dan teringin sangat nak rasa mak ngah boleh bagi, tapi kena janji tau tak ceritakan perkara ini kepada sesiapa. Tersenyum lebar zaidin mendengar pengakuan aku tersebut, lantas tubuh ku dipeluk dan dicium nya. kami janji mak ngah tak kan cerita kepada sesiapa pun janji din sambil menyondol zakar nya pada tubuh ku.
Aku mengajak zaidin ke bilik tidur untuk dia melampias kan nafsu nya dengan tubuh ku. Aku berbaring membiarkan zaidin mengerjakan tubuh ku. Tangan dan mulut nya rakus mengerjakan buah dada ku serta mencium seluruh tubuh ku. Ternyata pengakuan zaidin dalam pengalaman seks nya adalah benar. Perlakuan nya sebagaimana orang dewasa melakukan hubungan seks. Aku kini terangsang bila nafsu ku dirangsang oleh zaidin. Zairul hanya memerhatikan perlakuan kami di tepi pintu. Aku mengajak nya sekali untuk bersama-sama zaidin mengerjakan tubuh ku. Aku mencapai kemuncak rangsangan bila zaidin menjilat faraj ku, perkara yang tak pernah dilakukan oleh suami ku. Aku menarik zairul supaya meramas dan menghisap tetek ku. Aku mencapai klimaks ku yang pertama di saat zaidin masih lagi mengerjakan faraj dan menggentel-gentel kelentik ku. Malu juga rasa nya bila air mani ku terpancut pada muka zaidin. Selepas itu terasa lemah seluruh badan ku, ketika itu aku hanya memejam mata dan pasrah bila farah mula terbuka menerima tusukan batang zakar zaidin. Terasa hangat dan geli bila keseluruhan batang zakar nya tenggelam dalam lubang faraj ku. Setelah melakukan beberapa tusukan perlahan kedalam rongga faraj ku, zaidin mula menghenjut faraj ku dengan laju dan ganas. Terhenjut-henjut tubuh ku menahan hentakan batang zakar zaidin pada lubang burit ku. Namun begitu geselan batang zakar dan ari-ari nya pada kelentik ku menimbulkan rasa sensasi dan berahi yang amat sangat pada tubuh ku, tanpa ku sedari aku sendiri mengerang bernafsu bila diperlakukan sebegitu. Manakala zairul pula rakus mengerjakan tetek ku, diramas dan dihisap nya puting ku mengalahkan suami ku. Aku kelemasan di saat rasa berahi ku memuncak, lalu aku mengepit dan mengemut batang zakar zaidin yang ditekan sedalam-dalam nya kedalam lubang burit ku. Terasa hangat dalam burit bila zaidin memancutkan berdas-das air mani nya. Kenikmatan tersebut menyebabkan aku juga mencapai klimaks ku yang kedua dengan mengeluarkan air mani yang bercampur dengan air mani zaidin memenuhi rongga burit ku. Setelah zaidin mencabut zakar nya dari buritku, kini giliran zairul pula yang bercelapak di celah kangkang ku. Aku membiarkan zairul menekan batang zakar nya yang bersaiz budak 12 tahun kedalam burit ku. Burit ku yang sudah lencun itu memudahkan kemasukan zakar zairul yang baru pertama kali menikmati burit perempuan.
ak dirancang tapi datang dengan sendirinya
Benda ni mula-mula memang I tak rancang. To tell you all the truth, I
dengan grilfriend I ni memang virgin, suci dan belum ternoda. Tapi
benda ni tetiba nak jadi pulak satu hari ni kan, so apa nak buat.
One day ni, kitorang macam biasalah lepas kuliah, pergi makan sama-
sama naik kereta I. Masa tu baru habis kuliah malam, gf I pulak sama
class and batch dengan I, so senang la nak dating kan. Lepas makan tu,
dah kenyang, kitorang pun pi jalan2 dalam kampus dengan kereta I tu.
Sampailah satu tempat gelap tu, ntah tiba-tiba kereta I
I dah mula naik risau, takut nanti gf I ingat I nak buat apa-apa kat
dia kan. I pun pergi la keluar, nak check engin.
Bila I masuk balik dalam kereta, punyalah terkejut I tengok dia dah
bukak dia punya tudung kepala tu.
Rambut panjang, fuhhh......lawanya awek aku!!!!. Then I tanya kenapa
dia buka tudung, dia kata " saje je, panas lah!".
I dah tak tahan tengok wajah dia yang cun tak bertudung tu, I pun
tanya la kat dia, " You ni sebelum ni takde boyfriend kan?". So dia
pun jawap " No lah, you r my first and my last"
Punya lah happy I masa tu. I terus kata kat dia, " I love you Haz,
very much". Lepas tu dia pun respon baik punya kat I, dia kata " Me
too, I have always waited for you to express your feelings to me".
Perghhh......aku masa tu rasa team pun ada, rasa gembira pun ada.
Lepas tu dia tanya, " You takde rasa apa-apa ke bila kita duduk dalam
kereta ni dua orang je?"
I pun jawap la, " Ada, I rasa macam nak cium you je!!". Masa tu aku
hanya bergurau je, sebab sebelum ni pun aku pernah cakap kat dia macam
tu. Selalunya dia gelak je.
Tapi malam ni dia respon lain macam je, dia kata " Bila lagi you nak
cium I?. Buktikan cinta you pada I". Wuisssshhhh!!!! Punyalah tergezut
aku dibuatnya, aku pun apa lagi, dengan senyuman manja aku memegang
lehernya, dia pun kegelian. Cuppp!!! aku cium dia kat leher dia dulu.
Tangan dia pun dah merayap kat peha aku. Aku pun naik geli plak,
haiii.....masa tu batang aku dah steam giler woii.....rasa cam nak
meletup je kepala kote aku tu. Aku continue cium dia, naik kat pipi,
then terus kat mulut. Masa tu dia mengerang, emmmmmmmm.......fuhhhh
nikmatnya bermain bibir dengan dia. Lepas tu aku cium dalam lagi, aku
kolom lidah dia. Dia pulak respon, dia sedut lidah aku.
Mula-mula tu susah gak nak bernafas, maklumlah first time kan. Lebih
kurang dalam 2 minit bercium mulut, aku pun mula merayapkan tangan aku
kat pingang dia, lepas tu naik balik ke lengan dia, sambil tu mulut
aku terus melekat dengan mulut dia....best woi cium mulut. Tangan aku
pun terus menjalar kat bahagian depan dada dia. Masa ni kitorang masih
pakai baju lagi....lengkap berbaju.
Aku pegang breast dia, fulamak....pejalnya!!!! Nak kata lembut tak
jugak, nak kata keras tak jugak. Masa tu dia pun dah steam la aku
rasa, sebab tu breast dia mengeras. Masa tu dia pun lepas dari mulut
aku, dia senyum then dia bukak baju shirt lengan panjang aku. Aku pun
senyum la, aku balas balik, aku bukak baju dia, slow2, butang satu-
satu aku bukak, fuhhh.......bestnyerr.
Masa tu dia pandang I semacam je, takut plak I, macam nak makan I
Bila aku tarik baju dia, tersembol lah tetek dia yang putih dan bulat
tu. Terbeliak mata aku tengok tetek dia, tak pernah aku tengok tetek
secara live!!!!.
Aku pun terus cium mulut dgn dia, sambil tu aku raba tetek dia,
fuhh...gebunya kulit. Aku pun cabut bra nya slow-slow, cabut kancing
bra nya kat belakang dia. Tu diaaaa, terpacak lah tetek dia ke dada
aku. Lepas tu dua peluk aku kuat-kuat sambil cium mulut dgn aku. Mak
aiiiii, terasa tetek nya terhimpit dengan dada aku, aku rasa panas-
panas suam je tetek dia kat dada aku.
Aku dahtak tahan, terus aku ramas tetek dia dgn dua-dua tangan aku.
Dia kegelian, kemudia menggeliat, dia dah naik syok la tu. Masa tu
batang aku dah basah habis, air mazi dah mencurah-curah. Aku pun
meramas tetek dia sambil sebelah tangan aku bukak seluar jeans aku tu.
Masa tu dia stop cium mulut, dia pun bukak seluar dia. Sambil tu aku
perhati je body dia yang lansing tu, haiii......aku tak tahan dah ni.
Aku terus ajak dia pi kerusi belakang, dia kata " Ok, cepat lah sikit
darling". Fuhh.....aku pun apa lagi.
Bila dah ada kat belakang kereta, aku terus cium tetek dia, dia pun
mula bukak underwear dia. Aku sempat jeling kat celah kangkang dia,
gelap je woi, tak nampak apa pun sebab masa tu dalam kereta kan, malam
pulak tu. Aku cium lurah tetek dia, ada jugak bau-bau masam, tapi
sedap pula bau masam tu. Bau yang memberahikan!!!!1
Last-last aku hisap puting dia, dia pun respon "
Ahhh....oohh....darling bestnyerr!!" . Masa tu aku tak peduli apa yang
dia kata, aku terus kolom puting dia, sambil tu gigit-gigit puting dia
yang dah menegang tu. Keras jugak tetek dia masa tu, dah steam giler
Sambil tu tangan aku meraba kat celah kangkang dia, terasa bulu
pantatnya di jari aku ni. Bulunya jarang-jarang, nampaknya teratur
penjagaannya. Takde lah lebat sangat bulunya.
Tetiba dia pegang tangan aku yg sedang meraba bulunya tu, dia tarik
tangan aku turun ke pantatnya yang basah melekit tu. Fuhhh....basah
giler pantat dia. Dia mengerang tak ingat dunia masa tu, aku pun naik
syeh bila dengar dia mengerang cam tu. Dia guide aku pergi kat
kelentit dia, dia suh aku urut-urut kelentit dia dengan tangan aku tu,
dengan body language la kan. Takkan dia nak cakap.
Aku pun faham-faham, terus aku meraba pantantnya dengan jari aku
menekan-nekan kelentitnya. Dia menggeliat macam bangun tidur tu,
sambil kata " Ahhhhhh.......sedappppp!!!. Cepat sikit darling, I dah
tak tahan ni!!"
Aku rasa pantat dia basah semacam, aku agak dia ni dah 2/3 kali
kemuncak ni. Aku ni belum lagi apa-apa, cuma air mazi tu dah membasahi
kepala kote aku. Aku pun terus jilat tetek dia dengan puting dia yang
bewarna coklat pekat tu. Sambil tu aku bukak spender aku, toingggg!!!!
tercacak batang aku menghadap muka aku. Gilerr....keras dah ni. Sakit
woi masa tu, sebab dah tegang habis dah ni. Dah sampai ke pusat perut
aku ni.
Aku pun baringkan dia, dia respon baik punya, terus dia bukak kangkang
depan aku, sambil tu dia pegang dua-dua belah peha dia. Aku pun tengok
pantatnya, fuhhhh.....cantik bulu dia, pantatnya pun berkilau-kilau
sebab basah. Aku tengok macam kecik je lubangnya, rasa risau pulak nak
masukkan batang aku, takut2 kalau dia kesakitan. Maklumlah, dia tu
virgin. Same with me too....
Aku terus masukkan batang aku kat pantat dia. Cluupppp!!!!!
Mak aiiii.......ahhhh...sedapnyaaaaaa!!!!!!. Masa tu dia pun kesedapan
tak ingat dunia. Aku saja je biar kote aku berendam dalam pantat dia
lama-lama. Aku nak tengok apa akan terjadi.
Masa tu aku rasa panas je kote aku sebab berendam dalam pantat dia,
aku duk diam sambil cium2 tetek dia. Lepas seminit lebih, aku tekan
lagi batang aku tu, mak aiiii...ketatnya pantat dia. Kesedapan aku
dibuatnya, dia mengerang kesakitan...."Ahhhhh..sakit!!! Tapi sedap".
Aku pun understanding, aku pun tarik slow-slow, aku tengok badan dia
terikut-ikut aku, bila aku tarik kote aku pantat dia pun macam nak
ikut sama je.
Aku tarik slow-slow, pas tu aku tekan balik slow-slow jugak. Ada dalam
7 kali aku sorong tarik slow-slow, barulah dia rasa tak sakit. Dia suh
aku buat laju-laju pulak.........
Aku pun apa lagi, sebijik macam citer blue aku buat. Sedap
woiii........aku terus kan pumping dia. Aku masa tu dah laju dah ni,
macam ada minyak pelincir plak kat pantat dia. Tadi ketat, tapi
sekarang dah ok sikit la, ketat tu ada gak. Aku tarik.....dia
mengerang. Aku tekan kote aku.....dia mengerang lagi kuat.
Fuhhh.......cukup memberahikan.
Punyalah sunyi malam tu, hinggakan boleh dengar pantatnya mengasah
batang aku. Clupp....clupp....cluppp!!! Punyalah kuat bunyi buah pelir
aku berlaga dengan pantatnya. itu yang buat aku naik steam lagi tu.
Masa tu aku tengok muka dia dah lain macam, masa tu dia peluk aku kuat-
kuat, dia kapit kakinya belakang aku, aku rasa dia ni dah nak kemuncak
la tu. Aku pun sorong tarik lagi laju, sampai bergoyang kereta tu.
Dalam masa tu , aku terasa pantatnya kejang, aku tengok dia dah peluk
aku kuat-kuat sambil menggeliat kesedapan dan kenikmatan. Aku terasa
pantatnyaa mengeluarkan mani dengan banyak. Aku sempat tengok
pantatnya, habis basah dengan mani.
Masa tu aku belum lagi 'sampai'. Aku pun dah risau, apsal aku ni
lambat sangat sampai, sedangkan gf aku dah 3 kali terkeluar mani.
Aku pun cium mulut dgn dia, sambil tu aku guna body language suruh dia
ubah posisi. Dia pun senyum, dan dia faham. Dia pun tahu aku belum
keluar mani. Aku pulak baring, dia pun naik atas aku.
Fuhhhh......beratnya dia.
Dia slow2 masukkan batang aku dalam pantatnya dengan tangannya. Aku
baring sambil meraba-raba tetek dia yang putih gebu tu. Lepas je
batang aku masuk keseluruhan, dia pun start pumping aku pulak. Naik
turun, Naik turun, bergoncang-goncang tetek dia bila dia turun naik.
Geram aku tengok muka dia bila mengerang, dia pun terus mengerang "
Dia pun terus duduk atas aku dan mengepam pantatynya dengan batang
Selepas 2/3 minit aku rasa aku cak terpancut dah ni. Makk
aiiii.........lagi laju dia pump aku. Aku pun kata kat dia, " Haz, I
nak cabut ni, dah nak terpancut". Dia terus pump aku turn naik, dengan
badannya yang berat tapi menarik tu.
Dia kata, " Haz nak you lepaskan mani you kat dalam" . Fuhhh....masa
tu aku dah tak ingat dah dunia ni.
Aku betul-betul nak terpancut, ohhhhhhhh......aaaaahhhhhhhh. Aku
terasa kejang seluruh badan aku, sambil aku pegang pinggang gf aku.
Aku suruh dia stop, aku nak lepas dah ni. Dia pun stop sambil
mengerang, rupa-rupanya dia pun keluar manijugak. Patutla kejang badan
dia bila peluk aku. Sambil aku peluk dia kuat-kuat, aku pun melepaskan
sperma aku ke dalam pantatnya.......fuhhhh...nikmatnyaaaaa tak
Dia pun keluar mani gak, aku tengok habis basah bulu batang aku sebab
terkena mani dia. Bercampur dengan mani aku.
Aku pancut habis semua mani aku dalam pantat dia.
Dia pun keletihan, kesian dia aku tengok. Lama kitorang duduk dalam
kereta tu, nak kumpul tenaga balik. Dia senyum kepuasan, aku pun balas
senyuman dia sambil cium dahi dia.
Aku pun kata " I love you so much". Dia pun balas la, " Me too."
At last, lepas tu kitorang tak buat lagi dah.Mujurlah dia tak
mengandung, nasib baik. Cukuplah 1st time tu, experience. Aku pun grad
sekali dengan dia tahun tu juga, dapat ijazah Kejuruteraan
( Kepujian).
Lepas tu sama-sama dapat sponsor pegi US. Sambung Masters kat sana.
Sebelum pergi sana kitorang selamat di ijabkabulkan.....
Sekarang aku hidup bahagia dengan dia di US ni, dengan dikurniakan
seorang anak perempuan yang comel.
Aku nekad, tak nak bagi anak aku keluar dengan lelaki bila dia dah
besar nanti, takut nanti pecah dara sebelum kahwin macam emaknya!!!!!!
Benda ni mula-mula memang I tak rancang. To tell you all the truth, I
dengan grilfriend I ni memang virgin, suci dan belum ternoda. Tapi
benda ni tetiba nak jadi pulak satu hari ni kan, so apa nak buat.
One day ni, kitorang macam biasalah lepas kuliah, pergi makan sama-
sama naik kereta I. Masa tu baru habis kuliah malam, gf I pulak sama
class and batch dengan I, so senang la nak dating kan. Lepas makan tu,
dah kenyang, kitorang pun pi jalan2 dalam kampus dengan kereta I tu.
Sampailah satu tempat gelap tu, ntah tiba-tiba kereta I
I dah mula naik risau, takut nanti gf I ingat I nak buat apa-apa kat
dia kan. I pun pergi la keluar, nak check engin.
Bila I masuk balik dalam kereta, punyalah terkejut I tengok dia dah
bukak dia punya tudung kepala tu.
Rambut panjang, fuhhh......lawanya awek aku!!!!. Then I tanya kenapa
dia buka tudung, dia kata " saje je, panas lah!".
I dah tak tahan tengok wajah dia yang cun tak bertudung tu, I pun
tanya la kat dia, " You ni sebelum ni takde boyfriend kan?". So dia
pun jawap " No lah, you r my first and my last"
Punya lah happy I masa tu. I terus kata kat dia, " I love you Haz,
very much". Lepas tu dia pun respon baik punya kat I, dia kata " Me
too, I have always waited for you to express your feelings to me".
Perghhh......aku masa tu rasa team pun ada, rasa gembira pun ada.
Lepas tu dia tanya, " You takde rasa apa-apa ke bila kita duduk dalam
kereta ni dua orang je?"
I pun jawap la, " Ada, I rasa macam nak cium you je!!". Masa tu aku
hanya bergurau je, sebab sebelum ni pun aku pernah cakap kat dia macam
tu. Selalunya dia gelak je.
Tapi malam ni dia respon lain macam je, dia kata " Bila lagi you nak
cium I?. Buktikan cinta you pada I". Wuisssshhhh!!!! Punyalah tergezut
aku dibuatnya, aku pun apa lagi, dengan senyuman manja aku memegang
lehernya, dia pun kegelian. Cuppp!!! aku cium dia kat leher dia dulu.
Tangan dia pun dah merayap kat peha aku. Aku pun naik geli plak,
haiii.....masa tu batang aku dah steam giler woii.....rasa cam nak
meletup je kepala kote aku tu. Aku continue cium dia, naik kat pipi,
then terus kat mulut. Masa tu dia mengerang, emmmmmmmm.......fuhhhh
nikmatnya bermain bibir dengan dia. Lepas tu aku cium dalam lagi, aku
kolom lidah dia. Dia pulak respon, dia sedut lidah aku.
Mula-mula tu susah gak nak bernafas, maklumlah first time kan. Lebih
kurang dalam 2 minit bercium mulut, aku pun mula merayapkan tangan aku
kat pingang dia, lepas tu naik balik ke lengan dia, sambil tu mulut
aku terus melekat dengan mulut dia....best woi cium mulut. Tangan aku
pun terus menjalar kat bahagian depan dada dia. Masa ni kitorang masih
pakai baju lagi....lengkap berbaju.
Aku pegang breast dia, fulamak....pejalnya!!!! Nak kata lembut tak
jugak, nak kata keras tak jugak. Masa tu dia pun dah steam la aku
rasa, sebab tu breast dia mengeras. Masa tu dia pun lepas dari mulut
aku, dia senyum then dia bukak baju shirt lengan panjang aku. Aku pun
senyum la, aku balas balik, aku bukak baju dia, slow2, butang satu-
satu aku bukak, fuhhh.......bestnyerr.
Masa tu dia pandang I semacam je, takut plak I, macam nak makan I
Bila aku tarik baju dia, tersembol lah tetek dia yang putih dan bulat
tu. Terbeliak mata aku tengok tetek dia, tak pernah aku tengok tetek
secara live!!!!.
Aku pun terus cium mulut dgn dia, sambil tu aku raba tetek dia,
fuhh...gebunya kulit. Aku pun cabut bra nya slow-slow, cabut kancing
bra nya kat belakang dia. Tu diaaaa, terpacak lah tetek dia ke dada
aku. Lepas tu dua peluk aku kuat-kuat sambil cium mulut dgn aku. Mak
aiiiii, terasa tetek nya terhimpit dengan dada aku, aku rasa panas-
panas suam je tetek dia kat dada aku.
Aku dahtak tahan, terus aku ramas tetek dia dgn dua-dua tangan aku.
Dia kegelian, kemudia menggeliat, dia dah naik syok la tu. Masa tu
batang aku dah basah habis, air mazi dah mencurah-curah. Aku pun
meramas tetek dia sambil sebelah tangan aku bukak seluar jeans aku tu.
Masa tu dia stop cium mulut, dia pun bukak seluar dia. Sambil tu aku
perhati je body dia yang lansing tu, haiii......aku tak tahan dah ni.
Aku terus ajak dia pi kerusi belakang, dia kata " Ok, cepat lah sikit
darling". Fuhh.....aku pun apa lagi.
Bila dah ada kat belakang kereta, aku terus cium tetek dia, dia pun
mula bukak underwear dia. Aku sempat jeling kat celah kangkang dia,
gelap je woi, tak nampak apa pun sebab masa tu dalam kereta kan, malam
pulak tu. Aku cium lurah tetek dia, ada jugak bau-bau masam, tapi
sedap pula bau masam tu. Bau yang memberahikan!!!!1
Last-last aku hisap puting dia, dia pun respon "
Ahhh....oohh....darling bestnyerr!!" . Masa tu aku tak peduli apa yang
dia kata, aku terus kolom puting dia, sambil tu gigit-gigit puting dia
yang dah menegang tu. Keras jugak tetek dia masa tu, dah steam giler
Sambil tu tangan aku meraba kat celah kangkang dia, terasa bulu
pantatnya di jari aku ni. Bulunya jarang-jarang, nampaknya teratur
penjagaannya. Takde lah lebat sangat bulunya.
Tetiba dia pegang tangan aku yg sedang meraba bulunya tu, dia tarik
tangan aku turun ke pantatnya yang basah melekit tu. Fuhhh....basah
giler pantat dia. Dia mengerang tak ingat dunia masa tu, aku pun naik
syeh bila dengar dia mengerang cam tu. Dia guide aku pergi kat
kelentit dia, dia suh aku urut-urut kelentit dia dengan tangan aku tu,
dengan body language la kan. Takkan dia nak cakap.
Aku pun faham-faham, terus aku meraba pantantnya dengan jari aku
menekan-nekan kelentitnya. Dia menggeliat macam bangun tidur tu,
sambil kata " Ahhhhhh.......sedappppp!!!. Cepat sikit darling, I dah
tak tahan ni!!"
Aku rasa pantat dia basah semacam, aku agak dia ni dah 2/3 kali
kemuncak ni. Aku ni belum lagi apa-apa, cuma air mazi tu dah membasahi
kepala kote aku. Aku pun terus jilat tetek dia dengan puting dia yang
bewarna coklat pekat tu. Sambil tu aku bukak spender aku, toingggg!!!!
tercacak batang aku menghadap muka aku. Gilerr....keras dah ni. Sakit
woi masa tu, sebab dah tegang habis dah ni. Dah sampai ke pusat perut
aku ni.
Aku pun baringkan dia, dia respon baik punya, terus dia bukak kangkang
depan aku, sambil tu dia pegang dua-dua belah peha dia. Aku pun tengok
pantatnya, fuhhhh.....cantik bulu dia, pantatnya pun berkilau-kilau
sebab basah. Aku tengok macam kecik je lubangnya, rasa risau pulak nak
masukkan batang aku, takut2 kalau dia kesakitan. Maklumlah, dia tu
virgin. Same with me too....
Aku terus masukkan batang aku kat pantat dia. Cluupppp!!!!!
Mak aiiii.......ahhhh...sedapnyaaaaaa!!!!!!. Masa tu dia pun kesedapan
tak ingat dunia. Aku saja je biar kote aku berendam dalam pantat dia
lama-lama. Aku nak tengok apa akan terjadi.
Masa tu aku rasa panas je kote aku sebab berendam dalam pantat dia,
aku duk diam sambil cium2 tetek dia. Lepas seminit lebih, aku tekan
lagi batang aku tu, mak aiiii...ketatnya pantat dia. Kesedapan aku
dibuatnya, dia mengerang kesakitan...."Ahhhhh..sakit!!! Tapi sedap".
Aku pun understanding, aku pun tarik slow-slow, aku tengok badan dia
terikut-ikut aku, bila aku tarik kote aku pantat dia pun macam nak
ikut sama je.
Aku tarik slow-slow, pas tu aku tekan balik slow-slow jugak. Ada dalam
7 kali aku sorong tarik slow-slow, barulah dia rasa tak sakit. Dia suh
aku buat laju-laju pulak.........
Aku pun apa lagi, sebijik macam citer blue aku buat. Sedap
woiii........aku terus kan pumping dia. Aku masa tu dah laju dah ni,
macam ada minyak pelincir plak kat pantat dia. Tadi ketat, tapi
sekarang dah ok sikit la, ketat tu ada gak. Aku tarik.....dia
mengerang. Aku tekan kote aku.....dia mengerang lagi kuat.
Fuhhh.......cukup memberahikan.
Punyalah sunyi malam tu, hinggakan boleh dengar pantatnya mengasah
batang aku. Clupp....clupp....cluppp!!! Punyalah kuat bunyi buah pelir
aku berlaga dengan pantatnya. itu yang buat aku naik steam lagi tu.
Masa tu aku tengok muka dia dah lain macam, masa tu dia peluk aku kuat-
kuat, dia kapit kakinya belakang aku, aku rasa dia ni dah nak kemuncak
la tu. Aku pun sorong tarik lagi laju, sampai bergoyang kereta tu.
Dalam masa tu , aku terasa pantatnya kejang, aku tengok dia dah peluk
aku kuat-kuat sambil menggeliat kesedapan dan kenikmatan. Aku terasa
pantatnyaa mengeluarkan mani dengan banyak. Aku sempat tengok
pantatnya, habis basah dengan mani.
Masa tu aku belum lagi 'sampai'. Aku pun dah risau, apsal aku ni
lambat sangat sampai, sedangkan gf aku dah 3 kali terkeluar mani.
Aku pun cium mulut dgn dia, sambil tu aku guna body language suruh dia
ubah posisi. Dia pun senyum, dan dia faham. Dia pun tahu aku belum
keluar mani. Aku pulak baring, dia pun naik atas aku.
Fuhhhh......beratnya dia.
Dia slow2 masukkan batang aku dalam pantatnya dengan tangannya. Aku
baring sambil meraba-raba tetek dia yang putih gebu tu. Lepas je
batang aku masuk keseluruhan, dia pun start pumping aku pulak. Naik
turun, Naik turun, bergoncang-goncang tetek dia bila dia turun naik.
Geram aku tengok muka dia bila mengerang, dia pun terus mengerang "
Dia pun terus duduk atas aku dan mengepam pantatynya dengan batang
Selepas 2/3 minit aku rasa aku cak terpancut dah ni. Makk
aiiii.........lagi laju dia pump aku. Aku pun kata kat dia, " Haz, I
nak cabut ni, dah nak terpancut". Dia terus pump aku turn naik, dengan
badannya yang berat tapi menarik tu.
Dia kata, " Haz nak you lepaskan mani you kat dalam" . Fuhhh....masa
tu aku dah tak ingat dah dunia ni.
Aku betul-betul nak terpancut, ohhhhhhhh......aaaaahhhhhhhh. Aku
terasa kejang seluruh badan aku, sambil aku pegang pinggang gf aku.
Aku suruh dia stop, aku nak lepas dah ni. Dia pun stop sambil
mengerang, rupa-rupanya dia pun keluar manijugak. Patutla kejang badan
dia bila peluk aku. Sambil aku peluk dia kuat-kuat, aku pun melepaskan
sperma aku ke dalam pantatnya.......fuhhhh...nikmatnyaaaaa tak
Dia pun keluar mani gak, aku tengok habis basah bulu batang aku sebab
terkena mani dia. Bercampur dengan mani aku.
Aku pancut habis semua mani aku dalam pantat dia.
Dia pun keletihan, kesian dia aku tengok. Lama kitorang duduk dalam
kereta tu, nak kumpul tenaga balik. Dia senyum kepuasan, aku pun balas
senyuman dia sambil cium dahi dia.
Aku pun kata " I love you so much". Dia pun balas la, " Me too."
At last, lepas tu kitorang tak buat lagi dah.Mujurlah dia tak
mengandung, nasib baik. Cukuplah 1st time tu, experience. Aku pun grad
sekali dengan dia tahun tu juga, dapat ijazah Kejuruteraan
( Kepujian).
Lepas tu sama-sama dapat sponsor pegi US. Sambung Masters kat sana.
Sebelum pergi sana kitorang selamat di ijabkabulkan.....
Sekarang aku hidup bahagia dengan dia di US ni, dengan dikurniakan
seorang anak perempuan yang comel.
Aku nekad, tak nak bagi anak aku keluar dengan lelaki bila dia dah
besar nanti, takut nanti pecah dara sebelum kahwin macam emaknya!!!!!!
Aku merenung skrin laptop ku. Mata ku tertumpu pada sebuah nickname di dalam chatroom yang aku sedang sertai.
“hanna sunyi… Siapa lah kamu ini agaknya?” aku tertanya-tanya sendiri.
Watak ‘hanna sunyi’ itu benar-benar menarik perhatian ku. Sejak dia mula-mula masuk ke dalam chatroom, dia menyapa sesiapa sahaja termasuk aku. Bahasanya ringkas, lepas-lepas dan santai, seringkali juga berbau lucah. Kadang-kadang lucu juga si hanna sunyi itu. Aku menyenanginya.
Begitulah awalnya aku mengenali hanna. Aku tetap memanggilnya ‘hanna’ walaupun aku sudah tahu nama sebenarnya. Kali pertama mendapat kiriman photonya aku memang terpesona bila melihat wajahnya. 100% wajah wanita melayu. Berusia 35 tahun, hitam manis, bertudung kuning muda sambil tersenyum manis. Bibirnya cukup sensual pada pandangan ku. 3 bulan setelah mengenalinya aku sudah tahu serba sedikit mengenai dirinya. Dia telah bersuami dan mempunyai 3 orang anak.
Selama mengenalinya, kami sering berbual-bual di dalam private room. Bermula dengan perbualan biasa sehinggalah ke perkara-perkara yang agak peribadi. Aku akhirnya mengetahui bahawa hanna sebenarnya digantung tidak bertali oleh suaminya. Menurutnya, suaminya itu telah meninggalkan dia begitu sahaja. hanna tidak tahu samada dia sudah diceraikan ataupun tidak. Setahun lebih dia cuba berurusan dengan suaminya itu tetapi usahanya sia-sia. Akhirnya dia membiarkan sahaja semuanya. Disebabkan kebingungan, hanna mula chatting di internet. Katanya boleh menghilangkan kebosanan dan stress. Aku mengiyakannya sahaja.
Semakin lama kami semakin akrab. Perbualan kami tidak lagi terhad kepada perbualan biasa malah kami berbual mengenai apa sahaja termasuk urusan seks. hanna tidak segan mengakui bahawa dia memang menyenangi seks yang sihat tetapi semenjak ditinggalkan oleh suaminya, dia tidak lagi merasai kenikmatan itu. Sebenarnya, sebelum ditinggalkan, suaminya memang sudah dingin terhadap hanna. Entah apa sebab sebenarnya hanna tiba-tiba ‘menghilangkan diri’ pada suatu ketika. Lebih dari sebulan dia tidak masuk ke dalam chatroom. Aku menjadi tertanya-tanya. Dalam tempoh ‘kehilangan’nya itu aku akui memang merinduinya. Sebelum kehilangannya itu kami sangat mesra malah sering ‘berpeluk-pelukan’ dan ‘berciuman’ di dalam private room. Ketiadaannya membuatkan aku merasa kehilangan. Namun hanna akhirnya muncul juga pada suatu malam. Aku tidak menyedari kehadirannya sehinggalah dia ‘private message’ aku. Sungguh aku merasa cukup gembira dengan kehadirannya sehingga aku menghujaninya dengan ikon ‘kiss’ smiley yang banyak. hanna juga mengakui yang dia juga rindu pada ku. Kami berbalas-balas ikon ‘kiss’ dan ‘pelukan’.
“Kemana you pergi menghilangkan diri lama sangat?” tanyaku.
“Sorry, sayang. I jatuh sakit.”
“Aa’aa. I terpaksa balik ke kampung, berubat kat sana.”
“Kenapa tak pergi hospital?”
“Tak boleh, sayang. I kena buatan orang. Pasal itu lah I berubat cara kampung.”
“Buatan orang? Siapa yang buat?”
“I tak nak cakap pasal perkara itulah, sayang. Biarkan sahaja. Perkara dah lepas.”
“Owh, ok. Sekarang ini macamana? Dah sihat?”
“Aa’aa. Dah sihat macam biasa. Monday nanti dah boleh kerja balik.”
“Baguslah kalau macam tu. Sekarang ni you kat mana? Rumah?”
“Yup. I baru sampai petang tadi.”
“Anak-anak apa khabar?”
“Semuanya sihat, yang. Dia orang masih kat kampung. Sekarang ni kan cuti sekolah.”
“Ya tak ya jugak. So, you seorang lah kat rumah tu?”
“Aa’aa. I seorang je. Rumah ni terasa sunyi lah. Anak-anak tak’de.”
“Kalau sunyi, pergi lah jalan-jalan. Sekarang kan baru pukul 8 malam.”
“Tak nak lah. Lagipun I tak suka jalan-jalan seorang malam-malam macam ni.”
“Kalau jalan-jalan dengan I mahu tak?”
“Ya. Sekarang!”
Sebenarnya tempat tinggal hanna tidaklah begitu jauh dari tempat tinggal ku. Dia di bandaraya AS. Aku pula di bandar kecil K Jaraknya hanya lebih kurang 45minit perjalanan menggunakan kereta.
“Tapi you kan jauh kat K?” hanna masih ragu-ragu dengan cadangan ku.
“Jauh tu, tak lah jauh sangat. Kalau I driving sekarang, I boleh sampai before 9.00 p.m. You belum habis bersolek, I dah sampai kat AS! Hehehe..”
“OK lah. I tunggu you. Kita jumpa kat mana?”
“You tunggu je kat rumah. Sampai nanti I call you, OK?”
Akhirnya aku segera memecut keretaku di jalanraya. Untung sahaja kereta pada waktu itu agak kurang di atas jalan sehingga aku dapat tiba di bandaraya AS sebelum pukul 9 malam. Tiba di situ, aku memberhentikan kereta ku di tepi sebuah jalan lalu aku segera menghubungi hanna.
“hanna? I dah sampai ni.”
“Cepat juga? Ni mesti bawa kereta laju-laju!”
“Jangan membebel, please! You ni dah ready ke belum?”
“Dah! Kita jumpa kat mana?”
“I datang jemput you kat rumah. You bagi I alamat rumah you.”
hanna memberikan alamat rumahnya dan setelah itu aku pun segera menuju ke alamat tersebut. Tidak terlalu sukar untuk aku mencari rumahnya kerana aku memang pernah pergi ke kawasan perumahan itu. Tiba di depan rumahnya, aku menelefon hanna lagi untuk memaklumkannya dan dia segera keluar mendapatkan aku. Hati ku agak berdebar-debar juga pada waktu itu kerana itu merupakan pertemuan pertama kami. Aku menarik nafas dalam-dalam untuk cuba menenangkan diri.
hanna mengenakan seluar panjang labuh dan blouse berlengan panjang. Semuanya serba hitam termasuk tudungnya yang lebih kelihatan seperti selendang untuk menutup rambutnya. Sebaik sahaja hanna duduk di sebelah ku, dia menghulurkan tangannya untuk bersalam dengan ku.
“Hi.” Katanya dengan suara yang cukup manja. Gayanya kelihatan agak manja.
“Hi. Dah lama menunggu?” Aku menyambut tangannya yang terasa lembut. Aku belum dapat melihat jelas wajahnya kerana keadaan sekeliling agak gelap.
“I sempat menonton TV tadi!”
“Sorry. Kereta I tak boleh pergi laju lagi. Hehehe.”
Belum pun sempat hanna berkata-kata lagi, aku menarik tangannya yang masih digenggam ku lalu segera aku mencium pipinya. Pipi itu terasa lembut sekali. Aroma harum dari tubuhnya menusuk ke dalam hidung ku membuatkan aku merasa tenang. hanna tidak cuba mengelak ciuman ku.
“Next time, I akan cuba sampai lebih awal. Promise!” kataku, masih mengenggam tangannya.
hanna hanya tersenyum. Aku mencium pipinya lagi. Aku melepaskan genggaman ku lalu memalingkan wajahnya ke arah ku. Bibirnya yang sensual itu terus dicium ku dengan lembut.
Di luar jangkaan ku, hanna terus memainkan lidahnya dan tentu sahaja aku tidak mahu hanya sekadar mengucup. Aku menekan bibir ku untuk melakukan french kiss. Kami akhirnya berkuluman hangat. Beberapa saat berlalu dan bibir kami berpisah. Aku masih lagi menatap wajahnya.
“Sayang, kalau berterusan macam ini, tidak jadi jalan-jalan kita nanti.” godanya. Aku tersengih.
“Kalau tak jadi pun, I tak kisah. Asalkan dapat jumpa you.”
“Jom lah. I teringin nak menonton wayang.” Katanya lagi.
Akhirnya kami pun meluncur meninggalkan rumah hanna menuju ke pusat bandaraya. Aku membawa keretaku menuju ke sebuah panggung yang biasa aku kunjungi tetapi hanna agak kecewa kerana kesemua cerita yang ditayangkan tidak menepati seleranya. Aku mengajaknya ke sebuah restoran untuk minum sebelum mencari panggung yang lain.
“hanna, I tak tau panggung wayang yang lain selain dari yang tadi tu. Kita nak pergi panggung mana lepas ni? Tanyaku ketika kami sedang minum. Aku memandang tepat ke arahnya. Aku sempat melirik ke arah gundukan isi di dadanya yang membusung, dibalut oleh baju sendatnya.
“Habis tu kita nak kemana?”tanyanya kembali.
“Entahlah. Tapi I dah lama teringin nak duduk kat tepi laut malam-malam macam ni. I nak menghirup udara laut.”
“Good idea!” mata hanna bersinar-sinar. “Kita pergi kuala la!”tambahnya lagi.
Kami segera menghabiskan minuman kami dan setelah itu kami terus menuju ke kuala. Waktu ketika itu sudah menunjukkan pukul 10 malam. Kami tiba di kuala lebih kurang sejam kemudian. Aku meletakkan kereta ku di sebuah tempat letak kereta dan kami terus berjalan ke arah laut. Di laut, kami berjalan bergandengan umpama sepasang kekasih. Setelah puas berjalan , kami duduk di atas sebuah batu besar menghadap ke laut. Angin yang menderu sejuk benar-benar menyelesakan. Udaranya terasa begitu segar.
Aku menyandar pada dinding batu. hanna pula duduk di sebelah kananku, dan bersandar pada dada ku. Wangian harum dari tubuhnya bercampur dengan udara segar memang membuatkan aku selesa sekali. Aku memeluk tubuhnya dengan erat. Aku mendekatkan hidungku ke tengkuknya untuk menghirup wangian harum dari tubuh hanna tetapi terhalang oleh tudung yang dipakainya. Perlahan-lahan aku cuba melepaskan tudungnya. hanna tidak menghalangku. Tudung yang sudah terlepas itu aku letakkan disisi ku. Aku turut melepaskan ikatan rambut hanna. Rambutnya yang panjang melepasi bahu itu terurai sebaik sahaja dilepaskan dari ikatannya.
Aku mencium rambutnya. “Hmm…rambut you cantik.” Pujiku dengan spontan.
“Thank you.”jawabnya.
“Wanginya you ni!” Aku terus mendekatkan lagi hidungku sehingga ia bersentuhan dengan tengkuk hanna. Spontan sahaja tubuhnya bertindakbalas kerana kegelian.
“Geli, yaaang!”hanna terus menangkap kepala ku.
Aku tidak memperdulikan kata-katanya. Aku terus mencium dan kadang-kadang menjilat kecil kulit tengkuknya. Lama-kelamaan, reaksi hanna mula berubah menjadi desahan dan erangan lembut. Aku meraba-raba bahagian perutnya dan setelah itu tanganku mula mendapatkan gundukan buah dada yang membusung itu. hanna tidak menghalang tangan ku. Sengaja aku tidak terus meramas buah dadanya melainkan hanya menyentuh dan memicit lembut di sekitar pangkal buah dadanya. Aku turut mencium pipinya dan sekali sekala aku memagut bibirnya dari arah samping. Aku sengaja tidak mahu melakukan ciuman berghairah untuk memancing nya. Cukup sekadar memagut dan menghisap bibirnya. hanna semakin kuat bereaksi. Aku sedar bahawa nafsunya sudah menaik. Aku memutarkan tubuhnya sehingga dia menghadap ke arah ku. Tubuhnya aku sandarkan pada peha kiri yang aku angkat. Kedudukannya itu memudahkan tangan kanan ku menerokai tubuhnya.
Aku menatap wajahnya dalam cahaya yang samar-samar itu. Begitu ayu dan manis pada pandangan ku. Aku mendekatkan wajah ku ke wajahnya lalu bibir kami bertemu. Mula-mula hanya ciuman lembut tetapi kemudiannya berubah menjadi french kiss yang hangat dan nikmat. hanna tidak lagi menahan dirinya. Dia merangkul ku dan menghisap lidah ku semahu-mahunya. Aku hampir lemas dibuatnya. Untuk mengimbangi perlakuannya, aku mula menerokai tubuhnya dengan tangan kanan ku yang bebas. Aku mula menyentuh buah dadanya. Kedua isi pejal itu diuli dan diramas ku dengan agak kuat.
Tidak puas dengan itu, aku memasukkan tangan ku ke dalam bajunya. Terasa hangat. Aku menyentuh kulit pangkal buah dadanya. Halus sekali rasanya. Perutnya yang sudah terdedah itu juga ku usap-usap lembut sambil aku melayani serangan mulut hanna. Tangan ku menemui klip bra yang dipakai oleh hanna. Ianya terletak di hadapan dan dengan mudah sekali aku melepaskannya. Kini, buah dadanya terdedah dan tersembul bagaikan ingin melompat. Tanpa melihat, aku terus menyambar buah dadanya. Terus diuli, diramas dan digentel-gentel putingnya yang rasanya sebesar kuku jari tangan. Putingnya berdiri keras!
Aku melepaskan aksi french kiss kami kerana aku ingin sekali melihat buah dada hanna yang sedang dikerjakan oleh tangan kanan ku. Saat aku menatapnya, aku sungguh terpesona dangan kemolekan buah dadanya. Cukup padat dan pejal serta tidak keterlaluan besar. Mungkin sekitar 34c. Tanpa diminta atau disuruh, mulut ku terus menyambar putingnya. Aku menghisapnya dengan lembut dan kemudiannya memutar-mutar lidah ku di sekeliling putingnya. Selesai satu, aku berpindah pada puting yang satu lagi.
hanna memang sudah mendesah-desah dan mengerang tidak keruan lagi walaupun suaranya seperti ditahan-tahan. Kemudiannya, aku mula menghisap dan menyedut puting dan isi di pangkalnya berkali-kali dengan kuat dan bernafsu. Tubuh hanna terangkat-angkat bila aku menghisap buah dadanya. Bersamaan dengan itu, dia mengerang nikmat.
“Uuuhhhhh…. …uuuhhhhhh. ……..hhaahhhh …….”
Aku berhenti. “You like it, sayang?”tanya ku menggoda.
“Ohhhh..yes.. .Buat lagi, sayang. I love it!”Matanya terpejam.
Aku melepaskan serangan ku pada buah dadanya untuk menerokai leher hanna yang halus dan lembut kulitnya. Aku mula mencium lembut dan kemudian mengubahnya kepada jilatan dan hisapan penuh nafsu berahi. Aku menerokai setiap inci lehernya. hanna menggeliat kegelian dan kenikmatan. Kali ini, dia sudah tidak terkendali lagi. Berkali-kali dia menangkap kepala ku dan menghujani mulut dan wajahku dengan ciumannya.
Aku mengubah corak serangan ku. Kali ini, bergantian leher, dada dan buah dada hanna diserang oleh mulut dan lidah ku. Suara desahan dan erangan serta pekikan kecil hanna sudah jelas kedengaran. Bimbang juga aku kerana takut didengari oleh seseorang yang mungkin kebetulan berada hampir dengan kami. Namun, aku sudah dikuasai oleh nafsu. Aku sudah tidak peduli lagi.
Tangan kanan ku yang bebas aku pergunakan untuk meramas-ramas dan menekan celah kangkang hanna. Jari-jari ku menggaru dan mengusap lembut di situ. Aku dapat merasakan vaginanya yang di bawah celananya itu bereaksi berdenyut. Aku bertambah geram. Tubuh hanna juga bereaksi setiap kali jari-jari ku memainkan celah kangkangnya. Gerakan tubuhnya seperti menyua-yuakan celah kangkangnya untuk diusap dan diramas oleh tangan ku. Aku tidak puas meramas begitu lalu aku mencari button dan zip celana panjangnya. Kedua-duanya aku lepaskan tanpa perlawanan dari hanna. Dia seperti merelakannya malah dia turut mengangkat sedikit pantatnya untuk memudahkan aku melurutkan celana panjangnya sehingga celana dalamnya terdedah. Aku menelan ludah melihat suatu pemandangan yang begitu indah. Tangan ku terus menyusuri pehanya yang halus dan lembut. Perlahan sahaja tetapi menyebabkan kesan yang amat dirasai oleh hanna. Pehanya bergerak-gerak, mungkin kerana dia menahan rasa geli dan nikmat. Setelah puas berbuat begitu, aku menyusuri bahagian dalam pehanya. Aku tidak menyentuh terus vaginanya kerana sedikit agak sukar. Pehanya tidak dapat dibuka lebih luas kerana celananya masih ada di situ. Namun, itu tidak menghalang ku.
Perlahan-lahan aku mula menyentuh bahagian atas vaginanya yang masih ditutupi celana dalamnya. Aku mengusap-usap lembut. Sambil itu, aku masih lagi menghujani mulut dan tubuh hanna dengan ciuman dan kucupan serta jilatan lidah ku. Ada kalanya aku berhenti untuk menatap tubuhnya dan mengambil nafas. Vaginanya terus ku layani dan celana dalamnya mula lembab. Aku yakin yang vaginanya sudah lama bereaksi terhadap sentuhan ku. Aku tidak mahu menunggu lama lalu aku menyelinapkan jari ku di bawah celana dalamnya. Hmm..bulu-bulu halus tersentuh oleh jari ku. Aku mengusap di situ. Kemudian aku mula mencari sasaran seterusnya. Jari ku menemui belahan vaginanya. Terasa hangat dan licin. Klitorisnya sudah terasa kembang. Aku menggentelnya. hanna terpekik lembut.
“Haahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. …..sayangg. ..” hempasan nafasnya kedengaran berat.
Aku menatap wajahnya. Dahinya berkerut. Matanya terpejam. Hanya mulutnya yang terbuka sedikit sambil nafasnya menderu laju.
“You suka, sayang?”
“Suka, yaangg…Oohhh. ..uuhhhh. …lagi, sayang! Jangan berhenti, pleaseee!”
Mendengar pengakuan itu, aku bertambah girang dan bernafsu sekali. Aku percepatkan gentelan ku pada klitorisnya. Beberapa kali juga jari ku menyelinap masuk ke dalam lubang nikmatnya yang sudah basah dan licin itu. Sambil itu juga aku meneruskan serangan ku pada bahagian-bahagian lain di tubuhnya yang sensitif terutama sekali buah dada dan lehernya dengan mulut dan lidah ku. Aku langsung tidak memberi ruang untuk hanna menguasai ku atau membalas kembali apa yang aku lakukan terhadapnya. Apabila dia kelihatan seperti mahu mencium ku, aku mengelak dengan mencium buah dadanya atau lehernya. Dia mengetahuinya dan itu membuatkan dia semakin kuat bereaksi.
Sekitar 20 minit kami berada dalam aksi itu. Aku hampir kepenatan. Reaksi hanna sudah menunjukkan tanda-tanda dia akan orgasme. Aku menunggu sehingga dia menghampiri ke puncak. Aku segera memperhebatkan serangan ku. Tidak lama kemudian aku merasai sedikit ketengangan pada otot-otot pehanya. Dia akan segera orgasme.
“Sayanggg…. I nak keluar…I nak… keluar…..”katanya tertahan-tahan. “Sikit lagi, sayanggg…. Sikit lagiiii..Jangan berhenti! Jangan berhenti..! Oohhhhh…Uuhhhh. .”
Tiba-tiba aku menghentikan semuanya. Aku berhenti menciumnya. Aku berhenti mengganyang vaginanya. Aku menarik tangan ku. hanna tersedar dari khayalnya.
“Sayanggg!!!! Kenapa berhenti? I dah mau sampai tadi.”
Aku diam sebentar, membiarkan hanna terpingga-pingga dan tertanya-tanya. Aku menatapnya sambil tangan ku masih memeluk pinggangnya. Melihat aku masih belum menjawab pertanyaannya,hanna segera bertanya lagi.
“Kenapa, yang?”
Aku akhirnya menjawab. “Tidak ada apa-apa, sayang. I cuma tak mahu meneruskannya. Itu saja.”
“Kenapa? U tidak suka dengan I?”
“Bukan begitu. You lihat lah tempat ni. Kalau kita teruskan tadi, kita akan make love atas batu ni. Kalau ada orang tiba-tiba muncul dan lihat kerja kita itu, bagaimana? Lagipun, I rasa tidak selesa duduk lama-lama macam ni. Atas batu pula tu”
Sebenarnya, semua yang aku katakan itu hanyalah sekadar alasan sahaja. Niat sebenar aku menghentikan permainan itu hanya satu sahaja. Aku ingin melihatnya meminta ku membuat yang lebih daripada aksi kami sebentar tadi.
Aku melihat jam tangan ku. Waktu menunjukkan pukul 12.42 tengah malam. hanna memandang ku dengan pandangan yang sayu.
“Sudahlah, sayang. Malam dah lewat. Kita pulang saja, ok?” kataku sambil membantunya merapikan tubuh dan pakaiannya yang terdedah dan terlepas sana-sini.
“Tapi…..” hanna kelihatan mahu memprotes.
“Apa dia?”Tanya ku, cuba untuk memancingnya.
“Dah tengah malam ni, sayang.”katanya. “Tak payah pulang ke K. I tak sedap hatilah kalau you pulang seorang diri. Nanti kalau apa-apa hal terjadi kat jalan, you juga yang susah.”tambahnya lagi.
“I boleh tidur dalam kereta.”
“Rumah I kan ada. Buat apa tidur dalam kereta? You tak sudi ke datang ke rumah I?”
“Bukan tak sudi. You tak jemput pun.”jawab ku bersahaja.
hanna mencubit lengan ku sehingga aku mengaduh kesakitan. Dia kelihatan seperti kegeraman.
“Sakit lah. Apa ni main cubit-cubit pula?”
“You ni buat I geram tau! Dah lah tadi tiba-tiba berhenti. Lepas tu kata I tak jemput dia.”
Aku hanya tersengih. Aku kembali membantunya mengenakan semula celananya. Aku sempat mengucup pipinya sebelum dia mengenakan kembali tudungnya.
“Kat rumah you nanti, I tidur kat mana?” aku coba menggodanya.
“Rumah I ada 2 kamar tidur. Satu untuk I, satu untuk anak-anak I. You nak tidur mana?” hanna pula yang menggoda ku. Hampir tidak menjadi strategi ku.
“Itu kan rumah you. You yang jadi tuan rumah. So, terpulang dengan you nak suruh I tidur mana.”jawab ku sekenanya.
“Kalau I suruh you tidur dalam toilet, bagaimana?”hanna cuba bercanda.
“Kalau dalam toilet, lebih baik I pulang ke K!”
“Jangan! I tak mau you pulang.”hanna segera menarik lengan ku. “Hmm….I nak you kongsi bed dengan I, ok?” katanya lagi dengan gaya yang sedikit manja lalu terus berdiri.
Aku pun turut berdiri. Kami berjalan balik ke kereta ku bergandengan seperti mana ketika kami datang ke tempat itu beberapa jam sebelum itu. Cuaca sejuk sudah lama mengigit kulit sehingga kami terpaksa berjalan lebih cepat untuk sampai ke kereta. Sebaik sahaja kereta ku dihidupkan, aku pun terus memecut meninggalkan tempat itu.
Walaupun aku ingin lebih cepat tiba di rumah hanna, aku tidak mahu memecut terlalu laju kerana keadaan jalanraya yang mempunyai banyak selekoh merbahaya. Mata ku juga terasa sedikit mengantuk. Lebih kurang 30 minit berada di atas jalanraya, kami pun tiba di perkarangan rumah hanna. Keadaan di sekeliling agak gelap. Hanya ada sinaran cahaya daripada lampu-lampu jalan yang samar-samar. Rumah-rumah di situ sudah gelap kerana penghuni-penghuninya sudah lama dibuai mimpi.
hanna keluar dari kereta ku untuk membuka pintu pagar lalu terus membuka pintu rumahnya. Aku memandu kereta ku masuk ke tempat letak kereta dan berhenti di belakang kereta hanna yang ditinggalkannya di situ sebelum dia keluar dengan ku. Setelah memastikan keadaan kereta ku selamat untuk ditinggalkan, aku terus mengekori hanna masuk ke dalam rumahnya.
hanna tidak menghidupkan lampu di ruang tamu. Keadaan agak gelap sehingga dia menghidupkan lampu bilik tidurnya yang samar-samar. Aku terus menyertai hanna di dalam bilik tidurnya. Keadaan bilik tidur itu cukup kemas dan cantik. Haruman yang menyegarkan memenuhi ruang kecil itu. Katil yang cukup luas di tengah bilik itu menarik perhatian ku. Aku terus merebahkan tubuh ku di atas katil empuk itu. Tubuh ku terasa begitu selesa sekali setelah duduk di dalam kereta terlalu lama. Aku memandang sekeliling bilik itu. hanna tidak kelihatan. Rupa-rupanya, ada bilik air kecil di dalam bilik tidur itu.
Aku sedang mengelamun ketika hanna keluar dari bilik air kecil itu dengan hanya dibaluti oleh kain tuala putih yang menutupi tubuhnya separas peha. Aku sempat kagum melihat keadaannya itu. hanna tersenyum lalu menghampiri ku. Aku segera menarik tangannya sehingga dia terduduk di sebelah ku. Dia mengucup lembut bibir ku. Aku membalasnya menjadi ciuman hangat.
“Sayang..I nak bersihkan badan I dulu.” Katanya lembut. “Badan I terasa melekit-lekit.” Tambahnya lagi.
“Boleh I ikut?” aku menggodanya.
“Tak boleh! Nanti lain jadinya!” katanya dengan manja. hanna sempit mencubit lengan ku. Aku hanya tersengih. “You baring-baring lah, ok?”
“OK.”jawab ku pendek.
hanna meninggalkan ku bersendirian untuk masuk semula ke dalam bilik air itu. Aku bingkas bangun lalu menanggalkan baju dan jeans ku. Mana mungkin aku mahu tidur dengan baju dan jeans. Kemudian aku naik semula ke atas katil dan masuk ke dalam selimut. Aku berbaring sambil menunggu hanna selesai di dalam bilik air. Lama juga wanita itu di dalam bilik air. Aku hampir terlelap ketika dia keluar di situ. Aku segera bangkit lalu masuk ke dalam bilik air dan membersihkan diri seadanya. Tubuh ku terasa segar setelah aku selesai membersihkan diri.
Aku menyertai hanna di atas katil empuknya. Dia sudah pun berada di dalam selimutnya. Dengan hanya bercelana dalam aku pun masuk ke bawah selimut. Sebaik sahaja aku berada di sebelahnya, aku terus memeluk mesra tubuh harum hanna. Dia hanya memakai sehelai T-shirt tanpa bra. Di bahagian bawahnya dia hanya memakai panty.
“Hmmm….harumnya body you…” Aku mencium aroma harum dari tubuh wanita itu. hanna hanya tersenyum lalu mencium bibir ku. Aku segera membalasnya dengan hangat. Dari sekadar ciuman lembut, ia berubah menjadi kuluman penuh berahi. Tangan ku mula menjelajah ke perut hanna, menyelinap ke dalam T-shirt nya dan terus mendapatkan gudukan isi pejal dan padat di dadanya. Aku meramas-ramas lembut pangkal buah dadanya dan sekali sekala memintal-mintal puting-putingnya yang sudah berdiri keras. Sementara itu, bibir kami masih bertaut erat. Lidah saling berlaga.
Aku melepaskan bibir hanna untuk mencari sasaran lain. Bibir ku menemui lehernya yang jinjang. Kulitnya lembut dan harum. Aku membenamkan terus muka ku di situ sambil memagut kecil lehernya. Lidah ku juga mula beraksi. hanna mendesah kenikmatan. Nafasnya mula kencang. Erangannya juga mula kedengaran apabila aku semakin galak menjilat dan mencium lehernya. Tangan ku pula semakin mengganas di dadanya. Gundukan buah dadanya diramas dan diuli ku semahu-mahunya. Putingnya ku pintal-pintal, picit dan ku tarik sehingga tubuh hanna menggeliat. Suasana sudah bertambah panas. T-shirt hanna yang membataskan aksi kami segera ditanggalkan. Tubuh hanna sudah telanjang sepenuhnya. Hanya panty nya sahaja yang tertinggal tapi aku belum lagi mahu menanggalkan nya. Aku sempat memandang tubuh hanna sebelum meneruskan aksi kami. Sungguh mempersonakan sekali tubuh mulusnya itu sehingga aku tidak dapat menahan diri lagi dari terus membaham tubuh itu. Aku mencium tubuhnya bermula dari perut disertai dengan jilatan-jilatan bernafsu. Tangan ku juga tidak tinggal diam. Aku turut menggunakan hujung jari ku untuk meraba sambil menggaru lembut bahagian dalam peha hanna. Sentuhan lembut itu benar-benar telah membuatkan nafsu hanna bergelora. Dia meracau dan mengerang, menyebut sesuatu yang tidak jelas. Yang jelas, dia tidak mahu aku berhenti melakukan aksi ku. Bibir ku menemui buah dadanya. Pangkalnya ku jilat-jilat dan kemudiannya naik ke putingnya. Aku menggigit-gigit lembut putingnya.
“Oohhhhhhhhh. …sayangggg. ..Sedap, sayang. Hisap puting I, sayang…pleasee. . Hisap kuat-kuat!” hanna mengerang sambil merayu ku. Kedua-dua tangannya menangkap kepala ku lalu ditekannya ke bawah.
Aku membuka mulut ku seluas yang boleh lalu aku pun terus membaham buah dadanya. Dengan penuh nafsu aku menyedut bahagian atas buah dadanya dengan putingnya sekali. Tubuh hanna terangkat ke atas. Dia mengerang dengan kuat sambil menarik kepala ku ke arah dadanya. Perlahan-lahan aku melepaskan buah dadanya sedikit demi sedikit sehingga putingnya terlepas. Bergantian buah dadanya aku kerjakan seperti yang diinginkannya.
Kemudian aku kembali mencium dan menjilati tubuh harum itu. Perut, rusuk, buah dada dan lehernya terus menerus aku kerjakan bersamaan dengan suara desahan dan erangan hanna yang benar-benar membuatkan nafsu ku bergelora. Tangan hanna juga turut menerokai tubuh ku. Tangan kanannya sudah lama mengusik batang ku yang sedang menegang keras. Dengan rakusnya dia menarik celana dalam ku sehingga batang ku tersembul keluar. Tangannya segera meraih batang ku itu lalu digenggam dan dikocoknya dengan lembut. Aku membiarkan sahaja perlakuannya itu kerana aku juga menikmatinya.
Aku masih mahu menikmati gosokan dan kocokan tangan hanna itu tetapi aku juga ingin memberikan kenikmatan yang sama kepada wanita itu. Perlahan-lahan aku menukar posisi aku yang sedang separuh menindih tubuhnya. Aku menanggalkan pantynya perlahan-lahan sambil mencium perutnya. hanna membantuku dengan mengangkat sedikit pantatnya yang lebar dan berisi itu. Aku menarik pentynya sehingga ia terlepas dan melemparkannya ke atas lantai. Setelah itu aku kembali menyentuh bahagian dalam pehanya sebelum mulutku menemui gundukan isi yang ditutupi bulu-bulu halus di celah kangkangnya itu.
Aku terus menyentuh gundukan itu. Terasa hangat. Jari ku meneroka semakin jauh, menyentuh pula belahan vaginanya yang sudah basah dan licin. Kemudian aku menemui klitorisnya. Aku mengelus-elus lembut ketulan isi yang turut basah dan licin itu. hanna mengerang kuat apabila aku semakin keras mengelus dan menggentel klitorisnya. Sementara itu mulut ku sekali lagi menyerang buah dada dan lehernya.
“Sayang….sedap tak?” Aku sempat berbisik di telinganya sambil tangan ku terus beraksi di vaginanya.
“Sangat sedap sayang… Jangan berhenti! Ohhhhh…. Sayang…cium pussy I, pleasee… I nak rasa you cium pussy I, yanggg… Ohhhhh…pleaseeee” .
Aku tidak menunggu lama dan terus mengambil kedudukan yang cukup selesa di celah kangkang hanna yang sudah terbuka luas. Aku melipat lututnya dan aku terus sahaja mencium bahagian dalam pehanya dengan lembut. Kemudian, tanpa mengangkat muka, aku terus menjilat sehingga ke vaginanya. Sebaik sahaja lidah ku menyentuh klitorisnya, hanna terus memekik kenikmatan. Suaranya bergema di dalam bilik itu. Lidah ku terus memberus dan menggentel klitorisnya sehingga tubuhnya turut bergerak-gerak. Pantatnya terangkat-angkat apabila aku menyedut dan menghisap klitorisnya. Aku juga meramas-ramas buah dadanya untuk memberi sensasi dan kenikmatan yang lebih.
Cukup lama rasanya aku menjilat dan menghisap vagina wanita sehingga ke satu saat dia memekik lagi bersamaan dengan gerakan tubuh yang agak keras. Kedua-dua pehanya mengunci kepala ku sambil tangannya menekan kepala ku ke bawah. Itulah saat dia mencapai orgasme nya yang pertama. Otot-ototnya terasa keras dan kejang. Aku membiarkan dia menikmati setiap detik orgasmenya sehingga dia mereda. Cairan licin yang membasahi vaginanya tidak ku sia-siakan. Semuanya aku jilat dan telan semahu-mahunya. Tidak cukup dengan itu, aku menghisap saki baki yang masih ada di dalam vaginanya.
Apabila hanna sudah mereda, aku pun bangkit berdiri di tepi ranjang. Seperti mengerti apa yang aku ingin lakukan, hanna pun turut bangkit dan duduk di tepi ranjang menghadap ke arah ku. hanna terus mencapai celana dalam ku dan melurutnya ke bawah sehingga terlepas. Batang ku tersembul dan mengacung ke hadapan. hanna terus menggenggam dan mengocoknya. Perlahan-lahan, masih dipenuhi dengan nafsu, hanna membuka mulutnya. Dalam beberapa detik sahaja, batang ku sudah pun berada di dalam mulutnya! Sungguh… ianya amat nikmat sekali. Seluruh batang ku dihisap dan dijilatinya semahu-mahunya. Biji-biji nya juga tidak terkecuali. Aku melihat perlakuannya dengan penuh rasa kagum. Wanita itu kelihatannya seperti benar-benar kehausan seks.
“Sayang…” hanna memandang ku. “I tak pernah buat macam ni dulu. Husband I tak bagi. Sekarang I nak buat apa yang lama I inginkan. You don’t mind?”
“No, honey. You buat lah apa sahaja yang you mau. Malam ni, I milik you.”
Buah dadanya yang terdedah berhayun-hayun mengikut gerakan tubuhnya. Aku segera mencapai buah dadanya lalu meramas-ramasnya. Putingnya ku tarik-tarik dan picit-picit. Semakin lama, semakin keras hisapan yang dilakukan oleh hanna membuatkan aku semakin mendekati orgasme ku. Aku segera memberhentikan hanna. Aku menyuruhkan membalikkan tubuhnya sambil berlutut. Sudah tiba masanya untuk kami melayari bahtera kami. hanna mengerti kemahuan ku dan tanpa berlengah dia membuat posisinya di hadapan ku. Aku mendekatinya lalu memeluk tubuhnya dari arah belakang. Aku sempat mencium dan menjilat seluruh bahagian belakang tubuhnya sambil meramas buah dadanya yang bergantungan.
Setelah puas menciumnya, aku membantunya untuk menungging di hadapan ku. Aku yang berdiri di belakangnya dapat melihat dengan jelas belahan vaginanya yang diapit oleh pehanya. Pantatnya pula lebar, bulat dan penuh berisi. Aku tidak mampu menahan kegeraman ku lalu aku segera mencengkam pantatnya. Kemudian aku membenamkan mulut ku di belahan vaginanya. Aku menghisap vaginanya dengan kuat sehingga bunyi-bunyi nikmat kedengaran dengan jelas. Pantat hanna bergerak ke kiri dan kanan. Kadang-kadang dia menyuakan pantatnya ke muka ku. Sebelah tangan ku pula sibuk di buah dadanya, memicit dan menarik-narik putingnya.
Suara desahan dan erangan hanna kembali memenuhi ruangan bilik itu. Nafas kami menderu laju dan keras seperti nafsu kami yang sudah tidak tertahan lagi.
Pada mulanya aku ingin melakukan doggy style tetapi kemudiannya berubah fikiran. Aku ingin melihat hanna mengalami orgasme sepuas-puasnya. Aku memberhentikan aksi ku lalu naik ke atas katil. Aku berbaring terlentang dengan batang ku menegak.
“Mari, sayang….”Aku menarik lembut lengan hanna.
hanna menurut sahaja. Matanya kuyu. Nafasnya berat. Perlahan-lahan aku membantunya menaiki tubuh ku, mengambil kedudukan mengangkang berhadapan dengan ku. Aku menahan pantatnya sambil sebelah tangan ku memegang batang ku. Aku menggosok-gosok batang ku pada clitoris nya. Dirangsang sedemikian rupa, hanna bertambah bernafsu. Dia tunduk mencari mulut ku dan terus mengulum dengan hangat sekali. Aku membalas kulumannya sambil menggentel clitorisnya.
“Ahhhhhhhhh.. ..sayang. ..”hanna melepaskan kulumannya lalu mendesah.
Aku memaut tubuhnya lebih rapat ke tubuhku. Mulut kami bertemu lagi. Jari ku pula masih ligat menggosok dan menggentel clitorisnya. Setelah cukup puas dalam keadaan itu, aku menggenggam batang ku lagi dan mengarahkannya ke lubang vagina hanna yang sudah basah dan licin. hanna yang sudah lama menanti mula menurunkan pantatnya perlahan-lahan. Agak sukar juga batang ku untuk memasuki ruang vaginanya sehingga aku harus membetulkan kedudukan ku di bawah tubuh hanna. Akhirnya batangku tenggelam habis di dalam vagina hanna. Hangat. Nikmat. Aku mendiamkan seketika batang ku sambil memeluk tubuh hanna dengat erat sekali. Kemudian aku menarik perlahan batang ku dan menolak semula ke dalam vaginanya.
“Ohhh….sedap sekali, sayang! Pussy you sedap sangat!”Aku sempat memujinya.
hanna tidak menjawab. Hanya desahan dan rintihan nikmatnya sahaja yang kedengaran. Buat sementara waktu, aku tidak memberi ruang untuk hanna beraksi. Aku menyodok vaginanya dari bawah sambil tangan ku memeluk tubuhnya. Beberapa kali kepala batang ku bertembung dengan dinding vaginanya, menimbulkan sensasi dan nikmat yang sungguh luarbiasa rasanya. hanna semakin kuat terangsang. Sodokan ku semakin laju dan keras. Pelukan ku semakin erat. Aku membenamkan muka ku di lehernya dan menghisap kulitnya. hanna menjerit halus.
Aku mula terasa agak penat setelah beberapa minit di dalam keadaan itu. Aku melonggarkan pelukan ku dan membenarkan hanna mengangkat tubuhnya. Dia pula yang akan memulakan aksinya. Punggungnya diangkat sehingga batang ku hampir terlepas dari lubang vaginanya. Kemudian diturunkannya perlahan tetapi dengan agak keras, melurut batangku sehingga ke pangkalnya. Didiamkannya sebentar. Lubang vaginanya berdenyut dan tiba-tiba mencengkam batangku. Vaginanya mengemut batang ku dengan kuat sekali. Aku melihat wajah hanna. Dia kelihatan amat bernafsu, menikmati setiap yang dilakukannya. Matanya terpejam. Mulutnya terbuka. Terdengar desahan yang kuat. Tangannya berpegang kuat pada bingkai katil.
hanna bangun lagi dan sekali lagi dia menurunkan pantatnya, membenamkan seluruh batang ku di dalam vaginanya. Batang ku dicengkam dan dikemut dengan kuat lagi. Aku sungguh terpesona melihat aksinya. Akhirnya aku turut serta kerana aku sudah tidak tahan lagi melihat buah dadanya yang bergantungan seolah-olah meminta untuk diramas dan diuli. Aku terus mencengkam buah dadanya, meramas dan mengulinya dengan kuat. Putingnya ku picit dan tarik-tarik sehingga hanna meraung nikmat. Di bahagian bawah, aku menolak batang ku ke atas dan bertahan sekuat yang mampu untuk mengimbangi aksi hanna yang nampaknya bertambah agresif. Pergerakannya semakin galak. Tolakan ke bawahnya semakin terasa lebih berat dan padat sehingga katil itu bergoncang.
Melihat hanna semakin agresif, aku pun turut menjadi agresif. Aku sudah tidak puas dengan hanya terlentang di bawah tubuh indah hanna. Aku mengangkat separuh tubuh ku dan bertahan dengan siku kiri ku. Mulut ku terus menyambar buah dada hanna. Putingnya yang keras dan kemerahan itu ku hisap sambil pangkal buah dadanya ku ramas. Dalam waktu yang sama juga aku menyodok-nyodok batang ku dengan kuat ke dalam vagina hanna. Bergantian buah dada dan puting hanna aku hisap penuh nafsu.
hanna meracau, merintih, mengerang dan mendesah silih berganti. Sambil itu dia terus menekan dan mengemut batang ku dangan vaginanya.
“Ohh..yes.. yesss…Ohh. . sedap, sayang! Jangan berhenti! Ohhh…ohhh! !”
“Ohh..fuck me with your pussy! Sedap pussy you, hanna!”
Kami sudah bermandi peluh tetapi masing-masing sudah tidak memperdulikan nya. hanna tiba-tiba mengubah pergerakkannya. Dia mula mengayak dan menggosok vaginanya pada bulu-bulu di pangkal batangku dengan kuat.
“Oohhh..sayang. . I’m cumming…I’m cumming..!!”hanna sudah memberikan isyarat bahawa dia sudah menghampiri orgasmenya. Gerakannya dipercepatkan dan dikeraskan lagi. Dia tidak lagi turun naik tetapi lebih kepada mengayak-ayak batang ku. Klitorisnya digesel-gesel pada bulu-bulu di pangkal batang ku.
“Ohhhhhhhh… .sayaaaaaaaaaann nnggg!!! I’m cumming!! Oohhh!!! Oohhh!!!” hanna menekan batang ku dengan keras sekali, menguras seluruh tenaganya untuk mencapai orgasmenya yang paling nikmat. Berkali-kali dia menekan kuat vaginanya ke bawah, membenamkan batang ku di dalamnya yang mengeluarkan cairan licin yang cukup banyak sehingga batang dan kangkang ku turut basah dan licin. Suara raungannya jelas kedengaran kuat sehingga aku terpaksa menutup mulutnya dengan mulut ku agar suaranya tidak kedengaran sampai ke luar rumah itu.
Aku membaringkan tubuh ku semula sambil memaut dan memeluk tubuhnya dengan erat sekali seolah-olah tidak mahu melepaskannya. Mulut kami masih berkuluman. Aku menyodok batang ku semula dengan kuat ke dalam vagina hanna dan mendiamkannya. Vaginanya terus sahaja menyepit dan mengemut batang ku dengan sisa-sisa tenaga yang masih ada di dalam tubuh itu. Beberapa minit berlalu dan tubuh hanna mula mengendur. Tension yang berada di dalam tubuhnya mula reda.
Namun, aku ingin dia merasai sisa-sisa orgasmenya. hanna masih lagi kelihatan bernafsu walaupun agak kendur. Aku menolak tubuhnya perlahan-lahan sehingga dia terlentang di sebelah ku. Tanpa berlengah, aku terus mengambil posisi di celah kangkangnya yang ku buka luas. Aku membenamkan muka ku di celah kangkangnya. Mulut ku terus menempel pada vaginanya dan lidah ku mula beraksi lagi. hanna merintih apabila lidah ku bertemu dengan clitorisnya. Lidah ku menyapu ketulan daging lembut itu. Perlahan-lahan, aku menghisapnya.
“Sayang…ohhh! ! Ngilu, sayang…! Geli! Sedap!” hanna kembali meracau dan merintih.
Melihat reaksinya begitu, aku memperhebatkan gerakan lidah dan hisapan ku. Lidah ku menyapu dinding-dinding vaginanya, menjilat cairan licin yang membasahi vaginanya. Hisapan-hisapan ku menimbulkan bunyi-bunyi nikmat yang benar-benar menambah berahi. Tangan ku pula bermaharajalela di dada hanna, meramas dan menguli buah dadanya. hanna mengangkat kakinya dan meletakkannya di bahu ku. Tangannya meramas-ramas rambut ku.
Aku tidak mahu menunggu lama lagi lalu bangkit, membetulkan posisi ku. Kangkang hanna aku kuakkan luas-luas sehingga vaginanya ternganga. Aku sempat mengelus-elus vaginanya sebelum aku menggenggam batang ku, mengarahkan kepalanya ke lubang yang sudah basah dan licin itu. hanna menanti, mengangkat pehanya dan melebarkan lagi bukaan kangkangnya.
Perlahan tapi cukup pasti, aku menolak batang ku ke dalam lubang vagina hanna. Batang ku meluncur dengan mudah. Kepalanya bergesel dengan dinding vaginanya. hanna mengerang nikmat. Dia mengangkat kepalanya, melihat ke arah kangkang kami. Dia kelihatan begitu kagum dengan pemandangan yang dilihatnya. Batang ku sedang memasuki tubuhnya! Aku membenamkan seluruh batang ku sedalam-dalamnya dan membiarkannya seketika. Kemudian aku menarik batang ku sehingga kepalanya hampir kelihatan. Aku sengaja tidak menolaknya ke dalam lagi. Kepalanya ku main-mainkan di mulut lubang vagina yang memerah itu.
hanna hilang sabar! Dia merentap pinggang ku dan menarik tubuhku ke bawah sehingga tubuh ku menindih tubuhnya. Kakinya terus mengunci pinggang ku.
“Sayang…jangan mainkan I, pleasee.. Puaskan I, sayanggg… I dah lama tak rasa macam ni. Puaskan, I….” hanna merayu dalam rintihannya.
Aku hanya tersenyum. hanna terus menyambar mulut ku dan kami berkuluman lagi dengan hangat. Tangannya memeluk ku dengan erat. Kakinya yang mengunci pinggang ku berusaha untuk menarik-narik pinggang ku ke bawah. Aku mengerti keinginan hanna lalu mula menuruti gerakan kakinya. Aku mula dengan agak lembut dan perlahan tetapi gerakan kaki hanna agak keras. Aku mempercepatkan gerakan pinggang ku. Semakin cepat dan keras. hanna melepaskan kulumannya. Mulutnya terbuka. Desahannya mula kedengaran lagi diikuti dengan rintihan dan erangannya.
Pergerakan pinggang ku sudah tidak terkawal lagi apabila melihat hanna yang semakin hanyut dan khayal dalam kenikmatan. Rintihan dan racauannya sudah tidak keruan lagi. Bergoncang tubuh sensualnya mengikut sodokan batang ku. Aku menguras segenap tenaga ku untuk memompa dan menyodok lubang vaginanya. Bunyi-bunyi nikmat jelas kedengaran dari celah kangkang kami. Apabila agak penat menindih tubuhnya aku mengangkat tubuhku dan bertahan dengan tangan. Sekali sekala hanna mengangkat kepalanya untuk melihat batang ku menerjah ke dalam lubang vaginanya. Semakin bernafsu jadinya dia.
“Tunggu dulu, sayang..”hanna tiba-tiba menahan gerakan ku. Dia menolak sedikit tubuh ku sehingga batang ku terlepas dari vaginanya. Dia mengambil T-shirtnya lalu mengelap batang ku yang berkilat dan licin disebabkan cairan dari vaginanya. Kemudian, dia menggenggam batang ku dan mengarahkan kepalanya ke vaginanya semula. Aku menekan lagi. Agak sendat. Aku menggesek-gesek dinding vaginanya dan batang ku meluncur masuk lagi.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhh. …..sedap, sayang! Buat macam tadi. Tekan dalam-dalam, sayanggg!! Ohhh… Make love to me, pleaseeee… Make me cum!!” hanna kembali merayu ku.
Aku menyodok dan menghentak lagi. Kami kembali beraksi tanpa menghiraukan keadaan sekeliling lagi. Peluh membasahi tubuh kami, menimbulkan bau erotik yang sukar digambarkan. Kepala batang ku berdenyut, menandakan aku akan sampai ke kemuncak tidak lama lagi.
“Sayang….I dah nak sampai…” Aku mempercepatkan lagi pergerakan ku.
“Tahan, sayang… I’m almost there too!! Oohhhhh….. oohhhh… uuhhh…Sedapnya , sayang. I love it! I love you!”
Aku memompa sekuat-kuat tenagaku. Aku memeluk tubuh hanna sambil menghisap lehernya. Erangan dan rintihan hanna bergema di telinga ku. Kakinya turut sama menekan-nekan pinggang ku. Tubuh kami melekat bagaikan satu. Beberapa kali aku membetulkan posisi kami yang berubah disebabkan oleh pergerakan tubuh kami yang agresif dan ganas.
Akhirnya, dengan satu tujahan yang keras dan dalam, batang ku menyemburkan isinya memenuhi liang vagina hanna. Vaginanya turut mengemut kuat batangku seolah-olah memeras segala isinya untuk keluar. Aku menyodok-nyodok batangku semula beberapa kali dengan harapan hanna akan ikut orgasme. Tepat seperti jangkaan ku.. Tubuh hanna mengejang lagi walaupun tidak sekuat orgasme pertamanya. Kami berpelukan erat. Aku membiarkan batang ku tetap berada di dalam vagina hanna sehingga kami benar-benar terkulai.
Selang beberapa waktu, aku berbaring di sisi hanna, tersenyum melihat dirinya yang kelihatan seperti benar-benar puas setelah sekian lama tidak menikmati hubungan badan yang benar-benar nikmat. Nafasnya masih menderu laju. Aku menarik tubuhnya merapati tubuhku lalu memeluknya dengan hangat. Aku meramas lembut buah dadanya sambil memainkan putingnya. hanna menoleh ke arah ku sambil tersenyum. Dia mengucup lembut bibirku dan aku pasti malam itu tidak akan berlalu begitu sahaja tanpa pertarungan nafsu yang benar-benar hebat .
“hanna sunyi… Siapa lah kamu ini agaknya?” aku tertanya-tanya sendiri.
Watak ‘hanna sunyi’ itu benar-benar menarik perhatian ku. Sejak dia mula-mula masuk ke dalam chatroom, dia menyapa sesiapa sahaja termasuk aku. Bahasanya ringkas, lepas-lepas dan santai, seringkali juga berbau lucah. Kadang-kadang lucu juga si hanna sunyi itu. Aku menyenanginya.
Begitulah awalnya aku mengenali hanna. Aku tetap memanggilnya ‘hanna’ walaupun aku sudah tahu nama sebenarnya. Kali pertama mendapat kiriman photonya aku memang terpesona bila melihat wajahnya. 100% wajah wanita melayu. Berusia 35 tahun, hitam manis, bertudung kuning muda sambil tersenyum manis. Bibirnya cukup sensual pada pandangan ku. 3 bulan setelah mengenalinya aku sudah tahu serba sedikit mengenai dirinya. Dia telah bersuami dan mempunyai 3 orang anak.
Selama mengenalinya, kami sering berbual-bual di dalam private room. Bermula dengan perbualan biasa sehinggalah ke perkara-perkara yang agak peribadi. Aku akhirnya mengetahui bahawa hanna sebenarnya digantung tidak bertali oleh suaminya. Menurutnya, suaminya itu telah meninggalkan dia begitu sahaja. hanna tidak tahu samada dia sudah diceraikan ataupun tidak. Setahun lebih dia cuba berurusan dengan suaminya itu tetapi usahanya sia-sia. Akhirnya dia membiarkan sahaja semuanya. Disebabkan kebingungan, hanna mula chatting di internet. Katanya boleh menghilangkan kebosanan dan stress. Aku mengiyakannya sahaja.
Semakin lama kami semakin akrab. Perbualan kami tidak lagi terhad kepada perbualan biasa malah kami berbual mengenai apa sahaja termasuk urusan seks. hanna tidak segan mengakui bahawa dia memang menyenangi seks yang sihat tetapi semenjak ditinggalkan oleh suaminya, dia tidak lagi merasai kenikmatan itu. Sebenarnya, sebelum ditinggalkan, suaminya memang sudah dingin terhadap hanna. Entah apa sebab sebenarnya hanna tiba-tiba ‘menghilangkan diri’ pada suatu ketika. Lebih dari sebulan dia tidak masuk ke dalam chatroom. Aku menjadi tertanya-tanya. Dalam tempoh ‘kehilangan’nya itu aku akui memang merinduinya. Sebelum kehilangannya itu kami sangat mesra malah sering ‘berpeluk-pelukan’ dan ‘berciuman’ di dalam private room. Ketiadaannya membuatkan aku merasa kehilangan. Namun hanna akhirnya muncul juga pada suatu malam. Aku tidak menyedari kehadirannya sehinggalah dia ‘private message’ aku. Sungguh aku merasa cukup gembira dengan kehadirannya sehingga aku menghujaninya dengan ikon ‘kiss’ smiley yang banyak. hanna juga mengakui yang dia juga rindu pada ku. Kami berbalas-balas ikon ‘kiss’ dan ‘pelukan’.
“Kemana you pergi menghilangkan diri lama sangat?” tanyaku.
“Sorry, sayang. I jatuh sakit.”
“Aa’aa. I terpaksa balik ke kampung, berubat kat sana.”
“Kenapa tak pergi hospital?”
“Tak boleh, sayang. I kena buatan orang. Pasal itu lah I berubat cara kampung.”
“Buatan orang? Siapa yang buat?”
“I tak nak cakap pasal perkara itulah, sayang. Biarkan sahaja. Perkara dah lepas.”
“Owh, ok. Sekarang ini macamana? Dah sihat?”
“Aa’aa. Dah sihat macam biasa. Monday nanti dah boleh kerja balik.”
“Baguslah kalau macam tu. Sekarang ni you kat mana? Rumah?”
“Yup. I baru sampai petang tadi.”
“Anak-anak apa khabar?”
“Semuanya sihat, yang. Dia orang masih kat kampung. Sekarang ni kan cuti sekolah.”
“Ya tak ya jugak. So, you seorang lah kat rumah tu?”
“Aa’aa. I seorang je. Rumah ni terasa sunyi lah. Anak-anak tak’de.”
“Kalau sunyi, pergi lah jalan-jalan. Sekarang kan baru pukul 8 malam.”
“Tak nak lah. Lagipun I tak suka jalan-jalan seorang malam-malam macam ni.”
“Kalau jalan-jalan dengan I mahu tak?”
“Ya. Sekarang!”
Sebenarnya tempat tinggal hanna tidaklah begitu jauh dari tempat tinggal ku. Dia di bandaraya AS. Aku pula di bandar kecil K Jaraknya hanya lebih kurang 45minit perjalanan menggunakan kereta.
“Tapi you kan jauh kat K?” hanna masih ragu-ragu dengan cadangan ku.
“Jauh tu, tak lah jauh sangat. Kalau I driving sekarang, I boleh sampai before 9.00 p.m. You belum habis bersolek, I dah sampai kat AS! Hehehe..”
“OK lah. I tunggu you. Kita jumpa kat mana?”
“You tunggu je kat rumah. Sampai nanti I call you, OK?”
Akhirnya aku segera memecut keretaku di jalanraya. Untung sahaja kereta pada waktu itu agak kurang di atas jalan sehingga aku dapat tiba di bandaraya AS sebelum pukul 9 malam. Tiba di situ, aku memberhentikan kereta ku di tepi sebuah jalan lalu aku segera menghubungi hanna.
“hanna? I dah sampai ni.”
“Cepat juga? Ni mesti bawa kereta laju-laju!”
“Jangan membebel, please! You ni dah ready ke belum?”
“Dah! Kita jumpa kat mana?”
“I datang jemput you kat rumah. You bagi I alamat rumah you.”
hanna memberikan alamat rumahnya dan setelah itu aku pun segera menuju ke alamat tersebut. Tidak terlalu sukar untuk aku mencari rumahnya kerana aku memang pernah pergi ke kawasan perumahan itu. Tiba di depan rumahnya, aku menelefon hanna lagi untuk memaklumkannya dan dia segera keluar mendapatkan aku. Hati ku agak berdebar-debar juga pada waktu itu kerana itu merupakan pertemuan pertama kami. Aku menarik nafas dalam-dalam untuk cuba menenangkan diri.
hanna mengenakan seluar panjang labuh dan blouse berlengan panjang. Semuanya serba hitam termasuk tudungnya yang lebih kelihatan seperti selendang untuk menutup rambutnya. Sebaik sahaja hanna duduk di sebelah ku, dia menghulurkan tangannya untuk bersalam dengan ku.
“Hi.” Katanya dengan suara yang cukup manja. Gayanya kelihatan agak manja.
“Hi. Dah lama menunggu?” Aku menyambut tangannya yang terasa lembut. Aku belum dapat melihat jelas wajahnya kerana keadaan sekeliling agak gelap.
“I sempat menonton TV tadi!”
“Sorry. Kereta I tak boleh pergi laju lagi. Hehehe.”
Belum pun sempat hanna berkata-kata lagi, aku menarik tangannya yang masih digenggam ku lalu segera aku mencium pipinya. Pipi itu terasa lembut sekali. Aroma harum dari tubuhnya menusuk ke dalam hidung ku membuatkan aku merasa tenang. hanna tidak cuba mengelak ciuman ku.
“Next time, I akan cuba sampai lebih awal. Promise!” kataku, masih mengenggam tangannya.
hanna hanya tersenyum. Aku mencium pipinya lagi. Aku melepaskan genggaman ku lalu memalingkan wajahnya ke arah ku. Bibirnya yang sensual itu terus dicium ku dengan lembut.
Di luar jangkaan ku, hanna terus memainkan lidahnya dan tentu sahaja aku tidak mahu hanya sekadar mengucup. Aku menekan bibir ku untuk melakukan french kiss. Kami akhirnya berkuluman hangat. Beberapa saat berlalu dan bibir kami berpisah. Aku masih lagi menatap wajahnya.
“Sayang, kalau berterusan macam ini, tidak jadi jalan-jalan kita nanti.” godanya. Aku tersengih.
“Kalau tak jadi pun, I tak kisah. Asalkan dapat jumpa you.”
“Jom lah. I teringin nak menonton wayang.” Katanya lagi.
Akhirnya kami pun meluncur meninggalkan rumah hanna menuju ke pusat bandaraya. Aku membawa keretaku menuju ke sebuah panggung yang biasa aku kunjungi tetapi hanna agak kecewa kerana kesemua cerita yang ditayangkan tidak menepati seleranya. Aku mengajaknya ke sebuah restoran untuk minum sebelum mencari panggung yang lain.
“hanna, I tak tau panggung wayang yang lain selain dari yang tadi tu. Kita nak pergi panggung mana lepas ni? Tanyaku ketika kami sedang minum. Aku memandang tepat ke arahnya. Aku sempat melirik ke arah gundukan isi di dadanya yang membusung, dibalut oleh baju sendatnya.
“Habis tu kita nak kemana?”tanyanya kembali.
“Entahlah. Tapi I dah lama teringin nak duduk kat tepi laut malam-malam macam ni. I nak menghirup udara laut.”
“Good idea!” mata hanna bersinar-sinar. “Kita pergi kuala la!”tambahnya lagi.
Kami segera menghabiskan minuman kami dan setelah itu kami terus menuju ke kuala. Waktu ketika itu sudah menunjukkan pukul 10 malam. Kami tiba di kuala lebih kurang sejam kemudian. Aku meletakkan kereta ku di sebuah tempat letak kereta dan kami terus berjalan ke arah laut. Di laut, kami berjalan bergandengan umpama sepasang kekasih. Setelah puas berjalan , kami duduk di atas sebuah batu besar menghadap ke laut. Angin yang menderu sejuk benar-benar menyelesakan. Udaranya terasa begitu segar.
Aku menyandar pada dinding batu. hanna pula duduk di sebelah kananku, dan bersandar pada dada ku. Wangian harum dari tubuhnya bercampur dengan udara segar memang membuatkan aku selesa sekali. Aku memeluk tubuhnya dengan erat. Aku mendekatkan hidungku ke tengkuknya untuk menghirup wangian harum dari tubuh hanna tetapi terhalang oleh tudung yang dipakainya. Perlahan-lahan aku cuba melepaskan tudungnya. hanna tidak menghalangku. Tudung yang sudah terlepas itu aku letakkan disisi ku. Aku turut melepaskan ikatan rambut hanna. Rambutnya yang panjang melepasi bahu itu terurai sebaik sahaja dilepaskan dari ikatannya.
Aku mencium rambutnya. “Hmm…rambut you cantik.” Pujiku dengan spontan.
“Thank you.”jawabnya.
“Wanginya you ni!” Aku terus mendekatkan lagi hidungku sehingga ia bersentuhan dengan tengkuk hanna. Spontan sahaja tubuhnya bertindakbalas kerana kegelian.
“Geli, yaaang!”hanna terus menangkap kepala ku.
Aku tidak memperdulikan kata-katanya. Aku terus mencium dan kadang-kadang menjilat kecil kulit tengkuknya. Lama-kelamaan, reaksi hanna mula berubah menjadi desahan dan erangan lembut. Aku meraba-raba bahagian perutnya dan setelah itu tanganku mula mendapatkan gundukan buah dada yang membusung itu. hanna tidak menghalang tangan ku. Sengaja aku tidak terus meramas buah dadanya melainkan hanya menyentuh dan memicit lembut di sekitar pangkal buah dadanya. Aku turut mencium pipinya dan sekali sekala aku memagut bibirnya dari arah samping. Aku sengaja tidak mahu melakukan ciuman berghairah untuk memancing nya. Cukup sekadar memagut dan menghisap bibirnya. hanna semakin kuat bereaksi. Aku sedar bahawa nafsunya sudah menaik. Aku memutarkan tubuhnya sehingga dia menghadap ke arah ku. Tubuhnya aku sandarkan pada peha kiri yang aku angkat. Kedudukannya itu memudahkan tangan kanan ku menerokai tubuhnya.
Aku menatap wajahnya dalam cahaya yang samar-samar itu. Begitu ayu dan manis pada pandangan ku. Aku mendekatkan wajah ku ke wajahnya lalu bibir kami bertemu. Mula-mula hanya ciuman lembut tetapi kemudiannya berubah menjadi french kiss yang hangat dan nikmat. hanna tidak lagi menahan dirinya. Dia merangkul ku dan menghisap lidah ku semahu-mahunya. Aku hampir lemas dibuatnya. Untuk mengimbangi perlakuannya, aku mula menerokai tubuhnya dengan tangan kanan ku yang bebas. Aku mula menyentuh buah dadanya. Kedua isi pejal itu diuli dan diramas ku dengan agak kuat.
Tidak puas dengan itu, aku memasukkan tangan ku ke dalam bajunya. Terasa hangat. Aku menyentuh kulit pangkal buah dadanya. Halus sekali rasanya. Perutnya yang sudah terdedah itu juga ku usap-usap lembut sambil aku melayani serangan mulut hanna. Tangan ku menemui klip bra yang dipakai oleh hanna. Ianya terletak di hadapan dan dengan mudah sekali aku melepaskannya. Kini, buah dadanya terdedah dan tersembul bagaikan ingin melompat. Tanpa melihat, aku terus menyambar buah dadanya. Terus diuli, diramas dan digentel-gentel putingnya yang rasanya sebesar kuku jari tangan. Putingnya berdiri keras!
Aku melepaskan aksi french kiss kami kerana aku ingin sekali melihat buah dada hanna yang sedang dikerjakan oleh tangan kanan ku. Saat aku menatapnya, aku sungguh terpesona dangan kemolekan buah dadanya. Cukup padat dan pejal serta tidak keterlaluan besar. Mungkin sekitar 34c. Tanpa diminta atau disuruh, mulut ku terus menyambar putingnya. Aku menghisapnya dengan lembut dan kemudiannya memutar-mutar lidah ku di sekeliling putingnya. Selesai satu, aku berpindah pada puting yang satu lagi.
hanna memang sudah mendesah-desah dan mengerang tidak keruan lagi walaupun suaranya seperti ditahan-tahan. Kemudiannya, aku mula menghisap dan menyedut puting dan isi di pangkalnya berkali-kali dengan kuat dan bernafsu. Tubuh hanna terangkat-angkat bila aku menghisap buah dadanya. Bersamaan dengan itu, dia mengerang nikmat.
“Uuuhhhhh…. …uuuhhhhhh. ……..hhaahhhh …….”
Aku berhenti. “You like it, sayang?”tanya ku menggoda.
“Ohhhh..yes.. .Buat lagi, sayang. I love it!”Matanya terpejam.
Aku melepaskan serangan ku pada buah dadanya untuk menerokai leher hanna yang halus dan lembut kulitnya. Aku mula mencium lembut dan kemudian mengubahnya kepada jilatan dan hisapan penuh nafsu berahi. Aku menerokai setiap inci lehernya. hanna menggeliat kegelian dan kenikmatan. Kali ini, dia sudah tidak terkendali lagi. Berkali-kali dia menangkap kepala ku dan menghujani mulut dan wajahku dengan ciumannya.
Aku mengubah corak serangan ku. Kali ini, bergantian leher, dada dan buah dada hanna diserang oleh mulut dan lidah ku. Suara desahan dan erangan serta pekikan kecil hanna sudah jelas kedengaran. Bimbang juga aku kerana takut didengari oleh seseorang yang mungkin kebetulan berada hampir dengan kami. Namun, aku sudah dikuasai oleh nafsu. Aku sudah tidak peduli lagi.
Tangan kanan ku yang bebas aku pergunakan untuk meramas-ramas dan menekan celah kangkang hanna. Jari-jari ku menggaru dan mengusap lembut di situ. Aku dapat merasakan vaginanya yang di bawah celananya itu bereaksi berdenyut. Aku bertambah geram. Tubuh hanna juga bereaksi setiap kali jari-jari ku memainkan celah kangkangnya. Gerakan tubuhnya seperti menyua-yuakan celah kangkangnya untuk diusap dan diramas oleh tangan ku. Aku tidak puas meramas begitu lalu aku mencari button dan zip celana panjangnya. Kedua-duanya aku lepaskan tanpa perlawanan dari hanna. Dia seperti merelakannya malah dia turut mengangkat sedikit pantatnya untuk memudahkan aku melurutkan celana panjangnya sehingga celana dalamnya terdedah. Aku menelan ludah melihat suatu pemandangan yang begitu indah. Tangan ku terus menyusuri pehanya yang halus dan lembut. Perlahan sahaja tetapi menyebabkan kesan yang amat dirasai oleh hanna. Pehanya bergerak-gerak, mungkin kerana dia menahan rasa geli dan nikmat. Setelah puas berbuat begitu, aku menyusuri bahagian dalam pehanya. Aku tidak menyentuh terus vaginanya kerana sedikit agak sukar. Pehanya tidak dapat dibuka lebih luas kerana celananya masih ada di situ. Namun, itu tidak menghalang ku.
Perlahan-lahan aku mula menyentuh bahagian atas vaginanya yang masih ditutupi celana dalamnya. Aku mengusap-usap lembut. Sambil itu, aku masih lagi menghujani mulut dan tubuh hanna dengan ciuman dan kucupan serta jilatan lidah ku. Ada kalanya aku berhenti untuk menatap tubuhnya dan mengambil nafas. Vaginanya terus ku layani dan celana dalamnya mula lembab. Aku yakin yang vaginanya sudah lama bereaksi terhadap sentuhan ku. Aku tidak mahu menunggu lama lalu aku menyelinapkan jari ku di bawah celana dalamnya. Hmm..bulu-bulu halus tersentuh oleh jari ku. Aku mengusap di situ. Kemudian aku mula mencari sasaran seterusnya. Jari ku menemui belahan vaginanya. Terasa hangat dan licin. Klitorisnya sudah terasa kembang. Aku menggentelnya. hanna terpekik lembut.
“Haahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. …..sayangg. ..” hempasan nafasnya kedengaran berat.
Aku menatap wajahnya. Dahinya berkerut. Matanya terpejam. Hanya mulutnya yang terbuka sedikit sambil nafasnya menderu laju.
“You suka, sayang?”
“Suka, yaangg…Oohhh. ..uuhhhh. …lagi, sayang! Jangan berhenti, pleaseee!”
Mendengar pengakuan itu, aku bertambah girang dan bernafsu sekali. Aku percepatkan gentelan ku pada klitorisnya. Beberapa kali juga jari ku menyelinap masuk ke dalam lubang nikmatnya yang sudah basah dan licin itu. Sambil itu juga aku meneruskan serangan ku pada bahagian-bahagian lain di tubuhnya yang sensitif terutama sekali buah dada dan lehernya dengan mulut dan lidah ku. Aku langsung tidak memberi ruang untuk hanna menguasai ku atau membalas kembali apa yang aku lakukan terhadapnya. Apabila dia kelihatan seperti mahu mencium ku, aku mengelak dengan mencium buah dadanya atau lehernya. Dia mengetahuinya dan itu membuatkan dia semakin kuat bereaksi.
Sekitar 20 minit kami berada dalam aksi itu. Aku hampir kepenatan. Reaksi hanna sudah menunjukkan tanda-tanda dia akan orgasme. Aku menunggu sehingga dia menghampiri ke puncak. Aku segera memperhebatkan serangan ku. Tidak lama kemudian aku merasai sedikit ketengangan pada otot-otot pehanya. Dia akan segera orgasme.
“Sayanggg…. I nak keluar…I nak… keluar…..”katanya tertahan-tahan. “Sikit lagi, sayanggg…. Sikit lagiiii..Jangan berhenti! Jangan berhenti..! Oohhhhh…Uuhhhh. .”
Tiba-tiba aku menghentikan semuanya. Aku berhenti menciumnya. Aku berhenti mengganyang vaginanya. Aku menarik tangan ku. hanna tersedar dari khayalnya.
“Sayanggg!!!! Kenapa berhenti? I dah mau sampai tadi.”
Aku diam sebentar, membiarkan hanna terpingga-pingga dan tertanya-tanya. Aku menatapnya sambil tangan ku masih memeluk pinggangnya. Melihat aku masih belum menjawab pertanyaannya,hanna segera bertanya lagi.
“Kenapa, yang?”
Aku akhirnya menjawab. “Tidak ada apa-apa, sayang. I cuma tak mahu meneruskannya. Itu saja.”
“Kenapa? U tidak suka dengan I?”
“Bukan begitu. You lihat lah tempat ni. Kalau kita teruskan tadi, kita akan make love atas batu ni. Kalau ada orang tiba-tiba muncul dan lihat kerja kita itu, bagaimana? Lagipun, I rasa tidak selesa duduk lama-lama macam ni. Atas batu pula tu”
Sebenarnya, semua yang aku katakan itu hanyalah sekadar alasan sahaja. Niat sebenar aku menghentikan permainan itu hanya satu sahaja. Aku ingin melihatnya meminta ku membuat yang lebih daripada aksi kami sebentar tadi.
Aku melihat jam tangan ku. Waktu menunjukkan pukul 12.42 tengah malam. hanna memandang ku dengan pandangan yang sayu.
“Sudahlah, sayang. Malam dah lewat. Kita pulang saja, ok?” kataku sambil membantunya merapikan tubuh dan pakaiannya yang terdedah dan terlepas sana-sini.
“Tapi…..” hanna kelihatan mahu memprotes.
“Apa dia?”Tanya ku, cuba untuk memancingnya.
“Dah tengah malam ni, sayang.”katanya. “Tak payah pulang ke K. I tak sedap hatilah kalau you pulang seorang diri. Nanti kalau apa-apa hal terjadi kat jalan, you juga yang susah.”tambahnya lagi.
“I boleh tidur dalam kereta.”
“Rumah I kan ada. Buat apa tidur dalam kereta? You tak sudi ke datang ke rumah I?”
“Bukan tak sudi. You tak jemput pun.”jawab ku bersahaja.
hanna mencubit lengan ku sehingga aku mengaduh kesakitan. Dia kelihatan seperti kegeraman.
“Sakit lah. Apa ni main cubit-cubit pula?”
“You ni buat I geram tau! Dah lah tadi tiba-tiba berhenti. Lepas tu kata I tak jemput dia.”
Aku hanya tersengih. Aku kembali membantunya mengenakan semula celananya. Aku sempat mengucup pipinya sebelum dia mengenakan kembali tudungnya.
“Kat rumah you nanti, I tidur kat mana?” aku coba menggodanya.
“Rumah I ada 2 kamar tidur. Satu untuk I, satu untuk anak-anak I. You nak tidur mana?” hanna pula yang menggoda ku. Hampir tidak menjadi strategi ku.
“Itu kan rumah you. You yang jadi tuan rumah. So, terpulang dengan you nak suruh I tidur mana.”jawab ku sekenanya.
“Kalau I suruh you tidur dalam toilet, bagaimana?”hanna cuba bercanda.
“Kalau dalam toilet, lebih baik I pulang ke K!”
“Jangan! I tak mau you pulang.”hanna segera menarik lengan ku. “Hmm….I nak you kongsi bed dengan I, ok?” katanya lagi dengan gaya yang sedikit manja lalu terus berdiri.
Aku pun turut berdiri. Kami berjalan balik ke kereta ku bergandengan seperti mana ketika kami datang ke tempat itu beberapa jam sebelum itu. Cuaca sejuk sudah lama mengigit kulit sehingga kami terpaksa berjalan lebih cepat untuk sampai ke kereta. Sebaik sahaja kereta ku dihidupkan, aku pun terus memecut meninggalkan tempat itu.
Walaupun aku ingin lebih cepat tiba di rumah hanna, aku tidak mahu memecut terlalu laju kerana keadaan jalanraya yang mempunyai banyak selekoh merbahaya. Mata ku juga terasa sedikit mengantuk. Lebih kurang 30 minit berada di atas jalanraya, kami pun tiba di perkarangan rumah hanna. Keadaan di sekeliling agak gelap. Hanya ada sinaran cahaya daripada lampu-lampu jalan yang samar-samar. Rumah-rumah di situ sudah gelap kerana penghuni-penghuninya sudah lama dibuai mimpi.
hanna keluar dari kereta ku untuk membuka pintu pagar lalu terus membuka pintu rumahnya. Aku memandu kereta ku masuk ke tempat letak kereta dan berhenti di belakang kereta hanna yang ditinggalkannya di situ sebelum dia keluar dengan ku. Setelah memastikan keadaan kereta ku selamat untuk ditinggalkan, aku terus mengekori hanna masuk ke dalam rumahnya.
hanna tidak menghidupkan lampu di ruang tamu. Keadaan agak gelap sehingga dia menghidupkan lampu bilik tidurnya yang samar-samar. Aku terus menyertai hanna di dalam bilik tidurnya. Keadaan bilik tidur itu cukup kemas dan cantik. Haruman yang menyegarkan memenuhi ruang kecil itu. Katil yang cukup luas di tengah bilik itu menarik perhatian ku. Aku terus merebahkan tubuh ku di atas katil empuk itu. Tubuh ku terasa begitu selesa sekali setelah duduk di dalam kereta terlalu lama. Aku memandang sekeliling bilik itu. hanna tidak kelihatan. Rupa-rupanya, ada bilik air kecil di dalam bilik tidur itu.
Aku sedang mengelamun ketika hanna keluar dari bilik air kecil itu dengan hanya dibaluti oleh kain tuala putih yang menutupi tubuhnya separas peha. Aku sempat kagum melihat keadaannya itu. hanna tersenyum lalu menghampiri ku. Aku segera menarik tangannya sehingga dia terduduk di sebelah ku. Dia mengucup lembut bibir ku. Aku membalasnya menjadi ciuman hangat.
“Sayang..I nak bersihkan badan I dulu.” Katanya lembut. “Badan I terasa melekit-lekit.” Tambahnya lagi.
“Boleh I ikut?” aku menggodanya.
“Tak boleh! Nanti lain jadinya!” katanya dengan manja. hanna sempit mencubit lengan ku. Aku hanya tersengih. “You baring-baring lah, ok?”
“OK.”jawab ku pendek.
hanna meninggalkan ku bersendirian untuk masuk semula ke dalam bilik air itu. Aku bingkas bangun lalu menanggalkan baju dan jeans ku. Mana mungkin aku mahu tidur dengan baju dan jeans. Kemudian aku naik semula ke atas katil dan masuk ke dalam selimut. Aku berbaring sambil menunggu hanna selesai di dalam bilik air. Lama juga wanita itu di dalam bilik air. Aku hampir terlelap ketika dia keluar di situ. Aku segera bangkit lalu masuk ke dalam bilik air dan membersihkan diri seadanya. Tubuh ku terasa segar setelah aku selesai membersihkan diri.
Aku menyertai hanna di atas katil empuknya. Dia sudah pun berada di dalam selimutnya. Dengan hanya bercelana dalam aku pun masuk ke bawah selimut. Sebaik sahaja aku berada di sebelahnya, aku terus memeluk mesra tubuh harum hanna. Dia hanya memakai sehelai T-shirt tanpa bra. Di bahagian bawahnya dia hanya memakai panty.
“Hmmm….harumnya body you…” Aku mencium aroma harum dari tubuh wanita itu. hanna hanya tersenyum lalu mencium bibir ku. Aku segera membalasnya dengan hangat. Dari sekadar ciuman lembut, ia berubah menjadi kuluman penuh berahi. Tangan ku mula menjelajah ke perut hanna, menyelinap ke dalam T-shirt nya dan terus mendapatkan gudukan isi pejal dan padat di dadanya. Aku meramas-ramas lembut pangkal buah dadanya dan sekali sekala memintal-mintal puting-putingnya yang sudah berdiri keras. Sementara itu, bibir kami masih bertaut erat. Lidah saling berlaga.
Aku melepaskan bibir hanna untuk mencari sasaran lain. Bibir ku menemui lehernya yang jinjang. Kulitnya lembut dan harum. Aku membenamkan terus muka ku di situ sambil memagut kecil lehernya. Lidah ku juga mula beraksi. hanna mendesah kenikmatan. Nafasnya mula kencang. Erangannya juga mula kedengaran apabila aku semakin galak menjilat dan mencium lehernya. Tangan ku pula semakin mengganas di dadanya. Gundukan buah dadanya diramas dan diuli ku semahu-mahunya. Putingnya ku pintal-pintal, picit dan ku tarik sehingga tubuh hanna menggeliat. Suasana sudah bertambah panas. T-shirt hanna yang membataskan aksi kami segera ditanggalkan. Tubuh hanna sudah telanjang sepenuhnya. Hanya panty nya sahaja yang tertinggal tapi aku belum lagi mahu menanggalkan nya. Aku sempat memandang tubuh hanna sebelum meneruskan aksi kami. Sungguh mempersonakan sekali tubuh mulusnya itu sehingga aku tidak dapat menahan diri lagi dari terus membaham tubuh itu. Aku mencium tubuhnya bermula dari perut disertai dengan jilatan-jilatan bernafsu. Tangan ku juga tidak tinggal diam. Aku turut menggunakan hujung jari ku untuk meraba sambil menggaru lembut bahagian dalam peha hanna. Sentuhan lembut itu benar-benar telah membuatkan nafsu hanna bergelora. Dia meracau dan mengerang, menyebut sesuatu yang tidak jelas. Yang jelas, dia tidak mahu aku berhenti melakukan aksi ku. Bibir ku menemui buah dadanya. Pangkalnya ku jilat-jilat dan kemudiannya naik ke putingnya. Aku menggigit-gigit lembut putingnya.
“Oohhhhhhhhh. …sayangggg. ..Sedap, sayang. Hisap puting I, sayang…pleasee. . Hisap kuat-kuat!” hanna mengerang sambil merayu ku. Kedua-dua tangannya menangkap kepala ku lalu ditekannya ke bawah.
Aku membuka mulut ku seluas yang boleh lalu aku pun terus membaham buah dadanya. Dengan penuh nafsu aku menyedut bahagian atas buah dadanya dengan putingnya sekali. Tubuh hanna terangkat ke atas. Dia mengerang dengan kuat sambil menarik kepala ku ke arah dadanya. Perlahan-lahan aku melepaskan buah dadanya sedikit demi sedikit sehingga putingnya terlepas. Bergantian buah dadanya aku kerjakan seperti yang diinginkannya.
Kemudian aku kembali mencium dan menjilati tubuh harum itu. Perut, rusuk, buah dada dan lehernya terus menerus aku kerjakan bersamaan dengan suara desahan dan erangan hanna yang benar-benar membuatkan nafsu ku bergelora. Tangan hanna juga turut menerokai tubuh ku. Tangan kanannya sudah lama mengusik batang ku yang sedang menegang keras. Dengan rakusnya dia menarik celana dalam ku sehingga batang ku tersembul keluar. Tangannya segera meraih batang ku itu lalu digenggam dan dikocoknya dengan lembut. Aku membiarkan sahaja perlakuannya itu kerana aku juga menikmatinya.
Aku masih mahu menikmati gosokan dan kocokan tangan hanna itu tetapi aku juga ingin memberikan kenikmatan yang sama kepada wanita itu. Perlahan-lahan aku menukar posisi aku yang sedang separuh menindih tubuhnya. Aku menanggalkan pantynya perlahan-lahan sambil mencium perutnya. hanna membantuku dengan mengangkat sedikit pantatnya yang lebar dan berisi itu. Aku menarik pentynya sehingga ia terlepas dan melemparkannya ke atas lantai. Setelah itu aku kembali menyentuh bahagian dalam pehanya sebelum mulutku menemui gundukan isi yang ditutupi bulu-bulu halus di celah kangkangnya itu.
Aku terus menyentuh gundukan itu. Terasa hangat. Jari ku meneroka semakin jauh, menyentuh pula belahan vaginanya yang sudah basah dan licin. Kemudian aku menemui klitorisnya. Aku mengelus-elus lembut ketulan isi yang turut basah dan licin itu. hanna mengerang kuat apabila aku semakin keras mengelus dan menggentel klitorisnya. Sementara itu mulut ku sekali lagi menyerang buah dada dan lehernya.
“Sayang….sedap tak?” Aku sempat berbisik di telinganya sambil tangan ku terus beraksi di vaginanya.
“Sangat sedap sayang… Jangan berhenti! Ohhhhh…. Sayang…cium pussy I, pleasee… I nak rasa you cium pussy I, yanggg… Ohhhhh…pleaseeee” .
Aku tidak menunggu lama dan terus mengambil kedudukan yang cukup selesa di celah kangkang hanna yang sudah terbuka luas. Aku melipat lututnya dan aku terus sahaja mencium bahagian dalam pehanya dengan lembut. Kemudian, tanpa mengangkat muka, aku terus menjilat sehingga ke vaginanya. Sebaik sahaja lidah ku menyentuh klitorisnya, hanna terus memekik kenikmatan. Suaranya bergema di dalam bilik itu. Lidah ku terus memberus dan menggentel klitorisnya sehingga tubuhnya turut bergerak-gerak. Pantatnya terangkat-angkat apabila aku menyedut dan menghisap klitorisnya. Aku juga meramas-ramas buah dadanya untuk memberi sensasi dan kenikmatan yang lebih.
Cukup lama rasanya aku menjilat dan menghisap vagina wanita sehingga ke satu saat dia memekik lagi bersamaan dengan gerakan tubuh yang agak keras. Kedua-dua pehanya mengunci kepala ku sambil tangannya menekan kepala ku ke bawah. Itulah saat dia mencapai orgasme nya yang pertama. Otot-ototnya terasa keras dan kejang. Aku membiarkan dia menikmati setiap detik orgasmenya sehingga dia mereda. Cairan licin yang membasahi vaginanya tidak ku sia-siakan. Semuanya aku jilat dan telan semahu-mahunya. Tidak cukup dengan itu, aku menghisap saki baki yang masih ada di dalam vaginanya.
Apabila hanna sudah mereda, aku pun bangkit berdiri di tepi ranjang. Seperti mengerti apa yang aku ingin lakukan, hanna pun turut bangkit dan duduk di tepi ranjang menghadap ke arah ku. hanna terus mencapai celana dalam ku dan melurutnya ke bawah sehingga terlepas. Batang ku tersembul dan mengacung ke hadapan. hanna terus menggenggam dan mengocoknya. Perlahan-lahan, masih dipenuhi dengan nafsu, hanna membuka mulutnya. Dalam beberapa detik sahaja, batang ku sudah pun berada di dalam mulutnya! Sungguh… ianya amat nikmat sekali. Seluruh batang ku dihisap dan dijilatinya semahu-mahunya. Biji-biji nya juga tidak terkecuali. Aku melihat perlakuannya dengan penuh rasa kagum. Wanita itu kelihatannya seperti benar-benar kehausan seks.
“Sayang…” hanna memandang ku. “I tak pernah buat macam ni dulu. Husband I tak bagi. Sekarang I nak buat apa yang lama I inginkan. You don’t mind?”
“No, honey. You buat lah apa sahaja yang you mau. Malam ni, I milik you.”
Buah dadanya yang terdedah berhayun-hayun mengikut gerakan tubuhnya. Aku segera mencapai buah dadanya lalu meramas-ramasnya. Putingnya ku tarik-tarik dan picit-picit. Semakin lama, semakin keras hisapan yang dilakukan oleh hanna membuatkan aku semakin mendekati orgasme ku. Aku segera memberhentikan hanna. Aku menyuruhkan membalikkan tubuhnya sambil berlutut. Sudah tiba masanya untuk kami melayari bahtera kami. hanna mengerti kemahuan ku dan tanpa berlengah dia membuat posisinya di hadapan ku. Aku mendekatinya lalu memeluk tubuhnya dari arah belakang. Aku sempat mencium dan menjilat seluruh bahagian belakang tubuhnya sambil meramas buah dadanya yang bergantungan.
Setelah puas menciumnya, aku membantunya untuk menungging di hadapan ku. Aku yang berdiri di belakangnya dapat melihat dengan jelas belahan vaginanya yang diapit oleh pehanya. Pantatnya pula lebar, bulat dan penuh berisi. Aku tidak mampu menahan kegeraman ku lalu aku segera mencengkam pantatnya. Kemudian aku membenamkan mulut ku di belahan vaginanya. Aku menghisap vaginanya dengan kuat sehingga bunyi-bunyi nikmat kedengaran dengan jelas. Pantat hanna bergerak ke kiri dan kanan. Kadang-kadang dia menyuakan pantatnya ke muka ku. Sebelah tangan ku pula sibuk di buah dadanya, memicit dan menarik-narik putingnya.
Suara desahan dan erangan hanna kembali memenuhi ruangan bilik itu. Nafas kami menderu laju dan keras seperti nafsu kami yang sudah tidak tertahan lagi.
Pada mulanya aku ingin melakukan doggy style tetapi kemudiannya berubah fikiran. Aku ingin melihat hanna mengalami orgasme sepuas-puasnya. Aku memberhentikan aksi ku lalu naik ke atas katil. Aku berbaring terlentang dengan batang ku menegak.
“Mari, sayang….”Aku menarik lembut lengan hanna.
hanna menurut sahaja. Matanya kuyu. Nafasnya berat. Perlahan-lahan aku membantunya menaiki tubuh ku, mengambil kedudukan mengangkang berhadapan dengan ku. Aku menahan pantatnya sambil sebelah tangan ku memegang batang ku. Aku menggosok-gosok batang ku pada clitoris nya. Dirangsang sedemikian rupa, hanna bertambah bernafsu. Dia tunduk mencari mulut ku dan terus mengulum dengan hangat sekali. Aku membalas kulumannya sambil menggentel clitorisnya.
“Ahhhhhhhhh.. ..sayang. ..”hanna melepaskan kulumannya lalu mendesah.
Aku memaut tubuhnya lebih rapat ke tubuhku. Mulut kami bertemu lagi. Jari ku pula masih ligat menggosok dan menggentel clitorisnya. Setelah cukup puas dalam keadaan itu, aku menggenggam batang ku lagi dan mengarahkannya ke lubang vagina hanna yang sudah basah dan licin. hanna yang sudah lama menanti mula menurunkan pantatnya perlahan-lahan. Agak sukar juga batang ku untuk memasuki ruang vaginanya sehingga aku harus membetulkan kedudukan ku di bawah tubuh hanna. Akhirnya batangku tenggelam habis di dalam vagina hanna. Hangat. Nikmat. Aku mendiamkan seketika batang ku sambil memeluk tubuh hanna dengat erat sekali. Kemudian aku menarik perlahan batang ku dan menolak semula ke dalam vaginanya.
“Ohhh….sedap sekali, sayang! Pussy you sedap sangat!”Aku sempat memujinya.
hanna tidak menjawab. Hanya desahan dan rintihan nikmatnya sahaja yang kedengaran. Buat sementara waktu, aku tidak memberi ruang untuk hanna beraksi. Aku menyodok vaginanya dari bawah sambil tangan ku memeluk tubuhnya. Beberapa kali kepala batang ku bertembung dengan dinding vaginanya, menimbulkan sensasi dan nikmat yang sungguh luarbiasa rasanya. hanna semakin kuat terangsang. Sodokan ku semakin laju dan keras. Pelukan ku semakin erat. Aku membenamkan muka ku di lehernya dan menghisap kulitnya. hanna menjerit halus.
Aku mula terasa agak penat setelah beberapa minit di dalam keadaan itu. Aku melonggarkan pelukan ku dan membenarkan hanna mengangkat tubuhnya. Dia pula yang akan memulakan aksinya. Punggungnya diangkat sehingga batang ku hampir terlepas dari lubang vaginanya. Kemudian diturunkannya perlahan tetapi dengan agak keras, melurut batangku sehingga ke pangkalnya. Didiamkannya sebentar. Lubang vaginanya berdenyut dan tiba-tiba mencengkam batangku. Vaginanya mengemut batang ku dengan kuat sekali. Aku melihat wajah hanna. Dia kelihatan amat bernafsu, menikmati setiap yang dilakukannya. Matanya terpejam. Mulutnya terbuka. Terdengar desahan yang kuat. Tangannya berpegang kuat pada bingkai katil.
hanna bangun lagi dan sekali lagi dia menurunkan pantatnya, membenamkan seluruh batang ku di dalam vaginanya. Batang ku dicengkam dan dikemut dengan kuat lagi. Aku sungguh terpesona melihat aksinya. Akhirnya aku turut serta kerana aku sudah tidak tahan lagi melihat buah dadanya yang bergantungan seolah-olah meminta untuk diramas dan diuli. Aku terus mencengkam buah dadanya, meramas dan mengulinya dengan kuat. Putingnya ku picit dan tarik-tarik sehingga hanna meraung nikmat. Di bahagian bawah, aku menolak batang ku ke atas dan bertahan sekuat yang mampu untuk mengimbangi aksi hanna yang nampaknya bertambah agresif. Pergerakannya semakin galak. Tolakan ke bawahnya semakin terasa lebih berat dan padat sehingga katil itu bergoncang.
Melihat hanna semakin agresif, aku pun turut menjadi agresif. Aku sudah tidak puas dengan hanya terlentang di bawah tubuh indah hanna. Aku mengangkat separuh tubuh ku dan bertahan dengan siku kiri ku. Mulut ku terus menyambar buah dada hanna. Putingnya yang keras dan kemerahan itu ku hisap sambil pangkal buah dadanya ku ramas. Dalam waktu yang sama juga aku menyodok-nyodok batang ku dengan kuat ke dalam vagina hanna. Bergantian buah dada dan puting hanna aku hisap penuh nafsu.
hanna meracau, merintih, mengerang dan mendesah silih berganti. Sambil itu dia terus menekan dan mengemut batang ku dangan vaginanya.
“Ohh..yes.. yesss…Ohh. . sedap, sayang! Jangan berhenti! Ohhh…ohhh! !”
“Ohh..fuck me with your pussy! Sedap pussy you, hanna!”
Kami sudah bermandi peluh tetapi masing-masing sudah tidak memperdulikan nya. hanna tiba-tiba mengubah pergerakkannya. Dia mula mengayak dan menggosok vaginanya pada bulu-bulu di pangkal batangku dengan kuat.
“Oohhh..sayang. . I’m cumming…I’m cumming..!!”hanna sudah memberikan isyarat bahawa dia sudah menghampiri orgasmenya. Gerakannya dipercepatkan dan dikeraskan lagi. Dia tidak lagi turun naik tetapi lebih kepada mengayak-ayak batang ku. Klitorisnya digesel-gesel pada bulu-bulu di pangkal batang ku.
“Ohhhhhhhh… .sayaaaaaaaaaann nnggg!!! I’m cumming!! Oohhh!!! Oohhh!!!” hanna menekan batang ku dengan keras sekali, menguras seluruh tenaganya untuk mencapai orgasmenya yang paling nikmat. Berkali-kali dia menekan kuat vaginanya ke bawah, membenamkan batang ku di dalamnya yang mengeluarkan cairan licin yang cukup banyak sehingga batang dan kangkang ku turut basah dan licin. Suara raungannya jelas kedengaran kuat sehingga aku terpaksa menutup mulutnya dengan mulut ku agar suaranya tidak kedengaran sampai ke luar rumah itu.
Aku membaringkan tubuh ku semula sambil memaut dan memeluk tubuhnya dengan erat sekali seolah-olah tidak mahu melepaskannya. Mulut kami masih berkuluman. Aku menyodok batang ku semula dengan kuat ke dalam vagina hanna dan mendiamkannya. Vaginanya terus sahaja menyepit dan mengemut batang ku dengan sisa-sisa tenaga yang masih ada di dalam tubuh itu. Beberapa minit berlalu dan tubuh hanna mula mengendur. Tension yang berada di dalam tubuhnya mula reda.
Namun, aku ingin dia merasai sisa-sisa orgasmenya. hanna masih lagi kelihatan bernafsu walaupun agak kendur. Aku menolak tubuhnya perlahan-lahan sehingga dia terlentang di sebelah ku. Tanpa berlengah, aku terus mengambil posisi di celah kangkangnya yang ku buka luas. Aku membenamkan muka ku di celah kangkangnya. Mulut ku terus menempel pada vaginanya dan lidah ku mula beraksi lagi. hanna merintih apabila lidah ku bertemu dengan clitorisnya. Lidah ku menyapu ketulan daging lembut itu. Perlahan-lahan, aku menghisapnya.
“Sayang…ohhh! ! Ngilu, sayang…! Geli! Sedap!” hanna kembali meracau dan merintih.
Melihat reaksinya begitu, aku memperhebatkan gerakan lidah dan hisapan ku. Lidah ku menyapu dinding-dinding vaginanya, menjilat cairan licin yang membasahi vaginanya. Hisapan-hisapan ku menimbulkan bunyi-bunyi nikmat yang benar-benar menambah berahi. Tangan ku pula bermaharajalela di dada hanna, meramas dan menguli buah dadanya. hanna mengangkat kakinya dan meletakkannya di bahu ku. Tangannya meramas-ramas rambut ku.
Aku tidak mahu menunggu lama lagi lalu bangkit, membetulkan posisi ku. Kangkang hanna aku kuakkan luas-luas sehingga vaginanya ternganga. Aku sempat mengelus-elus vaginanya sebelum aku menggenggam batang ku, mengarahkan kepalanya ke lubang yang sudah basah dan licin itu. hanna menanti, mengangkat pehanya dan melebarkan lagi bukaan kangkangnya.
Perlahan tapi cukup pasti, aku menolak batang ku ke dalam lubang vagina hanna. Batang ku meluncur dengan mudah. Kepalanya bergesel dengan dinding vaginanya. hanna mengerang nikmat. Dia mengangkat kepalanya, melihat ke arah kangkang kami. Dia kelihatan begitu kagum dengan pemandangan yang dilihatnya. Batang ku sedang memasuki tubuhnya! Aku membenamkan seluruh batang ku sedalam-dalamnya dan membiarkannya seketika. Kemudian aku menarik batang ku sehingga kepalanya hampir kelihatan. Aku sengaja tidak menolaknya ke dalam lagi. Kepalanya ku main-mainkan di mulut lubang vagina yang memerah itu.
hanna hilang sabar! Dia merentap pinggang ku dan menarik tubuhku ke bawah sehingga tubuh ku menindih tubuhnya. Kakinya terus mengunci pinggang ku.
“Sayang…jangan mainkan I, pleasee.. Puaskan I, sayanggg… I dah lama tak rasa macam ni. Puaskan, I….” hanna merayu dalam rintihannya.
Aku hanya tersenyum. hanna terus menyambar mulut ku dan kami berkuluman lagi dengan hangat. Tangannya memeluk ku dengan erat. Kakinya yang mengunci pinggang ku berusaha untuk menarik-narik pinggang ku ke bawah. Aku mengerti keinginan hanna lalu mula menuruti gerakan kakinya. Aku mula dengan agak lembut dan perlahan tetapi gerakan kaki hanna agak keras. Aku mempercepatkan gerakan pinggang ku. Semakin cepat dan keras. hanna melepaskan kulumannya. Mulutnya terbuka. Desahannya mula kedengaran lagi diikuti dengan rintihan dan erangannya.
Pergerakan pinggang ku sudah tidak terkawal lagi apabila melihat hanna yang semakin hanyut dan khayal dalam kenikmatan. Rintihan dan racauannya sudah tidak keruan lagi. Bergoncang tubuh sensualnya mengikut sodokan batang ku. Aku menguras segenap tenaga ku untuk memompa dan menyodok lubang vaginanya. Bunyi-bunyi nikmat jelas kedengaran dari celah kangkang kami. Apabila agak penat menindih tubuhnya aku mengangkat tubuhku dan bertahan dengan tangan. Sekali sekala hanna mengangkat kepalanya untuk melihat batang ku menerjah ke dalam lubang vaginanya. Semakin bernafsu jadinya dia.
“Tunggu dulu, sayang..”hanna tiba-tiba menahan gerakan ku. Dia menolak sedikit tubuh ku sehingga batang ku terlepas dari vaginanya. Dia mengambil T-shirtnya lalu mengelap batang ku yang berkilat dan licin disebabkan cairan dari vaginanya. Kemudian, dia menggenggam batang ku dan mengarahkan kepalanya ke vaginanya semula. Aku menekan lagi. Agak sendat. Aku menggesek-gesek dinding vaginanya dan batang ku meluncur masuk lagi.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhh. …..sedap, sayang! Buat macam tadi. Tekan dalam-dalam, sayanggg!! Ohhh… Make love to me, pleaseeee… Make me cum!!” hanna kembali merayu ku.
Aku menyodok dan menghentak lagi. Kami kembali beraksi tanpa menghiraukan keadaan sekeliling lagi. Peluh membasahi tubuh kami, menimbulkan bau erotik yang sukar digambarkan. Kepala batang ku berdenyut, menandakan aku akan sampai ke kemuncak tidak lama lagi.
“Sayang….I dah nak sampai…” Aku mempercepatkan lagi pergerakan ku.
“Tahan, sayang… I’m almost there too!! Oohhhhh….. oohhhh… uuhhh…Sedapnya , sayang. I love it! I love you!”
Aku memompa sekuat-kuat tenagaku. Aku memeluk tubuh hanna sambil menghisap lehernya. Erangan dan rintihan hanna bergema di telinga ku. Kakinya turut sama menekan-nekan pinggang ku. Tubuh kami melekat bagaikan satu. Beberapa kali aku membetulkan posisi kami yang berubah disebabkan oleh pergerakan tubuh kami yang agresif dan ganas.
Akhirnya, dengan satu tujahan yang keras dan dalam, batang ku menyemburkan isinya memenuhi liang vagina hanna. Vaginanya turut mengemut kuat batangku seolah-olah memeras segala isinya untuk keluar. Aku menyodok-nyodok batangku semula beberapa kali dengan harapan hanna akan ikut orgasme. Tepat seperti jangkaan ku.. Tubuh hanna mengejang lagi walaupun tidak sekuat orgasme pertamanya. Kami berpelukan erat. Aku membiarkan batang ku tetap berada di dalam vagina hanna sehingga kami benar-benar terkulai.
Selang beberapa waktu, aku berbaring di sisi hanna, tersenyum melihat dirinya yang kelihatan seperti benar-benar puas setelah sekian lama tidak menikmati hubungan badan yang benar-benar nikmat. Nafasnya masih menderu laju. Aku menarik tubuhnya merapati tubuhku lalu memeluknya dengan hangat. Aku meramas lembut buah dadanya sambil memainkan putingnya. hanna menoleh ke arah ku sambil tersenyum. Dia mengucup lembut bibirku dan aku pasti malam itu tidak akan berlalu begitu sahaja tanpa pertarungan nafsu yang benar-benar hebat .
Saya bekerja sebagai seorang kerani akaun di sebuah kilang membuat bingkai gambar di pekan tempat tinggal saya sekeluarga. Saya terpaksa bekerja bagi membantu suami saya yang bergaji kecil untuk menyara kehidupan kami sekeluarga. Kilang tersebut tidak lah begitu besar. Kilang tersebut di miliki oleh seorang tauke cina bernama Mr Lim. Sudah hampir enam tahun saya bekerja dan hanya saya seorang yang berbangsa Melayu yang bekerja di situ di bahagian pentadbiran kilang itu bersama dua orang gadis cina.
Seperti biasa setiap hari suami saya akan menghantar anak-anak kami ke sekolah serta saya ke tempat kerja terlebih dahulu sebelum beliau pergi berkerja. Beliau berkerja syift di sebuah kilang yang lain . Pada hari itu saya berasa berat hati untuk pergi bekerja kerana merasa kurang sihat. Tetapi memandangkan hari itu saya perlu menguruskan laporan tahunan syarikat, maka terpaksalah saya gagahkan diri untuk hadir ke pejabat. Kebetulan pada pagi hari itu syarikat kami akan menerima seorang pengurus baru iaitu Mrs Lim yang juga merupakan isteri kepada tauke Lim yang terpaksa menguruskan cawangan baru syarikatnya yang beroperasi di Medan Indonesia. Semasa bertemu dengan kami pada hari pertama dia melaporkan diri, beliau ada bertanya kepada saya tentang siapa lagi yang berada di pejabat pada hari itu, dan saya beritahu dia bahawa hanya saya dan Swee Lan yang bertugas manakala Vivian pula mengambil cuti sakit. Beliau kemudian mengarahkan saya untuk membawa masuk semua fail-fail dokumen laporan akaun syarikat ke dalam bilik pejabatnya.
Mrs Lim mempunyai bentuk potongan badan yang seksi serta memiliki raut wajah yang ayu dan manis. Beliau memiliki ijazah di dalam bidang pentadbiran perniagaan dari Australia. Dia merupakan isteri kedua kepada tauke Lim dan di dalam usia di awal 30-an, beliau masih kelihatan muda. Kedutan dan garis-garis ketuaan masih belum kelihatan di wajah nya yang putih bersih itu. Beliau sentiasa berpakaian cantik dan anggun apabila ke pejabat. Saya selalu membiasakan diri saya kakak apabila berbicara dengannya kerana usia saya yang lebih tua sedikit daripada nya dan beliau amat senang menerimanya.
Semasa saya sedang duduk di meja kerja saya, dia datang menghampiri saya dan berdiri di sebelah saya sambil menundukkan kepala dan badan nya rapat kepada saya untuk menerangkan apa yang perlu saya buat. Saya tercium bau minyak wanginya yang mahal.Harumannya yang keras itu menyucuk ke lubang hidung saya.Saya terpandang akan rakan sekerja saya, Swee Lan dan Vivian sedang memandang sesama sendiri sambil tersenyum sinis.Saya naik hairan melihat mereka berpandangan seperti itu. Setelah selesai memberi penerangan kepada saya kemudian dia masuk ke biliknya.
Pada satu hari selepas saya dan Swee Lan balik dari minum petang di kantin, beliau menelefon di sambungan talipon saya dan menyuruh saya masuk ke biliknya. Ketika saya masuk kedalam biliknya saya lihat dia sedang menyapu bedak ke muka nya. Di atas meja nya ada beberapa lagi alat mekap seperti lipstick dan pemerah pipi. Saya rasa dia sedang bersiap-siap untuk pulang.Beliau mempelawa saya duduk di sofa sambil beliau bangun serta mengunci pintu bilik pejabat, dia kemudian menghulurkan kepada saya sekeping album yang mengandungi gambar-gambarnya ketika bercuti di luar negeri.Kemudian dia duduk di sebelah saya. Terlalu rapat saya rasakan dan seolah-olah dia bersandar di atas tubuh saya ini.Dia menunduk sedikit untuk melihat album gambarnya. Saya terus menyelak lagi halaman album foto itu. Saya rasa Mrs Lim semakin merapatkan tubuhnya kepada saya. Pada kali ini, saya terasa buah dadanya menikam nikam di bahagian belakang tubuh saya. Saya juga dapat merasa degupan jantungnya yang kencang itu. “Kau cantik Kak Imah” katanya kepada saya.Saya menoleh serta senyum kepadanya dan beliau kemudian membisikan sesuatu ke telinga saya. “ Apa!!..”kata saya terkejut serta beristighfar panjang hingga terjatuh foto album itu ke lantai apabila terdengar bisikannya yang meminta saya menanggalkan seluruh pakaian saya hingga ke pakaian dalam saya. Saya berkali-kali cuba menolak serta membantah permintaan nya dan ini membuat dia mula naik marah dan mula mengugut untuk memecat saya. Saya mula sebak dan serta merta teringatkan akan suami serta anak-anak saya di rumah yang masih bersekolah dan terkenangkan bagaimana nasib mereka jika saya kehilangan pekerjaan nanti. Akhirnya saya patuh. Tudung,baju,kain coli serta seluar dalam habis saya lucutkan. Betapa malu nya saya kerana terpaksa bertelanjang bulat di hadapan boss saya sendiri yang juga seorang wanita .Saya segera menutup buah dada serta faraj saya dengan kedua-dua tapak tangan saya. Kami rebah bersama di atas sofa. Beliau kemudian dengan nafsu menggebu-gebu menciumi seluruh tubuh saya dengan tanpa merasa malu dan jijik. Saya hanya mampu memejam rapat mata saya dan sesekali terbuka dalam keadaan amat ghairah menahan kegelian serta keghairahan nafsu yang lain dari yang lain dan berbeza dari apa yang saya alami ketika saya berhubungan dengan suami saya.Bermula dari ramasan di tangan di ikuti oleh kucupan yang panas serta sondolan hidung nya ke dada saya yang membengkak itu. Beginikah rasanya apabila di gomol oleh seorang perempuan,bisik saya di dalam hati.Dengan terpaksa pula saya melayani nya bagaikan di rasuk. Segala aksi dari kami terhenti sebentar. Telefon bimbit nya yang dia letak di atas mejanya berbunyi berdering-dering. Dengan malasnya serta acuh tak acuh dia bangun dari baringannya untuk menjawab panggilan daripada pelanggannya . Setelah dia membetulkan rambut serta pakaiannya, sebelum keluar dari bilik dia melepaskan sebuah ciuman kepipi saya dan meminta saya mengenakan semula pakaian saya , kemudian dia terus meninggalkan saya untuk bertemu pelanggannya itu. Selepas berpakaian semula, saya terus menuju masuk ke bilik air dengan fikiran yang keliru .
Hubungan asmara saya dengannya seterusnya berlaku di dalam keretanya, ketika saya diminta untuk menemaninya keluar makan malam bersama beberapa orang pelanggan dari Hong Kong di sebuah restoran makanan Cina di pekan itu. Selepas kami selesai makan malam bersama pelanggan-pelanggan tersebut , beliau memandu kereta mercedes nya ke satu tempat parking yang agak sunyi dari laluan orang ramai dan berkeadaan gelap. Semasa di dalam kereta itu kami berbual-bual sambil mendengar lagu-lagu berentak evergreen dari alunan set radio keretanya yang canggih. Kemudian jejari halusnya mula meramas dan mencium buah dada saya yang menonjol di dalam baju dan kemudian dia semakin berani menyelak kain saya sambil menundukkan kepalanya untuk mencium faraj saya yang masih bertutup dengan seluar dalam serta di seluruh tubuh saya yang masih di baluti pakaian itu dan kemudian dia mengelus-gelus faraj saya sambil membisikan sesuatu di telinga saya untuk memberitahu saya supaya menikmati segala apa yang akan dia berikan pada saya nanti.Tangannya kemudian menanggalkan seluruh pakaian saya dan mencampakan nya ke kerusi belakang kereta serta dia merebahkan kerusi empuk kereta nya yang saya sedang duduk ketika itu dan mulut nya mula liar menyentuh,mengigit dan menjilat leher saya yang jinjang. Entah syaitan apa yang mengoda saya pada malam itu dan saya turut menikmati segala perlakuannya dan sentuhannya terhadap diri saya sehingga saya turut membalas segala serangan yang di lakukan nya terhadap diri saya. Saya yang telah seperti hilang rasa hormat padanya dan berlakulah pergelutan antara kami berdua. Kalau dia telah menelanjangi saya dan kini tiba lah giliran saya untuk menelanjangi nya pula. Dan apabila kami yang sama-sama dah tak berpakaian lagi, maka pergelutan antara kami menjadi bertambah ganas.Pergerakan jejarinya lancar keluar masuk faraj saya yang telah basah lenjun itu.Beliau telah berjaya menjadikan saya bagaikan ikan yang mengeliat, sedang menarik nafas-nafas terakhirnya.
Hampir lebih setengah jam kami bertarung barulah segala-galanya selesai. Selepas itu kami sama-sama terdampar kepenatan dan buat seketika kami biarkan tubuh kami yang berbogel itu terdampar di atas kerusi empuk keretanya itu tanpa menutup tubuh kami dengan sebarang kain. Selepas itu kami mula bergerak dan mengenakan pakaian masing-masing Pada ketika itu mulalah terbit perasaan malu saya terhadap nya tetapi dia tak kisah dan mengucapkan terima kasihnya pada saya.Saya hanya tersenyum dan di sebaliknya saya rasa puas dan kalau boleh saya mahu mengulangi perbuatan tersebut lagi tapi takut untuk meluahkannya kerana masih lagi wujud perasaan malu di hati saya. Dia cukup pandai membangkitkan hasrat wanita saya walaupun hanya dengan menggunakan jejarinya sahaja. Beliau kemudian menghantar saya pulang ke rumah pada malam itu.
Hubungan terkutuk itu tidak hanya berlaku setakat itu. Sebaliknya Mrs Lim menjadi-jadi gatalnya dan setiap kali ada peluang pasti dia akan mengajak saya melakukannya samada di pejabat atau di rumahnya diwaktu ketiadaan suami nya.Selama saya bekerja dan berada dalam pelukan serta dakapannya itu, saya telah di berikan kerja yang senang di pejabat serta kenaikan gaji yang lebih. Saya dapat membantu menaikan taraf ekonomi keluarga saya.Kini saya mampu membantu suami saya untuk membayar ansuran sebuah kereta Proton Waja.
Selepas beberapa kali saya menjalinkan hubungan tersebut bersamanya saya mula menjadi kurang bertenaga. Seluruh badan saya menjadi lemah dan mata saya pula mula cengkung. Setiap kali saya batuk pasti akan mengeluarkan kahak serta lendir yang pekat. Saya mula merasa takut dan seram kalau manalah tahu saya di serang oleh penyakit yang ada kaitannya dengan hubungan sonsang tersebut. Tergerak di hati saya untuk mendapatkan rawatan doktor di hospital. Tetapi apabila di fikirkan malu saya membatalkan hasrat tersebut sebaliknya hanya membeli ubat dari kedai ubat Cina setelah mendapat nasihat daripada Swee Lan. Setelah beberapa kali memakan ubat Cina tersebut, saya mula beransur pulih dan kembali bertenaga.
Mungkin petunjuk dan pembalasan Tuhan itu mula menimpa saya.Pada suatu petang, sementara menunggu waktu habis berkerja. Saya telah memasuki bilik air wanita untuk bersolek dan semasa saya tengah membetulkan kain tudung saya, tiba-tiba Mrs Lim masuk dan saya menoleh sambil senyum kepadanya. Beliau membalas senyuman saya itu dan kemudian dia merapati dirinya kepada saya dan lantas merapatkan dagunya ke dada saya dan sambil tangan nya liar memeramas-ramas punggung serta buah dada saya. Saya memberitahu dia yang saya keletihan dan tak ada mood untuk memenuhi hajat nafsu sonsangnya pada petang itu. Tetapi, tiba-tiba saya rasa ada satu rangsangan yang sedang menjalar didalam diri saya dan di saat itulah saya rasa jejari nya membelai pipi,hidung, dagu dan seterusnya ke tengkuk saya. Saya kaku. Saya tak mampu menolak hasratnya kerana dia cukup pandai memujuk serta merangsang saya hingga saya tidak dapat mengawal diri .Beliau lantas mengajak saya masuk kedalam salah satu bilik stor di sebelah tandas wanita itu.Saya yang bagaikan di cucuk hidung, menurut saya apa kehendaknya itu.
Sedang kami sibuk berasmara,tiba-tiba muncul seorang pengawal keselamatan wanita jalan melintas di hadapan bilik stor tersebut dan beliau terkejut kerana terdengar bunyi rengekan dan di ikuti oleh erangan bernafsu dari dalam bilik stor itu dan apabila beliau menolak pintu bilik stor tersebut yang lupa di kunci oleh kami ketika itu, beliau tergamam melihat saya dengan Mrs Lim tengah seronok berpelukan dengan keadaan kami yang berbogel serta sedang saling menindih dengan saling memuaskan nafsu kami antara satu sama lain.Kami berdua menjerit kerana terkejut dengan kehadirannya dan saya segera menolak Mrs Lim ke tepi dan terus mencapai pakaian saya yang bertaburan dalam bilik itu sambil beristighfar panjang serta mengenakannya semula pakaian saya, begitu juga dengan Mrs Lim. Ketika itu saya tak dapat bayangankan betapa hinanya diri saya ini. Makcik guard tersebut menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya sambil mulutnya tidak lepas-lepas mengucapkan Istifar. Ternyata dia amat terkejut dengan apa yang telah di lihatnya dan beliau sempat memarahi saya dan bersyarah kepada saya tentang hukum hakam serta soal syurga dan neraka kepada saya. Saya membalas syarahannya itu dengan minta dia supaya jangan suka menjaga tepi kain orang lain. Mrs Lim yang juga tengah panik dan malu ketika itu segera memohon maaf daripada makcik guard tersebut dan beliau seterusnya meminta dia jangan membuat kecoh serta memujuk dia supaya jangan memberi tahu sesiapa, terutama suaminya tentang apa yang kami berdua telah buat pada petang itu. Beliau kemudian meminta Makcik guard tersebut supaya menunggunya di pejabat sementara dia siap berpakaian. Semasa berada di bilik pejabatnya dia sekali lagi merayu kepada makcik guard tersebut agar menyimpan rahsia itu dan dia mengeluarkan lima keping duit not RM100 dari beg tangannya untuk di berikan kepada makcik guard itu supaya dia merahsiakan hal skandal tersebut.
Semasa keluar dari bilik pejabat Mrs Lim, makcik guard itu yang tidak puas hati dengan perbuatan mungkar kami itu telah terserempak dengan saya di pintu pagar kilang itu dan beliau terus menghemburkan kata-kata kesat terhadap saya dan mencerca hal peribadi saya lagi dengan memanggil saya perempuan sundal. Saya serta merta naik marah serta geram terhadapnya, membalas segala tuduhan dari nya dan tercetuslah perang mulut antara saya dengannya, lantas saya mencapai kasut tumit tinggi saya serta membaling ke arahnya dan nyaris-nyaris mengenai dirinya. Semasa perang mulut tersebut berlansung beberapa pekerja-pekerja kilang yang ketika itu sedang berkumpul di tempat punch card untuk pulang kerja, datang untuk melihat pertengkaran kami . Mereka cuba meleraikan pertelingkahan kami itu dan apabila terlihat kelibat Mrs Lim yang keluar dari dalam pejabat setelah mendengar kekecohan tersebut, kesemua mereka bersurai dan Mrs Lim segera memanggil pengawal keselamatan lain untuk mengusir makcik guard tersebut dari situ dan setelah itu beliau segera pergi mendapatkan saya untuk memujuk, serta mententeramkan diri saya yang tengah menangis dan geram itu dan beliau kemudian meminta suami saya yang baru sampai ketika itu untuk membawa saya pulang.
Ketika dalam perjalanan pulang di dalam kereta suami saya bertanya kepada saya tentang dan punca pertengkaran yang melibatkan saya itu. Saya yang tengah panas hati dan geram itu serta wajah yang merah padam memberi alasan kepada suami saya yang pertengkaran pada petang itu hanya melibatkan hal-hal peribadi yang kecil sahaja dan saya katakan padanya yang makcik guard tu memang menghidap sakit mental. Dalam hati kecil saya berkata nasib baik suami nya tidak tahu tentang hal sebenar tentang dirinya yang tertangkap basah ketika bersama Mrs Lim pada petang itu.
Sewaktu di pejabat, kadang-kadang saya perasan yang teman sekerja saya dan ada juga pekerja-pekerja lain yang tersenyum sinis serta berbisik sesama mereka apabila melihat saya keluar minum bersama Mrs Lim di kantin. Mungkin mereka umpat tentang diri saya kerana mereka telah berada di tempat kejadian pertengkaran antara saya dengan makcik guard yang di pecat itu tempoh hari dan mereka mungkin terdengar perihal perbuatan lesbian saya bersama Mrs Lim di dalam bilik stor pada hari itu. Saya tabahkan hati saya kerana mereka ni mungkin hanya mendengar cerita dan membuat andaian sahaja dan tidak melihat apa yang sebenar berlaku dengan mata mereka sendiri, bermakna mereka ini tiada bukti untuk melibatkan diri saya didalam kemungkaran tersebut. Saya berasa lega di hati kerana rahsia diri saya akan tersimpan rapi dan tidak akan sampai ke pengetahuan suami saya setelah mendapat tahu bahawa makcik guard tersebut telah pun di bunuh oleh gangster upahan yang telah di upah oleh Mrs Lim untuk menutup rahsianya.
Kadang-kadang bila saya fikirkan kembali tentang rumahtangga saya,timbul rasa simpati dan kasihan pada suami saya kerana saya telah menduakannya.Saya juga takut kalau hubungan sonsang saya ini akan memberi kesan buruk terhadap anak-anak saya yang masih kecil serta memerlukan kasih sayang dari saya sebagai ibu mereka . Sebenarnya saya juga masih memerlukan sentuhan seorang lelaki daripada suami saya. Terus terang saya katakan,saya memang mahu menamatkan segala petualang saya ini dan sudah tidak tertahan dengan kehidupan sedemikian, namun saya takut untuk memulakannya.Saya masih menjalankan kewajipan saya terhadap suami serta anak-anak saya dan di waktu yang sama saya terus menjadi perempuan simpanan kepada Mrs Lim.
Hampir setahun kemudian, saya memberitahunya yang saya telah hamil dua bulan. Saya amat gembira jika saya sudah melahirkan anak nanti, saya boleh mengusir Mrs Lim keluar dari kehidupan saya. Malang sekali, petang itu semasa di dalam bilik pejabat nya, Mrs Lim memeluk saya dalam keadaan amat gembira kerana mendapat tahu diri saya yang telah hamil....
Nampaknya walaupun saya sudah ada anak kecil nanti, Mrs Lim tetap tidak dapat mengikis perhatiannya terhadap saya. Tak tahu apa lagi caranya nak buat supaya Mrs Lim keluar dari kehidupan saya....
Seperti biasa setiap hari suami saya akan menghantar anak-anak kami ke sekolah serta saya ke tempat kerja terlebih dahulu sebelum beliau pergi berkerja. Beliau berkerja syift di sebuah kilang yang lain . Pada hari itu saya berasa berat hati untuk pergi bekerja kerana merasa kurang sihat. Tetapi memandangkan hari itu saya perlu menguruskan laporan tahunan syarikat, maka terpaksalah saya gagahkan diri untuk hadir ke pejabat. Kebetulan pada pagi hari itu syarikat kami akan menerima seorang pengurus baru iaitu Mrs Lim yang juga merupakan isteri kepada tauke Lim yang terpaksa menguruskan cawangan baru syarikatnya yang beroperasi di Medan Indonesia. Semasa bertemu dengan kami pada hari pertama dia melaporkan diri, beliau ada bertanya kepada saya tentang siapa lagi yang berada di pejabat pada hari itu, dan saya beritahu dia bahawa hanya saya dan Swee Lan yang bertugas manakala Vivian pula mengambil cuti sakit. Beliau kemudian mengarahkan saya untuk membawa masuk semua fail-fail dokumen laporan akaun syarikat ke dalam bilik pejabatnya.
Mrs Lim mempunyai bentuk potongan badan yang seksi serta memiliki raut wajah yang ayu dan manis. Beliau memiliki ijazah di dalam bidang pentadbiran perniagaan dari Australia. Dia merupakan isteri kedua kepada tauke Lim dan di dalam usia di awal 30-an, beliau masih kelihatan muda. Kedutan dan garis-garis ketuaan masih belum kelihatan di wajah nya yang putih bersih itu. Beliau sentiasa berpakaian cantik dan anggun apabila ke pejabat. Saya selalu membiasakan diri saya kakak apabila berbicara dengannya kerana usia saya yang lebih tua sedikit daripada nya dan beliau amat senang menerimanya.
Semasa saya sedang duduk di meja kerja saya, dia datang menghampiri saya dan berdiri di sebelah saya sambil menundukkan kepala dan badan nya rapat kepada saya untuk menerangkan apa yang perlu saya buat. Saya tercium bau minyak wanginya yang mahal.Harumannya yang keras itu menyucuk ke lubang hidung saya.Saya terpandang akan rakan sekerja saya, Swee Lan dan Vivian sedang memandang sesama sendiri sambil tersenyum sinis.Saya naik hairan melihat mereka berpandangan seperti itu. Setelah selesai memberi penerangan kepada saya kemudian dia masuk ke biliknya.
Pada satu hari selepas saya dan Swee Lan balik dari minum petang di kantin, beliau menelefon di sambungan talipon saya dan menyuruh saya masuk ke biliknya. Ketika saya masuk kedalam biliknya saya lihat dia sedang menyapu bedak ke muka nya. Di atas meja nya ada beberapa lagi alat mekap seperti lipstick dan pemerah pipi. Saya rasa dia sedang bersiap-siap untuk pulang.Beliau mempelawa saya duduk di sofa sambil beliau bangun serta mengunci pintu bilik pejabat, dia kemudian menghulurkan kepada saya sekeping album yang mengandungi gambar-gambarnya ketika bercuti di luar negeri.Kemudian dia duduk di sebelah saya. Terlalu rapat saya rasakan dan seolah-olah dia bersandar di atas tubuh saya ini.Dia menunduk sedikit untuk melihat album gambarnya. Saya terus menyelak lagi halaman album foto itu. Saya rasa Mrs Lim semakin merapatkan tubuhnya kepada saya. Pada kali ini, saya terasa buah dadanya menikam nikam di bahagian belakang tubuh saya. Saya juga dapat merasa degupan jantungnya yang kencang itu. “Kau cantik Kak Imah” katanya kepada saya.Saya menoleh serta senyum kepadanya dan beliau kemudian membisikan sesuatu ke telinga saya. “ Apa!!..”kata saya terkejut serta beristighfar panjang hingga terjatuh foto album itu ke lantai apabila terdengar bisikannya yang meminta saya menanggalkan seluruh pakaian saya hingga ke pakaian dalam saya. Saya berkali-kali cuba menolak serta membantah permintaan nya dan ini membuat dia mula naik marah dan mula mengugut untuk memecat saya. Saya mula sebak dan serta merta teringatkan akan suami serta anak-anak saya di rumah yang masih bersekolah dan terkenangkan bagaimana nasib mereka jika saya kehilangan pekerjaan nanti. Akhirnya saya patuh. Tudung,baju,kain coli serta seluar dalam habis saya lucutkan. Betapa malu nya saya kerana terpaksa bertelanjang bulat di hadapan boss saya sendiri yang juga seorang wanita .Saya segera menutup buah dada serta faraj saya dengan kedua-dua tapak tangan saya. Kami rebah bersama di atas sofa. Beliau kemudian dengan nafsu menggebu-gebu menciumi seluruh tubuh saya dengan tanpa merasa malu dan jijik. Saya hanya mampu memejam rapat mata saya dan sesekali terbuka dalam keadaan amat ghairah menahan kegelian serta keghairahan nafsu yang lain dari yang lain dan berbeza dari apa yang saya alami ketika saya berhubungan dengan suami saya.Bermula dari ramasan di tangan di ikuti oleh kucupan yang panas serta sondolan hidung nya ke dada saya yang membengkak itu. Beginikah rasanya apabila di gomol oleh seorang perempuan,bisik saya di dalam hati.Dengan terpaksa pula saya melayani nya bagaikan di rasuk. Segala aksi dari kami terhenti sebentar. Telefon bimbit nya yang dia letak di atas mejanya berbunyi berdering-dering. Dengan malasnya serta acuh tak acuh dia bangun dari baringannya untuk menjawab panggilan daripada pelanggannya . Setelah dia membetulkan rambut serta pakaiannya, sebelum keluar dari bilik dia melepaskan sebuah ciuman kepipi saya dan meminta saya mengenakan semula pakaian saya , kemudian dia terus meninggalkan saya untuk bertemu pelanggannya itu. Selepas berpakaian semula, saya terus menuju masuk ke bilik air dengan fikiran yang keliru .
Hubungan asmara saya dengannya seterusnya berlaku di dalam keretanya, ketika saya diminta untuk menemaninya keluar makan malam bersama beberapa orang pelanggan dari Hong Kong di sebuah restoran makanan Cina di pekan itu. Selepas kami selesai makan malam bersama pelanggan-pelanggan tersebut , beliau memandu kereta mercedes nya ke satu tempat parking yang agak sunyi dari laluan orang ramai dan berkeadaan gelap. Semasa di dalam kereta itu kami berbual-bual sambil mendengar lagu-lagu berentak evergreen dari alunan set radio keretanya yang canggih. Kemudian jejari halusnya mula meramas dan mencium buah dada saya yang menonjol di dalam baju dan kemudian dia semakin berani menyelak kain saya sambil menundukkan kepalanya untuk mencium faraj saya yang masih bertutup dengan seluar dalam serta di seluruh tubuh saya yang masih di baluti pakaian itu dan kemudian dia mengelus-gelus faraj saya sambil membisikan sesuatu di telinga saya untuk memberitahu saya supaya menikmati segala apa yang akan dia berikan pada saya nanti.Tangannya kemudian menanggalkan seluruh pakaian saya dan mencampakan nya ke kerusi belakang kereta serta dia merebahkan kerusi empuk kereta nya yang saya sedang duduk ketika itu dan mulut nya mula liar menyentuh,mengigit dan menjilat leher saya yang jinjang. Entah syaitan apa yang mengoda saya pada malam itu dan saya turut menikmati segala perlakuannya dan sentuhannya terhadap diri saya sehingga saya turut membalas segala serangan yang di lakukan nya terhadap diri saya. Saya yang telah seperti hilang rasa hormat padanya dan berlakulah pergelutan antara kami berdua. Kalau dia telah menelanjangi saya dan kini tiba lah giliran saya untuk menelanjangi nya pula. Dan apabila kami yang sama-sama dah tak berpakaian lagi, maka pergelutan antara kami menjadi bertambah ganas.Pergerakan jejarinya lancar keluar masuk faraj saya yang telah basah lenjun itu.Beliau telah berjaya menjadikan saya bagaikan ikan yang mengeliat, sedang menarik nafas-nafas terakhirnya.
Hampir lebih setengah jam kami bertarung barulah segala-galanya selesai. Selepas itu kami sama-sama terdampar kepenatan dan buat seketika kami biarkan tubuh kami yang berbogel itu terdampar di atas kerusi empuk keretanya itu tanpa menutup tubuh kami dengan sebarang kain. Selepas itu kami mula bergerak dan mengenakan pakaian masing-masing Pada ketika itu mulalah terbit perasaan malu saya terhadap nya tetapi dia tak kisah dan mengucapkan terima kasihnya pada saya.Saya hanya tersenyum dan di sebaliknya saya rasa puas dan kalau boleh saya mahu mengulangi perbuatan tersebut lagi tapi takut untuk meluahkannya kerana masih lagi wujud perasaan malu di hati saya. Dia cukup pandai membangkitkan hasrat wanita saya walaupun hanya dengan menggunakan jejarinya sahaja. Beliau kemudian menghantar saya pulang ke rumah pada malam itu.
Hubungan terkutuk itu tidak hanya berlaku setakat itu. Sebaliknya Mrs Lim menjadi-jadi gatalnya dan setiap kali ada peluang pasti dia akan mengajak saya melakukannya samada di pejabat atau di rumahnya diwaktu ketiadaan suami nya.Selama saya bekerja dan berada dalam pelukan serta dakapannya itu, saya telah di berikan kerja yang senang di pejabat serta kenaikan gaji yang lebih. Saya dapat membantu menaikan taraf ekonomi keluarga saya.Kini saya mampu membantu suami saya untuk membayar ansuran sebuah kereta Proton Waja.
Selepas beberapa kali saya menjalinkan hubungan tersebut bersamanya saya mula menjadi kurang bertenaga. Seluruh badan saya menjadi lemah dan mata saya pula mula cengkung. Setiap kali saya batuk pasti akan mengeluarkan kahak serta lendir yang pekat. Saya mula merasa takut dan seram kalau manalah tahu saya di serang oleh penyakit yang ada kaitannya dengan hubungan sonsang tersebut. Tergerak di hati saya untuk mendapatkan rawatan doktor di hospital. Tetapi apabila di fikirkan malu saya membatalkan hasrat tersebut sebaliknya hanya membeli ubat dari kedai ubat Cina setelah mendapat nasihat daripada Swee Lan. Setelah beberapa kali memakan ubat Cina tersebut, saya mula beransur pulih dan kembali bertenaga.
Mungkin petunjuk dan pembalasan Tuhan itu mula menimpa saya.Pada suatu petang, sementara menunggu waktu habis berkerja. Saya telah memasuki bilik air wanita untuk bersolek dan semasa saya tengah membetulkan kain tudung saya, tiba-tiba Mrs Lim masuk dan saya menoleh sambil senyum kepadanya. Beliau membalas senyuman saya itu dan kemudian dia merapati dirinya kepada saya dan lantas merapatkan dagunya ke dada saya dan sambil tangan nya liar memeramas-ramas punggung serta buah dada saya. Saya memberitahu dia yang saya keletihan dan tak ada mood untuk memenuhi hajat nafsu sonsangnya pada petang itu. Tetapi, tiba-tiba saya rasa ada satu rangsangan yang sedang menjalar didalam diri saya dan di saat itulah saya rasa jejari nya membelai pipi,hidung, dagu dan seterusnya ke tengkuk saya. Saya kaku. Saya tak mampu menolak hasratnya kerana dia cukup pandai memujuk serta merangsang saya hingga saya tidak dapat mengawal diri .Beliau lantas mengajak saya masuk kedalam salah satu bilik stor di sebelah tandas wanita itu.Saya yang bagaikan di cucuk hidung, menurut saya apa kehendaknya itu.
Sedang kami sibuk berasmara,tiba-tiba muncul seorang pengawal keselamatan wanita jalan melintas di hadapan bilik stor tersebut dan beliau terkejut kerana terdengar bunyi rengekan dan di ikuti oleh erangan bernafsu dari dalam bilik stor itu dan apabila beliau menolak pintu bilik stor tersebut yang lupa di kunci oleh kami ketika itu, beliau tergamam melihat saya dengan Mrs Lim tengah seronok berpelukan dengan keadaan kami yang berbogel serta sedang saling menindih dengan saling memuaskan nafsu kami antara satu sama lain.Kami berdua menjerit kerana terkejut dengan kehadirannya dan saya segera menolak Mrs Lim ke tepi dan terus mencapai pakaian saya yang bertaburan dalam bilik itu sambil beristighfar panjang serta mengenakannya semula pakaian saya, begitu juga dengan Mrs Lim. Ketika itu saya tak dapat bayangankan betapa hinanya diri saya ini. Makcik guard tersebut menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya sambil mulutnya tidak lepas-lepas mengucapkan Istifar. Ternyata dia amat terkejut dengan apa yang telah di lihatnya dan beliau sempat memarahi saya dan bersyarah kepada saya tentang hukum hakam serta soal syurga dan neraka kepada saya. Saya membalas syarahannya itu dengan minta dia supaya jangan suka menjaga tepi kain orang lain. Mrs Lim yang juga tengah panik dan malu ketika itu segera memohon maaf daripada makcik guard tersebut dan beliau seterusnya meminta dia jangan membuat kecoh serta memujuk dia supaya jangan memberi tahu sesiapa, terutama suaminya tentang apa yang kami berdua telah buat pada petang itu. Beliau kemudian meminta Makcik guard tersebut supaya menunggunya di pejabat sementara dia siap berpakaian. Semasa berada di bilik pejabatnya dia sekali lagi merayu kepada makcik guard tersebut agar menyimpan rahsia itu dan dia mengeluarkan lima keping duit not RM100 dari beg tangannya untuk di berikan kepada makcik guard itu supaya dia merahsiakan hal skandal tersebut.
Semasa keluar dari bilik pejabat Mrs Lim, makcik guard itu yang tidak puas hati dengan perbuatan mungkar kami itu telah terserempak dengan saya di pintu pagar kilang itu dan beliau terus menghemburkan kata-kata kesat terhadap saya dan mencerca hal peribadi saya lagi dengan memanggil saya perempuan sundal. Saya serta merta naik marah serta geram terhadapnya, membalas segala tuduhan dari nya dan tercetuslah perang mulut antara saya dengannya, lantas saya mencapai kasut tumit tinggi saya serta membaling ke arahnya dan nyaris-nyaris mengenai dirinya. Semasa perang mulut tersebut berlansung beberapa pekerja-pekerja kilang yang ketika itu sedang berkumpul di tempat punch card untuk pulang kerja, datang untuk melihat pertengkaran kami . Mereka cuba meleraikan pertelingkahan kami itu dan apabila terlihat kelibat Mrs Lim yang keluar dari dalam pejabat setelah mendengar kekecohan tersebut, kesemua mereka bersurai dan Mrs Lim segera memanggil pengawal keselamatan lain untuk mengusir makcik guard tersebut dari situ dan setelah itu beliau segera pergi mendapatkan saya untuk memujuk, serta mententeramkan diri saya yang tengah menangis dan geram itu dan beliau kemudian meminta suami saya yang baru sampai ketika itu untuk membawa saya pulang.
Ketika dalam perjalanan pulang di dalam kereta suami saya bertanya kepada saya tentang dan punca pertengkaran yang melibatkan saya itu. Saya yang tengah panas hati dan geram itu serta wajah yang merah padam memberi alasan kepada suami saya yang pertengkaran pada petang itu hanya melibatkan hal-hal peribadi yang kecil sahaja dan saya katakan padanya yang makcik guard tu memang menghidap sakit mental. Dalam hati kecil saya berkata nasib baik suami nya tidak tahu tentang hal sebenar tentang dirinya yang tertangkap basah ketika bersama Mrs Lim pada petang itu.
Sewaktu di pejabat, kadang-kadang saya perasan yang teman sekerja saya dan ada juga pekerja-pekerja lain yang tersenyum sinis serta berbisik sesama mereka apabila melihat saya keluar minum bersama Mrs Lim di kantin. Mungkin mereka umpat tentang diri saya kerana mereka telah berada di tempat kejadian pertengkaran antara saya dengan makcik guard yang di pecat itu tempoh hari dan mereka mungkin terdengar perihal perbuatan lesbian saya bersama Mrs Lim di dalam bilik stor pada hari itu. Saya tabahkan hati saya kerana mereka ni mungkin hanya mendengar cerita dan membuat andaian sahaja dan tidak melihat apa yang sebenar berlaku dengan mata mereka sendiri, bermakna mereka ini tiada bukti untuk melibatkan diri saya didalam kemungkaran tersebut. Saya berasa lega di hati kerana rahsia diri saya akan tersimpan rapi dan tidak akan sampai ke pengetahuan suami saya setelah mendapat tahu bahawa makcik guard tersebut telah pun di bunuh oleh gangster upahan yang telah di upah oleh Mrs Lim untuk menutup rahsianya.
Kadang-kadang bila saya fikirkan kembali tentang rumahtangga saya,timbul rasa simpati dan kasihan pada suami saya kerana saya telah menduakannya.Saya juga takut kalau hubungan sonsang saya ini akan memberi kesan buruk terhadap anak-anak saya yang masih kecil serta memerlukan kasih sayang dari saya sebagai ibu mereka . Sebenarnya saya juga masih memerlukan sentuhan seorang lelaki daripada suami saya. Terus terang saya katakan,saya memang mahu menamatkan segala petualang saya ini dan sudah tidak tertahan dengan kehidupan sedemikian, namun saya takut untuk memulakannya.Saya masih menjalankan kewajipan saya terhadap suami serta anak-anak saya dan di waktu yang sama saya terus menjadi perempuan simpanan kepada Mrs Lim.
Hampir setahun kemudian, saya memberitahunya yang saya telah hamil dua bulan. Saya amat gembira jika saya sudah melahirkan anak nanti, saya boleh mengusir Mrs Lim keluar dari kehidupan saya. Malang sekali, petang itu semasa di dalam bilik pejabat nya, Mrs Lim memeluk saya dalam keadaan amat gembira kerana mendapat tahu diri saya yang telah hamil....
Nampaknya walaupun saya sudah ada anak kecil nanti, Mrs Lim tetap tidak dapat mengikis perhatiannya terhadap saya. Tak tahu apa lagi caranya nak buat supaya Mrs Lim keluar dari kehidupan saya....
Hi my name is ismail 24 years old and this is my story about my experience with my dirty, filthy bhabi Farrah. (All names changed) 10 years ago when I was still in secondary school about 18 years old, my eldest brother Kashif went back home to get married, to a decent girl that he chose. My new bhabi came into this country after that. When I first saw her I had the dirties thoughts run through my mind but I thought I will never get to fuck this woman. We started getting along very well and my brother used to work very long hours I would watch TV and she would come into my room and we would sit and chat until late into the night before my brother would come home. He used to fuck her nearly every night and I used to hear it and really imagine me doing it to her. Anyway fast forward 5 years they had a child got their own house and moved out. Then one day my brother had to leave the city for business for a week, I used that as an excuse to go around their house late evenings, my bhabi used to wear the sexiest gowns and night dresses and I would sit their pretendig to be listening to her stories and playing with my nephew but in my mind I would be undressing her and dong really filthy things with her. This one evening my nephew was just playing as usual. Bhabhi didnt have anything sexy on, she had a very light material pink salwar kameez on and I could see her sexy figure as the kameez was figure hugging with a big ass sticking out and boobs shape showing. Me and bhabi got talking about my love life etc, I dropped the line I didnt have a gf as I was looking for someone sexy figure like her. After hearing this she really started blushing and going red. I was loving this as I realised she didnt mind me saying that. She then said to me you must check me out, laughingly I said why do you think I come around late in the evening when bhaiya is out of town? To this she didnt say anything and I got scared maybe I said too much. She got up and took shahid and went upstairs after about half hour she came back down. She said she had to put shahid to sleep because it was his bedtime and came back got me a cold drink and got herself a icecream. I was having my drink and she was licking the icecream really nice and slow, so much was going through my mind, watching her tongue licking the cream I was going crazy. My dick was rock hard now. As I leaned forward I saw her looking down and she saw my dick was pointing up. She looked in my eyes and smiled. I was so nervous and my heart was beating. Out of nowhere she asked me about marriage and my thoughts and I said I think marraige is hard becuase I have to be with one woman all my life, she laughed and said i'm with your bhaiya and am not complaining then she asked had I ever done it with a girl, I was shocked by that and said no. She laughed and went to the kitchen, I was watching her bum as she was walking away. WOW I thought and I followed her into the kitchen, I saw she was reaching, trying to get something down from a high cupboard she was tip toeing, without saying anything I pushed up hard against her bum about to get the bowl down for her, my dick was still rock hard and it went between her bum cheeks. She didnt move or look back for a second and then very lightly she pushed her bum back. I was in heaven loving this feeling of her bum on my dick. She then leaned back turned her head and smiled at me and wispered she has seen the way I look at her and she secretly likes that, and she said she had been fantasising about me while my brother banged her. I couldnt believe it! Without saying a word I grabbed her bbig boobs on top of the kammez and started massaging them hard and she started to moan in please, I was kissing her neck and biting her neck, I didnt care if she enjoyed it or not, its what I have wanted to do for a long time and I was going to do everything I ever wanted right now with her. She went down on her knees and undid my zip, pulled my dick out with he hand and said, hai bhagwan yeh kya? Your bhaiya doesnt even have this size cock! I smiled and told her this is your ice cream, she smiled, closed her eyes and put it in her mouth and I was in heaven. Right there in the kitchen my beloved bhabi became my gf. As she was sucking it trying to fit it in her mouth and right then my bhaiya rang her mobile, she said oh shit, I said dont worry, she answered her phone with my dick knob still in her mouth, I heard bhaiya asking if she was ok to which she replied yes she was having ice cream. I was smiling at the clever answer the bitch gave. What a liar. Who cares my bhabi was loving her devar thats what matters right. My brother hanged up and she stood up wanted to kiss me I moved my mouth and she laughed. I said you dirty bitch and started kissing her neck and sqeezing her boobs hard she took her salwar off but had the kameez still on I told her get down on your knees and suck it more as I had a surprise for her and my dick needs to be very slippery. She looked confused and carried on sucking. Then her mobile rang again but it was her daddy this time, she took my dick out of her mouth now. I was loving it as I was about to bang his daughter and he didnt even know. Before answering then phone I told her bend down on your hands and knees so your ass is up in the air, she did that and answered her phone hello daddy, right then I stuck my finger in her mouth to get it wet went behind her and slowly slid it inside her bum she moaned and her father asked if she ok and she replied yes she sat on something. As she was talking to her father I was going crazy I took my finger out and moved her kameez to her wait I hold her waist got my dick and put in against her bum hole, it was smelling and I was loving the smell and pushed my point dick in, she could not scream or anything because she was on the phone to her father. It was sooo tight oh my god I loved it. I wanted to punish the for being so dirty and this was the best thing. I pushed it all the way in and she stopped talking to her daddy and her father asked her if she's ok and she said yes. She wasnt facing me so she couldnt tell me to stop haha. I was going in and out of her slowly as she was on the phone, I was playing with her boobs very hard, she was talking to daddy nicely as I was banging her harder and harder, slapping her bum and kissing her hands. She got off the phone and screamed so hard but let me carry on, she said it wasnt hurting anymore and she was loving this, bhiaya never done that to her. I then stopped and ripped her kammez off put her on the kitchn floor and stick in her vagina straight away and started fucking her hard she was pulling my hair sucking my tongue and moaning very lour, I told her quiet otherwise baby will wake up she said she didnt car, she was loving this. I could feel she was going to come and I was going to come I pushed it all the way inside she was paining and loving the pleasure, I put all my wait on her and lie on top of her kissing her, I told her I love you bhabi, she laughed and said, I'll always remain your bhabi, tum mujhko istara devar ka pyar dete rehna roj. I got up and walked to the bathroom and bhabhi got up couldn’t walk straight, her bum hole was still big as she waled to the stairs I heard the from door, she ran up too and we looked to see who it was, and it was bhaiya with flowers and chocolate to surprise bhabi he came home early. I put my trousers on quickly annd came down and bhabi came down 30 mins later after shower. Bhaiya was surprised to see me there I said to him, I came to see if bhabi was ok on her own and then bhabi said to bhaiya that I gave her very good company. I got up to leave and bhabi was walking slowly to make tea for bhaiya and then he asked her why she walking like that. I just looked at her and winked blowing her secret kiss and she started mumbling, then I said maybe all the ice cream she eating has given her shitting problems and w all laughed. Now everytime bhaiya is at work bhabi rings me and says devar ji tumahari bhabi ko icecream khana hai, I drop everything and go around to bang her, we bang in everyroom of the house now, in all her holes, her tight big bum, her vagina and her mouth. She loves it everytime. She say bhaiya doesn’t know how to please her anymore, from now on bhaiya will look after her other needs and her devarji will look after her body needs I hope you like this. Please email me on. Bhabi ka devar
Dear readers, Those who have not read my earlier narration “Learning Sex with Naniamma” may not be able to follow this fully as this is a continuation of those events. I have only changed the names of the characters involved, but the events described are as it is in my memory. Years had passed and I am no longer so young, and now naturally, not as interested in sex as I was in the foregone golden days. However I thought I will keep a record of my past life to give a glimpse on the life of the youngsters of yester years. If at all they get anything-good to follow or bad to avoid- well and good. Otherwise fuck and forget- as the saying goes. I was eagerly waiting for the night to fall, for Naniamma promised me that till the arrival of others from Guruvayoor we could continue our adventure. But that was not to be. Naniamma received a message in the afternoon that as her brother was met with an accident he was admitted in the hospital and to take care of their house till he comes back her presence is needed. So Naniamma requested our neighbor Lakshmiamma to stay in our house till my mother and others were back. Lakshmiamma was our distant relative but not as economically sound as our family was. Lakshmiamma came and took over the charge. Her daughter Thangam also came with her. I used to call her “Thangechi” meaning elder sister. She was very dominant and even her mother took her counsel in all matters. She had already completed her graduation and was working somewhere on part time basis. Her marriage was fixed to be celebrated in another ten days. She used to behave with me as I was a small boy and command me which I didn’t like. I and children of my age were mostly neglected by her. Her friendship was with elder boys and other youngsters of opposite sex. Though she was not very beautiful her body was well built and attractive. She performed household works swiftly and neatly. On arrival Thangechi had completed all balance works herself. She didn’t allow me to wander and asked to complete my studies before dinner. Dinner was served to me on completion of my studies and was asked to go to sleep. I went to my room on the first floor and slept thinking of Naniamma. During the sleep, I didn’t know what the time was, I felt somebody was in my bed and sleep was disturbed. It was Thangechi! She was playing with my dick. I was dumbfounded as I was not expecting Thangechi at this situation even in my wild dreams. She was doing everything as a routine, without caring how I felt or what my reaction was! She was using me as a toy! But I was unable to resist, I didn’t know why! She undressed me and kissed all over my body. My dick was slowly getting harder and harder as a stick. She commended looking at it “It is pretty big” She put it in her mouth and moved her head up and down. She undressed herself by removing the only negligee she was wearing. I gazed the perfect body. I saw Naniamma in nude yesterday but this was something wonderfully different. I didn’t want to take out my eyes from that enchanting body.”Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked me delicately. I kept mum. “Have you ever seen a girl undressed” she asked me. I moved my head to say no. She climbed on me, put my erect dick on the entrance of her pussy and pressed it.”Hou…” I cried with pain as the foreskin of my penis was shedding. Her pussy was so tight. I was expecting every pussy was as loose as of Naniamma. This was altogether different. Thangechi was unconcerned. Forcefully she went down swallowing my staff with her pussy. The pain was horrible. I was helpless. She was on me holding me tight. Her tits were stuffed to my mouth suffocating me. She was mad. Slowly the pain was subsiding giving way to pleasure. Her tongue was in my mouth moving all around. Her legs were moving on my legs up and down. Her fingers were in my asshole moving in and out. The experience was terrific. She was growling with ecstasy. Grumble was louder and louder. Immediately I noticed the light downstairs and alerted Thangechi to stop. She didn’t bother and continued her moves more vigorously and briskly. I heard footsteps on the stair but Thangechi was undisturbed. I saw Lakshmiamma entering.. She said to Thangechi holding mobile in her hand “there was a call for you “. Thangechi replied”Keep it on table and go“without stopping or lessoning her motion. I didn’t see any embarrassment or surprise on her mother’s face too. Both of them were very usual and casual. Even on this day it remained an enigma to me. My dick was weakened, probably due to the embarrassment. Thangechi was abusing her mother while she was leaving. Again my dick regained the erection and it was to explode. I was reaching the peak “Hold it… bloody …fuck…fuck…fuck me hard…” Thangechi was crying. I was trying hard to hold, but suddenly it happened. My penis was creating a Niagara in her pussy. Thangechi was squeezing me with her strong legs. She was biting my lips giving painful pleasure. My dick slowly cooled down inside her. She was, however in no mood to stop. She moved a side and my dick was out of her pussy..She took me to bath room and washed my dick with cold water mixed with detol. Itch was unbearable still I didn’t open my mouth fearing Thangechi. When we were back in the bed she asked me to fuck her with my tongue. Sitting on my knees I put my mouth on her pussy which was widely opened. My tongue played in her sweet pussy up and down, drinking the lavishly coming out juice. She held my head tightly down with one hand and playing her clits with the other. Her legs were beating my buttocks. Her groin moved robustly up and down. She was shamelessly making loud noises. Finally when she calmed down my head was almost in her pussy and she held it there for some more time. After a while she again went to toilet and after washing her body she came to bed and lay by my side. I was almost asleep by the time.. We both holding each other slept unaware of the world. Next day morning when Lakshmiamma came with two cups of coffee in her hand woke us up. We got up and had the coffee .Thangechi put on her nightgown and went out giving me a parting kiss. I went to sleep for some more time and when I got up Thangechi had already left for work. I was wondering about the happenings of last two days-Was all that a dream? Or how things had happened so suddenly! Two days ago I was a zero in sex. Today I am a post graduate! What a splendid experience! I can’t help comparing the two women who played the masters’ roll. Naniamma was cool, considerate, compassionate, and comforting. Thangechi was dominant, dare and dogged. Naniamma’s boobs were big, but sagging. Thangechi’s breasts were tight and thick. Naniamma had a loose pussy while Thangechi had a tight pussy. Pubic mounts in the first case were separate and in the other case monolithic with a nice crack in the centre. The colours, the texture, the smell, the taste, the flexibility, the size, the depth…everything of their pussies was different! I will tell you about the happenings that followed in my next. Yours friendly Babu-----------------
Hi all, Smitha here and this is my first submission to keralaerotica. This is a good portal wherein many share their fantasies and some come out with their real-life escapades. We all have it in our minds, we all desire the same and yet the social barrier prevents us all from expressing ourselves. I am a mallu hailing from Thrissur, in Kerala. The very thought that I’ll be bombarded with e-mails and guys seeking my contact details; discourages me to key-in my horny escapades. So… all you guys out there….. I request you to respect my privacy and not to ask for my contact details. Please don’t be pissed off by this………. I too gotta live in this cruel society as a dutiful wife and a mother of 2 kids. I gotta confine my urges online to a chat; else which, you guys will term me a slut. That’s the truth……… a bitter truth. I was always inquisitive about the male sex organ from young age and reached puberty early whilst in the 6th grade. I was the first girl in my class to reach that milestone. The hormonal changes did make me spend some extra time in front of the mirror……….sometimes nude. Changing shapes & contours were relished by the neighborhood boys and the sex-starved onlookers. I did feel like the Queen Bee amongst my friends then. Today; I’m 33 and was confined to household works and tending the kids and my in-laws. It can be really frustrating for a female doing all the chores at home right from dawn to dusk and to comply to the hubby’s sexual needs only when he desires. I had the urge to do it every night, but used to end up finger fucking myself. I have a decent figure with a prominent ass & 34-C boob. Even these seldom attract my hubby. I loved to expose myself to my father-in-law, who is in the early sixties; but still gets a hard-on whenever I expose. Since my Mother-in-law is bed-ridden for the past 4 years, his hard-on’s were justified. I suppose, every woman likes to be looked at and since there were no preying eyes on me; I had no option but to tease my father-in-law.. He is well built and has a larger frame than my hubby. I used to discard my panties after my hubby leaves for office & the kids scurry for school. This was an attempt to lure my Father-in-law (FIL). He never lost any opportunity to stare at my wobbling assets. I sometimes used to insert the folds of the nighty I wore; in the crack of my ass and walk around in the house as if I was unaware of it. I have 2 good mounds of ass to cave in a large part of the nighty. I always used to flaunt my legs and cleavage to him whilst doing the dishes and laundry. He was getting hornier by the day and younger too. It was as if he had set upon a task to fuck me. But he never knew how to break the ice. I never wanted a fuck from him as I had not lost any love for my hubby. Frankly; to tease him was the only intention. However, somehow; over a period of time & daily tease, I felt free to dig my ass or scratch my crotch over the night dress in front of him. I never even realized that I had been doing this, until one day he gave me a tube of Betnovate to ease me of my itches. I was amused and asked him, what’s this for? And he said hesitatingly that it’s good for scratches and itches. I said……. ‘But, I don’t have any itches’. He asked…’then why do you…. Always…..’ and the words died off. Oh! I said. …..hmmnnn….. How do I use this? It’s written on the cover, he mumbled. Be careful not to apply it in certain areas. However I would not ask you to apply this now. There can be other reasons for the itches, he said. He seemed to garner some courage now and told me…….. Smitha, the private parts of the human body should always be kept clean. Maintaining personal Hygiene is very essential. Like…? I asked. He mustered some more courage and asked me …….. Have you ever shaved the hair in the private parts? Arm-pits…. Yes, I said. With raised brows and eyes pointed toward my crotch; he asked ……. There? Tight lipped I gestured ….No…. With the shake of my head. (Now it was my turn to get teased). Smitha, the pubic hair if shaved fully using the razor; will surely rid you of all the itches. The dirt accumulated in that region and especially the joints are causing you these bites and I can see you scratching that region daily. Don’t you think it would be wise to shave it off using a soft razor and shaving cream too, else which, rashes would develop after the shave. You will also feel afresh after the shave and the skin will glisten like any other part of the body. I blushed and then asked him, would it be safe to use a Hair removing cream? No, don’t do that; as the skin is very sensitive there and the chemicals will surely burn your skin there. But ….. Is it possible to shave it all alone; I asked (I wanted him to offer me help) He was smart and refused to be the first to budge. ‘You can do it smitha……… just be careful enough to avoid any cuts. Take this soft razor….. It’s not a new one and the chances of getting cuts are dismal. I used it last week to clear off all hair from my genitals. I gasped! (thoughts like…..Is it safe to share blades…..; would it be wise……. Will it…etc. etc; started racing through my mind). I missed a beat and a spark ignited deep within me, at the thought of using the same razor that he used on his private parts. My speech trembled, but I knew……. I want him, I wanted to be his slave, and I wanted to seek his pardon for teasing him and not submitting myself to him long back. In a trembled voice, I muttered… “Will you shave off my pubic hair for me…? Please” He brushed off a wicked seducing smile and said: Yes I will do it for you. Lock all the doors & follow me to the bedroom. I obliged. But before entering the room; I took my time to discard the bra and also did wipe off some oozing cum. The rogue; never bothered to lift me into his arms and lay me on the bed. I expected him to do so; as the ice had cracked. I found him ready with the razor, foam and a cup of water, when I entered. I looked into his eyes….. As to.. ‘What’s next?’ Shall we begin? He asked with a naughty smile. My pussy lips were already wet and were aching for his touch. I dropped my nighty and with a hidden smile, stared at him. I knew his reactions will be my most precious moments for life. His eyes lit large at the sight of my firm breasts and he took his time to look at my pussy and ….lo…the pussy was clearly visible as there were no hair to be shaved. I had trimmed it a week back and the blunt edges were the itch factor. He burst out aloud at the sight and I joined him. It seemed like I was having the last laugh here but I was mistaken when he dropped his lungi. His Genitals had never seen a blade before! Rough as a rug ! Where did his hygiene sense vanish? Where did he use his razor last week? He could see the thoughts racing through my mind and the man……. Drooled out laughing. In a moment, he locked me in his lips and his strong masculine odour drove me wild. The laughter ended in shrieks of ecstasy. He handled me like a feather as though I were his bride. We have been fucking at every opportune moment hence. He has been a far happier man hence and younger too. I match him in every aspect. Although he was strong, he never used to fuck me hard to the painful limit. He was caring and I loved him for it. I found him to be the perfect match for the fuck. There were those odd days when we used to walk in the house nude (when my MIL slept).. There were the mornings when he used to have late breakfasts on the purpose of asking me to lay nude on the dining table with my pussy spread and facing him. He then used to soak the rolled chapatti in my pussy before eating. Sliced apples, papayas and plantains were also garnished with my pussy juices before being savored. Those were the moments when I used to feel like a doll being cared for in many ways. The chapattis and apples made different rounds of vibrations when they entered. I missed many a breath at those times. Since the first fuck, I never had to bother about pubic hair. He gives me a shave every week. Even the hair near the anus is carefully plucked off by him. He loves to fuck my ass without any added lubrication. At times he hovers around the fridge and amidst the fucking session he takes a minute’s break to fetch the tube shaped ice block planned well in advance; to insert in my ass whilst fucking my pussy. ‘Fire and Ice’… he terms it. Gone are those finger fucking days. My hubby fucks just 2 – 3 times a month. Who cares? None in the house are even remotely aware of what goes on between us. I have started living thence and I really have no idea what term to cite for this relationship. Although we have never muttered it; but the heart yells out loud….. It’s love. Only time can tell.. I have taken up a job last month in Thrissur. This will indeed be a testing job for me as I am all alone 8 hrs in office with the handsome hunk, my boss. He has great control over himself and a gentleman too. I will surely be able to judge myself within a month and term my relationship with my FIL as love or lust. This boss may need a razor too. All hotties out there can mail your comments
Hi everybody, I am your Menon. Don’t forget me. How r u? I hope all are sucking & fucking very well. First of all we have to realize that sex is not a war. It is a fun game, so enjoy. In the new generation almost all men are educated and professionally well placed. But they don’t know how to give maximum feelings to his partner i.e. they are selfish people. This is a give and take process. That is why I am telling that the sexual controlling portion of men is situated between 2 ears not between 2 legs. Our mind is controlling the power of sex. Oral sex conserves major portion of sexual affair. That is why mainly I am concentrated with oral activities. I know so many ladies who don’t know what is orgasm. Their husbands are not at all concerned with this. After entering to the bedroom they will remove the dress and start fucking. They are not giving any consideration to his partner. I am a devotee of this site and I already narrated experiences with horny hot aunties. All are matured housewives aged between 40 to 60. My great ambition is to suck a young girl or lady. Now it came true and next time I’ll tell you in detail. Your comments are my inspiration. I am an IT professional, also I have completed Pancha Karma in Ayurveda and now doing body massage in demand. Again and again I express my gratitude and hearty congratulations to Kerala Erotica team for the encouragement and co-operation given to me. Girls, Mature ladies & Aunts, you realize that our life is too short, no guarantee to anybody, so enjoy the maximum with good companies without affecting our family life and social status. Now welcome back to the incident. Before 3 months back I put an advertisement in Mathrubhumi daily of my firm regarding desktop and Laptop PCs becoz the business was dull. In response, I got so many phone enquiries and e-mails. After 3 days I got a phone call from Aluva. It was a lady named Jameela. Her younger daughter is now studying for BSc. Computer science and she needs a PC for project and all. Her husband is working abroad and elder daughter married, also living abroad with her husband. She don’t have more idea regarding this and no public connections. I explained about all kinds of Desktop and Laptop PCs. She bargained for price. I told her if you are finalizing the order, I’ll do the maximum. Next day she again called me and finalized the order. As I was busy next week only I was able to supply the PC. That day I informed her that we are coming with PC. I reached her house to supply the PC with one of my service engineer. I find out her house very easily as it stands near to highway. Jameela opened the door and we met for first time. She is a smart mature lady with medium fatty figure running her 45. She is having good complexion, her eyes are very much attractive and I guessed that she is starving for sex. She was wearing a black pardha, so I couldn’t able to find out her body structure. She served tea and biscuits for us. After installation, purposely I send my staff to another place for service. I remained there for some more time to make the line clear. I called her ‘madam’ for each time, but she refused that she don’t like it. She is interested to hear from loved ones her pet name ‘Jami’ only. She is so talkative and we discussed family matters and so many other things. She told that loneliness is her main problem. Mean time I asked one glass drinking water, while returning the glass I slightly touched her fingers. It is so soft. I left after one hour. Night she again called me and introduced her daughter Haseena. She is so happy and she wants to clear so many doubts from me. Also she wants to install some more utilities. I told her to make me a call and at any time I am ready to come and install it. Next day morning Jami phoned me and we talked a lot. My intension is to seduce this hot aunty and her daughter and suck their sweet wet pussies. Next week onwards she started calling me two times a day. We attached more and slowly I diverted the subject to sex. With a little shy she also commented and I assured that she is interested for sexual activities. Then onwards our topic is sex and in this age also she is having high desire because she confessed that her husband is not so interested. Also he is having the problem of fast ejaculation. I used to visit her house 2 times and told her that I just entered while passing through this way. I noticed that she was wearing saree only and her body structure can be seen very well. I appreciated her body structure. She smiled and enjoyed. Haseena also is a talkative smart girl. She also become closer to me as she is an IT student. I send her some sexy e-mails as a trial and she replied to me. Now it is cleared that I can proceed without any problem. After that I handed over 3 xxx Malayalam books and 2 xxx CDs to Haseena. She commented that you are a Super man. One day Jami invited me for a dinner in connection with her birthday. I reached her house by 9 p.m. I purchased a Kashmiri silk saree and given it as a birthday gift. I asked for Haseena and their servant Fathima. She smiled and replied that Haseena gone for study tour to Bangalore and purposely she sent Fathima to her residence. She is very much interested to celebrate her birthday with me only. By hearing this I got courage and the same instant I hugged her from behind. She closed her eyes and allowed me to do more. We kissed hardly for 2 minutes and I massaged her mulas. It is so smooth and round in shape. Our tongues tickled together. My fully erected kunna touched her kundi. We separated and she told me to go and take a bath. She led me to the bathroom and gave me a towel. After entering the bathroom I could see one black bra and one rose panties hanging on the hanger. While seeing this my kunna become hot and steady. I taken it, smelled and sucked. I checked the label, her bra size is 38 and panties size 105 cms. I let it back and taken a bath. After bath when I entered to drawing room, I was excited that Jami was in the saree which I have given as gift. It was so matching and she was looked so nice and sexy. Again I gave her a long French kiss. She told that no need to hurry, becoz one full night is in front of us for enjoyment. She served the dinner. Previously I told her that I am pure vegetarian, so she made only vegetarian dishes and were so tasty. After dinner we entered the bedroom. She closed the door and put on the bed lamp. She was so sexy in that pale blue light. I hugged her and we both kissed hardly. She removed my pants and shots. She hold my kunna and started moving up and down the foreskin by giving keen attention. She surprised while seeing my uncircumcised kunna. With great ectasy she started sucking my kunna. She sucked my kunna very well. I told her to suck my balls also. She sucked and told that she loved very much the pink head of my kunna. I removed her Saree, blouse and pavada. She is having a super structure in this age also. It was an exciting scene that she is wearing ivory bra and red panties. Her inner thighs were fatty and folded. Her armpits were fatty and cleanly shaved, I smelled and sucked. She moaned while sucking. I laid down her in the bed and removed her panties and started sucking her pooru. It was also neatly shaved. Also I inserted one finger. Her pooru was so nice and well lubricated. Her pussy lips were so fatty and protruded 2” long. I sucked hardly her pooru and kanth. She again started moaning. She commented that I am very much talented in pussy sucking. While sucking I rubbed her both nipples. I tickled her arse hole and started finger fucking. During this sucking she got super orgasms. She got tired but I was so hot. Then I laid on the bed and told her to come on top. She come on top and positioned. As she was wearing Copper T no other contraceptive was required. She gently parted her pussy lips and placed my kunna in between them. She started rubbing my throbbing kunna on her kanth. Then she placed and pressed. The 3/4 of my kunna entered in to her pooru. She pressed some more then full portion gone inside and she started nipping. I slightly rubbed her nipples. She started in a slow rolling action. I also helped her from bottom. Then she increased the movements. She told me to insert one finger to her arse hole. I did so and started tickling. I massaged her mulas and nipples with right hand. She increased the speed. Due to the over lubricity pluk, pluk sound filled the room. For each and every strokes she moaned. ‘aaaaa……………. Aaaahhhhhhh………… ya allah …… ayyoooo……….. Havoooooooo……….. Enikkippo varum aaaaahhhhh…………….. Enikku vayyaye………… enne kolleddaa……. Aaaaavvvvooooooo………… Enne kolleeddaaaa………….. Aaaaaa………. Her face expressions were totally changed. I could feel her pooru muscles contracting and expanding. Her breathing rate increased and she tilted her waist. By doing 4 to 6 heavy strokes she collapsed with a great orgasm and she laid on me. Both we hugged hardly. My kunna was inside her pooru for 5 to 10 minutes. She got up and my kunna was fully covered with her love juices and was in fully erected mode as I was not ejaculated. She cleaned it with cotton and started sucking vigorously. We both entered the bathroom and I told her to apply some coconut oil on my kunna. I lubricated her inner thighs very well and placed my kunna in between from behind. She understood that what I am going to do. She kept her thighs closer and I started moving front and back. I massaged her mulas and increased the speed. Finally I ejaculated and spread the choodupaal in to her thighs. We stand in that position for 5 minutes. Then I cleaned her thighs and told her to piss in standing mode. She put one leg on closet and parted her pussy lips. I sat on floor and sucked her pooru while pissing. She was so excited. After that we both taken bath and come back. That night we fucked 2 more times in different poses. Before leaving as usual I have taken her photographs in different poses. I asked her whether she wanted xxx CDs or xxx books but she replied that she want real feelings. Now her husband is in India and we are taking rest for one month. In this tenure I made sexual connections with Haseena also. That I’ll tell u later. Any decent ladies interested in group sex or lesbian sex can join with us. My self and Jami are waiting for your response. Everybody is welcomed with his or her comments. Especially from ladies. Any ladies can mail me if they wanted free Body massage, sexy telephonic chat, sexy e-mails, Malayalam sex books, Malayalalee /Western xxx pics & movies or real pussy sucking (age no bar). 100% Secrecy & satisfaction is assured. My Mail ID is crazymenon73@yahoo.com
I am a young 30 year old married doctor, five feet 10 inches, fair and with a strong broad physique and cute smile. I must tell my initiation into sex was quite late but once I discovered the beauty of love making at the age of 22, there was nothing that could stop me by till today. Having recently moved to UAE alone,with a good job I started looking for a flat that could also serve as my personal place for my private intimate encounters .I made it clear to the agent that I wanted a flat as I intend to stay alone as by now all of you know that if you share your private details even with your closest friends you will land in trouble. I have been a stickler for privacy from the beginning and I like it that way. UAE is a cauldron of attractive women from all races and seeing them strut by makes you really feel horny some days if you don’t shag regularly. I got a good cozy flat in a very new apartment building and was happy to be one of the first occupants. That way most times I could gauge and see whenever I was out new tenants moving in and also get a glimpse of the attractive women who wud move in maybe. There were Iranians, Lebanese who I used to meet from work or my patients whom I became closer and slept with. One morning I opened my door to pick up the paper and I saw a young couple moving in. From their looks I figured out they were Keralites and they had no children. The husband looked serious and weary of me when I opened my door but I was stunned to see his wife. She was a beauty with long hair and with so well sculpted body like Malayalam actress, but a little shorter. I was so aroused that instantly my wicked mind started having thoughts how I would befriend her.They were a quiet couple and they never seemed to make it loud or apparent with their lives .I was always thinking when they would be making love and wished some sounds could jump across their wall they shared with me but it was in vain. Meanwhile I made enough good friends around here and was lucky to go to their homes and spend wild nights but I was cautious to bring anyone here in fear that my Goddess would somehow know. Both of them used to work and come back together.I used to work late till 9 or 10 pm and only had break in the afternoon from 1-5 pm. So our times never met .I was as usual the mysterious neighbor who just used his apartment to sleep and on weekends I was mostly out. As time flew by, one day I was lucky to see that the husband was pushing a trolley luggage to the lift and she was in her home clothes. I presumed he was going to some place.I got excited and as they proceeded to the lift I went to put the trash out through the floor chute. I must have waited around 3-4 mnutes before she was back.I think he went to the airport in a Taxi.I kept my door open and pretended that I was cleaning the apartment with a duster on my table.Her apartment door is directly adjacent to mine on our floor and ours is on the corner.In my mind I knew that any woman would definitely take a chance to see how her neighbour is and since now her husband was not in the scene I was damn sure she would look.I was pretending to clear things on my desk when she popped in front of my door on her way to her door and looked to my flat not expecting that I would be there.Our eyes met and I knew I had to flash my cute smile with a greeting and said Hi. She was pleasantly surprised at my greeting and mumbled hi back. I went over to the door and introduced myself and asked her whether she was from Kerala too? I am not biased towards mallus but In any foreign place, you meet someone from your own state, it kind of gives you a fair share of acquaintance and topics to flow by to talk(easy gimmick)and I told her I knew I had neighbours but I never wanted to disturb their peace. She smiled and told me her name was Sarita(name changed) and she was from Pala. My heart was racing and I was thinking of words to continue the conversation and asked where her Husband was leaving to? She replied he was going to India for 3 days as his ancestral property was being divided and his presence was required. In my mind it raced,3 days and I have less time. If I have to have her I need to start working immediately. Its human nature if you find someone attractive you need to know her better and make love to her .Its human nature in us to multiply and when we see the opposite sex our carnal instincts get aroused.No use hiding those feelings and saying I am a clean guy .Of course you have to be civil and courteous to respect the other person but if two minds make up they need to be one .fuse..make love ..enjoy. Nothing can stop them. I could feel that heat developing slowly as she was comfortable talkingto me and I invited her inside to sit and have tea with me.She politely declined but said if I was in the mood for breakfast she would need some time to shower and whip up some real good breakfast in 2 hrs as it was a holiday.I seized the opportunity accepting but politely and told I would love to help her too then. She asked for my number and told me she would call me to help as soon as she finishes her shower. A thousand thoughts ran through my head..why would a woman happily married go all the way to invite a neighbour she hardly knows ,the same day her husband had left and I thought to let go off these guilt thoughts as atleats I would have some good female company ..espescially the woman I am lustng for a few hours in conversation atleast. I ran and did my push ups and showered and wore something that would compliment my strong shoulders.I got a call from her after 45 mins and I knocked her door to find it open and with a fragrant smell of her shower all around the place.I made sure I closed the door and bolted it with the chain lest any other intruder sniff by.She was sitting on the sofa wearing a t shirt and pajama watching cartoons.I joined and sat across and started talking to her and she said she was brought up in Pala and her husband was from Thalavadi.It was an arranged marriage and then she came with him to Dubai after marriage and found job as an administrator in a reputed office here.He was more of a serious guy and held traditional values where as she was more open to change and getting to know people.She even added she loved working at the office more than staying home as she used to get all the compliments from her colleagues and she secretly enjoyed that.I smiled and told her that you should enjoy whatever you want to do as long as you don’t hurt anyone and no one finds out.She got the hint and looked at me smiling in a “Oh You naughty Rascal..I did not mean that” way and we both laughed at that. She asked me how I could help her and I said show me your kitchen.. We went there and she took bread to toast and I raided her fridge for Butter.Her kitchen was clean and I sat on a chair and watched her move .I could sense she was a comfortable with my presence and I made sure I would not do anything overt that would break her trust.As she started applying the butter I went over and helped her in between looking at her eyes and bosom .She did not mind that and I Looked at her eyes and caught her gaze.She asked my why I was single and not married yet.I told her ,who told I was single.I am married very much and my wife is in India and would be joining me soon here next month ,now that I am settled here.She said ok,now I feel safe then,I thought you would be an aggressive bachelor out to pin me down .I said who said I am not..I might do that too ..She laughed at that and we went to sit on the sofa and have some light breakfast.I made it sure now that I sat a little closer to her and she was getting more comfortable with my presence. I asked her what does she like to do now that her husband is not here and she replied enjoy freedom.I asked her how would she like her freedom and she just looked at me and came closer and said I saw you right from the first day I cam where and I always wanted some occasion to talk to you, know you. When I knew my Husband was going I knew I would have some chance maybe to see you and talk to you.She said she loved the way I used to run to work and come tired in the night as she used to secretly see me through her peep hole on the door as her husband was mostly sleeping at night while she watched TV.She knew I was young and restless and she has seen me talking on the phone many time while entering the door and it was sweet romantic talks to my girlfriends here..She even could hear some conversations as the walls were not that thick.I smiled and told her I am alone here and I have my needs .Yet I don’t believe fidelity is a fundamental right.I believe that if we want something we should go after that I always lusted for her right from the first day. She came closer and caressed my hair and told me then why did you not try to make a single contact with me then? I told her I knew he husband was a bum and I did not want more trouble between you. I then held her face and kissed her lips softly..deep and her response was an aggressive hard luscious kiss that made me surprised caressed her hair and back and my hands roamed around her tshirt back and unfastened her bra from outside. She got out of the kiss and told me to be patient. I had an enormous hard on from the heavy petting. She was eying it now and stood up and in a slow trance like movement removed her tshrt and pink bra. I saw for the first time those huge 36 c breast with dark purple areola that circled the nipples medium. She jugged her bobs together and brought the closer to me.I sucked on them hungrily while her hands ran down the bottom of my hardon and pulled my pajama down . Sarita started holding and cupping my balls tightly moaning deeply as her nipples stood erect in my mouth and fingers .She told me she loved the smell of a man’s scrotum and said her husband never bothered to shave down whie I was clean and she liked a shaved scrotum and she has never seen a circumcised dick.Her tongue flicked through the whole length of my 7 inch thick shaft and gulped my balls and I was on cloud nine.I never knew I had a wild gal next to me all this while .I started oozing pre cum and she said she wanted me to burst and fill her mouth with my load as she got a high drinking sperm and her husband never entertained that..I said its all yours and in series of jerks came in spasms of pleasure in her mouth while I kept on massaging her tits.She drank the whole load and spit out some and I came down and kissed her tasting my own cum from her mouth which was realy good and we collapsed on top of each other on the floor. She said she always loved doing a blow job first draining a man as she wanted a long session later and I came to know she had sex before marriage with two boyfriends and since her husband was a normal guy insisting on male pleasure always she was kind of bored with him and wanted a change. I told her she was lucky then because I pride myself in being a muff diver.What is a muff diver she asked?I said one who loves to suck pussy for a long long time..Her face flushed and smiled and her hands moved down to her pajamas and underwear and I helped her out of that .I made her sit on the sofa with her legs wide open and I kneeled down on the floor while I started to tease her thighs with my tongue on the sides while she lets gasps of aaah aaah and slowly my tongue found her hairy pussy and wound it way to her love hole.I started sucking in circles on her clitoris while she closed her eyes and pushed and caressed my hair with soft moans..the sofa was getting stained with her love juice and her pussy was dripping wet and hot while I continued sucking her clitoris. Slowly I inserted one finger in her hole and it felt so warm and I started finger insertion in and out until it was big enough to accommodate another finger..she was loving it and was asking me not to stop..she was raising her abdomen and buttocks higher and heaving down and her moans were getting louder now and her hands were pushing my head deeper. She was grinding and rubbing her cunt on my face and it was slickened with all her love juice and I was loving it ..I love the smell of a wet hairy pussy and it indeed was giving me high and my hard on returned. I could not believe my luck what was happening and I knew that if you really want something just wish for it with all your heart and you will get it when you least expect it.It is kind of a gift for persevering dedicated ambition for this long.. I started to lick the perineal area below the love hole and it is very very sensitive and she was loving it so great ..I went further down and my tongue licked her ass hole and probed deeper in..there was no bad smell and I knew she was hygeinic..by now my fingers were fucking her wet pussy and my tongue was giving her pleasures in areas she never knew existed in her body(trust me ladies..if you have good hygiene there and a guy is willing to suck there down you will see heavens) and she came in a whopping orgasm on my fingers and pulsating her pussy on my fist and told me that I am a muff diver in real exploring every inch ..She was so relieved that she said she had to pay me back now with interest and started sucking my dick again till it was hard and then guided me into her love hole while I felt the warmth and wetness of her hot pussy deeper and deeper as her nails drove deeper on my back and I felt we would be coming sooner together now and bent and started kissing and sucking her lips and mouth and our moans were muffled in our passionate kiss that when we came we dug and drove deeper and deeper until we rolled on to the sofa and closed our eyes. She asked me to be still inside her and she wanted to feel my sperms inside her wet pussy as it was her safe period and she did not have to be that scared. We woke up a lil later and were like innocent kids in love stealing kisses and we had a great soak in the tub while we had another session in the shower. It was noon by then and we ordered takeaway and after lunch we slept on each other hugging close. That night we had another long session and the next two nights even better. She is now pregnant but it is not my child as we had not had a session after her husband came .But we did have again while she came to tell me she was having a baby and she was leaving to India for her delivery the next month.He was in the office then. Any single lady or married lady who would like a hot session with a trained doc who knows how to get the best of your body and yes have their pussy sucked and licked too can email me in UAE to krazcic@gmail.com
Rajesh fucking Shilpi and Sheela - I
I have been reading stories on this site from last few months regularly and finally decided to write down my own experience. I’m not revealing the real names and locations; but yes the facts are very similar to what I have written. I don’t know how good a writer I’m, but I am trying my best to write down what I have experienced on the introduction of entirely new world of sex.
I am Rajesh and it’s my life’s first sexual encounter, and particularly in this time period I lost my virginity and innocence, and I can recall this incident without forgetting even a single second. Moreover whole experience was already written. I wrote when it occurred to me on paper in Hindi to read again and again and but in drama format, today I am just translating it into English in story format.
Today while writing those moments I am going to live that wonderful unique time again and I am sure that readers will fully enjoy reading this write up as I will enjoy writing it. Because it's a true incident that is why it’s bit long and divided into parts as I have written every little detail of that experience because I remember every second spent and each and every word spoken
at that time moreover I am writing this for myself more than for readers. I know many readers are going to screw me through there comments because it's really very long story, but for sure it's a true experience. Anyways now if I get back to my experience, then I will say, at that time my age was around 24-25,
I was single, virgin, and living alone( as my parents were living at our native place) in one room accommodation of the growing city of UP and I was working in one small company. Though the size of the company was small but my boss was very rich man in his late thirties and his name was Anand, I use to address him Bhaiya,
as it was regular practice of that place to address him or anybody like that who is elder, and his wife was Shilpi Bhabhi and she also use to visit office and had a separate cabin as she was director of the company. Shilpi Bhabhi was young as compared to my boss must be in his late twenties and had really seductive body.
She was very conscious about her figure and use to eat accordingly, I could see as sometimes I use to have lunch with them. The organization in which I was working was whole seller of specific products and it was there family business and literary they were minting money from years as they had more wholesale outlets in few other cities of the country and also had production unit of that product.
I joined that company after doing computer course and I had to computerize everything, like stock, inventory, customer and supplier database and whole accounting. I was playing important roll in that company to make their working easier and faster through my intelligence and with that I really worked hard and use to spend long time in office,
as I use to stay alone and I did not had much source of entertainment at my house except a small TV and cabal connection, so I use to listen music and sometimes use to watch movies in office only to freshen my mind. Like that with in few months I became significant and inseparable from that organization and got pampered by boss and my reputation improved
and now everybody was impressed with my dedication towards work. I was reserved and use to focus more on my work but very simple and polite while talking to others. As I said sometimes I use to have lunch with Bosses so Shilpi Bhabhi uses to talk to me addressing me Bhaiya after my name though she was elder to me (basically it’s a way or gesture of that place to give respect)
and she always seemed curious to know more about me and she almost asked me everything about my personal life like my family background and all. There was one more guy who was playing vital role in the company, his name was Hemant. He was cousin brother of my boss who was working with us and use to remain in the market and whenever he is in office
he uses to sit with Shilpi Bhabhi in her cabin to chit chat and from their gesture I could see that they were good friends and he use to address Shilpi Bhabhi with her name and even Shilpi Bhabhi use to address him with his name because she was free with talking to him as he was family member.
Hemant was unmarried and was almost of the same age of Shilpi Bhabhi may be bit elder and very casual in nature with a good sense of humor. He was tall almost 6’ with a good built. Though I was not in that good shape like Hemant but still I had a good body and an attractive face.
If I will explain Shilpi Bhabhi and her appearance then I will say that she was good looking female with sharp features, taller then average Indian woman I guess 5' 8'' as I am 5' 6'' and she was taller than me, bit dusky skinned, and her body was luscious, with full buttocks, rather I must say that Shilpi Bhabhi had one of the most splendid pieces of ass I had ever known with a sexy slender waist,
a flat belly and firm succulent breasts, Her neck was long, and around it she use to wear her habitual black and gold beaded Mangalsutra, the proud symbol of her marital status and apart from that she use to wear long gold earrings, toe-rings, finger rings, anklets and bangles. Her dark hairs were spongy, but thick and long ending at her waist.
Truly speaking at this particular moment remembering Shilpi Bhabhi and her assets and writing about her even after a long time is really very arousing for me; Anyway, most of the time Shilpi Bhabhi use to wear Sari and use to tie it below her navel, at that time it was really very difficult for me to control my erection after seeing her for few minutes.
Though most of the time I use to masturbate while fantasizing about her succulent body but I was very conscious while staring at her because more or less she was my boss and that job was really precious for me. Couple of times I saw Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant standing very close to each other and talking in a very low voice,
I felt bit awkward and felt that something fishy but I remained silent and ignored as it was none of my concern and I was just an employee. Leaving his personal life up to him, Hemant had a very pleasant and mixing nature and he took me as friend, though he was elder than me and somewhat like boss to me, because he was brother (maternal cousin)
of the leader of the organization Anand bhaiya. I use to address him Bhaiya too and couple of times he told me to address him Hemant instead of Hemant Bhaiya. Anyway time was passing like that and mainly because of Hemant’s nature I was having very friendly relation with him and Shilpi Bhabhi and sometimes they use to sit with me in my room to know few things
in computers and during that most of the time we had tea together and chit chatted on various topics like movies and all. From there behavior with each other couple of times I realized that they are very close, bit too much as sometimes they use to tease each other saying, ye pagal hai and all and once Shilpi Bhabhi smacked Hemant in front of me for his teasing reply.
Well it was not at all my concern so I never reflected that I am judging them and behaved casually with zero expressions. After few more months of working, suddenly on one fine day our friendly relation turned around. I remember it was Sunday, boss was not in town. I came to office to watch a movie, I was having a disc of that movie and did not had a DVD player at my accommodation,
so I decided to go to the office on that hot summer afternoon to watch that movie while sitting in AC. I opened main office door with my set of keys, and then unlocked my room which was very first cabin after crossing reception area (Sometimes I use to work late and sometimes use to stay even, in the night to finish the back lock of the work of previous years so set of duplicate keys were provided to me).
I switched on my computer and played DVD, I still remember movie was Akshay Kumar staring Hey Baby. After watching movie for a while I felt like pissing and pausing the movie I got up from my seat and walked towards the toilet. As I crossed Shilpi Bhabhi’s cabin which was second last in the row, I felt a cool breeze hitting my foot coming through the door gap,
I was watching movie bare footed resting my back fully on chair and putting my legs on the corner of the table, so I just walked like that towards the toilet, light of her cabin was on but there was nobody in the room on the table chair, I could see through the small glass window of the door which was intentionally made to check that whether that person is in the cabin or not without opening the door.
I tried to look around the room by turning my head on different angels and at particular angel my eyes got stuck. My god what was that, Shilpi Bhabhi was laying naked on carpet her legs were spread apart and stretched out. Hemant was also completely naked lying over Bhabhi on his forearms and knees, his legs were also broadened wide.
He was fucking Shilpi Bhabhi furiously. His buttocks were moving rapidly, rising and falling, his hips were swinging madly up and down like a machine. I could not see Hemants face but Shilpi Bhabhi’s expressions were somewhat clearly visible from there and I could see Shilpi Bhabhi’s fuck hole clearly, and it was overblown with Hemant’s thick long dick.
His balls were pressing her cunt-lips as he thrusts into her, his thick shaft was plunging and pistoning and ramming and reaming up and down, glistening and gleaming as it goes in and out of Shilpi Bhabhi’s cunt. Her hands were around Hemant’s back, and her fingers were clenching his muscular shoulders. Shilpi Bhabhi’s cries were sharp and erotic.
I could not hear them but her facial expressions were telling her state. There was a chair on which Shilpi Bhabhi’s blouse and petticoat was kept along with Hemant’s jeans and t-shirt and her sari was hanging partially on the back and arms of the chair and rest of it was on floor and her undergarments were also on floor that is Shilpi Bhabhi’s bra and panty and Hemant’s inner wears
too were laying on carpet beside them and both of them unaware of me and were getting mad in lust and fucking furiously. Their bodies were streaming with sweat, tossing frenetically on the carpeted floor, slapping wetly together. I was having unobstructed view of Hemant’s thick, long swollen penis plunging and pistoning up and down, appearing and disappearing between Shilpi Bhabhi’s distended cunt-lips.
Her hips were crushed under his and, her cunt was rising and falling to match his thrusts. I stayed there to see them, I was somewhat like glued to that place and I think it was my mistake. Soon they were close to finishing. As I saw, Hemant gasped, arching his head, his buttocks bouncing madly up and down, his penis ramming and reaming into the Shilpi Bhabhi’s slit more furiously.
Her breath was coming in shuddering, heaving moans. Even from where I was standing, I could feel the heat of their bodies, smell their sweat and sex, I could sense the turbulence in their loins. Bhabhi's cries became sharper, and faltering gasps rose in pitch and volume as her orgasm become visible.
"Oh... oh... ohhh... ohhh.... OHHHHHHH!" She arched suddenly, stiffly, her mouth was tearing open, her head jerked back, her cunt thrust up, and her body was quivering in tension. Above her, Hemant winces and gasps and rams into Shilpi Bhabhi hard with a snap of his hips, his buttocks were squeezing tight, twitched in fucking ecstasy and finally he buried himself deep in her flesh.
There bodies were soaked with a sweat, I could feel the heat of there bodies from the shine of there sweat, though the AC was on and room was chilling. Both of them were holding each other tight while cumming and remained like that for few minutes and then Hemant got up bit and laid beside Shilpi Bhabhi
while puffing on his back on the carpet and with in a minute or two Shilpi Bhabhi got up. It was a time where I had to make a move but I was looking at them without a flick of my eye, as she got up I could see Bhabhi’s swollen pendulous breast hanging like a fully ripped fruit. Her tits were good in size, not very big but large and heavy, and superbly formed with long erect nipples in dense aureoles,
they were fairer then her visible skin from sari and sexy enough to make anybody desperate to suck them. Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting, rubbing and cleaning her cunt from Hemant's sticky cum with some cloth may be undershirt of Hemant keeping her legs widely opened and she was talking to him, which I could not hear but she smiled on Hemant’s reply.
I was standing there and looking at them, don’t know why I didn’t moved from there may be I was expecting more from them and unfortunately Shilpi Bhabhi looked at the door and saw me watching them and her eyes got stuck and smile disappeared, next moment she turned and spoke to Hemant,
and before he would have looked at door I walked swiftly from there to exit from office and with in a minute I left that premises wearing my sandals, leaving my room unlocked and PC on. Both of them were totally naked so they could not follow me immediately and before they would have came out of the office after wearing cloths to see me I just got invisible from there.
I don’t know what was that truth or a dream. Hemant was fucking Shilpi Bhabhi, wife of his elder brother, I could not believe whatever I saw, and I was asking myself again and again that does this really happen in real life. At one time before this job I use to read sex stories on some other site but I never believed them,
and assumed them a fantasy of a writer but this particular incident made me believe on that stories. I was heading towards my accommodation and all the way to the home Shilpi Bhabhi’s naked body was floating in front of my eyes her luscious boobs, her thick fleshy thighs, the way she was cleaning her vigorously fucked cunt by keeping her legs wide and I could not
forget the way she was holding Hemant's pumping buttocks with her legs and enjoying getting fucked by her brother in law and the way Bhabhi's fully stretched fuck hole was gulping Hemant's big hard cock again and again. I was afraid too, with a thought that now somehow these two will make me leave this job and I had to hunt for new job,
after all they were somewhat bosses and I was just an employee. But with this thought I was bit relaxed that main boss that is Anand bhaiya likes me and I am very fruitful for him and his company and in worst conditions I will speak up the truth, as I was sure that he will listen to me at least once before firing me from the job,
though I never thought about talking to anybody about this fact that Hemant fucks Shilpi Bhabhi, unless I am forced to do that to protect my dignity and any allegation on my character. As Hemant and I had friendly relation, I recalled, in past Hemant asked me couple of times casually, directly or indirectly in a naughty tone that whether I have fucked any girl till now or not.
I replied the fact with some blush that I am still virgin for which he said that we should enjoy life up to max without thinking much about ethics and I can tell him if I need to fuck a girl, he will arrange it for me. I never took him seriously and thought that he is just kidding and in reply I always smiled and spoke “please mujhe maaf karo, mujhe ye sab nahi karna” and he laughed on my innocence.
Including this now I could relate few more things which were hint to me that something is happening between them, like once there was no body in the office in the week day except four people, me, Shilpi Bhabhi, Hemant and another female who use to sit on reception and that day Hemant instructed receptionist not to send anybody directly to Shilpi Bhabhi’s cabin
without informing through intercom because they are checking out important papers and requested me not to come there for sometime because they are checking out account of cash which is not mentioned in books as it is most confidential matter of the company. Now I could make out that at that time they must be kissing or doing something bit more like Hemant
would have sucked Shilpi Bhabhi’s luscious boobs or she would have sucked Hemant’s cock to make him cum. Once both Hemant and Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting in my cabin opposite to me and I was explaining them the way to put mathematical formula in Microsoft Excel and both of them were listening care fully and suddenly Shilpi Bhabhi smiled lightly, without any reason,
I think at that time Hemant would have rubbed his hand on her fleshy thighs over her sari and she would have felt good, he was rubbing his hands on her thighs again and again because Bhabhi continued smiling for some time in regular intervals. Like that I was recalling and imagining things and all these thoughts were making me horny.
At that time I was just 24-25 year old innocent boy, graduate, holding additional computer diploma basically from the middle class family and for me word sex was limited to just two words that is blue movies and masturbation. Watching live fucking of Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant was somewhat like matter of pure luck for me and I was recalling those moments of watching
Shilpi Bhabhi getting fucked like a bitch again and again and that day finally ended after masturbating thrice till night on Shilpi Bhabhi's name. Next day I was bit hesitant to go the office but I gathered courage and got ready, I knew that main boss is not in town even for next ten days so I need not to worry as they (Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant )
cannot interfere in my work and I also had lot of work pending, moreover I had a desire to see Shilpi Bhabhi’s seductive body, and her facial expressions. I knew even after wearing full clothes, she will feel that she is standing naked in front of me, basically I wanted to see those expressions. Anyway I reached office, nobody among two turned to come to office,
neither Shilpi Bhabhi nor Hemant, boss was already out of town, so environment in the office was relaxed as there were only employees and nobody was working continuously. Even next day nobody came and Hemant remained in the market only and called couple of times on reception to know whether everything is running fine or not.
Next day Hemant came just for 15-20 minutes and left office in hurry without facing me, as I was working in my room and he met receptionist and instructed her for few things and took a leave, as far as Shilpi Bhabhi was concerned, she totally disappeared from that day from the office.
Another day passed like that I remember on Friday I saw Hemant, he crossed me in passage and just said hello and I responded with hello. I think first time from the day we met, he moved by just saying a single word to me, and that is because of that disaster which he and Shilpi Bhabhi had, unless he would have talked to me for at least 5-10 minutes, as it use to happen in past.
Apart from working and thinking about all these things, I masturbated in night through out the week thinking about Shilpi Bhabhi and fucked her in various position in her cabin in my fantasies, also imagined having threesome sex with Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant, like she is sucking Hemant and I am pumping her from behind and also she is sucking my cock and Hemant is fucking her in some way.
Anyways Saturday also came to an end like that and now I was bit sure that he will not harm me in the way I was expecting, but I didn’t had any idea that how everything will get to normal and because of that my brain was bit occupied with the consequences of last Sunday’s incident.
On Sunday morning around 8 I received call from Hemant on my mobile, at that time I was sleeping as I use to get up late on Sundays. He wanted to meet me to talk about that matter. I got bit nervous but accepted his proposal to have lunch together. He called me at one five star hotel for lunch, but well before lunch time because he wanted to talk to me first.
I was not surprised with that because they were very rich and use to eat at such places. I reached at destination on time around 11 and called him from lobby, and he told me to come to particular room by giving a room number. I entered in room after knocking; Hemant was there in the room and to my surprise Shilpi Bhabhi was also sitting there.
She was looking stunning wearing light color printed chiffon sari with a matching blouse. She really was looking something else that day. Beautiful, dusky, slender, just the way I liked with very less makeup reveling her real beauty through her eyes and gesture. Her face was sensuous,
small bindi, a colored dot in the middle of the forehead and red color mark on the upper edge where hairs start as a symbol of marriage was looking astonishing, and after knowing that she is not faithful to her husband, all such things were very arousing. Her eyes were large and dark, rimmed with kajal, and her hair were thick and long, tied into a big low bun.
Her breasts were high and firm caged in a blouse nicely. She was wearing all those things which she use to wear, lovely gold earrings, gold ring in her ring finger, few bangles in one hand and gold bracelet in other, also toe-rings, anklets and her gold and black beaded Mangalsutra which was resting on her luscious boobs, behind transparent chiffon sari.
The way Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting on couch keeping one knee on another I could see the width of her bottom and it was really one of the finest piece of buttocks ever made by god, with a perfect amount of flesh on her ass cheeks and thighs and. Her hips were nicely widened when she was sitting on couch straight.
Thousand thoughts ran through my head in a fraction, she was the same female whom I saw in a fucking state, wow I recalled that fucking scene again in which she was wrapping Hemant’s waist in her fleshy thighs. As generally she use to wear sari and thickness of her thighs and amount of flesh on her ass cannot be seen from that, but after seeing her getting fucked like an whore, I could visualize her naked even when she was fully dressed.
I greeted Hemant by saying hello and just looked at Shilpi Bhabhi and she said hello to me with a smile, our eyes got locked for a second and my heart skipped a beat, she was truly looking lovely. ( well friends from here I am will write our conversation which I remember word to word and I remember whole mind state of all of us and on that basis I am writing it in dialog format,which will be convenient and more arousing I may write Hindi in English words if it will be convenient to me). Our conversation started casually with some formalities of asking that if I would like to have something, anything cold or hot with snacks. I replied formally saying its ok. Finally cold coffee got served with few snacks and after lot of preparation Hemant started,
by saying “whatever happened that day was really very unfortunate, I know it’s not your mistake but everything is just messed up because of that”. I just hummed to say yes and Hemant further continued, “Because it’s you that is why I have called you to talk, if someone else would have seen us doing that then I would have fired him immediately, ….
Anand bhaiya likes you a lot and truly speaking I take you as friend so I request you to keep this secret up to you only”. I was silent and again I hummed to say yes. Both Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant were sitting opposite to me and looking at me and I was looking at them while listening.
Hemant continued “you know Rajesh(myself) whatever is running between me and Shilpi has some reason, she is starved for this because Anand bhaiya is more interested in making money and remains out of town for at least 7-8 days in a month(he was right, I knew this as I was working with them from quite long time) and for rest of the month he gets so tired
by the end of the day that he cannot perform and she gets frustrated”. As Hemant finished that sentence, Shilpi Bhabhi spoke very politely, “Bhaiya body ki kuch zaroorten hoti hain jo puri honi chahiyen, life mein physical love aur sexual satisfaction bahut important hota hai jo mujhe Anand se kabhi nahi mila,…
wo hamesha business ke baare main sochte hain aur meri needs ki bilkul care nahi karte, and I have talked to him about this in past but he never bothered about that, I hope you understand what I am saying”. I could not speak anything, and according to me, neither I was suppose to say anything I was just listening them, that how they were justifying there relation.
Shilpi Bhabhi was talking to me about her sex life without any hesitation and I realized that she is a bold lady. Then again Hemant spoke, “you must be thinking that I am a bad guy who has unacceptable relation with his Bhabhi, but for us it’s simple give and take relation, we just satisfy each other sexually and remain calm,
believe me Rajesh it’s a fact that Anand Bhaiya cannot keep Shilpi happy just by his money, and he is not ready to understand that, so I do the rest, to keep her happy, after all she is also a human and she also has some desires”. I saw Shilpi Bhabhi in between looking at her eyes, environment in that room was very serious and first time from the day I met Hemant, I have seen him talking so seriously.
Resting his back on the couch and after a reasonable pause Hemant started again “Rajesh I don’t want to lose you as a friend and as a well wisher of the company, so don’t think that you will be fired from the job in any case, (again with a pause)…… let’s be frank tell me what we can do for you”?
Both of them were looking into my eyes expecting something from me the thing which I need as compensation to keep my mouth shut and I could not speak, I just said “nothing”. Both of them were sensing my mental state that I am confused, Shilpi Bhabhi spoke, “please Bhaiya I request aap kisi se iss baare mein baat matt kariye ga”.
Shilpi Bhabhi was requesting me not to speak to anybody about her relation with Hemant. Then after a pause she spoke again, “bhaiya hum dono aapko bahut pasand karte hain aur aapko apna friend samjhte hain, aap bhi humen apna friend samjho aur aapko jo chahiye bolo” I said “Bhabhi I promise that I will keep this up to me, aur mujhe usske liye kuch nahi chahiye”.
Shilpi Bhabhi smiled and said, “Bhaiya please don’t think that we are paying you for this, I mean hum aapko chup rahne ke liye bribe nahi karr rahe hain, being a friend hum bass aapko kuch gift karna chaahte hain”. Again I said I don’t want anything with bit relaxed tone as tension of that room was bit released.
Hemant got up from his place and sat beside me and held me in his arm like a friend and casually said, “arre boll na yaar, kyon sarrma raha hai, jo chaahiye boll”. He came to his real state and that was actual Hemant who was now relaxed because I promised that I will keep their secret.
I smiled on his frankness and again said, “nahi bhaiya mujhe kuch nahi chaahiye, I am happy with what I have”. Once again Shilpi Bhabhi tried to know what I want, giving option of better mobile set the one with a camera or new DVD player, but again I refused to accept. Once Hemant insisted if I need anything else which is more expensive and I need that,
but from my side I insisted both not to force me to accept anything, because I don’t like it at all. I saw Shilpi Bhabhi smiled bit more and bit naughtily, and seeing her smiling Hemant also smiled, it seemed bit strange to me though tension was almost over even then I felt something wired, because their smile was not reflecting there tension getting released, they were smiling naughtily.
I looked at Hemant who was sitting beside me with a question “what happened”. Hemant spoke, “you know why Shilpi is smiling, because she has lost the bet”. “Bet” I repeated the word bet with another obvious question, which bet. Hemant started again, “Rajesh we both knew that you will promise that you will not speak to anybody about our relation,
and I was sure that you will not accept anything from us, but Shilpi was thinking just opposite, she was sure that you will ask for something for this favor, so now she has to except that she has lost the bet”. I looked at Shilpi Bhabhi; she was still smiling and looking at me sexily. Hemant spoke “you know bet kyat thi”? “kya” I asked while looking at him,
before Hemant would have said anything, Shilpi Bhabhi smiled a lot and almost laughed while blushing casually covering her face with her hands. Hemant also laughed and started speaking while laughing, “you know we both are very naughty, aur hum dono ko koi nahi sudhar sakta” I smiled bit listening this, because I was expecting something really naughty from him,
but I never expected what he said, he continued in same tone, “according to bet, now she has to seduce you, and this is going to happen right now, in this room, …….I am leaving and I will come after three four hours, tabb tak tum dono yahan rahoge aur ek dusre ko enjoy karoge”. I was shocked and got up while looking into his eyes, and uttered with arbitrary smile,
“kya baat kar rahe ho aap, main jaa raha hoon”. Hemant pulled my hand to make me sit down and said, “Sit down, hum tera rape nahi karenge, darr mat”. I sat again and looked at Shilpi Bhabhi she was smiling very naughtily while looking at me. Hemant looked at Shilpi and said, “see what he is saying, iss se badda idiot hoga koi iss duniya mein”,
I was speechless and could not understand what they exactly want, and Hemant was well aware of my mental state, and spoke, “ Dekh Rajesh don’t think that we are doing any favor, she likes you and that’s why she wants to make love to you,…. she loves your shyness and your innocent gesture,
I know it’s your first time and you are feeling this whole thing very awkward but its true, so I will suggest you as a friend that you should enjoy without thinking much about ethics” and after a long pause Hemant continued, “see mujhe koi problem nahi hai, because we don’t love each other, we just enjoy aur tujhe kya lagta hai main sirf Shilpi ke saath karta hoon,
she knows that I do it with another girl and Shilpi does not have any objection in that, so even I don’t have any objection agar ye kisi aur ke sath karti hai to, rather I am happy that she is doing it with you, one of the finest person I know... tou ab tu shamana chhod aur mard bann, aur dikha de iss nymphomaniac ko ki tu kya kar sakta hai”.
I just went dumb and could not speak and I can’t write what I was feeling at that time, I looked at Shilpi Bhabhi she was looking sexy and I was closer to get her whole treasure with her consent, she wanted to get fucked by me and this thought was driving me crazy. I was hard in my pants and having problem to resist myself from getting further erection.
Shilpi Bhabhi was looking at me sensually and I could not see in her lustful eyes because of my shy nature I was confused and my facial expressions were telling my mental state. Hemant spoke further, “Rajesh mujhe patta hai ki tujhe bhi Shilpi achhi lagti hai, because she has seen you staring at her body,.......
don’t feel ashamed for this iss mein kuch galat nahi hai kyunki isski body achhi hai aur tu ekdum normal hai, aur ye sab jo ho raha hai wo bhi normal hai, life ko enjoy kar aur mast rah, jo hoga dekha jaayega”. I was looking into his eyes and I was amazed with his statements that how lightly he taking all this.
Though I wanted to do this, undoubtedly Shilpi Bhabhi was one of the beautiful ladies ever came in my touch till now, and surely I wanted to fuck her, countless times I masturbated thinking about her in the past, and on that particular instant golden opportunity of fucking her was knocking my door and I was really very nervous I was silent and thinking what to do.
Hemant got up, may be to move out of the room leaving me and Shilpi Bhabhi alone assuming that I am ready to get into bed with Shilpi Bhabhi. I got up along with him and said, “bhaiya mujhse nahi hoga, please let me go”. Hemant smiled sarcastically reading my hesitation and said while making me look at Shilpi Bhabhi “abbey hoga kaise nahi, dekh issko kya cheez hai ye,
iss se achha maal tujhe kahin nahi milega, aur isse bahut experience hai, ye sab handle kar legi” again I looked at Hemant in confusion and he smiled again and again spoke, “ I know you can do it and somewhere you also want to do this, it's normal there is nothing to worry about so just relax and enjoy”
Hemant chapped on my shoulder and moved towards the door and spoke to Shilpi Bhabhi more with his eyes and in words he said “close the door, I will call you after 2-3 hours or you call me whenever you were over, and we will have lunch together, aur mere dost ka achhe se khayal rakhna, make him happy”.
Hemant went out and Shilpi Bhabhi went behind him till the door and looked out and smiled, may be Hemant said something in low voice for which she smiled while looking at him, and finally she bolted the door from inside after hanging the tag of “do not disturb” outside and turned and walked gently towards me and stood closer and said,
“don't get nervous, have a seat let's talk for some time, then we will do whatever we have to do”. I sat and she too on the other couch bit away from me. We both were silent for a minute or so and I was unable to look into her eyes directly but I raised my eyes couple of times to see her beautiful face and sexy gestures.
Shilpi Bhabhi was smiling, while looking at me and asked, “You are afraid of me”? I said, “no, not afraid but I am very nervous”, she smiled, “you like me na”. I said “yes, but I could not believe whatever is happening with me is true, I mean I never thought about you in that way”. Shilpi Bhabhi smiled again and said,
“when one man stares at woman’s body then most of the time he thinks in that way only and I have caught you staring at me many times, so don't lie I know you want to do it”. I blushed but could not speak anything. She was enjoying my shy gestures and smiling continuously and asked further, “OK tell me what you saw that day, I mean when you came there what we were doing”.
I was bit hesitant to speak anything vulgar so I said, “you and Hemant Bhaiya were making love”. Bhabhi replied with a smile, “we don’t love each other; we just satisfy each other physically”. I just hummed to say yes, she asked again “tell me exactly what we were doing, we were doing proper sex or you saw what we were doing before that”.
I was amazed with a kind of conversation Shilpi Bhabhi was doing with me, I said “you were doing sex; I just came there 5 minutes before you saw me”. “Ok…. I think you have missed many things which we do before doing that”. Then after a pause Shilpi Bhabhi asked me again, “I hope you watch blue movies”, I said yes while looking into her eyes, slowly I was getting friendly with a conversation.
“We do those things before doing main act, I hope you understand what I am saying” she spoke while looking into my eyes with a naughty smile. I was uneasy with a thought that soon we will be doing those things with each other, I mean I had to lick her cunt and Bhabhi will suck my cock, before taking it in her fuck hole.
I spoke, “Bhabhi, if you are doing it just because you lost the bet or in return of my promise then please don’t do, and I promise I will not speak to anybody about that”. Shilpi Bhabhi smiled and got up from her place and sat very close to me, completely touching me and turned around to see me putting one her arm around my shoulder and kissed me lightly on my cheek and took my hand in her hand and said,
“no, I am not doing it because I lost the bet, neither as a return of your promise, I like you and from the long time I had a desire to be with you in the bed, and when I saw you staring at me, I spoke to Hemant about this, and I think he tried to ask you couple of times, but you were hesitant even to talk about that,......and we never tried again because it could be dangerous for my reputation”.
“Bhabhi I don't think I will be able to do it, I mean stare karna aur baat hai, aur actually main karna aur baat hai”. She looked into my eyes with arbitrary anger and spoke in same fashion, “Bhaiya you have already spoiled my week, me and Hemant have not done from last Sunday, and reason is you,
I was so tensed because of you that I could not eat properly for three four days and now you are making excuses, I am telling you ki jab tak main aapko seduce nahi kar loongi I will not accept that you are in our team. Tell me aapko itni sharam kyun aa rahi hai........ aapko mere saamne nanga hona padega yehi problem hai na, mujhe bhi to hona padega,
people are dying for this fun and you are making stupid excuses”. Then after a pause Shilpi Bhabhi started again “Tell me aap kab takk aise hi innocent rahna chahte ho, kabhi na kabhi to sex karoge hi, then why not now, if you want to lose your virginity to your wife then you are a fool because you can never be sure that your wife will be virgin when you will marry her,
then why you want to be virgin till your marriage” then with a smile she continued “you know even I was not virgin when I got married, I had a boyfriend in collage who took my virginity”. She paused for few seconds and then spoke again, “you know I am not normal, I feel my sexual urge is bit more than normal female and with that I got somebody like Anand as a husband, so I can’t help it”.
Then again Shilpi Bhabhi started after a pause, “I have suffered for years, before I started doing it with Hemant, and in starting I was very afraid of getting caught while doing it with him but you know Hemant, he is such a bastard, though in the beginning we were just good friends and slowly I shared my problem with him and he made good use of it for himself and for me too,
and because of that anybody can see changes in my overall behavior, believe me I am much better person than what I was, and its just because now I get sexually satisfied”. “Bhabhi if you are happy with him, then why you want to do it with me” I asked her with bit of confidence, she held my jaw, between her thumb and rest of fingers and said, “because I like you,
and you are my sweetheart” I smiled, now I was getting confident, she caressed my hairs and then cheek sensually and brought her lips closer to mine and spoke, “your innocence and hesitation is very arousing and I want that, today I am going to take that from you”, when her lips parted to speak I felt her breath warm and sweet on my lips.
Next moment Shilpi Bhabhi placed her lips on mine and she sucked them nicely for few seconds, I didn’t know what to do, I just remained like that, my heart was pounding very high. She stopped for a while, and looked into my eyes and spoke, “come on love me, today you have to do what Hemant was doing with me that day and I know you want to do it,
so forget about everything and enjoy this moment, just fuck your Shilpi Bhabhi like you want” finally our lips met again in a long delicate kiss. By this time I was well aroused to grab this opportunity and my instinct ordered me to enjoy this moment. She drew her lips over mine and sucked and gently she slid her tongue out between my lips, knocking my mouth,
I parted my lips and her tongue slipped inside my mouth and in a second Shilpi Bhabhi’s tongue roamed inside my mouth thoroughly and in a fraction we started eating each other. Now I was kissing her too by sucking her soft rosy lips, keeping them between my lips and entered my tongue in her lovely mouth and sucked her delicate tongue.
It was first kiss of my life and I didn’t knew how it went so well, may be I just followed Shilpi Bhabhi and she made my first kiss memorable forever. What a female she was, apart from being rich she had wealth of sexual experience. We both were sitting on the couch and loving each other, and I was bearing most of her weight because she was completely over me.
Shilpi Bhabhi was somewhat resting on me by putting one of her leg between my legs and her knee was touching my crouch, Bhabhi was caressing my chest over my shirt while kissing me and her sensual touch was driving me out of my control, she opened few buttons of my shirt and moved her hand inside to touch my bare chest under my inner wear,
while brushing and kissing me on my neck and area closer to ears. I was getting crazy and mad with every passing second and my hesitation was disappearing and finally I got hold of Shilpi Bhabhi’s body from her shoulder and embraced her moving my hand to her back and I too started brushing my lips all over her face and neck.
Heat in our body was rising and we were busy in making love and many times our lips met and then parted again and after kissing here and there they met again to kiss. Our body was so close and tied with each other that my body started emitting the fragrance of her feminine perfume.
I was feeling presence of pendant of her Mangalsutra over her soft luscious breast as her melons were getting pressed nicely with my chest. I could feel marks of her lipstick on my face and around my lips and there was a blend taste of that brand in my mouth along with the taste of Shilpi Bhabhi’s saliva.
Once again Shilpi Bhabhi looked into my eyes and spoke, “let’s go to bed”, I just hummed in puffing fashion and we got up from the couch. Before moving towards bed I moved towards toilet to pee and she spoke from behind, “just wash your thing properly when you were over”. It was so difficult to pee with an erect rod, I was almost fully erect and I could feel the precum on my rod.
I washed my rod after pissing and came out, Shilpi Bhabhi was waiting for me, standing there only, after that she entered in toilet and came back just in 2 minutes and before she would have reached closer to me she took off safety pins from the shoulder and plates of her sari. Shilpi Bhabhi came to me and kissed me lightly on the lips and took my hand and we moved to
bed she took off my shirt with smiling gesture while looking into my eyes and immediately opened my belt to take of my trouser and in a moment I was just in under garments, my undershirt lasted for 2 more seconds as Shilpi Bhabhi took off that too from my body, she took off her sari carefully before getting into bed, wow what was she looking in blouse and petticoat,
just amazing, Everything about her was voluptuous. Her face, her manner, and her juicy melons which were eager to get free, her gold Mangalsutra which was resting on bare skin of her lower neck, was really very arousing, as it was a symbol of commitment and it was driving me more crazy,
her ass mounds were tightly wrapped around the petticoat and were keen to attain there actual width after getting liberated from her petticoat, I could see the amount of flesh she was having on her thighs as her petticoat was tight. As a whole she was looking like a highly explosive sex bomb which was going to explode on my bed.
Finally with in few minutes we were on bed, just wearing blouse and petticoat Shilpi Bhabhi was laying on my top and I was bearing weight of her seductive body while kissing and caressing each other. My hands were moving all over her body and I was feeling all her curves and bends.
Shilpi Bhabhi's skin was so soft, as she was bare from her waist and I was moving one of my hand there to feel the softness of her body, and from other hand I was holding her firm hips over her petticoat. By this time I was well into lust and fucking passion and my hesitation was totally gone. I was enjoying Shilpi Bhabhi's luscious body and she was enjoying mine.
She was sucking and biting my nipples and brushing her lip allover my bare skin, leaving her saliva allover my chest and face. Suddenly I turned around and took her under me and kissed her passionately and murmured, “Bhabhi, I want to see you naked” she just smiled as I was getting free and my innocence was disappearing.
I was puffing in excitement while sitting beside her and opening hooks of her blouse and it took some time to open all of them because I was getting nervous, first time I was taking off clothes of any female and Shilpi Bhabhi was sensing my nervousness. Soon she was lying with an open blouse and somehow her bra was holding her luscious fruits tightly and because of that
her cleavage was deep and very arousing. Next moment Bhabhi got up took off her blouse completely and unhooked her bra and her juicy melons were hanging in front of me, just for me to eat and suck. I was looking at her perfect shaped mounds and now her Mangalsutra was resting on her bare breast, and it was arousing me further.
I was trying hard to conquer my nervousness, holding my nerves; I cupped her swollen mounds and squeezed them nicely. My cock was at his maximum size and couple of times I felt that I will cum in a moment or two. Shilpi Bhabhi’s nipples were not big, neither small, they were just perfect for me.
I pushed her on bed gently and made her lay down on her back again and came on her and immediately started sucking her nipples and tried to take one of her melon completely in my mouth, wow what a moment that was, I was getting crazy in lust and started sucking and pressing her fully ripped fruits one by one vigorously,
Shilpi Bhabhi's tits were really very soft and irresistible, she was enjoying her breast getting sucked like that as she held my scalp and further pressed my mouth into her boobs to get them sucked hard, she hummed and then whispered in pleasurable voice, “suck them bhaiya suck them hard, they are all yours”. She was feeding me like a mother and I was sucking her tits like a child.
Her nipples were good to suck and Shilpi Bhabhi was enjoying getting them chewed by me. By this time she was highly on in lust and as she got up after few minutes of breast play and I could see hell of yearn in her eyes. Shilpi Bhabhi turned and came on me quickly and immediately got up and sat around my waist, now I was on my back and she was sitting around me,
next moment she pulled thread of her petticoat and stood up on the bed around my thighs and drifted her petticoat down to her feet and immediately threw it on the floor. Shilpi Bhabhi was standing just in panty and her fleshy thighs were looking gorgeous. White color panty was wet from the front portion and it was trying to resist heat of her wet fuck hole.
She was looking into my eyes lustfully and smiling and uttered, “bhaiya abb isse aap uttaroge, aur aapko main nanga karoongi”. I sat and finally pulled down Shilpi Bhabhi's last cloth to make her totally naked, holding her panty from both sides. Finally her wet, swollen pussy was exposed to me who lusted to have my cock inside from long time.
Wow what a beautiful fuck hole she had, with no sign of hairs. Shilpi Bbabhi's pussy lips were bit swollen in desire of getting stuffed and fully soaked with her own love juices and seemed very soft like a petal of rose. From the place where I was sitting view was great, it was Shilpi Bhabhi's fucking cunt, most wonderful thing made by God on this earth.
For me it was first time that I was seeing a real pussy, and of the lady whom I always addressed Bhabhi. She was wife of my boss, more or less boss for me and she was with me on the bed and for me it was really hard to believe that with in few minutes I will be fucking her like a whore.
At that time she was just bitch in a heat, who has high sexual urge and who cannot think beyond fucking and just fucking. Shilpi Bhabhi moved her finger on her slit from top to bottom couple of times parting her lips through her finger and spoke in excitement, “Bhaiya dekho this is a real treasure for a man, aur mere pattidev paisa kamane main busy hain,
yahan unki wife doosron ke bistar gharam kar rahi hai” Shilpi Bhabhi was standing in front of me with her exposed cunt and speaking erotic words to arouse me, next moment she pushed me to make me lay on bed on my back and sat around my chest and spoke while moving further, “Bhaiya you have to suck me, please do it, like you see in movies,
just do whatever you want to do with this, open your mouth and suck it hard I am all yours”. By this time her juicy dripping fuck hole was closer to my mouth and without asking me that whether I want to do it or not she pressed her wet love hole over my mouth and started moving in to and fro motion and moaned sexily with every push in my mouth.
I could not think anything, I had to suck, it was really strange feeling in the beginning, her cunt was ozzing out hell of juices and I was gulping all I was not liking it but Shilpi Bhabhi was not bothered about that, some kind of mental fever was driving her and she was getting crazier and crazier with every passing second.
Her moans and words were really arousing and driving me crazy, she spoke again in puffing voice while moving even faster and rubbing her cunt on my lips and tongue, “suck me bhaiya, suck me, main aapke liye yahan aai hoon, just do whatever you want to do with me”.
Finally I griped her wide fleshy ass mounds in my hands and pressed them hard and further pulled them in my mouth to stop her movement and took her whole cunt in my mouth and buried my tongue in her hot fuck hole. I knew bit about clitoris, I don't know knowing or unknowingly I concentrated on that portion and sucked that whole area hard.
Shilpi Bhabhi just went mad, Now she wanted to set herself free but I was holding her tight, and continued sucking her there keeping that portion in my mouth, She leaned further and tried to get away from my mouth, by pushing herself holding pillow, Her moans were getting shriller and sharp,
she wanted to move to and fro but I was holding her tight from her ass mounds squeezing them with my full strength and stopped her movements and sucked her even harder though I was breathing with difficulty, even then I continued because I was getting mad listening Bhabhi's pleasure moans and in a second or two she almost started crying in pleasure and pulled my
hairs to stop me and next moment got out of control and cummed in my mouth with bit of shivering. As I released her buttocks from my grip, she got away quickly and lied down bit away from me on the double bed. Shilpi Bhabhi was puffing and took few seconds to get normal, we both got up and she cleaned her cunt with a hand towel and spoke while looking into my eyes with bit of puffing
“you are mad, Hemant ne bhi kabhi iss tarah se suck nahi kiya, and I have never cummed in his mouth, you just gulped everything came out from there, we don't do that”. I was also breathing bit fast, I spoke while looking into her eyes “Bhabhi you didn't asked me anything, you just pressed your thing over my mouth and I don't know how I did all that, it just happened”.
“I am sorry, I just went mad, generally I make Hemant suck me like this, but I get off before cummimg, but you were holding me so tight that I had to stop you like that(by pulling my hairs)”. She came closer to me and caressed my hairs and told me to get up, I obeyed her and stood on the bed.
Shilpi Bhabhi took my jockey to my feet and now I was standing fully naked in front of her with my semi erect cock in her hands. Bhabhi was moving skin of my rod up and down to make it erect and I started moaning while looking down at her. “She looked up to my face and said, “Now you get ready to scream”.
Next moment my dick was in her mouth and she was holding my rod in her rosy lips. Shilpi Bhabhi moved her head back and forth and I saw my rod appearing and disappearing in her mouth. For the first time in my life I was getting sucked and as a debutante this feeling was really very weird and strange,
I was expecting lot of pleasure than I was getting as I use to see in movies but at that time it was paining. I moaned more in pain than pleasure and spoke, “Bhabhi dard ho raha hai”. Shilpi Bhabhi hummed and stopped for a second and spoke, “just look at me and try to enjoy, pain will disappear”. She was right; I looked at her pretty face.
Wow Shilpi Bhabhi was looking gorgeous while sucking my meat. Foreskin of my cock was off and my rod started gaining hardness as I was getting aroused watching her sucking me like a whore. Bhabhi was using lot of her saliva while sucking and now I was getting pleasure. My rod grew further in her mouth and she rubbed her tongue on my cock head erotically.
I gasped in deep pleasure. Wow what a pleasurable time that was, I was standing naked on the bed my feet were spread apart, I gripped Shilpi Bhabhi's head, grunted and pulled her face deeper into my crotch, pushing my hips at the same time her moist warm mouth was distended with the size of my swollen penis.
Shilpi Bhabhi took my cock deeper in her mouth; her hands were clenching my buttocks, sucking hungrily. Her mouth was wonderful, warm and moist and her tongue was doing magic on my rod. I was very excited and getting mad in pleasure. I stopped her and sat beside her as I wanted to fuck her face properly in comfortable position,
I pushed Shilpi Bhabhi further to make her lay down on her back and sat closer to Bhabhi's mouth and spoke while caressing her cheek, “Bhabhi, it's amazing bahut mazzaa aaraha hai, just make me cum like that, and without waiting for her reply I inserted my rod in her mouth again and she took it again without any hesitation.
Slowly I sat around her face keeping my rod in her mouth and started pumping her face with my meat while holding her head in my hands. What a feeling that was, Shilpi Bhabhi was holding my hips and Now I was moving my hips to and fro and my rod was moving in and out of her mouth with some speed. I could see her face, and that view was really very arousing.
Pressure was building inside me and I moved with bit of more speed and spoke while puffing “Bhabhi mera ho Jayega, and I want to cum in your mouth, Bhabhi please let me cum please take it in your mouth” Shilpi Bhabhi tried to push me, but I kept on pumping in her mouth and spoke again, “Nahi Bhabhi please, please please I am cumming cumming Oh shit, Bhabhi”.
Finally I pressed tip of my rod on Shilpi Bhabhi’s tongue and shivered after squeezing my hips together, and spewed few drops of white cum in her lovely mouth. She immediately got up and ran towards the washroom and spited whatever I injected in her mouth.
I was lying on the bed and looking at her, I could see her standing in front of washbasin facing away from me. Her ass was wide and heavy. She turned and came to the bed walking totally nude.
She smiled and said, “It’s OK, but don't tell Hemant, that I have taken it in my mouth, unless he will always cum in my mouth”. I smiled and said, ok. “He will be waiting for our call somewhere” I spoke again, “I know what he will be doing, he is with other girl in his friends vacant flat” Shilpi Bhabhi replied. I looked at her, “Bhabhi have you seen that girl”?
Bhabhi smiled, and said, “Haan, even you have seen her”. “Kaun hai wo”? I asked her with curiosity; Shilpi Bhabhi smiled more and said, “Sheela”. I got up and looked at her face surprisingly, “who our receptionist” “Yes, she is the one with whom Hemant do”, it's not possible” I replied as I was shocked.
“If whatever is happening in this room is possible, then what's so shocking about that hmmm…” then after a pause she spoke again, “bhaiya agar aap apne boss ki wife ke saath kar sakte ho to, wo kyon nahi kar sakti apne boss ke bhai ke saath”. It was really shocking for me, Sheela was above average looking female of middle class family like me, must be in her mid thirties.
A guy of accounts told me about her that she is separated from her husband from last five six years and from then she is working here. I use to address her Sheela didi, she was so simple and always pretended that she is spiritual. Everyday she use to put sandalwood tilak on her forehead and always use to listen bhajan’s in office on her mobile.
On every religious occasion she came with the sweet as a prasaad and talked to me many times about her spiritual thoughts. Her physical appearance was also good but not as good as Shilpi Bhabhi, Sheela didi was shorter than me must be 5' 4”. Her breasts were reasonably big and nice but not at all well shaped like Shilpi Bhabhi’s tits,
bit over weight for her height and she didn’t had flat tummy, and over all she was bit chubby as there was good amount of flesh on her thighs and butt. Till then I never thought about her in that perspective, but now I could not think about anything else and with a thought that at that particular instant she will be getting fucked by Hemant in various positions while having a sandalwood tilak on her forehead,
and while thinking this I started gaining erection. Shilpi Bhabhi was well aware of it and she noticed that and got hold of my rod in her hand and started jerking and spoke, “Kya, …. Sheela ke baare main soch rahe ho”. I said “Haan, Sheela didi to bahut religious hain, then how she agreed, I mean how she started doing with Hemant and does she know that you also do with Hemant”.
Shilpi Bhabhi smiled and said, “nahi, ussko nahi maloom, mere aur Hemant ke baare main, aur kya religious logg sex nahi karte, and how they started, I will tell you later, pahle hum wo karte hain jo humen karna hai”. And next moment she turned and came on my top partially and started kissing me while jerking my rod nicely.
Again that fucking desire started raising her head and I was gaining hardness, more over the way Shilpi Bhabhi was looking into my eyes was very arousing and she uttered again while jerking my rod, “aapko mujhse jyada Sheela sexy lagti hai, hmmm….. tell me” I said “nahi Bhabhi, I never thought about her in that way, and I can never compare her with you,
you are very sexy and it’s my good luck that I am making love to you today” and I turned and took her under me. She was still holding my rod and I was fully erect she spoke again in sexy tone “You are not making love to me, you are fucking me and you have not fucked me yet, just get on my top properly and fuck me,
show me what you can do with me and don’t think that you will hurt me in anyway, just fuck the way you want”. “Bhabhi hum condom nahi use karenge”? I asked her, “Nahi I don’t like using it, I handle that in other way, so you don’t worry”. I adjusted myself on her top and Shilpi Bhabhi herself took my rod to her love opening and rubbed her fuckhole with my cock.
Wow what a feeling that was, I moaned and gained further erection, again she spoke just one word, “push”, and I pushed and my rod went inside Shilpi Bhabhi, Her legs were widely open, knees were bent and feet were resting on bed, and as I entered, she wrapped her legs around my hips and grabbed me between her hands and legs.
Ohh fuck what was that, my rod got uncovered from its foreskin while entering into her fuck hole, which pained me bit for a fraction. In a moment I was fully inside Shilpi Bhabhi and she moaned in pleasure and closed her eyes and felt my hard cock distending her pussy lips and touching her vaginal walls.
Wow what a fuck hole Shilpi Bhabhi had, hot and wet, her juices flowed out as I entered my dick deep inside her. Shilpi Bhabhi told me that length of my rod was not as long as Hemant’s rod but it was bit thicker than his and she was getting different kind pleasure because of that, as muscles of her fuck hole were stretched more.
As I started moving in and out resting on my knees and forearms and she started enjoying more and moaned in a low voice continuously for few seconds, I could hear the soft voice of her anklets, they were also moving and making lovely sound of chhan chhan with a movement of my cock as I was ramming and reaming myself in her fuck hole.
After few fucking strokes Shilpi Bhabhi looked into my eyes and spoke, “fuck me Bhaiya, fuck me hard, don’t think about me, I am enjoying, tez tez karo, jitna tez kar sakte ho karo, Hemant ki tarah, and talk dirty with me”. She knew that it’s my first time and it will be difficult for me to make her cum that is why she was asking for fast and furious sex and wanted me to talk dirty with her to get aroused.
I knew this fact that sometimes dirty talk plays vital role and I murmured, “see Bhabhi you call me Bhaiya and I am fucking you, you are with me on bed having my rod inside your fuck hole hmm…, does it feel good hmmm… tell me, mazzaa aaraha hai, ya aur tez karoon”, and it worked, she got aroused and moaned nicely and spoke,
“Haan Bhaiya, aur tez karo, aur tez aur tez… fuck me…. fuck me yes yes….” Pressure was building inside me too, and my speed was increasing every second, I was also moaning in pleasure, her body was jerking and snapping back and forth on the bed, in rhythm her breasts were jiggling with my thrusts and her Mangalsutra tossed around her neck.
Sweat streamed out of our body. Shilpi Bhabhi’s legs were spread wide, her knees were bent, and her feet were high against my back. I was ram-fucking her, thundering my rod in and out of her flesh. Again I spoke to arouse Shilpi Bhabhi, “Bhabhi kuch dinn main Raksha-bandhan hai, aap mujhe rakhi bandhoge, hmmm… bolo bandhoge na…. Hmmm…… bolo”.
“Haan Bhaiya Bandhugi zaroor bandhungi” she spoke while gasping, she was closer to her peek and I was about to burst “aur ussi din sham ko I will fuck you, like this only, Hmmm….” With a last word I lied down on her and started fucking her furiously and finally just after few seconds buried my rod with a hardest push and squeezed my hips together while cumming.
What a burst I had that day, wow, I injected my cum deep inside her love tunnel”. Next moment Shilpi Bhabhi grabbed both of my hips and crushed them in her hands and pulled me further inside her and orgasmed with a loud cry. I felt her cunt pulsating on my rod and that sensation was superb.
I was dead tired, puffing and gasping furiously after cumming and Shilpi Bhabhi too was unable to move for few seconds. We lied there on the bed for few minutes and got up and cleaned our self. Soon we were back on bed with our undergarments on and again we started talking and I asked Shilpi Bhabhi, “how was that”?
She smiled and said, “I should ask this, it was your first time, so you tell me how was it, you enjoyed naa..” I said “yes it was great and what about you, you are satisfied or not”. “Well, it was very good, and because you have cummed once, that’s why we had long session but generally me and Hemant have 2-3 sessions, so for the time being yes I am satisfied but you know as Hemant said, I am Nympho ”.
She spoke after thinking for few seconds and laughed on her high sexual urge. “By the way how often you do, with Hemant Bhaiya”. Bhabhi laughed again and said, “Any day more often than I do with my husband”. I too laughed on her reply; she spoke again “mostly on Sunday’s when Anand is not in town”. I asked her further, “and generally where you people do, here”?
She smiled again and said, “No we can't do here frequently, it's bit dangerous, and till last Sunday we use to do it in my cabin, but now even that place is not safe, because some people come there to see live show”. I laughed loud and said, “Bhabhi that was an accident, I came there to see the movie, I didn't knew that you were there”.
“I know that's why I wanted to give you a new DVD player so that you can watch movies at your place only, without disturbing us” and again I laughed and she too laughed loud after saying that. Actually she was teasing me that I have spoiled her moments of intimacy with Hemant on last Sunday, I knew that she was not serious, even she knew that I am not taking her words seriously,
even then she said, “I was just joking, I really loved that accident”. We both were laying on bed, I was wearing just my jockey and she was wearing both, bra and panty, and we were talking, Shilpi Bhabhi was resting her head on my thighs. Then after a pause she said, “I don't know why I felt like having sex with you,
you are working with us from last 7-8 months and I really liked your nature, shy and reserved, which is afraid of doing all this. These days most of the guys are like Hemant they don't let go any opportunity of making money or seducing a girl and you are not like them”. I said “Bhabhi thanks for compliment”.
“What thanks, just have fun yaar and don't let go any opportunity, just be like Hemant in life, so that aapko kabhi koi mere jaisi unsatisfied wife mille to usska kuch bhalaa ho jaaye”. And again we laughed together on her statement. “nahi Bhabhi mujhe unnke jaisa nahi hona, jo hogaya mere liye wohi bahut hai.”
She spoke again, “abb aap hamari company main aa gaye ho to hamare jaise ho hi jaaoge, Hemant se bolke aapke liye Sheela ka arrangement karti hoon, ussko bhi try karo, aur mujhe batana whose is better me or she”. I smiled my dick moved bit with a thought of fucking Sheela Didi, but I spoke, “Nahi nahi mujhe nahi karna Sheela didi ke sath, aur Hemant Bhaiya ne aapko nahi bataya, ki who is better”.
Shilpi Bhabhi spoke while turning her eyes up looking into my eyes “he says that Sheela is better, but I know that he always lie” Shilpi Bhabhi spoke with confidence. “Bhabhi without fucking Sheela didi, I can say that you are much better” and with that I slipped my hand in her bra and squeezed her right breast, and pinched Shilpi Bhabhi's nipples between my thumb and finger.
Shilpi Bhabhi smiled, and turned her head again to see me and spoke, “you are very slow in making move, I was expecting something like this very early”. “Bhabhi I am just a day old in this, you know lack of experience” I said while rubbing her nipples between my fingers. Shilpi Bhabhi got up and came in my arms and spoke,
“in that perspective you are very good, by the way wo rakshabandhan wali baat was very good and aroused me a lot, how it clicked you”. Now Shilpi Bhabhi was resting her head on my left arm and looking into my eyes while asking, my hand was squeezing her luscious melon softly. I said “it was spontaneous; you were addressing me Bhaiya so it just clicked”.
She smiled and said, “do me a favour, thoda bahut Hemant ko bhi sikha do iss tarah ki baaten karna, ussko kuch samajh nahi aata kya bolna hai, he speak very vulger and same thing again and again. I smiled and asked “what does he speak”? “wohi Hindi ke words, you must be knowing better than me” she smiled after replying.
“Bhabhi please speak whatever he speaks at that time, I want to listen from you”. Bhabhi smiled and looked into my eyes and said, “yahi ki apne lund se teri chut faad doonga, aur tujhe chodd chhod ke maar daalunga and all that”. I smiled hearing those words from Shilpi Bhabhi's mouth and they were very arousing
“Bhabhi What else he say, battaao na its good to hear from you” She smiled and inserted her hand in my jocky and took my rod in her hand spoke, “I know these words are arousing you, and you want to listen more, hmmmm.... then listen” she continued “tu meri randi hai, mera jab man karega tujhe choddunga aur chodd chodd ke tujhe maar daaloonga,
Aaj apne lund se teri choot puri tarah se faad doonga, Shilpi bhabhi was jerking my cock to make it harder and spoke complete Hindi sentences which Hemant use to speak and they really made me hard again I was enjoying those jerks and her words, “Bhabhi aur kya bolta hai Hemant, just continue”
I asked further in puffing voice, “bass yahi baar baar bolta hai, kabhi kutia bolta hai kabhi mujhe apni rakhail bolta hai”. I was hot by this time and Shilpi Bhabhi was also burning in desire of getting fucked again, I got up and took off her bra and released her luscious melons and immediately took off my jockey,
she herself took off her panty and again we were completely naked and while sitting on our knees we held each other in arms and started kissing. Shilpi Bhabhi pushed me on bed and spoke, “pahle 69 karenge” “Bhabhi Hemant Bhaiya ka phone aagaya to beech main rah jaayega, let’s have a quick fuck” I spoke. But Shilpi Bhabhi insisted to do 69 first and said,
“Don’t bother, wo aa jayega to lobby main wait karega, humen kya, khud bhi to mazze karke aayega Sheela ke sath”. And after that with in no time we were in 69 sucking each other nicely. Shilpi Bhabhi was on top sucking my rod nicely using her saliva, I buried my face in her thick healthy thighs and I was sucking her pussy like a hungry dog,
there was no hesitation in me doing that, her juices were so tasty that I had almost every drop she released and in a minute we both were excited in sexual lust. More she squeezed my dick in her mouth to suck hard the more force I used to suck the juices out of her pussy. she was rubbing my cock on her tongue, and I was holding her nice healthy ass cheeks,
my face was buried between her lovely thighs, and I was trying to take out every single drop of her nectar from her love pot. We lay there in 69 positions for 3-4 minutes and I almost ate her cunt completely and now we were ready again for another fucking session. She lied down on her back keeping her legs wide and I came on top and immediately inserted my meat in her fuck hole in one go.
She moaned in pain and pleasure and wrapped her legs around me and held me tight in her arms. Once again I was pumping Shilpi Bhabhi and she was enjoying my thick rod in her love hole. I was moving in and out of her wet cunt with fast strokes and we both were on ninth cloud. Situation was same, I knew that I will not last for long and as pressure was building,
she also guessed that as I was getting excited and she also wanted to cum once again, so she uttered in a gasping voice. “Bhaiya speak dirty, hmmmm.. speak something of your kind” I started murmuring in her ear “Bhabhi main wo sab nahi boolunga jo Hemant bolta hai, aap meri pyari Bhabhi ho na iss liye, aur main aapka laadla devar hoon,
bass apne devar ka hamesha khayal rakhna, aur usse sewa ka mauka dette rahna hmmmm... bolo dogge na mujhe apni sewa karne ka mauka hmmm.... bolo Bhabhi, dobaara aaoge na mere paas, mere bed pe mujhe apna pyar denne, Bhabhi manna matt karna please, main aapke binna marr jaaonga, bolo karoge na mere saath sex hmmmm........ Bolo Bhabhi”.
I spoke whatever came in my mind and it worked again, Shilpi Bhabhi replied in a same fashion “Haan karungi Bhaiya bahut karungi aapke alaava kaun bujhayega meri pyaas, aapke allava hai hi kaun mera, main hamesha appke paas aaoongi aapko apna pyar dene aur aapka pyar lene just fuck me Bhaiya fuck me”.
By this time I was fucking Shilpi Bhabhi very fast and once again I was about to burst, Bhabhi was also excited and closer to her peak and finally I uttered again just before my burst, “Bhabhi Bhabhi I love you, I love you and I will fuck you like this”. Once again I was dead in her arms and hollowed my sticky load deep inside her fuck hole and she also touched her peak and shivered in pleasure for few seconds.
What a memorable time that was, from the time Shilpi Bhabhi first laid me, I have fucked couple of more women till today, but memory of that day is still fresh in mind and I can recall every word she spoke to me. Shilpi Bhabhi was satisfied I could se from her facial expressions and for me it was an achievement, doing it for the first time and satisfying somebody like Shilpi Bhabhi could be the matter of proud for anybody.
We lied there and smiled looking at each other and I spoke, “Bhabhi second session bhi ho gaya”. She smiled, and said, “third karne main aap marr jaaoge” and we laughed again. We cleaned our self again and remained on the bed, hugging and kissing. After few minutes Shilpi Bhabhi’s mobile rang, it was Hemant and she told me to be silent.
I don’t know why she wanted me to listen their conversation, so I just locked my lips and she took the call keeping phone on the pillow so that I can also listen. After Bhabhi said hello Hemant asked her, “Where are you” “on the bed” she replied, “and where is Rajesh, (me), “washroom mein” Shilpi Bhabhi spoke lie that I am away from her. Hemant asked, “kuch kiya”?
“Haan ho gaya” Bhabhi smiled while answering, again Hemant asked, “achhe se kar paya ya nervous hi tha” Shilpi Bhabhi smiled looking into my eyes and replied, “bahut achhe se kiya and he is much better than you” Bhabhi tried to tease him, “haan abb naya lund mil gaya hai to purana kyon achha lagega” Hemant spoke sarcastically.
And asked further, “by the way, usska size main kaisa hai, mujhse to chhota hi hoga”? “No, it’s any day bigger and thicker than yours, and I really loved it”. Bhabhi teased him and smiled looking into my eyes. “theek hai, fir abb ussi ke saath karna, aur mujhe matt bulaana, jab Anand bhaiya bahar jaayenge to”.
Hemant spoke from there, Bhabhi smiled as Hemant was getting jealous. Bhabhi asked him, “how is Sheela”? Hemant said “Sheela is so hot, we had two sessions and still I can go for one, but she has to go with some work” and with a pause again Hemant asked, “how many session you had” Bhabhi said, “two” voice came from there
“wow you must be satisfied, aaj mill hi gaya tujhe Rajesh and finally you seduced him like a bitch”. Hemant was trying to irritate her by calling her bitch and Bhabhi got irritated and replied, “main Bitch hoon, aur wo Sheela kya hai, tumhari rakhail hmm….” Hemant laughed as he got successful in irritating her. Bhabhi spoke again, “When are you coming, we are hungry”
He said, “twenty minutes, I had to drop Sheela at her place and then I will come”. Shilpi Bhabhi disconnected the line after saying “come directly to the room bye”. We both got up and got ready, Shilpi Bhabhi took some time as she had to wear sari and look like as she was looking before our lovely sex session.
I was sitting on couch and looking at her wearing cloths and it was really wonderful view. In between she was looking at me and smiling while wearing clothes and getting ready. Finally she came to me after unbolting the door and removing that “do not disturb” tag and sat beside me and said,
“Don’t give him an impression that you know about Sheela and we have to kiss in front of him, so we will kiss as there will be a knock on the door”. I smiled. It was her new way to make him jealous. I spoke with smiling gesture, “Bhabhi I think you have made a sexual relation with me just to tease Hemant Bhaiya”.
She smiled and said, “no it’s not true, I did this with you because I like you and I feel when we like somebody in that way, then we should enjoy with him if it can be done, you know life is very short and has many complications so just grab the moment of pleasure you get and try to live happy (then with a pause she continued) and it’s true that I am using you to take revenge from him,
because he has teased me a lot, (then with a lovely smile she spoke) aur aap to mere laddle devar ho naa, apni pyari Bhabhi ka itna sa kaam nahi karoge”. I smiled a lot on her answer, she was really very witty and sweet it was all because of Hemant. Life is short and live happy, all these were Hemant’s words which were coming out in Shilpi Bhabhi’s voice and slowly even I started believing on that.
I don’t know why Shilpi Bhabhi was desperate to get fucked by me, I knew about my feel that I was delighted by the thought that she had a sexual desire for me and I had for her and we ended with satisfying each other. Suddenly noise came from the door and we immediately started kissing as athletes run after a bang,
Hemant entered and when he saw us we were kissing and Shilpi Bhabhi continued kissing me nicely to show him. He spoke from bit far, “abhi bhi hua nahi tumhara” Shilpi Bhabhi saw him and spoke, “we were having sweet dish after finishing our sex meal” I smiled on her reply. “Ok lets get down and have lunch now, and please spray your deo in the room, whole room is smelling sex”.
Anyway we moved down to the restaurant of the hotel and had nice lunch, and while going down Hemant Bhaiya wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we do with our friends and while having food he asked me, “aur batta mazaa aaya, teri Shilpi Bhabhi ek dum mast hai na”. I just smiled and looked at Shilpi Bhabhi’s face, she was also smiling, again Hemant spoke,
“arre boll na, sabb kuch karne ke baad bhi sharma raha hai”. I laughed and said, “haan Bhabhi sach main bahut mast hai, mujhe bahut mazzaa aaya, abb Bhabhi ko mazzaa aaya ya nahi wo unnse puchho”. Shilpi Bhabhi spoke “mujhe bhi bahut mazzaa aaya, rather it was most wonderful time of my life on bed”.
I smiled, she too not because she was admiring me for my sexual skill, she was actually teasing Hemant and enjoying his gestures. Then Bhabhi asked him, “by the way, where were you in the mean time”. I was looked at her face, she already knew that he was with Sheela didi, even then Shilpi Bhabhi asked him, just for me.
Hemant looked at her and spoke, “I was at one vender’s place working for your husband”. She smiled and looked into my eyes to say see he is lying. Hemant Bhaiya asked me “do you want to do more, I mean aur masti karni hai Shilpi ke saath”, Bhabhi smiled on his question while eating. “nahi Bhaiya I would like to take a leave” I replied.
“Ok then I will do, abb ittna expensive room liya hai to acche se use to karren, and you can sit and watch us having fun, you will learn many new things” as Hemant finished speaking Shilpi Bhabhi spoke, “you are mad or what, I don’t like this, tumhe karna hai to karo but don’t embarrass me like this”. Hemant laughed loud on this and said, “He has already seen us doing”.
I closed that conversation by saying “Bhabhi I will go home, so don’t worry”. We had good meal and finally I made a move and just before I took a leave Hemant Bhaiya shook hand and said, “I have decided that what I have to gift you”. I smiled and said, “Bhaiya you have already gifted me something which cannot be compared with anything”.
He smile and said, “apart from that, I will give you something soon and see you tomorrow in the office”. I moved towards my accommodation while thinking what is he going to gift me and first thing which came to my mind was that Hemant Bhaiya will make me fuck Sheela didi too and that thought really made me crazy,
I reached my place, masturbated thinking about Shilpi Bhabhi and again after some time I masturbated thinking about Sheela didi. Next day in office was normal, Hemant was in market and Shilpi Bhabhi and I behaved maturely and sat in our respective cabins only, but yes when we first met in the morning and greeted each other good morning we smiled differently looking into each others eyes.
Though I was trying to work with my full concentration even then again and again I desired to see Sheela didi. Now I was looking at her with altogether different perspective, and now her body too seemed luscious to me. I was visualizing that she was naked with Hemant yesterday and he fucked her twice in that period,
with that I assumed that he would have fucked her hard and she would have screamed in pain because of wild fucking, I started staring at her big luscious melons, her nice round butt and her fleshy thighs as she was wearing kurta with chuddidar pajami which was tightly fitted in the lower half and thickness of her fleshy thighs can be seen easily,
above that sandalwood tilak was adding more sex appeal to her body which she use to put after mornings worship. Just in one day I got restless and now I had a desire to fuck Sheela didi, as I said that I was expecting Sheela didi on my bed as a gift, now I wanted it as early as possible. In evening Shilpi Bhabhi came in my room and ordered two cups of tea to peon.
We had tea together without talking anything about previous day or sex. We both were smiling while looking into each others eyes while talking on casual topics. Once Sheela didi entered in my room when Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting opposite to me, to get something signed from her and after that when she turned to go back, unintentionally I looked at her lovely ass mounds,
Shilpi Bhabhi looked into my eyes and we laughed silently. Just before getting up Shilpi Bhabhi said “Bhaiya I know you are much more sensible than Hemant and I do not have to tell you, even then I am saying just to say that we have to keep distance in office, things should not get messed up”. I just replied with “Off course Bhabhi, I know this very well”.
Few days passed and both Sheela Didi and Shilpi Bhabhi were regular in office and both of them were arousing me effectively, and I use masturbate after reaching home in the night and sometimes in the morning on the bed. Couple of times Hemant came to me and we had little chat sitting in my room about that day and his overall sex experience.
He told me that after my exit, they had two more sessions and in one of them he fucked Shilpi Bhabhi in doggy style, and told me about few sexual positions and explained me one which Shilpi Bhabhi likes a lot, in which he use to ride on her holding her thighs while resting her legs on his shoulders.
Whenever he came to me in my room, he made me hard from his talks, but he never mentioned about my gift, as I was eager to fuck Sheela Didi and I wanted him to talk about that, but he never talked about that, because that was mere my assumption, he did not had any plan to make me and Sheela didi lay down together.
Anand Bhaiya was in town and everybody, I; Hemant and Shilpi Bhabhi were waiting for his out station tour. Soon my gift came in my vision and it was certainly not Sheela didi. Well friends here I am ending my write up, though I have already written further, but I would like to read your comments before posting next part. So just let me know you liked it or not, bye take care.
Soon my surprise gift came in my vision and it was not Sheela didi on my bed. Without giving me any hint Hemant Bhaiya and Shilpi Bhabhi talked to Anand Bhaiya(main boss) on there end, praising my hard work, and tried to convince him that I should get a reasonable raise with few facilities like free and bigger accommodation in better locality,making a statement that I am one of the assets of the company and we should take care of this person, to make his working better and to make sure that he does not leave our organization for money gains. Though my increment was already on charts and I got confirmed that from next month onwards my salary will be more and Anand Bhaiya
also agreed to provide me better accommodation and Hemant Bhaiya himself took responsibility to look for a better house. Hemant Bhaiya choose a house which was like a very small bungalow, far from main city and it was also bit isolated from the main stream of houses of that area. He took me their to show me my new house and till then I was not aware of all this,
it really made me feel surprised and I was very happy, the thing which I could not understand was, that why he has chosen this house, it was far from office and main city too, and I had to travel for at least 30 minutes to reach to my office on public transport. I got shifted and tried to make that house inhabitable and Hemant helped me in that by providing 2 helpers.
When I got settled in the house with the things I had, he came and visited me and provided me good amount to buy few luxurious Items like good mattress, and refrigerator, and gave me his old AC to get the fitting done, though I was not accepting in the beginning but he insisted a lot and said that all these things will be his property and he is giving me just to use.
Finally with in around 10 days I had almost everything in my house including small round dining table and few chairs, which came out from Shilpi Bhabhi’s store room and now I was well settled and very happy and there was only one thing which I could not understand that why he choose house in such a isolated area,
for which he replied that this house belongs to his friend and he wanted to rent it out in very reasonable price, expecting that whoever will take it, will look after the property because he was residing out of the city. Well it was somewhat sensible from one perspective, I got bigger house with no rent and he did favor for his friend.
I understood and I did not had any problem in that, because now I was saving whole rent and I was spending bit more on commuting which I was spending in past. Another thing which clicked me was that now we have a safe place to have fun and as soon as Anand Bhaiya will go on his next trip we will have a great time,
and the value of things and cash he has provided me for my house was somewhat equal to what he use to spend in one day in a five star hotel, so I realized that Hemant is really very smart in spending money. Anyway few more days passed and on one fine morning Hemant Bhaiya came with a new DVD player, it was another gift.
At that time I was roaming just in shorts wearing nothing on upper half almost finished with the cleaning the floor, because it was a gazzeted holiday and I did not had office. He told me that Shilpi Bhabhi is following him in her car and will be here in few minutes, and when I wore t-shirt in hurry listening this he laughed and said “abbey sharrma kyon raha hai, ussne tujhe poora nanga dekha hai”.
Actually on the same morning Anand Bhaiya had a schedule of leaving city to utilize the holiday in journey and I was unaware of his program and as he boarded the train, Shilpi Bhabhi got free and decided to spend whole Sunday at my place. After few minutes Shilpi Bhabhi also joined us and once again she was looking stunning and sexier, wearing chiffon sari again with all the ornaments she uses to wear.
Both of them demanded treat for the raise I got and I accepted. At that time I was over with a breakfast and I had to plan lunch and it was too early to think about lunch. So we decide to have soft drink and few snacks at that time. I took leave to get all that leaving both Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant in the premises.
It took me around twenty minutes to get all stuff and through out the way I was thinking that Hemant Bhaiya and Shilpi Bhabhi will be kissing or oral sex in the meantime. When I reached there door was bolted from inside, I understood that they must be doing something. I moved to the backside of the house to look inside the bedroom.
I knew that they must be resting there because only that room had AC, I peeped inside, and found myself wrong, they were not doing kissing or any kind of oral sex, they were doing proper sex, fucking each other very hard having nothing on there bodies. I did not have bed in my house, there was only mattress which was lying on the floor and they were fucking on that.
I could not see there faces at all; I could see Shilpi Bhabhi’s smooth back leading to slender waist ending at firm ass mounds and Hemant’s hard cock appearing and disappearing in her fuckhole. Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting on top and she was moving furiously up and down, to and fro.
Smoothly and steadily, she quickened the tempo, moving faster and faster, thrusting in deeper and harder, using long to and fro punishing strokes now, her hips whipping and snapping sharply. I could see Hemant’s cock going in and coming out of her fuckhole very fast, and both Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant were moaning nicely and I could hear bit of there pleasure cries.
Shilpi Bhabhi getting mad in ecstasy. Soon she got tired and fell over Hemant and immediately Hemant turned and took Shilpi Bhabhi under him and started fucking her furiously. Once again they were close to the finish and I could see that he could hold back no longer and exploded, gasping.
Though fucking a sophisticated woman is always very pleasurable, but I feel watching sophisticated woman getting fucked like a whore also has its own pleasure and if the woman is somebody like Shilpi Bhabhi then it’s a feast for both, the one who is fucking and the one who is watching. Anyway I moved back on the front of the house and ranged the bell.
Hemant Bhaiya opened the door and I entered with stuff, Hemant Bhaiya asked “you took very long to get all this” I said “yes you have chosen a house at very weird location and above that I was waiting for both of you to finish”. He smiled and asked me looking into my eyes, “How do you know, you just guessed or what”.
I spoke with a smile “you know I have a diploma in watching people having sex, I was standing on the window of the room and everything was clearly visible”. Hemant laughed and said, “Don’t tell her, she doesn’t like that and I think you like watching people fucking more than fucking it yourself”. “You don’t know how it feels, at least in this I am more experienced”
I spoke while pouring soft drink in disposable glasses he laughed on my reply and took out snacks and we came in bedroom. Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting on mattress, though she was wearing blouse and petticoat, even then she wrapped one bed-sheet around her body. Hemant asked that why she is wrapping bed sheet in a teasing fashion,
“Shilpi kya chhupa rahi hai jo humne nahi dekha, just sit normally” and with that he tried to pull the sheet. But she held it tight and spoke while smiling, “I don’t like all this, sitting with two men at one time in this state, doing separately is fine but this feels shameful, somewhat like threesome porn movie and don’t ever try to do that with me, I don’t like it at all”.
Hearing that Hemant Bhaiya said “ok ok, ek baar main ek hi karega, koi zabardasti nahi hai, par ek baar apne saath threesome visualize karke dekhna” and looked at me and smiled, this is what he was telling me in living room, that she does not like such things. We chatted for some time and had soft drink and snacks and after some casual conversation about my new gift (DVD player)
and about missing things in my new accommodation once again Hemant raised topic of threesome by saying, “waise Shilpi think about this peacefully, now we are three so we should try threesome sex at least once, we will not do it again if you will not like it” Shilpi Bhabhi immediately said no to it by saying,
“maine kaha na nahi, and don’t ask me again nahi to jo mill raha hai wo bhi nahi meelega” she ended her sentence with smile. Pointing me he replied in sarcastically “haan ye jo hai tere paas, abb meri kya zaroorat hai” and finally after some time Hemant got up to go and said, “I have some work to do, so both of you just enjoy (and while looking at me he spoke),
she wants to get into shower with you, so take a bath I think you haven’t taken it yet”. With that he moved out and I went behind him to lock the door, just before exiting he almost whispered, I am here only till your first session, on the window so make sure she doesn’t look at window and try to do finish it fast, because I have to reach somewhere”. I smiled and closed the door.
By the time I reached in the bedroom, Shilpi Bhabhi was totally naked and she was standing under the shower and when I reached there on the door of bathroom, she raised her arms to call me without saying a word. She was just in ornaments and once again her Mangalsutra was looking marvelous on her bare succulent breast and above that water was flowing down to her body,
she was looking so sexy and seductive that my eyes got jammed on her and I could not think of stop staring at her”. Finally she spoke “Bhaiya aaiye na, kya dekh rahe hain, abhi tak sharrma rahe ho”. I immediately took off my cloths and got into her arms and felt like heaven while touching her naked body with my body and hands while kissing her soft rosy lips.
Shilpi Bhabhi hugged me well and rubbed her pubic zone with mine and moaned nicely. I was getting hot and my rod was at his full size. I sucked her moist breast while standing in flowing water and took her nipples between my lips and played with them, she started jerking my rod to and fro and kept on moaning sensually and once again spoke in puffing voice,
“Bhaiya I don’t know why I like doing it with you so much, you have hypnotized me in a way, Hemant and I do like an animal, we had a fuck just before you came and with in no time you aroused me just with your gesture” I looked into her eyes, Bhabhi was highly aroused and was demanding another fuck,
I spoke in passion “Bhabhi I am dying to fuck you, mujhe raat bhar neend nahi aati, aapne mujhe pagal kar diya hai” and it was true and for me it was really hard to wait as it was almost a month when I had last sex with her and between that period my desire of having sex had touched many peaks, because now I was experienced and I knew this pleasure and could not wait for that.
I think everybody who have this experience can understand that most of the time sex is weird for the first time but if once you are done then it can drive you crazy to do it again. Moreover presence of Shilpi Bhabhi and Sheela didi in the office through out this time made me crazy and sometimes I use to get frustrated that I can only see them and cannot fuck them.
Finally after loving her for few more minutes, I took her out of the bathroom and said, “Bhabhi 69 karte hain, I cannot wait for very long” and in a minute we were in 69 and sucking each other. This time I was on top and she was laying under me, I made sure that that she was laying opposite to the window where Hemant was standing, peeping inside.
I just saw his shirt and then I immerged myself with Shilpi Bhabhi and continued sucking her cunt for few minutes and till then Shilpi Bhabhi sucked my rod nicely using lot of her saliva. Then I got up and parted her legs and after rubbing my rod on her love opening just for few seconds, pushed myself into her hole and in one go my whole rod was deep inside her.
I widened my legs to give Hemant better view of Shilpi Bhabhi’s fuck hole stuffed with my rod and started moving in and out of her flesh. We both were heavily aroused and with in few minutes we were closer to our peak more with a thought that Hemant is watching me doing all this made me more crazy and above that I uttered few sensual lines saying
“Bhabhi aapne mujhe pagal kar diya hai, aap raat ko mere paas raha karo, main aapki wajah se raat raat bhar so nahi paata, mujhe bass aap chahiye ho, aur kuch nahi chahiye, main saari raat aapke saath sex karunga”. Shilpi Bhabhi hugged me tight as she was closer to her burst and spoke with difficulti, “main aapke pass hi rahungi, please please fuck me like this, Ahhhh….. Ahhhh…”
and finally we both cummed like hell and remained like that for few more seconds till we stopped shivering in sexual ecstasy and later cleaned our self and came on bed again. I never bothered to see Hemant after I saw his shirt once; he would have left after watching Shilpi Bhabhi getting fucked by me.
We remained on bed with our undergarments on and talked for a while, though I had an idea I asked Shilpi Bhabhi that where Hemant has gone, she smiled and said, “At this time he will be inside Sheela”, you know it’s a endless passion, more you have, more you will desire”. We hugged each other and Shilpi Bhabhi took a small nap in my arms while covering our self with a sheet.
There was no sign of sleep in my eyes, as I was thinking about Sheela didi, that how Hemant will be fucking her and when I will be able to seduce that spiritual lady. It was really strange having somebody like Shilpi Bhabhi in arms I was thinking about Sheela didi, the one who was ordinary in looks and did not had slender body.
May be because she always seemed simple to me and I never thought about her in that perspective till I came to know about her sexual relation with Hemant bhaiya, or for the reason Shilpi Bhabhi got attracted towards me, I was getting attracted towards Sheela didi and the statement Shilpi Bhabhi made was absolutely true, that sex is a endless passion,
more you have more you will desire. Now because I knew that Hemant never had a intention to convince Sheela didi for me, so it seemed impossible to me that I will ever be able to fuck her, because he himself was hiding this fact from me that he is fucking Sheela didi too. I could not speak to Shilpi Bhabhi about this because I could see that she was bit jealous of Sheela didi,
more over she was wife of boss so matter was very delicate and if somehow thing will go out then it will be disaster for everybody. By the time Shilpi Bhabhi got up from sleep, I was bit hard thinking about Sheela didi. When Shilpi Bhabhi opened her eyes she looked lovely in that semi conscious state, and I simply placed my lips on her lip and we started kissing nicely.
I took off her bra and loved her tits one by one and fondled them to pleasure her. Sexual lust was rising and I don’t know when we got naked again, we were caressing each other’s body while kissing and brushing our lips on each other. I got down between her legs and came closer to her pleasure hole, widened her legs and rolled my tongue over her juicy cunt.
Wow what a luscious fuckhole she had, it tasted great and her pleasure moans were so arousing. She was murmuring in pleasure, I buried my toungue in her fuckhole and then sucked her clitoris excitedly “Oh….mmmaaaaaaaa……aaaaaaa……oooohssh.. bhaiya… aaaaaah” her sexy voice made me crazy and I continued sucking her like this and Shilpi Bhabhi kept on moaning… moaning….. Enjoying the pleasure.
I lifted her ass further by both the hands and lifted her pussy just above from the bed and ate it like anything. Now her legs were in air pointing roof and her lusious pussy was completely inside my mouth and I sucked her cunt like a hungry animal. I pulled her pussy lips in my mouth and sucked them well.
“Bhaiya….aaaaaah……maaaaaaa…please bass kariye” Bhabhi desperately moaned again with the pleasurable pain in her sensitive part, she was flying in heaven and after a minute, she stopped me, holding my head in her hands. I raised my head to see her; Bhabhi was already looking at me through her folded wide open legs.
Now it was her turn and she got up and made me lay down on my back, and took my rod in her mouth and started sucking and before that she said, “Bhaiya please don’t cum in my mouth” I just hummed to say yes. Wow it was so pleasurable. I was already hard and aroused with Sheela didi’s thoughts and could feel my precum on my rod.
Shilpi Bhabhi was sucking me without taking off foreskin of my cock and she took that skin in her mouth and sucked it well, my god it was a feeling of being in heaven and I felt like cumming and with in 2 minutes I stopped her. “Bhabhi let’s try some other position” I spoke while puffing, “kaunsi karni hai, doggy”
she asked me I just hummed to say yes and Shilpi Bhabhi turned around to give access of her cunt from behind. I faced difficulty to enter inside her from behind and she had to help me and she herself took my rod to her opening and told me to push. Holding her waist and while looking at her lovely ass mounds I pushed and entered inside her fuckhole from behind.
Wow what a pleasurable position that was, as I penetrated her from behind she arched her head in pleasure. I fucked Shilpi Bhabhi hardly for a minute or more and I felt like bursting, and I stopped immediately. She looked at me by turning her face at me asking without a word that why I stopped, “Bhabhi mera hone wala tha” I spoke.
She said “to hone deete”, “nahi aapka bhi to hona chahiye saath main iss position main jyada nahi kar ppaonga”. She smiled and turned to normal and asked “fir kis position mein karna hai”. I said, “aapki favorite position mein karte hain, aapke legs mere shoulders pe rakh ke” she smiled and said, “Hemant told you about this”. I said “haan” “when” “long time back, just after that Sunday”.
Shilpi Bhabhi lied on her back and I lifted her legs and rested them on my shoulders and again I entered inside her holding her fleshy thighs tight and wide. It was a lovely session she told me to take out my rod couple of times while fucking and made me rub it on her clitoris and she enjoyed a lot like that and finally we ended cumming more or less on the same time.
Believe me friends from the day I have decided to write my experience I am thinking about Shilpi Bhabhi and it seems like everything has happened yesterday. We lied there on the bed and after some time Hemant called up to inform us that he is heading here with a packed Chinese food as a lunch.
By the time he reached we were back in our clothes and Shilpi Bhabhi was looking as she was looking earlier after doing her make up and all and complimented me that I preformed better and confident today. Well after that Hemant came and handed me bill and I paid him the amount,
as it was my treat and we started having lovely Chinese food after exquisite sex session and our conversation started again and again Shilpi Bhabhi asked him that what was he doing in this period, just to make me listen his lie and he lied again by saying that he had to meet one of his friend who lives out of city and he was here for a day and after a pause he spoke to me and said,
“you know because of you I am bit relieved from her service, nahi to jabb bhi Anand Bhaiya bahar jaate the mujhe isske pass rahna paddta tha issko physically satisfy karne ke liye, aur kai baar mera kaam suffer hotta tha”, with this statement Shilpi Bhabhi got bit angry and said, “kaunsa kaam suffer hota tha, mainly office main hum ya to seven ke baad karte the, ya fir Sunday ko karte the”
Hemant smiled on her gesture and said, “tumhare husband ka hi kaam hai jo suffer karta hai, you don’t know how much work I have”. He tried to tease Shilpi Bhabhi more. “I know kaunsa kaam karte ho tum iss period main aur don’t try to act smart in front of him, he knows everything about you and Sheela”.
Well it was a shock for Hemant and me too; I was not expecting that she will speak that. Hemant looked at me and said, “tujhe maloom hai”? I said “haan, Bhabhi told me on that Sunday, and I was not supposed to talk to you about this”. He stared at Shilpi Bhabhi bit angrily and again spoke to me
“haan maine hi manna kiya tha batane ko, you know we may fall into trouble agar baat leak ho gayi to and please take care it's a very delicate matter” I said “yes I know”. Then there was a silence for a minute and we were busy in eating, suddenly Hemant smiled and spoke, “waise Rajesh Sheela hai ek dum kamaal ki, fucking her is altogether a different experience, I wish tu bhi try karta ussko”
I think he was trying to tease Shilpi Bhabhi, and he succeeded in that,and Shilpi Bhabhi spoke bit angrily “Haan Haan try karaao innko then he will speak the truth that who is better, me or she”. “wo kya bataayega, I am telling you that She is better, aur main kaise try karaaonga, ye aapne aap baat kare aur ussko yahan le aaye problem kya hai”.
I laughed on Hemant Bhaiya's argument and spoke in between, “main kya baat karunga, ki aao Sheela didi sex karte hain, aur wo kahengi ki haan chalo karte hain”. Shilpi Bhabhi laughed on my note and said, “ye hamesha paaglon waali baat karta hai, aur waise bhi bhaiya, na to aap usse bol paaoge, na wo aapke saath karne waali hai, she is very cunning, he is somewhat like boss to her,
so she has a job security and she will be expecting better raise, you know she is a type of CSW jo indirectly sab kuch money ke liye kar rahi hai”. “CSW” I repeated the word to know the meaning, She said, commercial sex worker. Hemant spoke to me “Rajesh believe me she is not like that, she is a very fun loving lady with really extra ordinary talent, aur tu try kar,
apne end pe, don't involve me in that, she will definitely come, and you will be the final judge, that who is better”. Shilpi Bhabhi spoke to me “wo nahi aane waali bhaiya aapne try karna hai kar lo, you are not that experienced ki aap kisi lady ko sex ke liye propose kar do aur wo aa jaaye, but kuch bhi karne se pahle make a point that you have to be safe, koi problem na ho jaaye,
and as he said don't give her a hint that he is involved or he knows it even, nahi to either she will leave the job or she will talk to Anand and me”. I was just listening them and laughing because it was really funny, they were talking about trying a girl, means fucking a girl as if girl is an Ice-cream and I have to try that Ice-cream and give the final decision that which one is better,
Ice-cream named Shilpi Bhabhi or Ice-cream named Sheela didi. Finally I spoke “let's leave this argument here only, and tell me what is next, I mean do I have to leave both of you alone in the house if you want do something or I can stay here for some time”. Shilpi Bhabhi laughed on my question and said,
“no you are not suppose to go anywhere, agar issne karna hai to ye jaaayega Sheela ke pass because I don't feel like having sex again”. Shilpi Bhabhi was reflecting bit of ignorance towards Hemant and Hemant was smiling on that and spoke, “come on Shilpi let's have a bet, ki ye Sheela ko patta payega ya nahi”.
I looked at Hemant Bhaiya, smiled and spoke “aap logon ko main hi milltaa hoon bet lagane ke liye” Shilpi Bhabhi got bit possessive and said, “what is the bet” Hemant spoke again “you are saying that Sheela will not do with him, and I am saying that Sheela will definitely do with him, it may take sometime but she will”. I don't know what was running in Hemant's mind but he seemed confident.
To my surprise Shilpi Bhabhi accepted the bet she was also confident, even I knew that Shilpi Bhabhi has a upper hand because I was sure about me that I will never be able to ask Sheela didi for sex directly or indirectly, I didn't had that much of courage. But nobody was asking my opinion and they started setting terms and terms were that Hemant
will not be involved in that directly and I have to do everything, then they talked about the time limit and time limit was maximum three months. Literally I was laughing on there conversation but I never tried to stop them because I was enjoying listening them. Finally when it came to that what is the bet, Shilpi Bhabhi said “Hemant if you will lose then you will not touch Sheela for six months, and you will only do sex with me”.
Hemant smiled and said OK, now it was Hemant's turn to set his reward of winning, and he spoke after a minute to Shilpi Bhabhi “If I will win then me, you and Rajesh will have threesome”. That term really shook our head and Shilpi Bhabhi stared at him for a while and said “OK but not “that” that word meant something, something which I could not understand,
it was between there conversation and Hemant understood that what does she meant by just that and said OK. I laughed again and spoke “aap dono pagal ho gaye ho, now stop fighting and let's watch some movie. By this time we were over with lunch so we came in front of TV,
I opened the box of DVD player and connected that with TV and played one comedy movie which I had at that time and it was Hungama and finally got settled. While watching movie I saw Hemant was trying to touch Shilpi Bhabhi and Shipi Bhabhi was ignoring him in the beginning but later tension between them got lessened and they started talking while watching movie.
I got bit relaxed seeing them behaving normally and spoke, “thank god aap log normal ho gaye ho, nahi to aap logon ki bet ki wajah se mujhe tension ho gayi thi, though it was very interesting bet and idea of having Shilpi Bhabhi in threesome was really very arousing and moreover they were arguing about my and Sheela didi's sex, even that was not less arousing.
Hemant spoke in reply, “we are like that, first we fight and then come together and bet has nothing to do with this, bet is on and you have to work on that, I know you can do that”. I was really confused that to whom I should favor, Hemant was my friend and Shilpi Bhabhi was my sweetheart and I spoke,
“dekh lo koi problem na ho jaaye, aap dono mein ek jeetega, to doosra mere se naaraz ho jaayega”. Hemant spoke again, “nahi aisa nahi hoga, I will not get angry with you, neither she will so relax, but be conscious you don't have to speak anything clearly to Sheela so that you can turn the meaning of the conversation and you have to stop trying if you will feel that it's dangerous,
this is for sure that she is not clean, she has done many times with me, so just try your luck”. I was so amazed with his statement, it seemed so easy to him. I looked at Shilpi Bhabhi, she smiled and said, “just try, it will be fun, I am sure that I will win so I do not have to worry, he has to worry because he will not be able to fuck her for six months”.
I smiled and took it lightly assuming that time horizon is three months who is going to remember all this till then. After that we again started watching movie and soon Hemant was resting his head on Shilpi Bhabhi's lap and she was caressing his hairs. After few more minutes Shilpi Bhabhi spoke to me, “I am sorry Bhaiya, I have changed my mind”.
I looked at her she was smiling, I thought that she is talking about the bet, but she said “you have to go somewhere for sometime, I think I need that”. I understood that she wanted to get a fucked by Hemant, so I got up saying, “there is nothing to say sorry about that, I will come in an hour or so”. She said, “No not for an hour we will call you when we will be free”.
I came out of the room and Hemant followed me to close the door, I looked at him and he understood that what I am asking through my eyes and he spoke, “go ahead with watching another live show” I shook hand with him and suggested him to do it tenderly “bhaiya aaram se koi jaldi matt karna she likes tenderness too”. He smiled and said Ok.
I kept my mobile in silent mode just for safety sake and came to that window after five minutes and peeped inside, and show was on. Though nobody was totally nude, Shilpi Bhabhi was in blouse and petticoat and Hemant was in shirt and jockey and they were kissing each other nicely.
I think Hemant Bhaiya took my suggestion seriously and he loved Shilpi Bhabhi nicely, he opened hooks of her blouse and adored her tits and for a while and then lifted her petticoat till her waist and took off her panty and sucked her cunt for few minutes without any hurry and when it came to Shilpi Bhabhi,
she also sucked her rod nicely and finally Hemant plunged his rod slowly in her love hole giving me unobstructed view of her cunt distended with his rod and moved slowly in the beginning and raised his momentum of fucking her with rising lust and finally spewed his cum in her tunnel. Shilpi Bhabhi was delighted with the pleasure she got, I could feel the satisfaction which she got,
from her gesture, the way she was laying relaxed on the bed. Then she pulled a sheet over her and Hemant and lied there in his arms while talking to him. I walked from there and went to the market which was bit far from there, and bought one chocolate from there and waited there till Shilpi Bhabhi called me. When I reached back she was again back in her clothes and ready to move.
I gave her chocolate and we all ate that chocolate by biting one by one and finally Shilpi Bhabhi moved from there and Hemant remained there for few more minutes just to make sure that they don’t get noticed together. Just before leaving I spoke to Hemant Bhaiya, saying “bhaiya bet ka kya karna hai, koi panga na ho jaye”.
He smiled and said, “koi panga nahi hoga, I am thinking about that aur mujhe lagta hai teri baat ban jaayegi, dekhte hain, nahi samajh aaye to surrender kar dena”. “But then you will lose” I smiled with reply “then what, nahi karoonga Sheela ke saath, what’s the big deal” he spoke carelessly showing as if he is not bothered.
I smiled and asked him again, “by the way, who is better, Bhabhi or Sheela didi” he smiled and smacked my shoulder and said, “you are the judge, go for it and give her the decision and thanks for showing me that how it feels when you see somebody getting fucked with whom you also do,
and now I want to get the pleasure of threesome with Shilpi, so think about it, I will also think and we will talk about that soon, we have lot of time”. Hemant Bhaiya left after that leaving me with hell of thoughts and lot of fantasies.
I remained in the house for some time and took some rest and thought about the bet and tried to take out the way through which I can take Sheela Didi into my bed. And truly speaking I was unable to think about any solution because most of the time I was fantasizing about my fucking session with Sheela Didi and then threesome sex with Shilpi Bhabhi and finally ended with a masturbating twice,
one on the name of Sheela Didi and other on the name of Shilpi Bhabhi. Finally day came to an end and now I had to plan for the dinner, and I decided to cook egg and for that I walked towards the nearby market to buy egg and breads, and I saw a music shop in that market and suddenly an ideal approach to get attention of Sheela Didi clicked me.
I bought few MP3 CD’s of spiritual bhajans from there and came back with the stuff which I was supposed to carry. Well friends from her I will write conversation which took place between me and Sheela Didi and it was mostly in Hindi, but I am writing it in English, as much as I can write,
Next day in the morning only I played that music bit louder and as expected Sheela Didi got attracted towards my room and entered and saw me with smile and asked, “what's wrong with you, you are listening this instead of bollywood songs”. I said “Nothing is wrong; I just wanted to know that what you get in this, as you always listen only this kind of music”.
She said, “I try to get mental peace through all this, which is a most precious thing of this world and very difficult to find”. I just hummed as if I am impressed with a statement and said, “well I am going to listen this for the whole day and if by the evening I will get that then I will give it you” She asked with curiosity “what will you give me” I said “mental peace”
she laughed on my reply and went back to her seat. As her seat was closer to my cabin, she was listening it and couple of times she came with a request of replay of particular track and I replayed them. Rests of the things were normally running. Boss was already out of town, Shilpi Bhabhi was sitting in her cabin, Hemant was in market, and rest of the office was busy in his work.
Spiritual music was continuously on. Couple of times I intentionally moved out of my cabin to stare at Sheela didi's body and especially that sandalwood tilak of her forehead, which reflects that she is spiritual, and after staring her for a few seconds some times I went to the toilet, and some times to the accounts department to know the little details of suppliers of the company
and I smiled every time Sheela Didi looked at me and asked her once if she wants to listen it louder. Around 4 Hemant called me, he was asking for keys of my house and told me to give it to Shilpi Bhabhi. As they had a plan to get into bed again to have a fuck. I went to Shilpi Bhabhi's cabin and handed over keys to her. She already knew that I will come in her cabin to give a key.
Shilpi Bhabhi smiled as I looked into her eyes while giving her keys and saying, “Bhabhi here is the key” she said, “actually Anand has gone just for 3-4 days, so we thought doing it in a week days only, because he will be back before Sunday” then again after a pause she said, “we will be needing it tomorrow also”
I smiled and said, “Bhabhi it's your house, you can stay there for night if you want to, bass mujhe bhi apne pass hi rahne dena bahar matt bhej dena sone ke liye” She laughed and said, “see now you are on our track, aur thode dinno main bilkul hamare jaise ho jaaoge naughty and witty”.
I took a leave from her cabin and came to my work and after that with in 5-10 minutes Shilpi Bhabhi made a move from office to my accommodation to get fucked by Hemant. Music was on, I came out of my cabin to see Sheela Didi, She was busy in making some vouchers, I asked her if she wants to sit in my cabin as it was very cool because AC was on and at the place where she was sitting it was bit humid.
She looked at me and said, “no if someone will come then may object and ask that why I am sitting in your cabin”. “I said nobody is going to come among bosses, Anand Bhaiya is not in town and Shilpi Bhabhi have left for the day, and I don't think Hemant Bhaiya will come today and neither he is going to say anything for this” then after a pause I said,
“you will be able to listen them properly, as you were not getting many words clearly from here”. After thinking for few seconds Sheela didi said OK and finally came to my cabin and sat opposite to me and got busy in work while listening her favorite music. My room was very cool as compared to the reception area and she was bit sweating because of humid whether and I could see the shine of sweat on her neck,
her armpits were bit soaked in sweat and they were adding more sex appeal to her. Sheela Didi was sitting in front of me and while working I was stealing glimpse of her face in short intervals, here again I would like to write brief detail about appearance of Sheela Didi, Sheela didi was fairer and shorter than Shilpi Bhabhi must be 5' 4”.
Her breasts were reasonably big and nice may be bit bigger and heavier then Shilpi Bhabhi's tits, She was bit over weight for her height and she didn’t had flat tummy, and over all she was bit chubby as there was good amount of flesh on her thighs and butt. Generally she uses to wear salwar kameez or kurta with chuddidar pajami with duppta.
I was fantasizing about her and visualizing that what will be her facial expressions while getting fucked and how she will look naked with just that sandalwood tilak on her forehead and having only that silver chain in her neck with a locket of structure of one god. Soon she finished her work and while closing the folder she asked me, “So how do you feel, after hearing this music”.
I said “off course it is nice, and for me it will take some time to get into this properly, I will start liking it soon as I am in your company now”. She smiled and got up and went back to her seat and said bye to me before leaving for the day. I had to stay for late, till I receive a call from Hemant or Shilpi Bhabhi. I too took a leave when Hemant called me that they are over with a fucking session.
When I reached there I met Hemant as Shilpi Bhabhi was already gone. We shook hand and he started telling me his plan to make Sheela Didi ready for me. Though I wanted to seduce Sheela didi, even then just to hide my desire, I spoke “ I am not thinking about her much and why are you so keen to make me fuck Sheela didi” Hemant smiled and said, “ Because I want Shilpi in bed with both of us”.
The plan Hemant illustrated me was very sensible, Step one was that he called Sheela didi in front of me on her mobile and spoke a lie that his parents doubt him that he is having a sex relation with somebody and just to be in safe side they will not do sex for some time. Reason to do that was, Hemant wanted to starve Sheela didi for sex,
in case if he would have continued fucking Sheela Didi then she may not get closer to me in that way, because she will not be sexually unsatisfied. Well apart from this he told me to get friendly with her somehow, that I knew and I was already working on that.
He told me to speak with her lot and try to give her hint in that conversation that you are attracted towards her, he told me to speak double meaning sentences, inviting her for sexual relation. Next morning was otherwise normal, except this that I was so mentally occupied in thinking that whether I should do this or not.
Anyway next day again I played Sheela Didi’s favorite music and couple of times she came in my cabin for a minute or two to chit chat and went back to her seat. Again that evening Shilpi Bhabhi left early, as she and Hemant were getting in bed that day too, and again me and Sheela didi chit chatted for reasonably good time on the subject of mythologies and then on bollywood movies for some time,
and my feast of staring at her luscious body continued, After a day or two Anand Bhaiya returned and everything went to normal. Well few days passed like that and we continued talking with each other on various topics and in that conversation nothing clicked me to speak in a double meaning.
Though couple of times matter of nudity in Hindi movies came, she was very against of that but I reflected different thought that it really does not matter to me, I watch movies and forget and just enjoy without thinking much about wrong and right. Like that days were moving and we were getting closer, on the other end Hemant confirmed me that couple of times Sheela didi
has called him to know his status, that whether complication has ended on his end or not. It was indirect indication that Sheela Didi was in need to get fucked, but every time Sheela didi called to Hemant, he tried to avoid going for a long conversation and said that he will call her himself whenever the matter will get subdued.
And in that period once I had lovely sex with Shilpi Bhabhi in my bed, when she appeared at my place in the week day, very early in the morning in the jogging suit and looked like a sex bomb and once again I exploded that bomb on my bed. Actually Anand Bhaiya was out of town just for 2 days and she had a desire to have sex with me,
that morning we had two sessions and we both were delighted with sexual pleasure. After having a lovely sex session she asked while wearing her cloths, about the development made on that track, (making Sheela didi ready for sex), I spoke the truth in a humors statement saying, “most of the time we talk about Spirituality and religion,
and I am eagerly waiting for the conversation discussing KAMDEV, only then I will be able to talk to her about sex”. Shilpi Bhabhi laughed and said, “See how artificial she is ander se kuch, bahar se kuch”. Few more days passed and I remember when it happened almost month was passed and once during our spiritual conversation subject of path of heaven came and she said,
Heaven can only be achieved when we do not do any sins and worship our god, and her words were, “Aap pooja paath(worship) karte rahiye, aur kabhi koi bura kaam mat kariye, to aapko swarg milega”. (Though she spoke lot about it, which I would not like to mention particularly here on this blog).
I spoke in reply, “Sheela didi then you will definetly get heaven, because you do lot of worship and we are not going meet there because I will be sent to Hell”. She laughed and spoke in humorous tone while laughing, “No, I do many Sins and I try to balance those sins with my worships so ultimately I stand at zero, and you don’t do anything neither Sin nor worship so you are also at zero,
so we will meet again there, let’s see what we will get heaven or hell”. I said, “tell me what kind of sin you do because I would like to do that, just to make sure that we meet again, because you are at zero in some other way than me”. Sheela didi smiled and spoke while going out, “don’t ask me, do it yourself unless another sin will be added in my account that I have added a sinner in this world”.
Finally month came to an end and paper work of making salary started, and everybody came to know about the raise I got in my salary, Sheela didi came to my room on behalf of whole staff and asked for a treat for the raise I got, and I replied positively and bit double meaning by saying, “aapko treat main jo chahiye bolo, I promise I will do it, and I want to give you special treat apart from the treat which I will give to rest of the colleagues”.
She smiled, and asked “why, I mean why special treat for me only”. I said “because you are special, you have given me so much knowledge of all you have and I further want everything you have” in Hindi that sentence was, ““because you are special, kyounki aap ne mujhe ittna gyaan(knowledge) diya hai, aur isske alava jo kuch bhi aapke paas hai wo sab bhi mujhe chaahiye”.
I think she understood that I am trying to say something else, and asked me to clear her doubt, “aapko mujh se gyaan hi chaahiye na, kuch aur to nahi chaahiye” and that question really made me nervous and I spoke, “I mean I want whatever knowledge you have other than what you have already given me” she smiled and said ok and went out of my cabin.
After few days I got raised salary and I sponsored evening snack for everybody in the office, having 2 pieces of samosas( snack) with one sweet and glass of soft drink, which was usually called for such purposes. We both, Sheela Didi and I chit chatted for some time while having that, and I asked her what kind of food she like most.
She said she like South Indian food a lot and I promised that I will give her treat of that food only on the day which she will decide. On the other end I was in touch of Hemant Bhaiya and I was informing him about our conversations and he also told me that Sheela didi has called him couple of more times and he has avoided talking to her, giving the same reason again.
I remember it was mid of the week on which I gave a treat to everybody and on the same evening I met Sheela didi in one of the biggest and cheapest(kind of whole sale) market of the city, though it was pure coincidence but that evening’s meeting really helped me to get closer to that which I needed.
It happened in a way, she was buying some usual stuff for her house and I was coming from the other end of the market after buying few pirated bollywood movies with couple of blue film DVD’s and they were in my bag(I use to carry small school bag on my shoulder as a office bag), we met and greeted and talked for a while, I asked her that what she is buying,
she told me some house hold stuff, then she asked me that what I bought, I said some Hindi movies DVD and we walked for a while together, as I wanted her company for some time so I asked her if she would like to have soft drink, she agreed and I went inside one shop to pay and get bottles of soft drink,
giving her my bag to hold for a minute and truly speaking it was totally unexpected and I didn’t had any intentions to show her that what I have in my bag. In curiosity she opened my bag and took out all the DVD’s which were kept inside and started seeing them one by one and as we all know that such DVD’s always have attractive cover showing big picture of a nude girl showing her fuckhole and small pictures in corners showing fucking and sucking.
I saw her looking at the covers of DVD when I turned towards her with two bottles and by the time I reached there she was over with seeing all of them and as she saw me approaching she kept all of them back in the bag and noticed that I have seen her looking at them. I spoke as I reached “this is not done” she smiled and asked, you watch all this in Hindi “aap ye sabb dekhte ho?
I was smiling, and replied, “yes I am trying to do some sin, so that we can meet there again” in Hindi sentence was, “haan thodda saa paap(sin) karne ki koshish kar raha hoon, aapse wahan bhi to milna hai”. She laughed and said, “iss mein koi paap nahi hai, it’s not a sin”. I said, “I think you know, being alone maximum what kind of sin one can do, we always need company
to do a better and bigger sin” and Hindi words were abb akele rah kar koi kitnaa badda pap karega, koi to chaahiye sath main paap karne ke liye” and I laughed myself on my reply. Truly speaking I don’t know how those words came in my mind and how I spoke those words, hearing my reply she looked into my eyes with the same expressions which she was having on her face and went silent.
I also remained silent as I was bit conscious now, assuming that I have said something which was bit more than her expectation. Then after finishing our soft drink and giving away bottles we turned to walk out of the marked and she spoke, “I think you will walk down from here to your place” actually she didn’t knew that company has provided me a better and bigger accommodation,
I said “no, now I live some where else, very far from here”. And I explained her everything that Anand Bhaiya have given me free accommodation at that particular place. She reflected happiness with smile and said “then I need double treat, one for your increments and other for your new house”. I said yes off course, whenever you say.
Sheela didi asked me about appearance of the house and I tried to explain her and in the end I invited her saying, “aap kisi din mere ghar aa jaaoo, I need your suggestion at many places, to make that house better”. She smiled and spoke in a naughty and teasing fashion, “No no I am not going to come, these days you are very keen to do a sin, so I can’s trust you”
and we both laughed loud on her witty answer and I replied just after that, “Nahi Sheela didi, don’t worry about that I am just a fresher in this field, I cannot do that, so don’t be scared”. Finally after casual apology saying don’t mind and I was just joking and all, we said bye to each other and took our way and I came back to my place, having desire to masturbate while fantasizing about Sheela didi.
As I said I was in continues touch of Hemant Bhaiya and even on that day in the night I called him to give detail of our conversation which took place in and he got very happy and praised me for my courage by saying, “betta tu thodde dinno main, mujhse bhi aage nikal jaayega, issi tarah lagga rah, main tujhe guarantee detta hoon Sheela tere ghar aayegi tere saath sex karne”.
I laughed in the delight and finally slept with a rising desire of fucking Sheela didi. I spent one more week with Sheela Didi conversing mostly bit naughty and humorous, best part of our conversation was that now no spiritual talk was coming out in our way and we were mostly talking about sins,
and we both knew this very well that what does sin means in our conversation it meant fucking and I could see that Sheela Didi was enjoying this conversation. Once after a week end on Monday Sheela didi asked me in teasing tone, “have you succeed in making any sin, or you are just doing that what you were doing earlier on sin’s name” which she spoke in Hindi saying,
“Aapne koi achha sa paap kiya ya nahi, ya fir wohi kar rahe hain paap ke naam pe.” I spoke in same fashion “try to karr raha hoon, time lagega, aapki taraf se to koi guidance hai nahi, jo karna hai akele hi karna hai” and we laughed on that and I was amazed on myself for my witty reply, that how it came out from my mouth.
Like that one more week passed and week end came once again Anand Bhaiya went out of town on Sunday morning and we three (me, Hemant Bhaiya and Shilpi Bhabhi) made a plan to spent Sunday in our favorite style. Hemant Bhaiya was suppose to carry lunch as he carried that Sunday, and whole program of fucking was set after lunch.
On Saturday I slept after watching xxx movies thinking about Sunday and I was really very aroused sexually and I had a plan to fuck Shilpi Bhabhi in doggy style. To my surprise it was Sunday which had something else for me. I remember time was 9 when Sheela didi called me; I was almost sleeping at that time. She asked me that what I am doing on Sunday, I said nothing special.
She said that she would like to have lunch with me, as I was supposed to give treat to her. I said OK, then again she spoke and told me name of restaurant where we can have good south Indian food, which was located in the middle of the city. She wanted to meet me there. I asked her if we can get food packed from there and have it here at my place,
in that case she will be able to see my house, and give me suggestion to make it look better. Sheela didi paused for a second and spoke with broken words, “no, I will visit your home some other day” I could sense that she was confused. I laughed and said, “Sheela Didi do you really think that I am going to try rape on you” she immediately said,
“no no I didn’t mean that, we will definitely have lunch at your place only”. Finally program got fixed, according to plan me and Sheela didi were supposed to meet at that restaurant and after getting food packed, we were supposed to move towards my house. I immediately called Hemant Bhaiya to inform him that Sheela didi is coming at my place to have lunch with me.
He rejoiced his happiness with laugh, in spite of the fact that his program has got canceled, he wished me good luck and said, “betta loha garam hai, maar de hathoda”. He wanted to say that Sheela didi is eager to have sex so I can make use of this opportunity, because according to Hemant Bhaiya, Sheela didi have called him last night to know his program of Sunday,
saying “Kaffi dinn ho gaye mille hue, bahut mann kar raha hai aapse milke baaten karne ka” more or less means “we have not met from many days and I am missing you, I want to meet you and want to talk to you a lot “. In indirect words it meant that she wanted to have sex with Hemant Bhaiya, but Hemant bhaiya made same excuse saying that we cannot do, unless we will be into trouble.
Hemant Bhaiya suggested me, not to ask anything directly and told me to talk to her about her personal life. Assuming this that Sheela didi have called Hemant Bhaiya last night and said whatever he told me, I was sure that Sheela Didi was in desperate need of sex, and I was really confused to talk to her about that.
I was still not sure that she will do sex with me or not or she is just accompanying me for the lunch just to divert her mind. Finally we met in the restaurant she was wearing light brown color kurta with bluish chuddidar pajami, which was tightly fitted on her lower half and her appearance was arousing me a lot.
She had good amount of flesh in her thighs and her buttocks were round and healthy nicely spread in width. I could see the size of her breast as her kurta was also bit tight and her breasts were for sure bigger than Shilpi Bhabhi's luscious tits. As I saw Sheela didi from behind standing and waiting for me facing away from me, I spoke to myself that,
today if I will be able to fuck her then definitely I will pump her fuck hole from behind in doggy style. I met her and got our food packed and took auto from there for my house. Through out the way, I could not guess from her gesture or way of talking that she wants to have sex with me, Sheela didi was talking to me while looking at me with smile and she was very happy in my company.
We entered in the house and first of all Sheela didi roamed around the house and I showed her few vacant space just to ask that what should I plan for this space, as I had to ask something because it was my basic reason to invite her at my house. Then I took her to the kitchen and we made a list of things which we need in kitchen and she suggested me few things for kitchen also.
Truly speaking whatever I asked her was all crap and I was not interested in knowing that. I had all the basic things which are needed in kitchen and neither I was interested in putting in any money to that place to make it look better. After all that Sheela didi went to toilet and I informed Hemant on his mobile that I have took her to my house and Hemant Bhaiya motivated me by saying,
“chakk de fatte”, I asked him where is he right now, he said “we have booked a room in hotel, and right now I am in the middle of Shilpi's legs”. I laughed and said, “Say sorry to Shilpi Bhabhi from my side for disturbing her”. In the mean time Sheela didi came out and asked me about AC and fridge and I spoke lie that I have borrowed money for this from Hemant Bhaiya, which I will return slowly in parts.
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She said few years (around 6 years) back she got separated from her husband because of some unavoidable matter and she came back to his father's house at that time her father was alive and now she lives in that house alone and have rented one floor to few girls who work somewhere and rest she earn from this job.
This conversation may seem serious and emotional to some readers but believe me friends, Sheela didi was talking to me casually without any hesitation as if she has accepted the truth and now it does not have any effect on her mind and senses. Then after some time just before finishing meal she thanked me for the treat and giving company because she was feeling bit
lonely and really wanted to stay out of her house for a change. After having lunch I asked her if she wants to see any movie, Sheela didi smiled on my question and said, “I hope you are asking for normal bollywood movie, and not that what you call sin” I laughed and said “yes off course normal movie”.
She said OK to it and we moved in the bedroom and I played movie and before that switched on AC. As I said earlier I was not having bed in the bedroom and there was only double bed mattress, so we sat on that and started enjoying movie. Fortunately I was sitting diagonally behind Sheela didi in a way that She was on the way of my vision towards TV, and instead of watching movie I was staring at her wide ass mounds
and started gaining erection, in between short intervals she was looking back to see me and smiled looking at me. I could see that she wanted to talk to me more and I was waiting for her to start, and finally she spoke, and asked me, “you also live alone don't you feel lonely sometimes”,
I said “yes off course many times” then suddenly again something came in my mind and it immediately came out of my mouth and I said,”that is why I was looking for someone to do a sin”. And Sheela didi laughed loud on that and said “aap bahut gande ho” means you are very bad, I said “what is bad in this, rather it's good that I am straight forward, no confusion of love,
no promise for marriage, I am looking somebody just for fun and moreover I am doing it to meet you there in the hell” and again she smiled a lot on that reply. From her gesture I could see that she was thinking and seemed very confused and she was looking at me again and again with zero expressions.
Truly speaking at that time If I would have made first move even then Sheela Didi would have got ready to get into my bed with me for a fuck but I wanted her to ask for sex and now I was getting sure that she will definitely speak up something to give a hint. At that particular moment I decided to leave her alone for few minutes so that she can decide and for that purpose I got up to take a shower and spoke,
“Sheela didi aap baitho main shower lekar aata hoon” Sheela didi looked at me and just hummed to say yes. I got up and went inside bathroom. I was so hard and aroused thinking about Sheela didi that I ejaculated bit of my cum with in few minutes of masturbation and came out after shower with changed clothes.
Now I was in shorts which were well above my knees and t-shirt on the upper half. Sheela didi was not there where she was sitting earlier; rather she was at the place where I was sitting and staring at her ass mounds. She stared at me into my eyes, I threw my dirty clothes in basket and basket was kept at the corner very close to her and once again Sheela didi stared at me when I was standing close to the basket.
And she uttered “I want to say something” in Hindi with difficulty and with lot of hesitation, “mujhe...... mujhe aapse kuch kahna hai” I replied while looking into her eyes “haan bolo” she wanted to say something but she could not speak, I sat beside her and took her hand in my hands and again said, “bolo kya kahna hai”.
She looked down and gathered some courage and spoke while looking down, “samajh nahi aa raha kaise kahoon, I could not speak” I said “come on Sheela didi bol do, jo hoga dekha jaayega” I knew what she wanted to say, I just wanted to hear those words through which she will ask for a fuck.
Neither Sheela didi was depressed nor she was having any emotional gestures in her eyes, she was blank, she was in desperate need of sexual pleasure and for that she has to ask for sex shamelessly and finally she looked up into my eyes and said, “mujhe aapke saath sex karna hai” means “I want to do sex with you” I continued looking into her eyes for 2-3 seconds without replying,
she too was looking into my eyes and asked again “karenge mere saath” I could feel her mental state, she was scared and her heart was pounding very fast. I smiled and said “Haan mujhe bhi aapke saath sex karna hai” with that I pushed her on the mattress and came on her and started kissing her and she also got out of control and started eating me like a hungry animal.
I pressed her breast nicely to pleasure her while kissing and she moaned nicely closing her eyes. After few minutes of breast play I got up and said, “Sheela didi aap bhi shower lelo” I gave her one of my kurta which was very lose to me, when she was entering in bathroom and spoke, “Sheela didi sirf ye pahan ke bahar aana, aur kuch nahi'. She took that and went inside.
I wrote text, to message Hemant Bhaiya “Tell Shilpi Bhabhi to get ready 4 3some” Hemant Bhaiya replied with in a minute or two “great, speak Hindi, she like vulgar words, focus on clit”. It was instruction from his side as more experienced guy in this and with Sheela Didi. Sheela didi came out of bathroom, wearing just kurta, wow what was she looking, highly explosive sex bomb.
In my perspective it was perfectly fitted to her, though it was bit tight to her but that tight fitting was making her look hot. I went closer to her and hugged her and pressed her breast against my chest, I brushed my wet lips on her neck and kissed her allover her face with lust and finally took her lips in her mouth and kissed her nicely.
While kissing I slid my hands up from her waist and cupped her breasts, felt the points of her nipples stiffen further through the fine cloth of Kurta, felt her breasts grow heavier and harder with excitement, and the way Sheela didi moaned in lust, that moan gave me idea that how demanding she is in bed.
Sheela Didi surrendered herself totally and she was enjoying my manly touch over her body and I was playing with her luscious and fully ripped fruits and slowly I moved my hand down to her thighs between her legs. She was all naked and I touched her clean shave naked cunt, she was so wet and hot there, and moved my fingertip in her cut from top to bottom couple of times.
Sheela Didi griped my shoulder, she knew that what I will do, and I did that, I inserted my finger in her cunt and finger fucked her 3-4 times. Her eyes were closed and she was holding me tight, she got so excited and moaned nicely, tightening the grip as I entered my second finger, I was just looking at her facial expressions while moving my fingers in and out of her cunt,
sandalwood tilak on her forehead was so arousing that I could not control anymore and I lifted kurta off her head. Sheela Didi was completely naked now, I fondled her breast nicely to make her moan in pleasure and squeezed one into my mouth and sucked her one stiff long nipple, I sucked sharply on her breast and Sheela Didi hissed in joy.
I took her to bed and laid beside her and caressed her body, her luscious breast, her fleshy thighs and once again inserted my finger in her fuckhole and moved in and out while looking into her eyes, now her eyes were open and she was looking into my eyes, shamelessly like a bitch in a heat.
Sheela Didi spoke again, “aap bhi to nikaliye apne kapdde” I got up and started taking off my clothes and while doing that I said, “Sheela Didi finally aap mere saath paap karne ke liye maan hi gaye, hmmm.......” “Hmmm.... kar lijeye aaj jeetna paap karna hai mere saath, main manna nahi karungi” she spoke so sensually.
Then Sheela Didi asked me, “with whom you have done in the past” I said “nobody” She spoke again, “jhoot, aap pahle kar chuke ho”. I was caught so I said “yes, I had a neighbor when I was in collage, her husband use to live out of town” I lied. By this time I was naked lying on top of Sheela Didi sucking lips and brushing her neck.
I could feel the heat of her cunt against my belly and now I could not wait to enter inside her, I widened her legs and tried to get on her opening. Sheela Didi stopped me asking, “condom hai”? I said “nahi” She got up and walked out of the bedroom naked and came back with her bag and took out one and came on bed.
I smiled and asked her, “Sheela didi aap soch ke aaye the, ki aaj paap karna hi hai” she smiled and said “ nahi, I have a friend with whom I do sometimes and for my precaution I keep it” She gave me the Condom to cover my rod, I didn't knew how to use it so I said, “aap hi chadda do, mujhse nahi hoga” and I stood on my knees so that she can cover it conveniently,
Sheela didi jerked my rod and teared the wrapper I spoke, “pahle issko thodda sa suck kar do” keeping condom aside Sheela Didi opened her lips and took my rod in her mouth without any hesitation and sucked me well. Wow the pleasure she delivered me that day through her mouth was one of its kind, her toungue was doing some kind of magic to my hormones and my rod grew further in her mouth.
Sheela Didi was so simple looking and her ordinary looks were more arousing, she was sitting naked in front of me, holding my meat in her mouth, sucking it nicely with lot of care and affection. After few minutes, she stoped and asked me, “bass ya aur karna hai” I said “bass, if you want, I can suck you too”.
Sheela Didi said, “nahi, aab daal dijeye” and she covered my cock with rubber and lied down on the bed, keeping her legs widely spread and folded, I came on her and positioned myself in a way that my cock head was resting on her fuck hole opening, and with a single push I was deep inside Sheela Didi and she moaned nicely when my cock head distended muscles of her fuck hole initially.
Wow what fuck that was, I was fucking Sheela Didi with reasonably fast strokes laying on my knees and elbow and we both were looking into each other eyes shamelessly, arousing each other without speaking anything, by just looking each other lustfully and moaning. My pace was getting high as I was getting excited and Sheela Didi was also getting towards her peak and moaning nicely.
I looked down to my cock, it was appearing and disappearing in her fuck hole, suddenly I recalled Hemant Bhaiya's message, I rubbed Sheela Didi's clitoris with my thumb while fucking her with a constant pace and in a second Sheela didi went crazy, I continued and did bit harshly and she was trembling uncontrollably now, hardly able to speak and with a broken breath she spoke,
“Ahhhh.... please...Kya Karr rahe ho...nahi nahi..... mera ho jaayega...meraaa ahhh....ahhh...” and Sheela Didi trembled like anything and bursted in orgasm, I got so existed and continued pumping her with speed, and spoke, “ Sheela Didi jo ho raha hai, hone do, hone do” I was ram fucking her with sudden long and deep fucking strokes, and finally busted inside her with massive ejaculation.
We both were fully satisfied and lied there like a dead body for 5-10 minutes and I got up to clean my self and dropped condom in the corner of the toilet instead of flushing it. When I came back, Sheela didi went and came back to bed and lied down on bed covering herself with a sheet. I laid down bit away from her wearing only my jockey.
We both were looking to the roof, Sheela Didi spoke, “kar liya paap”? “Haan, aapke saath hi kar liya taaki wahan aapse naa mill paane ka koi risk na rahe” I said with a smile. Then there was silence for few minutes and I spoke, “ Sheela didi aap iss se pahle kiske saath paap karte the” means with whom you use to do this sin,
She answered without looking at me “with one of my friend, he is having some family problem these days” and her words were “Ek friend hain mere, aaj kal kuch family problem hai unnko”. I knew who was her friend, none other than Hemant Bhaiya, I smiled and spoke, “hmm... tabhi aaj aap mere saath ho”. Sheela Didi laughed and said “I don't know why I am here, it just happened”.
Sheela Didi asked “aur aap kiske saath karte the, apni neighbor ke saath”? I said “haan, Shikha Bhabhi wo mostly akeli rahti thi, to main challa jaata tha unnka akelapan dur karne”. I had to lie so I lied with a imaginary name. Then there was no conversation for few minutes and Sheela Didi slept for some time like that, covering her body with sheet.
I laid there for few minutes looking at roof, and thinking about my next sex adventure, that was threesome sex with Shilpi Bhabhi. I was gaining erection again and I looked at the lady who was sleeping on my bed. Sheela Didi was facing away from me and she was laying sideways but almost on her chest and I could see the width of her buttocks and sheet was wrapped around her ass mounds
in such a way that I could see the shape of her bottom and it was arousing me and in a minute a two I gained erection and moved towards her. I pulled her sheet and Sheela Didi was totally nude under the sheet, she turned slowly to see me, I took off my underwear and laid behind her and rubbed my rod on her hips and moved my hand on top of her fuck hole and started rubbing it, to make her hot.
“abhi aur karna hai, aapne” I said “hmmm..... bahut karna hai, aap raat ko yahin ruk jaao”, She said “nahi abhi jeetna karna hai karlo, I can't stay for night” by this time I was hard and Sheela Didi was getting hot slowly. I had to arouse her through my words, Hemant Bhaiya told me that Sheela Didi like Hindi vulgar words, but I was not use to of it, I tried,
I was laying behind her touching her ass mounds with my rod while rubbing her cunt with my fingers and while rubbing I asked, “Sheela Didi aapko maloom hai hum issko Hindi mein kya bolte hain”? “She said, “kyun aapko nahi maloom” I said “Maloom hai, aap bolo aapko kya maloom hai”? She said, “issko choot bolte hain” it sound lovely from her mouth.
Again I asked “aur jo mere pass hai ussko”? Sheela Didi was getting hot she said in puffing tone, “ussko lund bollte hain” “aur jo hum kar rahe hain”? By this time Sheela Didi was aroused and I entered my finger in her wet fuck hole and she answered while enjoying my finger in her fuck hole, “hmmmm.....jo hum kar rahe hain ussko choddna bolte hain”.
I turned her straight and sat between her legs and widened them holding her thighs and placed my rod on top of her fuck hole and spoke, “Sheela Didi abb main aapko dobaara choddne waala hoon, wo bhi bina condom ke” and before Sheela Didi would have said anything or stopped me, I pushed myself and went deep inside her fuck hole in one push.
She moaned silently in pleasure of getting penetrated, and continued looking into my eyes. I spoke again after fucking her for one more minute, “Sheela Didi main kab se koshish kar raha tha, aapko pattane ke liye, aaj chodd hi diya maine aapko, aur aap khud aaye ho mere pass chudwaane ke liye, aur aapne khud kaha hai mujhe aapko choddne ke liye”.
Intentionally I was trying to speak vulgar Hindi words to arouse her and it was working. Sheela didi moaned nicely and uttered while enjoying man meat, getting in and coming out of her flesh “Haan choddiye jeetna choddna hai choddiye mujhe, main sham tak yahan hoon aapke pass, main bahut dinno se tadap rahi thi isske liye, aap dobaara bhi bulaaoge to aa jaaongi”.
Now I was fucking her with good speed and closing her eyes Sheela didi was trying to control herself. I spoke again, “Sheela didi look into my eyes, don’t be ashamed, iss main kuch galat nahi hai, aap ek aurat ho aur main ek mard hoon, bass hum ek doosre ke ki zaroorat poori kar rahe hain aur kuch nahi”.
Sheela didi was puffing in pleasure and we were heading towards another peak and she again spoke, “aap didi matt bola kariye mujhe, abb hum friends hain” I was so excited and I was about to burst and my speed was rising every second, I replied in puffing voice, “nahi main aapko didi he bolunga, aur aapse rakhi bhi bandhwaaunga aur ussi din aapko yahan lakar bahut choddunga”
I was about to cum and Sheela didi was well aware of my condition, she spoke hurriedly while moaning as she was also closer to her burst “please ander nahi chhodiyega, please….. please ander nahi bahar” Sheela didi wanted me not to cum inside her and she was requested me for that.
In last few seconds don’t know why I thought about cumming in her mouth and I withdrew my rod just before and took it closer her face and tried to insert it in her mouth. Sheela didi tried to avoid, but holding her hands I pushed it bit forcefully and got bit successful and further inserted my rod in her mouth.
As pressure was already built and I was about to burst, Sheela didi was trying to resist but I was holding her hands and I spoke, “Sheela didi pi jaao issko, please pi jaao” and finally I spewed few drops in her mouth and took out my rod after few seconds assuming that she has gulped my cum.
But Sheela Didi got up and spitted that in washbasin and came back after cleaning herself and spoke looking at me with complaining smile, “aap bahut gande ho, maine wahan chhodne ko manna kiya to munh mein chhod diya” I smiled naughtily and asked her, “kyon aapka boyfriend aapke munh mein nahi chhoodta kya, Shikha Bhabhi to munh main le leti thi”.
Sheela didi was bit angry with me for my act of cumming in her mouth and she tried to wear her cloths, but I stopped her and came over her and started fondling her body and spoke, “Sheela Didi don’t get angry, abhi to hamne bahut sex karna hai, aap to pahle dinn hi bura maan gaye” She said “theek hai lekin ye aage se nahi karna, aur hamesha aapke pass Condom hona chaahiye”.
I smiled and said OK. We l remained on bed and talked to each other and precisely spoke lot of lies to each other about our other sex partners and when Sheela didi got up to go, I asked for her panty and bra as a memento and after bit of request she agreed and wore her clothes without her undergarments, and when she was walking out of room to exit,
I rubbed her hips and tried to hold one of it and spoke, “next time main peechhe se daalunga” Sheela Didi smiled and said, “kaise, ghoddi banna ke” she spoke just to speak dirty desi language, because she liked that stuff. Finally Sheela Didi left my house. I walked with her for some distance, till she got something to commute.
And after reaching home I called Hemant Bhaiya, I remember time was around six when both Shilpi Bhabhi and Hemant Bhaiya reached at my place and Hemant Bhaiya hugged me tight in delight and said, “laale di jaan kamal kar diya, abb issko threesome karna hi padega”. Shilpi Bhabhi was silent and seemed very confused, and was not ready to believe that I have fucked Sheela Didi,
I showed her the used condom in the corner of the bathroom, even then she showed disbelief and finally I took out Sheela Didi’s panty and bra and now she had no hide and she had to except that she has lost the bet and she got bit sad. I cheered her up by saying, “Bhabhi I hope you remember when I said without fucking Sheela Didi I can say that you are better,
it was true I must say that she stands nowhere and cannot be compared with you for any reason”. She smiled in spite of the fact that she has lost the bet. Hemant Bhaiya spoke to me just after that, “abb boll isska sandwich kab banana hai”? I said. “Jab Bhabhi kahengi, I am not in hurry” actually I wanted to make Bhabhi feel that I am with her, so that she do not get angry with me.
Hemant Bhaiya spoke “I am in hurry Anand Bhaiya is out just for 4 days and I want to do it before his come back”. Shilpi Bhabhi looked at him and said, “At a time ek karega aur doosra dekhega”, means “at a time one will do and one will see” Hemant Bhaiya reacted immediately “no, threesome means three at a time, hum dono tumhe saath mein enjoy karenge”.
Shilpi Bhabhi went silent because she was speechless, Hemant Bhaiya was right at his place, and everyone knows threesome means three at a time. Shilpi Bhabhi was serious as she was bit tensed and she spoke again to Hemant Bhaiya with a pointing finger at him, “but not that” Hemant Bhaiya smiled and said, “haan haan wo nahi karenge, don’t worry” I spoke in between asking “ye wo kya hai”?
Hemant Bhaiya continued smiling and said, “kuch nahi anal sex ki baat kar rahi hai, (then with pause while smiling bit more he continued) bakkre ki amma kabb tak khair manayegi, ek na ek dinn to issko thokk hi denge hum wahan bhi”. I looked at Shilpi Bhabhi, I was already aroused with a thought that we three are going to lay together in a day or two and above that anal sex came in conversation,
I got bit hard and for me it was really hard to hide my erection. Hemant Bhaiya spoke while seeing me adjusting my penis, “dekh ye to abhi se pareshaan ho raha hai”. And Shilpi Bhabhi saw me and laughed and reflected some arbitrary anger and spoke, “why you fucked her, I wasn’t enough for you, main bahut nahi thi aapke liye”,
I got silent and spoke, “maine pahle kaha tha, ki whoever will lose will get angry with me, and both of you said, no: this will not happen” then after a pause I spoke again “Bhabhi if you don’t want to do then we will not do, we will not force you so you just relax” Bhabhi spoke bit softly as she saw that I am tensed because of her mood “nahi hum karenge,
I have lost the bet and I should do, decide karo kabb karna hai”. Finally Hemant Bhaiya made a plan, that particular day was Sunday and he fixed Tuesday for this in the afternoon, between 12 and 12:30, he told me to pretend dull in the office on Monday and told me to make call to him in front of Sheela didi to ask for the day off next day.
Shilpi Bhabhi was not suppose to come to office on both the days, Monday as well as Tuesday and Hemant Bhaiya will visit office for few hours on Monday and Tuesday to pretend that Shilpi Bhabhi is not well and she will not come and because of that Hemant has visited Office to see whether every thing is running fine or not.
Just before leaving Hemant Bhaiya asked Shilpi Bhabhi for a kiss for both of us one by one in others presence, and Shilpi Bhabhi agreed and she kissed me first nicely to tease Hemant while making him watch us and then kissed him to make me watch.
Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guyliving in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. I was living at my Cousin brother’s place in the city in order to pursue my studies in one of the reputed collages here.. My Cousin was married and he and his wife lived in one of the apartments in the city.
My babhi was my best friend and I loved her a lot and she took care of me like a mother. She was 27years Old. Beautiful, lean and had very sweet voice.. She used to wear modern dresses and rarely used to wear saris. I lusted her and use to peak at her private parts whenever I get chance.
We were close and I used to tell her everything and we used to go out together whenever my cousin was out of station. We liked each other’s company a lot. On the day of my eighteenth birthday, my Babhi wished me 1st when she came to woke me up in the morning. That day my cousin was out of station. My babhi came to me and wished me “Happy Birthday”.
I felt very happy and thanked her. I got fresh and went out. I returned home in the afternoon and went straight to my room as I couldn’t find babhi for a chat, probably she was sleeping. My stupidity made me expect a gift from her as she was very close to me, but I received none. So was sad. So I went and slept in my room till evening.
At supper, the evening of eighteenth birthday, I came down from the room in 1st floor and found babhi sitting in front of the TV. Seeing my sad face, Babhi said, “ Why are you carrying a sad face. I guess you are kind of disappointed for having a dull birthday so far” “Nah, Babhi, nothing like that” I lied “Well, you’re close enough to being a man now that I can give you what you’ve really wanted for a long time now.”
I looked at her, a question in my eyes, what could she be talking about? She was chuckling as she continued, “You’ve been trying to peek up my skirts and down my blouse since you were here a year back, and now I think you’re old enough to get your wish. But it isn’t completely free, you got to give something in return.”
“Huh?” I was blushing at being caught and confused about where she was heading. “You want to see what I’m hiding under these clothes, right?” still chuckling. “Uh, yeah, sure.” Now I was getting excited. “All right, you get your wish, but you have to show me what you’re hiding under yours. Agreed?” “Uh, yeah, sure,” I repeated.
In less time than it took to type this, babhi’s dress was over the back of her chair and she stood there in her undies. “Well?” I was a little slower, but as I slid my jockeys over my hips, babhi’s bra joined her dress. And my shorts got hung on my rigid dick as her muff came into view.!!
“Ta-daa!” she sang and slowly turned, her arm outstretched, modelling her nudity for me. “Do I meet your expectations? My tits are kind of small, I guess.” Not that small, maybe a B cup but fine for her petite frame, and at thirty-seven just beginning to sag a little bit. Thin waist and a gorgeous, thick V of black curls that thinned out and split when it reached the beginning of her slit.
I couldn’t say a word, I think my tongue was as hard as my dick, and Babhi laughed happily. “Wow!Your prick’s bigger than your brother’s.” Looking at Babhi naked was arousing enough, but her talking about the size of her tits and comparing my prick size to brother’s was way over the top and I blurted out, “Damn babhi, you’re gonna have me cummin’ if you ain’t careful!”
“I guess we’ll just have to get dressed, then,” she said with a big grin, “Or else make sure you don’t mess up the carpet. Shall we dress?” “Hell no!” Grinning from ear to ear she pushed me back onto my chair and sat in my lap, facing me, her legs on either side and her wet pussy sliding down over my hard prick.
“Aaah!” she breathed, then gave me a long French kiss. “You do have a bigger cock than your brother,” she whispered into my mouth, “I almost feel like a virgin again.” It was awkward trying to talk with a mouthful of her tongue but I managed to mumble, “You’re tight enough to be a virgin, and dammit, I’m gonna cum pretty soon!”
“Good! Now shut up and enjoy yourself!” So that’s exactly what I did. Strange, but once I quit trying to hump Babhiand just let her massage my prick with her pussy muscles, I still felt like I was ready to cum, but I wasn’t getting any closer. I squeezed my hands between us and began playing with babhi’s tits, kneading them and pinching the nipples.
“Mmm hmm!” she hummed into my mouth, then broke our kiss long enough to say, “That feels even better!” and locked our lips together again, and then, a minute or so later she whispered, “I’ll bet your finger up my ass would really feel good,” so I tried, but her asshole was too dry. By stretching I could reach her pussy and with a good coating of cunt juice I got my finger in up to the second knuckle.
“Oh my God yes…’m….cummiinnnggggaaaaaahhh!!!” Babhi’s pussy sucked at my cock and her asshole squeezed my finger for what seemed like five minutes, then she slowly settled down and finally collapsed on top of me. “Phew whee, I almost forgot what a good fuck feels like,” she whispered, and suddenly the thought hit me, this is my Babhi and I just made her cum,
and that was the trigger that set off my own explosion, the most intense cum I’d ever experienced, my cock jumping and throbbing, my cum spurting and my heart pounding. “Wow, Howlong have you been storing that? You really filled me up!” She kissed me, smiled and said,
“Now let’s go to the bathroom so that we can wash ourselves, then we’ll start having fun in my room. We will have plenty of time to ourselves in the coming years. I am all yours honey” That’s all I wanted to hear...
Doctor Doctor
AUTHOR: abipv2001
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Hello everyone.. I like to submit my true story which happened during my childhood days..
My cousin sister had come for vacation from Vellore. She was 19 at that time and I was 18 just waiting for my results. She was into her second year nursing. Everybody at home went for work and we both were alone spending time with TV. We were very close since childhood and used to play a lot of games together as we were of the same age group. Those were enacting cooking with toys, shopkeeper selling, teacher student and others.
My cousin sister had come for vacation from Vellore. She was 19 at that time and I was 18 just waiting for my results. She was into her second year nursing. Everybody at home went for work and we both were alone spending time with TV. We were very close since childhood and used to play a lot of games together as we were of the same age group. Those were enacting cooking with toys, shopkeeper selling, teacher student and others.
That day we were watching TV and a program was relayed about some private doctor treating patients. We were bored of doing the same TV watching all the day. That is when we were discussing about our childhood days and games. Then I asked why not we play some game like that. She agreed and asked what we play. I suggested the same shop keeping, teacher students etc. but she was no more interested in all these things now.
So she thought for a while and told me that we play Doctor – Doctor as she is more a nurse now. I readily agreed. Then we arranged things for the play. We set up table and chair put it close to a cot which will be our examination table. We got some things like a stick for thermometer, an old earphone for stethoscope and so on. All ideas were hers as she knew about it more.
Me: Akka, I don’t know much about how to play doctor, so I’ll play patient.
She: hey don’t worry, we will play in turns first u patient then I will be patient and we will change roles for next visit (for next complaint)
Me: ok.. fine.. I’ll be patient now.
I walked down and sat on the chair across the table opposite to her. I was wearing a sleeveless vest and shorts. She was wearing a T shirt and a skirt upto her thigh. Now the play began.
She: Yes sir please come in. What problem do you have?
Me: I have high Grade fever for 2 days
She: Ok, please lie down on the table.
Ok madam..
I now go on the bed and laid down. She took the stick and told me that she’ll check temperature. I opened my mouth but,
She: hey this is not the right way to check temperature. We usually check temperature under arms. My teacher at nursing college taught me. So lift up your hand.
(I lifted up my hand and she placed it under my bare armpit. I was feeling shy. I had few small hairs in my arm pit. Now she took the stethoscope earphone and placed it in her ears and placed the tip of wire on my chest as if examining my lungs. Then she saw temperature and said)
Hey you have a very high grade fever. You need to get an injection done” (She took a blunt pin and came to inject. I showed her my arm, but she moved me to one side and pricked in on my bum on one side over my shorts. I felt very shy. That was the first time she touched my buttocks. After injecting she massaged my butt and asked me to get up and sit in the chair. She gave a paper prescription for medicines. She was too professional in her acting probably because she was going to be a nurse. Now it was my turn. We interchanged chair positions and continued)
“Yes madam, please sit. What is your problem?”
“I have got high grade fever” she said
“OK lie down on the bed. I’ll check u up”
“I have got high grade fever” she said
“OK lie down on the bed. I’ll check u up”
(She laid down on the bed. I took the stick and asked her to raise her arm. Till this time I had no bad intensions in my mind. It was only a game I was playing. But now she rolled up her sleeves and showed her arm pit. Something happened to me. I had butterflies flying all over my body. I saw her armpit. It was clean shaven. I kept the stick there and asked her to hold it. Now I took the ear phone and plugged it in my ears.
Now more butterflies started to fly. My heart was pounding. I did not know if I was supposed to do that or feel this feeling. I took the tip of the wire and placed it on her chest. My fingers were literally touching her chest close to her neck. My heart beats I could hear outside.. I kept in two three places purposefully avoiding her breasts and took the temperature stick.)
“Oh! You got high fever. You need to get an injection done”
( I took the pin to her arm and maintaining decency rolled her sleeves up. I could see her fair rounded arms. More tickling sensation in my stomach. But she turned to me and said
“Hey the fever injections are very painful injections and should never be given in the arm. You should give it in the butt”
(She knew all these from her college I suppose. But my tension only I knew. She rolled on to one side as if showing her butt to me. I didn’t have a choice. I pricked her butt a little and was admiring her shape of the rounded buttocks in from to me. Then i massaged her buttocks. Now my underwear started to wet with fluid. I came back and gave her the prescription and my turn ended. I was feeling a little guilty about feeling for her but I was enjoying the situation in one way. Now it was my turn as patient)
“yes sir tell me your problem”
“I have a severe stomach pain madam” ( she asked me to tell that way)
“ok. Come lie down. I need to examine you”
“I have a severe stomach pain madam” ( she asked me to tell that way)
“ok. Come lie down. I need to examine you”
(I went and laid down. She came to me and lifted my vest to my surprise. I was shocked and my tummy trembled. She touched my tummy like a doctor and pressed it here and there. She said
you need to get an injection done”.
( I now with my previous experience, turned to the opposite side showing my butt. She to my surprise slid my shorts down exposing my underwear and gave the stick injection. I was enjoying it with a bit of guilt. After that she massaged my bum and asked me to come to the chair. As usual, she prescribed some medicines and this turn was over. Now I was sitting in the doctors chair very nervously as I was getting aroused how my turn will be.)
“Yes madam. What problem do you have?”
“I have severe pain in my stomach”
“ok I need to examine you. Lie down on the couch”
“I have severe pain in my stomach”
“ok I need to examine you. Lie down on the couch”
(She then laid down on the bed. My heart was pounding as to what I’m going to do. One part of me said be decent and examine her with her clothes on. But other part of me said just enjoy. I went near her. I slowly lifted her t shirt up to expose her tummy. Wow that was the first time I ever saw her bare tummy. She had a fair smooth skin with a tiny umbilicus. She was really looking awesome. My heart was beating aloud as if everyone can hear. I controlled myself and slowly touched her tummy with a
trembling hand. She started to smile. She said,
trembling hand. She started to smile. She said,
“Hey common why are you so tensed? It’s only a play”
“No I’m feeling somewhat uneasy”
“Hey what happened? Are you well? should we stop?”
“No I’m alright, Just that I’m playing this for the first time”
“No I’m feeling somewhat uneasy”
“Hey what happened? Are you well? should we stop?”
“No I’m alright, Just that I’m playing this for the first time”
(She smiled at me as if she came to know why I’m tensed. Now I got a little bolder. I pressed her soft tummy here and there. My underwear was getting wetter and wetter. I touched her umbilicus. I felt a shiver in my body. First time she contracted her tummy as she also would have felt the shiver.)“you need to get an injection done”
(She now turned to opposite side. Must have been wondering how I’m going to give injection. I was wondering the same thing.)
Me: “How should I give injection?”
She: “what do you mean?”
“how should I give? Like last time or this time?”
“However you feel like.”
She: “what do you mean?”
“how should I give? Like last time or this time?”
“However you feel like.”
(now I got courage. May be she wants me to do this. Or at least she won’t mind me giving like this. I lowered her skirt exposing her butt. I saw her underwear. Wow! What a butt it was. Rounded soft and lovely. She was wearing pink printed underwear. I gave her the prick over her underwear and then massaged her butt as usual. She walked back without any hesitation. I gave her the prescriptions. Now my shorts had a wet stain on it. I hoped she didn’t notice. Now it was my turn.)
“What’s your problem sir?”
“I have chest pain” (I told as she told me to tell)
“oh is it? Please lie down. I need to examine you”
“I have chest pain” (I told as she told me to tell)
“oh is it? Please lie down. I need to examine you”
( I laid down on the couch. She came to me and just lifted up my vest and kept the earphone stethoscope on my bare chest and started to hear. I’m sure she could have felt if not heard my heart beating hard. Now she said)
”we need to take ecg. Remove your vest”
”we need to take ecg. Remove your vest”
(I was shocked. She is my elder cousin. I’ve not done this before. I hesitated. But she did not wait. She Just removed my vest herself over my head. She then put some hair gel on my chest here and there and connected some old wires picked up from the table and acted as if she took an ecg. She then took out a paper and read as if it was an ecg and said,)
“it is normal. It could be Gas problem. I’ll give u an injection”
(injection became my favorite now. Never I liked injection. But now I;m enjoying it. This time she slid my shorts, but even my underwear slid exposing my bare butt. Even she was shocked. But she didn’t mind. She gave a prick with the stick and then massaged my bare butt. I was really feeling like bathing in my own juice. Then I walked back. There was a wicked smile in her face when she gave the prescription. I couldn’t see her eye to eye. I got it and walked back. Now my turn.)
“Madam What problem do you have?”
“I have severe chest pain”
“Oh please lie down I need to examine you”
“I have severe chest pain”
“Oh please lie down I need to examine you”
(She laid down on the bed. I took my earphone stethoscope and kept on her chest. Wow! I could only hear my own heart beat. Slowly I moved my stethoscope on her breast area. It was heaving high and low. My heart was about to fall out. Then I remembered what she did to my vest. I was confused whether to lift it up or not. I decided to try my luck. I slowly lifted her T shirt up. She was for the first time feeling uneasy. I didn’t stop.
I lifted it up exposing her mounds with her black bra. Oops I almost was falling unconscious. My shorts was soaking wet. Now I touched the earphone on her bare areas of the chest. I now could feel her heart beats. I understood even she was feeling the way I felt. Now on to the breasts covered with bra. I could not imagine what I was doing. I saw her. Her eyes were closed a little tight. I said)
“I need to take an ECG. Please remove your clothes on your chest”
(I never imagined I could say that. I must have in the height of enjoyment gathered all my courage to say so. She was also shocked to hear me say that. She hesitated and tried to cover her t shirt back. But I didn’t waste time in getting it out of her head. It was not without ressistance from her hand. She didn’t speak a word. Her breasts were moving up and down but with her bra on.)
I told “remove this madam” and went to remove her bra.
She said “hey please. Should I remove? Take ECG with this bra on”
She said “hey please. Should I remove? Take ECG with this bra on”
(The word bra, I was hearing for the first time from her mouth. I insisted)
“Hey common Akka, you only told that this is just a play. I did it for you. Now why are you hesitating?”
“you are a boy. You can do all this things”
“please be a sport. Common I need to take an ecg”
“you are a boy. You can do all this things”
“please be a sport. Common I need to take an ecg”
(I didn’t wait for her answer, I turned her to her back and unhooked her bra. I don’t know where I got the courage from. Now I turned her back to her front. She held the bra tightly over her breast so that I could not remove it. I became very aggressive and removed her bra but within fraction of seconds, she covered her breasts with her hands. Now I pleaded her to remove her hands. And I used force to open her hands. She turned her face away from me when I saw the wonder of hers.
Big round soft mounds fair and light brown nipples. I was literally enjoying every bit. Now I acted very normal. I placed all those wires here and there, some of course on her breasts. I took chance to press those wires and felt her soft breasts. Her nipples were getting erect. She slowly turned towards me and saw me with shy. I acted normal with lot of difficulty. I took a paper and said)“your ECG is normal. It must be only gastric problem. I’ll give you an injection”
(I turned her to opposite side. I saw her bare back. I was enjoying the sight. Now I slid her skirt down purposefully included her underwear this time. I did not understand my courage. Now I saw her fully bare buttocks. She turned towards me and saw me. I tried to act normal but could not avoid the smile. She smiled and turned back. I gave her the injection and now massaged her bare but with the palm of my hands. I went back to my chair.
She was trying to wear her bra. But before that I went to her and gave her a prescription and acted as if explaining the tablets but was only staring at her breasts more than anything else. Now she must have also enjoyed this and kept quiet. She again stared wearing the bra. But I told her
“Akka Don’t mind wearing it. You look very….”
“Very what?….”
“Very beautiful.. very…”
“Very? Common tell”
“very sexy”
“Very what?….”
“Very beautiful.. very…”
“Very? Common tell”
“very sexy”
(I couldn’t believe what I said. She burst out smiling and feeling shy. I could feel her blush in her cheeks) please be like that itself without tops. Come we will continue play.”
(I didn’t know what she agreed to my request. Probably she enjoyed it too being topless in front of me. She walked like one of the best FTV models and came back on sat on the doctor’s chair. I went and sat on the patient’s chai. She said)
“Now what?”
“Doctor I have some pain and itch near my upper thigh”
“Doctor I have some pain and itch near my upper thigh”
(It was this time my own complaint without her teaching me what to tell. She stared to smile. She said)“ come lie down”
(I laid down. She came near me she saw me shorts soaking wet. She felt shy and asked)
“ hey have you peed in your pants?”
(I kept quiet. She asked)
“Where is it? Show me”
(Little did I expect her to take revenge on me. She in a spilt of a second, pulled down my shorts and underwear together making my nakedness seen to her. It was standing right up with slimy juice sticking on it. I was speechless)
“hey what is this?” I asked
“common as if you didn’t do it to me. Its just a play…. Hahaha..” she laughed sarcastically
“common as if you didn’t do it to me. Its just a play…. Hahaha..” she laughed sarcastically
(I was enjoying inside and inside. She continued)
“Tell me where is the pain.”
( I showed her my crotch which was recently shaved and stubs of hair there. She now took me by surprise by caressing there on the hair. Slowly she touched my dick as if she examined it. Now touched my balls. Again she touched my dick and caressed it as if she examined. I was about to cum. I stopped and got up. Tried to wear my shorts but she said)
“Hey you also look sexy like this. Be like this it. Common I’ll give you an injection”
(She stuck the stick in my butt and massaged my butt as usual but this time was feeling the whole of my butt and massaged it. I felt very nice. Now I got up and came to the chair. I wanted to continue the game. But she insisted that we stop. I never let it happen. I was more thrilled to see her naked in her turn. I persisted. She finally agreed.)
“What’s your problem madam?”
“ High grade fever” she quipped cunningly.
“hey common, this is unfair. Tell me the same complaint I told you”
“ High grade fever” she quipped cunningly.
“hey common, this is unfair. Tell me the same complaint I told you”
(She smiled and told)
“There is pain and swelling near my inner thigh”
“oh is it? Common show me.”
“oh is it? Common show me.”
(I tried to pull her skirt down. She never let me do it. I used a lot of force and then BANG!! Her nudeness was there. She closed her eyes tightly and turned to other side facing away. My dick was literally pouring out wetness. I slowly touched her crotch caressed her fully shaven crotch. I now gathered courage to slide my fingers on her pussy. She was holding her thighs tightly so it was difficult for me. I parted her thighs now. She felt shyer. Closed her eyes more.. I touched her pussy.
Even she was very wet naturally. I touched her wetness. I really loved it. I smelt it. She was trying to see me with her tightly closed eyes. My instincts over ruled me. I massaged her pussy. She was flowing more. I slowly went close to her pussy and smelt her directly. As soon as she felt my warm breath touching her thighs, she jumped out and sat folding her legs)
“Hey what are you doing?”
“Akka. You look absolutely stunning. Your chu chee is very beautiful”
“Akka. You look absolutely stunning. Your chu chee is very beautiful”
(She felt very shy.)
“hey common you are not supposed to do that.”
( That’s when my dick dropped the wetness on her leg. She stared at it. She was very hesitant. But when I took my fingers and licked her wetness, she got bolder to touch my slime. She was enjoying it too She now saw my dick pouring out juices almost on her. She was staring at my dick. she then smelt it like I did. I said “taste it”
(now she licked it. I was pouring more on her. She made a face and said
“It’s very salty.”
“Your is also salty and sour”
“Your is also salty and sour”
(Now I slowly parted her thighs and made it straight. I went near her pussy smelt it nicely. She was enjoying it. I now planted a kiss on it. She just jumped in joy. She now took my head and hugged it against her pussy. I was enjoying it too. I licked and licked. Now I slid my tongue in to her pussy. She moaned out loud. Tightened her thigh against my face,
I move my hands on to her breasts and started to squeeze it. Now she cried more. I looked up and took her large breast into my mouth wholly. Sucked her nipples hard. Squeezed her other breast hard and then put my other finger in her pussy. She jumped in joy. I hugged her tightly. She hugged me also. She said)
“Hey this is not correct”
“Please Akka. You are so beautiful and tempting. Please akka” and I continued kissing her everywhere
“Ok. Then promise me one thing. You should not tell anyone”
“why will i? am I mad?”
“hey we will not complete the act”
“complete the act means?” I asked her smilingly
“complete means not have complete sex. I want to be virgin.”
“Please Akka. You are so beautiful and tempting. Please akka” and I continued kissing her everywhere
“Ok. Then promise me one thing. You should not tell anyone”
“why will i? am I mad?”
“hey we will not complete the act”
“complete the act means?” I asked her smilingly
“complete means not have complete sex. I want to be virgin.”
(I agreed)
“you can do anything you want but not insert your thing in”
(we continued to foreplay more and more. Touched each other everywhere. finally I came out spurting my cum on her. She reluctantly took it smelt it and licked it. I was jetting on her more forcefully. We really enjoyed every bit. Then we decided to take bath together. We soaped each other, enjoyed the bath for more than one hour. We came out and sat together and chatted for long about today’s incident. Of course touching and playing with each other’s private parts over our clothes.
This brought the responsibility of the family on me of course father had left us enough money so I managed one by one I married off all the three sisters and by then I was 31 and I was left with my youngest brother who was just 18 Those days I was a teacher in our local school after 18 years my brother went and joined the city school for his plus one he was then coming only for weekends this left me alone in the house with the company of a couple of servants who would leave by evening.
I said that my father was heavily drinking and my three sisters were in the college hostel the brother was not born then so father was very open in the house he would just like that drag mother to the bed room and would fuck her without properly closing the door one day I had a full sight of it .my mother did not seem to mind. I now think that she was also drinking before the ’show’ as father wanted they would become totally naked. I envied the heavy boobs of mother due to their heaviness they were sagging a bit still they were wonderful (today I too have such heavy breasts).
I was in 10th std in the local school since mother wanted help I was not put in boarding like other sisters one of those days mother conceived again. I was studying in the town college as a day scholar. One of those days when I saw my parents fucking, I had started masturbation just when I was 18.i soon became over sexed and started doing it at least twice a day those days soon I became an introvert fortunately it did not affect my studies. I still topped in the class up to my post graduation I was at my house for the weekends which
I enjoyed by that time there was a hole made by me in one of the doors of the bed room where I could see my father fucking mom my father’s tool was very gigantic which my mom would during the act occasionally put in her mouth and suck. And I got a job in the local school as teacher kiddy was still young then and within 1 to 2 years both parents were gone. I remained unmarried and when 31. I could marry off all my sisters .all those years I found solace in masturbation only thing was that from fingers I had graduated to using stiff vegetables like mullies cucumbers and brinjals one of those days
I lost my ‘virginity’ to a cucumber my hymen broke when I thrust it in the peak of my ecstasy when the youngest sister was married off we became alone in the house kiddy was 18 and just about to join +1 class he started living in the hostel and would be at home only for weekends. And then one day it happened on a Saturday I had some extra class and was not at home when I came back I found the door not closed but my brother was not seen around. I moved around the bib house hearing some sound from the bath room
I peeped thru’ and I had the shock of my life balu(my brother’s name) was totally naked and he was stroking his dong the size of which baffled me it reminded me of our father’s cock. I started soaking in my panties he had not yet started growth of pubic hair so it appeared even bigger. Balu finished his act(I don’t think he had started spilling then).he put on hid undies and as such came out.
I had moved in time so that he could not see me. I hurried to the kitchen and made tea for us and rushed to the bedroom closing the door from within I masturbated violently .that night I might have done that at least thrice balu left for his hostel early since he had a marriage party to attend and I was left alone for another week during that week I had decided .I would fuck him one of the days surely I would do that.
And I was prepared balu came home Friday evening. I had given two or three blouse pieces to be stitched in the tailors shop. I asked him to go collect it from the shop as I was going for my bath and it was getting dark the shop was not far balu brought them as I finished my bath seeing the blouses I opened the front of my blouse and attempted to try one by one balu was looking at my breasts covered with bra only. I thought that his eye balls would come out of the sockets without bothering about his embarrassment
I would ask him whether the stitch is ok or not he mumbled something and hurried to the bathroom. I knew his plans but did not want him to do that instead I told him to accompany me to the first show there was a new release in the local theatre after the movie we came back and had our food and went to sleep I suggested that he sleep in my room his single bed I had moved to my room and I was having a double bed in the spacious bed room he did not seem to mind.
in the night I felt someone one my bed .it was balu it was dark and
I pretended that I did not know but when his palm was on my boobs I gently removed it soon after it was there again when I attempt again he whispered “chechi,please” I too talked in the same tone.”it is not proper” then he almost raped me my blouse was torn open and my bra also followed suit. I was soon made totally naked and his hands were all over me. I pretended as if succumbing to his force while I enjoyed that he did not know how to put his thing in my pussy and without showing it I helped him and for half an hour he was mad crushing my boobs, moving his huge dick up and down inside my pussy.
Oh god I come at least twice during that time and in the end he spilled inside me his first and I for the first time having a male spill inside my pussy were deadly tired and slept fast and that followed every weekend we enjoyed much here is a sample:”chechi, how is that your breasts are so big”he would crush it in his palms lick the nipple he would also lick my clit even his foreplay would often make me climax. I would put his thing in my mouth and make him often spill inside.
since it was a large house inside a big compound we won’t show any inhibition we would scream loudly if need be.
As he joined an Eng college in Chennai for better education, I too managed to get a better job there we sold our properties for a huge amount .the day we reached Chennai I made him tie a Mangalasutra on my neck and put sindoor on my forehead. I had declared in my application that I was married and my husband was in Dubai so in Chennai I am a married women with hubby a rarely seen around balu managed to create computer photos of mine standing with a man suiting my age this was sent to our sisters also who were abroad.
And two years back I became pregnant and soon I became the mother of a girl child we were happy my colleagues would ask about my hubby coming to see the child. I would say that he came to cochin to his house where he saw his child and we would giggle inside balu is busy drinking my milk every night we are free in the night since the ayah goes home in the evening hi all it is the meeting of the minds we live a comfortable married life with a ‘dummy’husband whom the society will never find he calls me Jaya and not Chechi anymore and excuse me all balu is calling me .it late let me go and put his dong in my pussy and feed him.yrs,
It all started in my native, when i was studying SSLC. I have a friend named Ranjan originally hailing from Kerala. They settled long back in my native. He is 2 years older than me. His father worked in Dubai and they were a wealthy family. He had 3 sisters. All elder to him. 2 sisters got married when this happened. Their house is at the west end of our village. After their house starts the paddy fields and sugarcane fields of their own. Normally the houses in our village are separated at least by 200 feet. His house is has a big gap of 500 feet or more.
He and I are friends from my 5th standard. He taught me lot of things, which are required knowledge at that age and some are more than required. One among them were sex. We used to talk about sex from my 7th std itself. He has shown me some Malayalam books also. I started watching soft porn after that introduction. He used to describe female anatomy in detail. He would explain it in a way that you will think that he watch them closely. I even asked him how he knows that. He would reply me that he will tell it later.
One day he said that he watches a lady bathing in our village daily. That is how he came to know about the female anatomy. As a 9th std student I got excited and asked him who the lady was. But he didn’t tell me. I thought a lot about who the lady was, but didn’t get any clue. After my thoughts turned to sex, I noticed some of the ladies in our village were very beautiful and sexy like the ladies in the malayalam sex movies. To mention some of them would be the dhobi’s wife, two from our street and one from 3rd street.
They looked more like the actresses in the malayalam sex movies with large breasts and wide hips and tummy. I also thought of how he could watch a lady bathing. Normally in our village, all bathrooms were made of coconut tree leaves. Most of the bathrooms will be located at the rear of the house. Due to the gap factor and the position of the bathrooms, I thought he is watching someone close to his house, which narrows the gap to only one lady from the
3rd street. I thought of watching the lady bath. Even tried for that but couldn’t get the guts as I’m afraid off if something happens wrong. Even after my constant questioning he didn’t tell me who the lady was. so I started watching him without his consent. But still after a month or so, I couldn’t find him watching the lady at any time I watch him. This got me to think lot about that. As things gone this way, I got the opportunity to find out the lady. One day, my school was given leave because of the death of the founder of the school.
Normally I would return from the town to village by 6 PM. but that day I returned by 10 itself. With the thought of talking with Ranjan, I quickie changed the dress and went to his home telling my mom that I’m going to play with him. I went to his house and called him, But no answer was available. so, as usual I entered his house to go to the back yard. That is when I noticed that he was standing in front of the bathroom door keeping his dick in his hand. the bathroom door was wide open. Lot of things started running in my mind.
Is he watching his sister Renuka bathing? From the scene, it seemed to be that she is willing to show her body to him. How it all started happening? Where is their mom and what is she doing leaving her children doing this? Whatever questions running in the mind, I thought of watching his sister bathing. I came out of his house and slowly crept to the fields, From the hiding of the sugarcane crops, I could only see some part of the bathroom. I was waiting to see some flesh of his sister. Till that point, I never thought of her as a sexy girl.
But after that incident, it seemed that she too can be added to the list of sexy ladies in our village. I was waiting for her to complete the bath and come out. She also came out of the bathroom. But that is the time when I lost all my consciousness. I was expecting Renuka and I saw Ranjan’s mom Sharada. She was wearing her petticoat in her hip. Her boobs were dancing in front of him. That instance made me think to add her also in the sex ladies list.
They talked something that I couldn’t hear because of the distance. Once, they get inside the house, I came out of the hiding and went to the backyard. I stayed calm at their back door to see what they are doing and hear Ranjan saying (They talked in Tamil, to reduce the burden of typing in Tamil and English, I’m giving the direct English version. From here on, this will be carried out in dialogue form )
Ranjan: Today read a sex book in which the heroine name was sharada. At once, I started home to watch my mom.
Sharada: You need a reason to come home for me and you get it this way.
Ranjan: No mom, Promise. The heroine’s name is Sharada. See this is the book.
Sharada: Yes, My son didn’t lie to me.
Ranjan: Why are you wearing your blouse then?
Sharada: I have work to do Ranjan. Need to go to the paddy fields for fertilization. Renuka will be waiting for me.
Ranjan: Can’t you go there after an hour?
Sharada: Do you think of fucking me now?
After that sentence from her, I couldn’t believe that I’m still hearing that. I would have fainted there itself.
Ranjan: Yes mummy. I’m in full mood. I would just tear you with my dick.
Sharada: You little bastard. you are so like your father. No matter how many times you fuck, still you need a fuck. I don’t know whether the semen will dry out or not.
Ranjan: I know You chose me because of that. I’ more like father. Also, my semen tank will not dry up if it for my mummy.
Sharada: Lock the main door and come to the bedroom.
He went to the front of the house, watched for people around the house, locked the door and went in to the bedroom. I slowly crept into the house through the back door and went near their bed room. the door was not locked, the mirror in the hall will show the things in the bedroom if looked from an angle. I stayed there and watched for their play.
Ranjan: Mom, Your boobs are getting bigger and bigger every day.
Saying this he started pressing her boobs with both hands. They still are standing.
Sharada: Yes Ranjan. They will get even bigger if you play with them like this.
All of a sudden he put his mouth over her right boob and started sucking it. His mom gave a long moan and she started biting her lips. After that, there were only moaning sounds. He started to suck and chew both her boobs. Now both lie in the bed with Ranjan on top his mother. His hands were doing something below, which I don’t know at that time. After that only I came to know that he fingered her.
After some time he undressed himself. That is when I noticed that his dick was big in size, both in length and girth. He kneeled between his mom’s spread legs and started pressing his dick in her. This is the first time, I’m watching a fucking scene. Not even in movies I had watched fucking scenes as Malayalam movies will not show the scenes.
Sharada: aaaaaaaaa. Ranjan, you are still big after having you these many times.
Ranjan: Yes mommy, youa re so tight even though I have fucked you so many times. Your pussy is the heaven on earth.
Sharada: Yes, Son. Enjoy the heaven…mmmmmhhhhhhh give me my heaven completely.
Ranjan: Here it comes mom.
Saying this he started humping her with a new found vigor. His thrusts were very hard that his mom was literally crying like……After that, I thought of starting to home without them watching me. But, then came another shock of my life.
Ranjan: Mom, why are you going so early? Wait we can go for another round…
Sharada: Poda….you dirty bastard. I have to go to the fields. Your sister will be waiting for me.
Ranjan: Mom. This is not going to help me. I have to go another time please.
Sharada: You are so adamant. Wait I will go to the fields and send Renuka and you play with her. She will be correct for you.
I almost got fainted. Here is a guy with whom I’m been friends with for such a long time. And he is fucking his mom and sister. How come he is able to do all that? I was momentarily paralyzed. I quickly left out of their house with a satisfied feeling that I’m able to see a fucking scene and that too lively. I had a very rigorous masturbation after I came home. It had nothing to do with my sexual things. It was the incident that changed my mind and made it to lust for my mom. I didn’t confront him then for the fear of losing his friendship. But later I had confronted him i.e. after I had fucked my mom. I will write about those events in the next episodes. You can contact me at
I remember Bhabhi was only 18 then and was very unimpressive looking. However, she had big boobs and tight round ass. That’s all I remembered of Bhabhi. I could not interact much with her because immediately after the function, we had to return for my school. Now after few years I’m again going there. Immediately on reaching there I came to know that my brother was out of town. I was told that my brother has already settled in Hyderabad for the past 3 months and Bhabhi is also going to go there soon. I was very surprised and disappointed to know that and decided to go back immediately because it would have been really odd to stay in the same house with Bhabhi in my elder brother’s absence.
But the matter was settled immediately by those elders. They were very happy to see me after such a long time and seemed not to mind all those and requested me to stay for a few days. So I decided to stay there. However, it was not their request which was the main reason of staying, it was Bhabhi for whom I decided to stay back. I was equally stunned and surprised to see Bhabhi after so long. She was a walking sex bomb. She was looking stunning and sexy. Her boobs and ass was big. She had a comes heather look. Whenever our eyes met, I saw a hint of raw suppressed sex in her and an invitation. I knew sooner or later i will fuck her.
As I was very tired due to the long journey, I decided to have early dinner and then went to bed. The other members of the house also had dinner with me and went to bed. It was natural practice there to go to bed early. I then went to the room allotted to me. The room was in the first floor. It was adjacent to a long balcony passage. It was a large room with big windows, typically reminiscent of an majestic era long gone. I was carrying a small VCD player and some blue film CDs. After entering the room, I picked up a magazine and started reading it. When I became sure that everyone had settled in their rooms and lights were switched off, I went to the bed, leaned on the pillows, placed the small player on my belly and started watching a blue film.
After some time, I had the urge to pee. But this old house had one big problem; there was not a single toilet in the first floor. All the toilets were located in the ground floor, in an isolated place in the backyard of the house. All the toilets were of Indian style. So, I decided to hold on for some more time and thought I’ll finish watching the movie and then go to the loo. I crossed my legs and put a hand between my legs. As the movie was really good, plus I had the urge to pee, I had a mild erection. When I inserted my hand, my fingers touched my erect dick. I was immediately turned on by it and had a nice erotic feeling. I removed my shorts and T-shirt and went completely naked.
Now I was resting on the bed, spreading my legs with my erect dick and watching the film. The movie was quite hot. As I continued watching the film, pre-cum juices started gather on the tip of my dick. As I touched the tip, the sticky juice started oozing out from the dick. It was a fantastic, sensuous feeling. I started smearing the sticky juice slowly all over the dick and my big balls. I was watching the film, while rubbing the tip of my dick with the tips of two fingers gently, collecting the juice on the fingers and running the fingers gently across the length of the dick, circling my balls slowly and proceeding further down to my asshole.
I was tickling my ass, smearing the sticky juice on the asshole, inserting the finger a little inside the ass and then slowly coming back to the tip of the dick. My dick had by that time become hard like a rock and pulsating. The blue film as well as my controlling the urge to pee was making it more erotic. The sensation was fantastic. After about five minutes, when I knew I won’t be able to hold on any longer, I collected my T shirt, covered my dick, stroked it for few times over the t shirt and let out my thick white spunk.
It was a fantastic orgasm I had and thick spunk was flowing out of my dick in rivulet. After that, I realized that I can’t hold on my pee anymore. But I was feeling too lazy to go downstairs all the way. So I took out my towel, covered it on the T shirt a started pissing. The feeling was fantastic. The dick was well covered with the t shirt and the towel. I was peeing slowly, allowing the towel and the t shirt to soak it. It was a long pee. In the middle of it I lifted the towel slightly to look at my pissing dick. I saw my black thick dick releasing my yellowing pee and it was getting soaked in the t shirt and the towel. It was a fantastic erotic sensation.
After the pee was over I threw the t shirt and the towel on the floor, put of my shorts and went to sleep keeping the table lamp on. Barely a minute had passed when I sensed that someone had entered my room. I pretended to remain asleep but opened my eyes a little and saw Bhabhi was approaching my bed. She was wearing a thin white sleeveless nighty. She came near my bed, shook me and said,” Rob will you please get up, I have a problem.” I responded groggily “what is the matter?” as if I was in deep sleep. Bhabhi said, “Rob mujhe kahene me sharm a raha hai. I need to pee very badly, but the whole house is so dark now.
I am feeling very scared. Will you please take me down to the loo, so that I can pee, Plesse ?” I said,” I’m very tired I can ‘t go with you now”. Saying so I pretended to be asleep and wanted to see her reaction. She reluctantly said, “ok” and left the room. I remained awake because I knew bhabhi will come back again. After about half an hour Bhabhi again entered the room and said, “Rob, please take me to the loo, I can’t hold on anymore. Ehin par pisab kar dungi. I will pee in my panty. I beg of you, pleeassee take me.” Saying so Bhabhi started rubbing her cunt over the nighty and started moaning “Uuhhh…”
Ooofff”. I knew that Bhabhi’s actual intention was to turn me on and get fucked by me. But she can’t approach me directly, so she is doing these. I was totally turned on but played a game. I said,” I can take you to the loo, but on one condition. You will have to allow me to see you pee”. Bhabhi was utterly shocked to hear it. She said, “How can that happen? How can I pee in front of you?” I said ,”I don’t know. If you want to go, you will have to accept my condition, otherwise I am going to sleep. Bhabhi was very desperate, she said,” Ok i will obey. But please take me”.
Bhabhi was not wearing any bra below the nighty, she was only wearing a panty which could be seen through. Her big boobs and pointed black nipples were jutting out of the nighty. In fact the nighty was so lose, that other than the nipples, the two melon sized breasts were completely visible, nakedly. I touched those boobs and slowly glided my finger tips to her nipple. It was erect and hard like stone. I took one nipple in my fingers and started rubbing them gently. Bhabhi’s face became very soft and relaxed. She started moaning and closed her eyes. I was gently massaging her boobs.
Bhabhi slowly hugged me and leaned against me, resting her head on my chest and enjoyed the massage closing her eyes. I lifted her chin and looked in her eyes. Bhabhi opened her beautiful eyes and looked at me with a smile. I continued massaging her boobs and slowly lowered my face and took her lower lip in my mouth and started sucking. Her lips were hot, those were burning. Her lips were trembling in the anticipation of the pleasure that i was going to give her. After sucking her lower lip, I inserted my tongue in bhabhi’s mouth. Our tongues met. Bhabhi could not control anymore.
She hugged me with all her might and started kissing me madly. I could have continued kissing her for some more time, but bhabhi removed her lips from mine and begged me,” please mujhe su su karne le chalo.” Saying so she rubbed her cunt. I asked, ‘Bhabhi is your chut hairy or shaved?” Bhabhi blushed and said “Hairy. Whom will I shave it for. Your bhaiya is out of station for such a long time?’ I said, “then let me trim your pubic hairs, otherwise I will not be able to see you pee properly”. Bhabhi said “but I can hardly wait. My tank is completely full and it is oozing little by little”. I immediately lifted her nighty, and saw that her thin white panty was soaked in the front. I touched it and found it hot.
I questioningly looked at her. Bhabhi coyly said, “after you refused me, I wanted to hold on, but little piss has come out and soaked the panty.Tum aur der karoge to aur susu nikaal ayega.” I immediately took out my scissors, told bhabhi to lift her nighty above her waist and slowly pulled the panty down. Then I took the panty in my hand and brought it near my nose and smelled it. Ooohh! What a strong, sexy smell it was. I then carefully looked inside the panty and ran my fingers through the inside. The inside of the panty was not only wet with drops of hot piss it was quite sticky too.
I asked,”bhabhi, what is this?” Bhabhi felt ashamed and blushed and said that,”actually main tumhe yaad kar raha tha aur chut me ungli dal ke raas nikal rahatha. Phir mujh se raha na gaya. I came to your room and saw you watching the film. So I hid behind the window and saw everything you did. Aur merei chut raas se pura bhig gaya, pani ki tarha juice baha chut se”. Now bhabhi was standing in front of my with her hairy chut exposed. I quickly started trimming her pubic hair.
Time to time I was touching her chut, taking the juice from her dripping wet cunt and smelling it. When I was almost finished Bhabhi could not hold on any more; her beautiful pussy spurted a small jet of yellow piss. It trickled down through her thigh. But she controlled it immediately and together we ran downstairs. No sooner bhabhi reached the toilet, than she switched on the light, removed her nighty, sat on the Indian style toilet completely naked, squatting on the floor facing me spreading her legs and let out a jet of yellow piss from her beautiful cunt. She simultaneously covered her face in shame.
I spread her two knees further apart to have a better view of her sexy chut peeing. Then I slowly removed her palms which were covering her face and saw she was blushing and smiling from this un-usual experience. She pissed for what seemed to be eternity. I was feeling pity for her; she had really stored a lot of piss in her bladder. After completing the same, bhabhi got up, put on her nighty and suddenly said, “Rob what is this, your dick has made a tent in your shorts. You have seen me naked, can i see you now?” I looked at my pant and saw that
My dick is completely erect-rock solid and trying to tear off from my shorts. Before I could realize anything, Bhabhi removed my shorts, put it on her shoulder. Then she grabbed my erect dick as if she was holding a baton and gestured me to come upstairs. We climbed to the first floor and went to my room in that position, with my erect dick being clasped in bhabhi’s palm.. It had already started oozing again and slipped out of bhabhi’s hand couple of times. But bhabhi again grabbed it back. After we reached my room, Bhabhi removed her nighty and tied her long hairs in a bun, her heavy boobs jiggled during the process making her look very sexy.
Then she knelt down in front of me, took my erect dick in her mouth and started sucking it hungrily. She was surprised to see my big, oversized balls and started caressing the same. She asked, “Itni bara size balls maine kabhi nehin dekhi, tum ismey bahut raas jama kartey ho kaya?” I replied,”tum pi ke to dekho, to jano.” She was running her tongue from the base of the dick to the tip. She was biting, sucking and caressing the balls as well. She got mad seeing my six inches long, thick black dick. Her nipples were erect. I bent down a little and caressed her two boobs, she moaned in pleasure, “uummm,uummnn, aahhhh.”
I was, in a gentle motion pushing my dick in and and out of her mouth. I was pushing in all in up to the maximum what her mouth can accommodate and then slowly pulling it out keeping only the tip inside. She was sucking it like an hungry animal-licking, sucking, biting-doing everything with my erect pole. When I was pushing it all in, she was getting chocked and was trying to move her head backward. But grabbed her hair to keep her head steady, not allowing her to move. Slowly I increased the speed of the to and fro motion.
I was thrusting my hip forward vigorously putting the mast in her mouth. I was grabbing her hair more tightly and unable to move her head back she was chocking and making muffled sounds “uk,uk”. She was gesturing to let her go but i did not give her any breather. Tears were trickling down her eyes both in pain and pleasure. My thrusts increased and she could not take it. She farted with a big bang. That made me feel more erotic and I came in her mouth. Loads of thick spunk started gushing out. Bhabhi lapped it all up like a thirsty animal. She was panting, trying to catch her breath.
After that I grabbed her hair and pulled her up from the floor. Bhabhi stood up. She clearly had a look of satisfaction as well as embarrassment for farting in front of me. I jerked her head towards me by grabbing her hair and rested her face on my hairy chest. Bhabhi cried out in pain, “uuyee maaahhh.” Then I hugged her gently and gave a passionate smooch. I inserted my tongue in her mouth and felt and smelled my cum juice inside her mouth. I continued kissing her. Bhabhi’s eyes closed in pleasure, she started moaning ..Uummm, uummm… Her melon like big boos with erect nipples were touching my bare, masculine, hairy chest. I was caressing those melons in my hand. It was a heavenly feeling.
Then I sat on the bed making her stand in front of me. Then i took one of her erect nipples in my mouth and started sucking. Bhabhi was getting ecstatic in pleasure. She was shaking her head, making sound like ooffff, oooffffff, aaahhhh. She was caressing her other breast with her hand. I was caressing her back, her beautiful gand while kissing her. Then slowly i traced my hand to bhabhi’s asshole. I removed my tongue from her breast, put my middle finger in my mouth, sucked it and made it wet. Then i slowly inserted my middle finger in her asshole while sucking her breasts one after the other.
Bhabhi hugged me tight with pleasure and made her buttocks loose. Then she lifted one leg and kept her foot on the bed, the other foot was on the ground, so that i could insert the finger easily. She was moaning in pleasure. The asshole was tight and hot as if it will burn my finger. Slowly my whole finger got inside. I then started finger fucking her gand. Once i took out the finger and brought it close to my nose to smell. It was a strong odor of a sexy woman’s ass hole. Seeing this bhabhi felt embarrassed again and started hitting my chest in mock anger saying, “you naughty boy”.
I found it very erotic to make bhabhi embarrass, because whenever she blushes she looks extremely sexy. Then bhabhi said, ” kayi dino se meri gand me khujli ho rahi hai. Tum kuch karo na, please”. I said tum thoda tel garam kar ke lao. Main ungli me tel leke tumhari gand me ungli dal ke araam kar dunga.” Bhabhi smiled sexily and quickly ran out. Then within no time she came back with a bowl of hot oil. She put the bowl on the table, then bent down on the floor in all four like a dog, swung her huge buttocks sexily and said,”aab tum meri gand me tel malo. I saw her cute asshole with a brownish border.
Her big boobs were hanging loose.” I put my middle finger in the bowl, soaked it in the oil and put it straight in her asshole. She was again moaning in pleasure as i began finger fucking her gand. When her gand became very slippery and loose, i put some oil on my dick which got erect in this exercise and put it in bhabhi’s gand. It happened very suddenly and she cried in pain. I said,”chillao maat. ahista ahista thik ho jayega.” Saying so i started fucking her gand. First i did it very slowly and gently. Slowly i inserted my whole thick six inch dick in her ass and kept it there for a few moments. Then i slowly pulled it backward. Bhabhi was moaning like a bitch in heat. I touched her chut, it was dripping wet and slippery.
Then i increased my speed. After sometime i started pumping her gand like a rail engine in full steam. My lower belly was colliding with her buttocks thap,thap,tahp,thap. Bhabhi said, “aur jore maat karo, nehin to meri gand faat jayega.” but i was mad in lust and continued. bhbhi kept on saying i beg you, please don’t hart me so much. to ease her pain bhabhi spread her ass chicks with one of her hand. Slowly she started enjoying it. After some time i ejaculated in her ass. bhabhi also reached orgasm simultaneously. i was jerking my loads in her. After emptying my load, i took out my dick and collapsed on her.
Bhabhi also collapsed on the floor. After sometime we got up. I looked at her face. Bhabhi was looking very sexy. She had the smile of satisfaction which was long cherished. After that bhabhi said,”aab tum meri chut chato aur dekho tum meri keya hal banaya”. Saying so bhabhi pushed me on the bed. I lied down on the bed, resting my head on the pillow. Bhabhi climbed up like a tigress going on her prowl, attacking her pray. She then gently placed her two knees on my two biceps so that I can’t move my hands. Then she started rubbing her dripping wet cunt on my nose and my lips. She was smearing her cum juice all over my face. I was desperate to catch my breath, but bhabhi was mad with lust.
She pressed her wet chut hard on my nose and mouth. After doing it for some time, when bhabhi realized that I cannot take it anymore, she climbed down. She then leaned on the pillow spread her legs and gestured me to suck her chut. I obeyed her like a obedient student and placed my mouth between her legs and started sucking her wet chut. I was tickling her asshole with me tongue and running my tongue from her ass to the tip of the cunt. I was lapping up her juice and running my tongue along the length of the cunt.
Bhabhi was getting intense pleasure. She grabbed my hair with all her might with both her hands and was thrusting her cunt on my lips, pressing it hard. I was pressing my hard tongue inside her cunt and tickling it. After sometime bhabhi had a tremendous orgasm. The juice started flowing out of her cunt endlessly. She was trembling in pleasure. When i lifted my face i saw tears in her eyes. I asked bhabhi why are you crying? Bhabhi could not reply. She sat up on the bed. Then slowly pulled my head, took my head in her hand cradling it and placed my lips on her right boob, as if she was breast feeding me.
I asked her once again why are you crying. Bhabhi said, you suck my breast and i will tell you. I started sucking her breast. Bhabhi took some oil from the bowl in her middle finger and told me to spread my legs. Then bhabhi slowly entered her finger in my asshole. It was an intensely erotic feeling. While i was sucking her melons, bhabhi was slowly tickling my asshole and gently finger fucking my asshole. Then bhabhi said the story of her married life. She said, “i was crying because I was getting this pleasure after a long time. Since my marriage with your brother i was treated like an object of pleasure, nothing else.
I was married when i was quite young. Your brother was quite older than me. He was very powerful also. I thought your brother will treat me gently considering my age. But the story which unfolded in my life was completely different. Your brother used to come back drunk every night. Then he used to take of my clothes and beat me up. He used to come home late at night. His instruction was that i should wear only bra and panty below the saree; no blouse, no petticoat-so that he can remove the dress fast. On entering the house he would take me to the room and close the door.
Then he will made me parade in front of him that see through cotton saree. Then he will take off the saree in one go and made me parade for some more time. All of a sudden he would start beating me. He used to beat me mercilessly. He would not stop unless I peed in my panty. On some occasions i even shat in my panty. After that he would remove all my clothes and press my boobs and gand with all his might. After doing it for some time, he would insert her dick straight in my dry cunt. His dick used be almost nine inches long and thick. I used to cry out in pain and he used to get pleasure out of it.
The more i cried, the fasted he used to pump me. After sometimes he used to ejaculate, satisfying his animal urge and then go to sleep. In fact at a later stage i used to store pee in my bladder before his coming. I used to suppress my urge to pee the whole evening and drink lots of water so that i could pee after two-three hits. That way i avoided serious bashings and injuries many times. But he never took care of my sexual urge. He was an animal. I used to tremble in fear every night as the time of his coming home approached.
Now he had stopped beating me, but he still fucks me whenever he likes and never fulfills my urge. I am crying today because today i could do all those which i always dreamt of doing. Today somebody was really treating me properly, with all gentleness and giving me so much of sexual pleasure.”I removed my mouth from bhabhi’s breasts and sat up. Bhabhi looked in my eyes and lifted her middle finger, with which she was fucking my ass, and smelled it. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes in pleasure. Then she opened her eyes slowly and said,”aahhh, what a beautiful smell.”
I touched her chut, it was dripping wet. I knew that time has come to give her a real fuck. My dick was erect hard like stone; the pleasure of sucking her beautiful big breasts and her moaning and ass fucking made my dick more hard. I gently laid her on the bed. Then i placed a pillow below her hip. Then i spread her legs. She lifted her both legs up, only her hips were touching the pillow. I placed my erect dick on her chut. I slowly pushed my dick inside. Bhabhi moaned in pleasure,”aahhh,uufffff, ooymaaaa.”
I slowly inserted my full dick in her chut. Then i stopped, kept it motionless and kissed her. Bhabhi was in ecstasy. She was shaking her head in pleasure vigorously. She was massaging her nipples. After lying there motionless for sometime i slowly started making the to and fro motion. First slowly and then fast. Bhabhi was saying,”tum meri chut aaj faar do. mujhe jore jore se chodo. Jitni ji chahe mujhe chodo.” I started pumping her like a engine in full steam. I was sometime taking my dick out from her chut, keeping it out for a few seconds and again inserting it in her chut and start pumping.
Every time i was taking it out, bhabhi was begging me to put it back. Every time i was inserting my dick, bhabhi was crying out in pleasure. She was really enjoying this style of fucking. It was adding more lust and pleasure in the act. After fucking her for eternity, bhabhi reached orgasm. She started shaking her hips vigorously and then pulled me down by grabbing the hair on my chest. She then hugged me tight and started trembling; i knew that she was having orgasm. I also unloaded my left over spunk (whatever little was left) in her chut. Then i collapsed on her. After lying there like that for a long time, we looked at each other.
Bhabhi was smiling. Deep satisfaction was written all over her face. Then she started kissing me madly. I complemented bhabhi for giving me such a great satisfaction. Bhabhi replied, “tum mujhe aaj jo diya, woh main zindegi bhar nehi bhulungi. Tum jitna din ho sake maximum, yahan rahe jao. Main tumhara dasi ki tarha rahungi or jo bhi tum mujhse karna chahogey, main karungi. Lekin tum abhi maat jao,aur main chahta hun tum jitne din ho sake aise hi chodo.”
So dear readers, i stayed on during my entire vacation there. Each night, after the lights off, bhabhi used to come to my room with a “request” to take her down to pee and i used to do that and then repeat the sex game as mentioned above. Bhabhi took real fancy in seeing me pee and I used to pee in front of her. Infact, during the daytime also we used to see each other pee.
Whenever bhabhi used to have the urge to pee and if nobody was around, she used to call me. I used to take her to the loo and see her pee. I used to reciprocate also. After the summer vacation I came back and bhabhi shifted to Hyderabad. But, even today i am in touch with her. Whenever I get time, i go to Hyderabad and fuck her in my brother’s absence.
Dear readers, please send your reactions to me at rahul_3430@yahoo.co.in. Those ladies, whose cunts have become wet by reading this story, and who are fingering their cunt now, do write to me. Those men, who had great pleasure by reading this do write to me too. If i don’t get your feedback, i won’t write in future. So, do write to me whether you like it or not.
Hi.. This is Amit, with a eroticexperience.. Today I’m going to share with you one of the real horny experience of my life. This incident took place few months back. My dad was out of station as usual. One day, dad called me and said that Sanjay (name changed) will be coming to Mumbai with his wife Seema (name changed) for few days. He told me to pick them from the airport the next day. He said he will be back within 2 days. Till that time, you take good care of them. Sanjay lives in Jalandhar (Punjab) with his wife Seema. Sanjay's father is a very good friend of my dad. Sanjay was just like a big brother for me. We had very good family relations with them. Sanjay was coming to Kolkata for some official work as well as Kolkata darshan. As they are elder than me, I used to call them bhaiya & bhabhi. Sanjay bhaiya is 27 yrs old while Seema bhabhi was 25. Let me tell u abt Seema bhabhi. She is 5 ft 7 inches tall. She had a nice voluptuous busty figure. Her fig was 36-32-36. Looking at my bhabhi's body, you can make out that she is really hungry for sex & wants more & more. Deep down inside, I wanted to fuck her like an animal. Next day, I went to the airport in evening to pick Sanjay bhaiya & Seema bhabhi. I picked them up from the airport. Seema bhabhi was really looking sexy wearing saari & with her low-neck sleeveless blouse. As our car was in servicing centre for some problem, we came home by taxi. While coming home, we chatted for a while like normal stuffs when people meet after long time. We reached home. At night, we had dinner, chatted, & watched TV together. I arranged their sleeping in guest room, and I switched on the AC in that room. Then, we all went to sleep at 10 p.m. It was around midnight I was sleeping in my room and I woke up as I was feeling thirsty. I went to the kitchen to get water. As I passed through guest room, I heard some shouting. The door of the room was closed as the AC was on. I went near the room. I heard Seema bhabhi shouting & saying, you are good for nothing, you cant hold your erection for at least 30 seconds also. Bhaiya said honey I’m tired today and tomorrow I have to wake up early in the morning. Bhabhi said, it happens every night, you satisfy urself without taking care of me. Their quarrel subsided after few minutes, and after that, I went to my room to sleep. Next day in the morning, Sanjay bhaiya told me to take bhabhi to her friend's place as he has to go out for official work, so he couldn’t accompany her. As my dad told me to take good care of them, I couldn’t say no to them. Actually the friend was bhabhi's school friend who got married to a man in Kolkata & she was meeting her after long time. Bhabhi didn’t know much abt Kolkata that is why she wanted me to go with her, so bhaiya went out for his official work and was supposed to come back at around 5 in the evening. After bhaiya went out, me and bhabhi got dressed up & went to bus stop to board a bus. Actually bhabhi's friend lives in Goria, which was at least 1 & half hours from my place with normal traffic. There were very limited bus, which use to go to that place from my place. As my car was down, there was no choice but to travel in bus for such a long distance. We boarded the bus. In the bus, we were sitting together. We chatted a lot in 1 & half hour's journey. After that, we reached her friend’s place. Bhabhi met her childhood friend. We were there for few hours. Lets cut the story short & get to the main part. It was 7 p.m. in the evening when we came out of her friend’s place. Me & bhabhi was walking to the bus stop to get the bus. Seema bhabhi was looking really sexy. She was wearing a tight salwar suit in which all her curves were visible. Her boobs were so big that I felt like squeezing them hard. We reached the bus stop. We were waiting for the bus and the bus came after 20 mins. We boarded the bus. As it was peak hours, there were no seats available in the bus, so we were both standing together. The bus started moving. After each & every stop the rush in the bus started increasing more & more. Bhabhi was standing in front of me. Within few minutes the rush was so much that my front body was touching the back side of my bhabhi. My crotch was touching my bhabhi's ass. I felt little bit uncomfortable as it was not intentional. I was trying to control myself. Bhabhi turned her face backwards towards me. She gave me a naughty look & then started looking in front. Within few seconds my 8 inch dick got really hard & the bulge in my pant was pressing her soft ass cheeks (bumps or buttocks). She turned her face backward again & gave me a naughty smile. I understood that she was enjoying it. She was now intentionally pressing & rubbing her ass on the bulge in my pant. I was getting horny. I was becoming bold now. I place my hand on her ass & started feeling her soft ass cheeks. Current was flowing through by body. I grabbed ass cheeks & squeezed them tightly. She made a sound ouchhhhh. Then, I started moving my hand in front. It was a crowded bus, so nobody cared to notice what was going on. She was hanging her purse on the right shoulder. I moved my hand to the right side around her waist, and my hand was hiding between her purse & waist. I pulled her body towards me, and I was pressing my dick deep into her ass crack giving jerks. She was enjoying every moment of it, and her eyes were closed. I was talking in ears. I asked her how r u feeling bhabhi? Do u like it? She said, yaa Amit I love it, I think u will fuck my ass now. I was really shocked to hear those dirty words from her. I moved my hand inside her suit & started feeling her soft stomach. Slowly, I started moving my hand up inside her suit & pressed her big boobs over her bra. Alternatively, I was pressing my dick on her ass crack as if I m fucking her ass. I whispered in her ears, bhabhi! you r so sexy, I love ur body ur boobs & ur ass. She replied, wht abt me? Don’t u love me? I said, I love u bhabhi... Now, I moved my hand down & slowly moved it inside her salwar & felt her panty. It was really wet. Then, I moved my hand inside her panty & started feeling her pussy. Her pussy was clean shaved. Meanwhile, I was still pressing my dick on her ass crack from behind. Within few seconds, I inserted my middle finger inside her pussy & started fingering her rigorously. Her eyes was closed, and now, she was moaning in pleasure. She was saying ahhhhhhhhhhh, Amit pls be gentleeee. But I was fingering her vigourously & pressing my dick from behind. She was moaning slowly. As it was a crowded bus, there was lot of noise, so nobody cared what was going on. Everyone was frustated because of rush & heat. But we were enjoying every moment of our bus journey while standing in the bus. While giving jerks from behind after few seconds, I cummed in my pant & my underwear became wet, but I was still fingering her pussy. I could feel her clit was swollen. I now inserted my other finger too giving her pleasure with 2 fingers. After a while her body started shivering & she held my right hand tightly with which I was fingering her. Her juice was flowing out from her wet pussy. She reached orgasm while standing in the bus. I moved my hand out of her salwar & started licking my fingers. After licking my finger, I whispered in her ear, Bhabhi you taste really good. After some time, we got a place to sit. While sitting together, we were looking at each other with lust in our eyes. After some time, our stop came, and we got down from the bus. We walked towards our house within 2 mins. I was waiting to reach home & pounce on my sexy bhabhi. But when we reached home, we saw Sanjay bhaiya was already back from work, and I was cursing my luck. At night me, bhaiya & bhabhi had dinner together. We were acting normal in front of bhaiya. We were looking at each other with lust, but we couldn’t do anything in front of bhaiya. We had to wait for the next day till bhaiya goes to work. At around 11 p.m., we all went to sleep in our respective rooms. I was not able to sleep. I was still thinking abt the incident that happened in the bus. I was really getting horny. I went to bathroom & masturbated 3 times thinking abt my bhabhi. I was really feeling horny thinking abt next morning how I will fuck bhabhi after bhaiya goes to work. I was feeling restless thinking abt bhabhi. It was around 2 a.m. at night I went to kitchen to drink water. When I reached kitchen I saw bhabhi was standing in the kitchen & drinking water. It was quite dark in the kitchen. She was wearing saree. She didn’t see me entering the kitchen because she was facing the other side. I slowly went close to her & grabbed her from behind. She got scared & was about to shout. But I placed my hand on her mouth & said, don’t shout bhabhi it’s me. She turned around & gave me a suprise look & said, Amit! what r u doing here? I said "bhabhi I can’t stop thinking about u, and I want to fuck u right now." After saying that, I pounced on her body & grabbed her tightly. I moved my hand on her shoulder and made her saree pallu fall from her shoulder. I started kissing her neck. She tried to stop me. She said, what r u doing Amit? Are you out of your mind? I said, what happened don’t u like it? She replied, Your bhaiya is sleeping in the next room, he might wake up. I said I don’t care. I pressed her body against the wall. Her soft body was crushed between my muscular body and the wall. I started squeezing her boobs over her blouse. She tried to stop me. She moved my hand from her boobs. I got angry & pressed her with both hands on the wall. Then, I moved my face near her face & tried to kiss her, but she moved her face sideways. I kissed her cheeks & licked her cheeks like a horny animal. Then, I slowly started moving down licking her soft neck. She was pleading, ohhhhhh Amit pls stop, atleast wait for tommorow till ur bhiaya goes to work. If ur bhaiya wakes up, he will kill me. She was willing to give her sexy body the next day, but I couldn’t wait till tomorrow because I was really horny. Her pleading was falling on deaf ears. I was just like a hungry tiger pounding on prey. I started madly licking her neck slowly moving down. She was wearing her low-neck blouse. I licked her navel wildly & tried to remove the hook of her blouse. She resisted a little with her hands. I said, hey bitch I’m not gong to stop. I removed the hooks of her blouse forcibly one by one. After removing the hook, I could see her big boobs trying to come out of the bra. I took her milky white boobs out of the bra and started sucking her boobs madly. I was squeezing her boobs mercilessly, and I was biting her nipples. I didn't care to take her to bed. I was just molesting her body in standing position in our kitchen. She was moaning in pleasure saying ohhhhh plsssssssss Amiiittttt stop it. Pls squeeze it slowly, I’m ur bhabhi, but her moan was making me mad, and I was becoming more rough and wild. After sucking her boobs madly, I knelt down and I started licking her soft stomach. I even started biting her stomach. Her eyes were closed. Then, I slowly touched her feet and started moving her petticoat & saree up. She said, what r u doing? plss stop it, not now. I said, bhabhi I m just taking blessing from u by touching ur feet. I started moving her saree & petticoat up & started licking her soft legs. I slowly started moving her sarree & petticoat up above her knees. I started licking her soft warm thighs madly. She was moaning in pleasure saying aahhhhhhhh Amit u r very naughtyyyy. I was licking and biting her thighs madly moving more close to her panty. Her resistance was completely over, and she was enjoying every moment of it. We almost forgot that bhaiya was sleeping in the next room. I came near her panty & saw her panty was already wet. I kissed her pussy over her panty wildly. She moaned wildly saying ufffffffffffffff. I moved her saari & petticoat almost above her waist. I removed her panty slowly. I first kissed her pussy. Then, I rolled my tongue inside her pussy & started licking her pussy like a mad dog. My tongue rolled deep in her pussy. She was getting more & more excited. She started saying ohhhhhhhhhhh Rockyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I love uuuuuu. She was standing on her feet caressing my hair while I was on my knees licking her pussy madly. I said, bhabhi u taste really greatttttttttt. After some time, she held my hair tightly & pressed it more against her pussy. Suddenly juices started flowing from her pussy, and she reached orgasm. All her juices came to my mouth. I could see her juices flowing from her milky white thighs. I licked every drop of it. Then, I stood up and removed my pant immediately. After reaching orgasm, she was about to sit on the floor, but I held her tightly. I moved her petticoat and saree up above her waist. I stretched her legs & I tried to push my hard dick in her pussy in standing position. She was really tight after being married for 1 year. I pushed my dick hard, and after some time, it went fully in. She moaned, ouccchhhh! u have dick of an elephant. After inserting my dick, I lifted her soft bulky body with my hard muscular body, so her feet were not on the floor. Her legs were wrapped around my waist while her hands were wrapped around my neck. I was also holding her tightly. In that position, I pressed her body on the wall and her back was supported by the wall, so I started fucking her half naked body in standing position. I started moving my dick in & out. I increased the speed. She was now screaming in pleasure aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Tear my pussssyyyyyy hooneeeeyyyyyyyyyy.. I said, Bhabhi pls be quiet, you will wake bhaiya up. She said, I don’t care, your bhaiya doesn’t know how to handle a woman in heat. She was screaming in pleasure without any worries. While moving my dick in & out, I also started smooching her lips madly. I rolled my tongue in her mouth & started exploring her mouth. After some time, I started sucking her tongue. I didn't want her to shout, so I lip locked her mouth. It was taking long time for me to cum again. I already cummed thrice that night thinking about her. I was at top speed fucking her pussy in standing position. She was biting my lips in pleasure. After some time, her body became real stiff & her nails pricked my back making a mark. She reached orgasm again, but I was still fucking her pussy madly without stopping. After a long time, I cummed inside her pussy & I left her. She stood on her feet now. She was not able to stand. She just lied on the floor half naked. She was breathing heavily. Her hair was a mess. The hook of her blouse was open & her boobs were out of bra. Her saree & petticoat were way above her knees without panty. She was looking really hot lying on the floor half naked. Looking at her condition, anyone can make out that she was fucked mercilessly by me. I was just staring at her hungrily. After some time, she gained consciousness. She moved her boobs back in her bra. She hooked her blouse & made her saree & petticoat proper. Then she stood up, took her panty which was lying on the floor, & started walking towards her room without saying a word. I was staring at her backside while she walked towards her room. She was not able to walk properly. After she entered her room, I put my pants on & went back to my room, lied on my bed immediately. I was tired. I fell on the bed & went to sleep immediately. Next day in the morning, I woke up late. I was in a hurry because I was supposed to meet my girlfriend today. Without wasting time, I went to bath immediately. After bath i came to hall room.. I heard that bhaiya and bhabhi has to return home, for sudden accident of uncle.. But they promised us, they will come back again.. It was my good luck as well as bad luck also.. Still waiting when will i fuck my horny bhabhi.. Pls tell how did u like it
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